Public Schools Produce Dumb Kids

Sure, I didn't say it was. It is about right and wrong and the rationalizations we make when we violate it. It is about gradualism. It is about propaganda. But I'm all ears, please do tell what else you believe Animal Farm is about.

Orwell already said that in 1945. It is a fantasy allegory about Stalin's Communism.

But now we have to deal with an economy with self-driving cars and computers in children's pockets more powerful than 1980s mainframes. What kind of computers were there in 1945? I say Animal Farm is focusing on versions of problems from the past when these children will have to grow up dealing with entirely new problems from the future.

It is like generals fighting the last war.

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Sure, I didn't say it was. It is about right and wrong and the rationalizations we make when we violate it. It is about gradualism. It is about propaganda. But I'm all ears, please do tell what else you believe Animal Farm is about.

Orwell already said that in 1945. It is a fantasy allegory about Stalin's Communism.

But now we have to deal with an economy with self-driving cars and computers in children's pockets more powerful than 1980s mainframes. What kind of computers were there in 1945? I say Animal Farm is focusing on versions of problems from the past when these children will have to grow up dealing with entirely new problems from the future.

It is like generals fighting the last war.


Fix your quotes
.... please do tell what else you believe Animal Farm is about.

It's not a matter or what I "believe." These themes are well-known.

It's about the abuse of language in order to abuse power, class division, power and control vs reality, and most of all the corruption of socialist ideals under Stalin in the USSR (Napoleon being Stalin and Snowflake being Trotsky).

There is a great deal of symbolism and different motifs used to explore these themes.
.... please do tell what else you believe Animal Farm is about.

It's not a matter or what I "believe." These themes are well-known.

It's about the abuse of language in order to abuse power, class division, power and control vs reality, and most of all the corruption of socialist ideals under Stalin in the USSR (Napoleon being Stalin and Snowflake being Trotsky).

There is a great deal of symbolism and different motifs used to explore these themes.
The abuse of language? Really? Wow, I did not realize that linguistics were at the root of all evils. I always figured division was. You know? Kind of like what you do.

P.S. Could you please try to be a more of a condescending ass in the future?
Sure, I didn't say it was. It is about right and wrong and the rationalizations we make when we violate it. It is about gradualism. It is about propaganda. But I'm all ears, please do tell what else you believe Animal Farm is about.

Orwell already said that in 1945. It is a fantasy allegory about Stalin's Communism.

But now we have to deal with an economy with self-driving cars and computers in children's pockets more powerful than 1980s mainframes. What kind of computers were there in 1945? I say Animal Farm is focusing on versions of problems from the past when these children will have to grow up dealing with entirely new problems from the future.

It is like generals fighting the last war.

I know. I was highlighting the tactics that they used. But who knew linguistics and quotes that needed fixing were the problem?
.... please do tell what else you believe Animal Farm is about.

It's not a matter or what I "believe." These themes are well-known.

It's about the abuse of language in order to abuse power, class division, power and control vs reality, and most of all the corruption of socialist ideals under Stalin in the USSR (Napoleon being Stalin and Snowflake being Trotsky).

There is a great deal of symbolism and different motifs used to explore these themes.
The abuse of language? Really? .....

If you ever read the book you'd know it is one of the major themes.
.... please do tell what else you believe Animal Farm is about.

It's not a matter or what I "believe." These themes are well-known.

It's about the abuse of language in order to abuse power, class division, power and control vs reality, and most of all the corruption of socialist ideals under Stalin in the USSR (Napoleon being Stalin and Snowflake being Trotsky).

There is a great deal of symbolism and different motifs used to explore these themes.
The abuse of language? Really? .....

If you ever read the book you'd know it is one of the major themes.
My goodness. It's one of my favorite books. Now go bleat your propaganda some where else.
.... please do tell what else you believe Animal Farm is about.

It's not a matter or what I "believe." These themes are well-known.

It's about the abuse of language in order to abuse power, class division, power and control vs reality, and most of all the corruption of socialist ideals under Stalin in the USSR (Napoleon being Stalin and Snowflake being Trotsky).

There is a great deal of symbolism and different motifs used to explore these themes.
The abuse of language? Really? .....

If you ever read the book you'd know it is one of the major themes.
My goodness. It's one of my favorite books. .....

Then why do you understand so little about it?
My goodness. It's one of my favorite books. Now go bleat your propaganda some where else.


You could not even post here without a computer, but I am bleating propaganda because it is one of your favorite books. :badgrin:

The Two Faces of Tomorrow (1979) by James P. Hogan is still the most reasonable AI story I know of.

That is one of my favorite books. Will children have to deal with Artificial Intelligence in the future? Maybe the kids are dumb because most adults want them to waste time on obsolete drivel and the kids are smart enough to see that, but do not know enough to determine what is not drivel.

My goodness. It's one of my favorite books. Now go bleat your propaganda some where else.


You could not even post here without a computer, but I am bleating propaganda because it is one of your favorite books. :badgrin:

The Two Faces of Tomorrow (1979) by James P. Hogan is still the most reasonable AI story I know of.

That is one of my favorite books. Will children have to deal with Artificial Intelligence in the future? Maybe the kids are dumb because most adults want them to waste time on obsolete drivel and the kids are smart enough to see that, but do not know enough to determine what is not drivel.

I don't believe my comment was directed to you. You might want to check that. Or not. Either way it's all good.
.... please do tell what else you believe Animal Farm is about.

It's not a matter or what I "believe." These themes are well-known.

It's about the abuse of language in order to abuse power, class division, power and control vs reality, and most of all the corruption of socialist ideals under Stalin in the USSR (Napoleon being Stalin and Snowflake being Trotsky).

There is a great deal of symbolism and different motifs used to explore these themes.
The abuse of language? Really? .....

If you ever read the book you'd know it is one of the major themes.
My goodness. It's one of my favorite books. .....

Then why do you understand so little about it?
To a linguist everything revolves around linguistics. I hate to be the one to break it to you but, no one cares about what you do. Seriously.
I don't believe my comment was directed to you. You might want to check that. Or not. Either way it's all good.

Then how was anyone supposed to tell who it was directed to if it was not about the immediately preceding post?

I don't believe my comment was directed to you. You might want to check that. Or not. Either way it's all good.

Then how was anyone supposed to tell who it was directed to if it was not about the immediately preceding post?

By clicking on the comment chain in the post. My comment wasn't even below your comment. Go back and see for yourself. I was replying to unkotare, who apparently has an axe to grind with everyone, most of all me. I could tell him the sky was blue and he would argue against it.
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It's not a matter or what I "believe." These themes are well-known.

It's about the abuse of language in order to abuse power, class division, power and control vs reality, and most of all the corruption of socialist ideals under Stalin in the USSR (Napoleon being Stalin and Snowflake being Trotsky).

There is a great deal of symbolism and different motifs used to explore these themes.
The abuse of language? Really? .....

If you ever read the book you'd know it is one of the major themes.
My goodness. It's one of my favorite books. .....

Then why do you understand so little about it?
To a linguist everything revolves around linguistics. .....

When a plumber reads the book that is still one of its major themes, whether you like it or not. Are you sure you've read it?
When a plumber reads the book that is still one of its major themes, whether you like it or not. Are you sure you've read it?
Plumber? I'm an engineer. I've been one for 31 years, amigo. Besides, what do you have against plumbers? Are you so high and mighty that you look down on plumbers. You do realize those guys pull down way more than teachers do, right?
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If you ever read the book you'd know it is one of the major themes.
My goodness. It's one of my favorite books. .....

Then why do you understand so little about it?
To a linguist everything revolves around linguistics. .....

When a plumber reads the book that is still one of its major themes, whether you like it or not. Are you sure you've read it?
... I'm an engineer. I've been one for 31 years, .....

No one asked what you do.
Then why do you understand so little about it?
To a linguist everything revolves around linguistics. .....

When a plumber reads the book that is still one of its major themes, whether you like it or not. Are you sure you've read it?
... I'm an engineer. I've been one for 31 years, .....

No one asked what you do.
Sure you did. ....

No, I really didn't. A little weak in the reading comprehension department, aren't you?
No, I really didn't. A little weak in the reading comprehension department, aren't you?
Nope. I'm pretty good at it. Maybe you are the one who is struggling with comprehension. I explained it very clearly.
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