Public Schools Produce Dumb Kids

Says "youngsters" . Doesn't say youngsters from public schools .

Who has geography anymore?

Public Schools Produce Dumb Kids

Yes . A stupid title, ironically .

It talks of national geographic survey . Nothing says that survey was of PUBLIC school kids only .

Public education is failing the children on an epic level

Your OCD medication is failing.

You're way past annoying, let me guess you're an "educator" in the failing public school system....if not you're just an annoying asshole
So why send them to school? My parents didn't do shit and I don't know anyone's that did. They worked. Teachers are supposed to work to but indoctrination is pushed heavily. Academics take a back seat to self esteem and community awareness/social acceptance.

You seem to live in a fantasy world. My kids learn a lot of academics obviously. Indoctrination? More crazy right wing conspiracy talk. Come find the real world.
Oh brother....p-schools kids watch Fat Albert's end of the world AGW lies and for an added bonus, watch Fat Mikey Moore's left wing movies. one film they watch that is right wing? This is to say nothing of the non-stop PC, diversity, homosexual, moral equivalence, big government wonderfulness, socialist shit storm indoctrination they also get.

You don't see the indoctrination...because you are purposely blind.
Public schools are controlled by school boards, made up of parents in those schools.
Ever hear of Common Core? Where did it come from and who is demanding it be implemented?
Most of the push for Common core comes from the US Military. Military Brats get pretty screwed up education-wise when moved from base to base because standards across States are incompatible.

My wife and I promised before our children were born, that they would NEVER walk the halls of a p-school. We kept that promise. My children turned out to be honest, ethical, and responsible people. They do not expect others or the stinking government to take care of them.

What the Left has done to the p-schools, is a crime,
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You seem to live in a fantasy world. My kids learn a lot of academics obviously. Indoctrination? More crazy right wing conspiracy talk. Come find the real world.
Oh brother....p-schools kids watch Fat Albert's end of the world AGW lies and for an added bonus, watch Fat Mikey Moore's left wing movies. one film they watch that is right wing? This is to say nothing of the non-stop PC, diversity, homosexual, moral equivalence, big government wonderfulness, socialist shit storm indoctrination they also get.

You don't see the indoctrination...because you are purposely blind.
Public schools are controlled by school boards, made up of parents in those schools.
Ever hear of Common Core? Where did it come from and who is demanding it be implemented?
Most of the push for Common core comes from the US Military. Military Brats get pretty screwed up education-wise when moved from base to base because standards across States are incompatible.

My wife and I promised before our children were born, that they would NEVER walk the halls of a p-school. We kept that promise. My children turned out to be honest, ethical, and responsible people. They do not expect others or the stinking government take care of them.

What the Left has done to p-school students for decades, should be considered a crime,
You got me here, my curiosity is perked. What has the "left" done to public school students?
That is a huge line of horseshit. From beginning to end, and you support none of it. Primarily because it's not true, I imagine.
You can see School rankings by state here and here. The bottom spots are dominated by states that are traditionally Republican leaning, as you can check here. The break down of party by county map is here. You can check state by state control of legislatures here.

All this stuff is pretty well known and can be found using google and a few spare minutes. That supports all the things I said above. The GOP overwhelmingly controls the State Legislatures, and counties and produces some of the worst schools, state by state. Which in turn keep voting GOP.
But there's the conundrum...Republican areas of our country have been destroyed economically by the communists in power. The result is that they are even more dependent on federal programs than the wealthy Dems who can afford private schools. The poorest states are the states with the most intrusive federal government presence. You think it's a coincidence that they happen to be "Republican"? We've been targeted by dems for DECADES. They want us poor and dead. Our kids in rural America are deliberately targeted for dumbing down. I can list off a dozen community programs right now that are targeting rural areas, just as they targeted the poor populations of the cities in the 70s.
I don't have a lot of answers for this one, I'll confess. This gets into what the hell happened to the US Economy in the 80's to present. Is it the fault of any one party that a lot of the jobs that let high school educated folks have middle class life styles disappeared? That I can't weigh in on. The 80's were bad for manufacturing, but no decade since has been all that great either.

I will say this: whatever has happened it's produced Republican voters by the droves. It's no secret if you look at the county by county map posted earlier that the rural areas are absolutely dominated by the GOP. Now how that all fits together with the economy, education, and party affiliation is up in the air.
Reagan was polling badly against Carter but won bigly. It shocked the media talking heads. GDP went way up because he practiced conservative principles, lowering taxes, eased up on business regulations and pushing supply side economics.

I don't know where you heard the 80s was bad for manufacturing. Maybe not as good as it was but the world changed. Japan and Germany rebuilt (with our help) and entered to global marketplace while we had been unchallenged.

And he increased debt.
Along with the Dems. Much of it was spent on defeating communism, something the left will never forgive.
Oh brother....p-schools kids watch Fat Albert's end of the world AGW lies and for an added bonus, watch Fat Mikey Moore's left wing movies. one film they watch that is right wing? This is to say nothing of the non-stop PC, diversity, homosexual, moral equivalence, big government wonderfulness, socialist shit storm indoctrination they also get.

You don't see the indoctrination...because you are purposely blind.
Public schools are controlled by school boards, made up of parents in those schools.
Ever hear of Common Core? Where did it come from and who is demanding it be implemented?
Most of the push for Common core comes from the US Military. Military Brats get pretty screwed up education-wise when moved from base to base because standards across States are incompatible.

My wife and I promised before our children were born, that they would NEVER walk the halls of a p-school. We kept that promise. My children turned out to be honest, ethical, and responsible people. They do not expect others or the stinking government take care of them.

What the Left has done to p-school students for decades, should be considered a crime,
You got me here, my curiosity is perked. What has the "left" done to public school students?
Translation = I can't see what I don't believe.
America is the worldwide center of innovation , business, science, etc.. Our colleges and universities attract international students from across the planet. But our school system is a failure ? That is illogical .

Sure there are bad schools . There are also great schools . And we educate EVERYONE. Even those wh disabilities and issues .
Oh brother....p-schools kids watch Fat Albert's end of the world AGW lies and for an added bonus, watch Fat Mikey Moore's left wing movies. one film they watch that is right wing? This is to say nothing of the non-stop PC, diversity, homosexual, moral equivalence, big government wonderfulness, socialist shit storm indoctrination they also get.

You don't see the indoctrination...because you are purposely blind.
Public schools are controlled by school boards, made up of parents in those schools.
Ever hear of Common Core? Where did it come from and who is demanding it be implemented?
Most of the push for Common core comes from the US Military. Military Brats get pretty screwed up education-wise when moved from base to base because standards across States are incompatible.

My wife and I promised before our children were born, that they would NEVER walk the halls of a p-school. We kept that promise. My children turned out to be honest, ethical, and responsible people. They do not expect others or the stinking government take care of them.

What the Left has done to p-school students for decades, should be considered a crime,
You got me here, my curiosity is perked. What has the "left" done to public school students?

Terrible things ! Like getting the poor and handicapped access !! Monsters !
Oh brother....p-schools kids watch Fat Albert's end of the world AGW lies and for an added bonus, watch Fat Mikey Moore's left wing movies. one film they watch that is right wing? This is to say nothing of the non-stop PC, diversity, homosexual, moral equivalence, big government wonderfulness, socialist shit storm indoctrination they also get.

You don't see the indoctrination...because you are purposely blind.
Public schools are controlled by school boards, made up of parents in those schools.
Ever hear of Common Core? Where did it come from and who is demanding it be implemented?
Most of the push for Common core comes from the US Military. Military Brats get pretty screwed up education-wise when moved from base to base because standards across States are incompatible.

My wife and I promised before our children were born, that they would NEVER walk the halls of a p-school. We kept that promise. My children turned out to be honest, ethical, and responsible people. They do not expect others or the stinking government take care of them.

What the Left has done to p-school students for decades, should be considered a crime,
You got me here, my curiosity is perked. What has the "left" done to public school students?
Another really DUMB question.

If you don't know, I can't help you. You are too far gone.
Public schools are controlled by school boards, made up of parents in those schools.
Ever hear of Common Core? Where did it come from and who is demanding it be implemented?
Most of the push for Common core comes from the US Military. Military Brats get pretty screwed up education-wise when moved from base to base because standards across States are incompatible.

My wife and I promised before our children were born, that they would NEVER walk the halls of a p-school. We kept that promise. My children turned out to be honest, ethical, and responsible people. They do not expect others or the stinking government take care of them.

What the Left has done to p-school students for decades, should be considered a crime,
You got me here, my curiosity is perked. What has the "left" done to public school students?
Translation = I can't see what I don't believe.
Or don't know. If any American is unaware of the failure of p-schools, they are clearly uninformed. Probably gets all their information from left wing sources.
America is the worldwide center of innovation , business, science, etc.. Our colleges and universities attract international students from across the planet. But our school system is a failure ? That is illogical .

Sure there are bad schools . There are also great schools . And we educate EVERYONE. Even those wh disabilities and issues .
America is, in fact, a magnate for post-secondary education for students around the world. It is the production of masses of semi-literate students from US secondary schools that's the problem. It is the increasingly low expectations of American parents, faculty and the secondary schools themselves which is at fault.

In an effort to not offend by graduating underachievers who cannot face the rigors of much more than "refrigerator" colleges (Big Mike Brown) is where America and public education has failed.
You seem to live in a fantasy world. My kids learn a lot of academics obviously. Indoctrination? More crazy right wing conspiracy talk. Come find the real world.
Oh brother....p-schools kids watch Fat Albert's end of the world AGW lies and for an added bonus, watch Fat Mikey Moore's left wing movies. one film they watch that is right wing? This is to say nothing of the non-stop PC, diversity, homosexual, moral equivalence, big government wonderfulness, socialist shit storm indoctrination they also get.

You don't see the indoctrination...because you are purposely blind.
Public schools are controlled by school boards, made up of parents in those schools.
Ever hear of Common Core? Where did it come from and who is demanding it be implemented?
Most of the push for Common core comes from the US Military. Military Brats get pretty screwed up education-wise when moved from base to base because standards across States are incompatible.

My wife and I promised before our children were born, that they would NEVER walk the halls of a p-school. We kept that promise. My children turned out to be honest, ethical, and responsible people. They do not expect others or the stinking government take care of them.

What the Left has done to p-school students for decades, should be considered a crime,
I'm curious what region of the country you live in. In the Midwest, schools are pretty good and have been good for decades. In my graduating class we have engineers, actuaries, corporate types, professors, doctors, etc. And that's a class that was in the mid 100's. That's hardly unique in the Midwest.

Now when I lived in the South I worked hard to keep my kids out of public schools. The South absolutely dominates the lists when you talk about badly run and underperforming schools. They've systematically defunded K12 and broken down tenure laws to nothing down there following Brown vs. the Board of Education. There was massive white flight even in the early 00's where I was in Louisiana because even then the schools were segregated (cleverly) and the Feds had to step in and redraw district lines. Once that happened even more parents left for private school and even less funding for public school was available.

I'm back in the Midwest now and my kids schools are pretty awesome. Easily on par, and maybe better, than what I had as a kid.
America is the worldwide center of innovation , business, science, etc.. Our colleges and universities attract international students from across the planet. But our school system is a failure ? That is illogical .

Sure there are bad schools . There are also great schools . And we educate EVERYONE. Even those wh disabilities and issues .
America is, in fact, a magnate [sic] for post-secondary education for students around the world. ....

Oh brother....p-schools kids watch Fat Albert's end of the world AGW lies and for an added bonus, watch Fat Mikey Moore's left wing movies. one film they watch that is right wing? This is to say nothing of the non-stop PC, diversity, homosexual, moral equivalence, big government wonderfulness, socialist shit storm indoctrination they also get.

You don't see the indoctrination...because you are purposely blind.
Public schools are controlled by school boards, made up of parents in those schools.
Ever hear of Common Core? Where did it come from and who is demanding it be implemented?
Most of the push for Common core comes from the US Military. Military Brats get pretty screwed up education-wise when moved from base to base because standards across States are incompatible.

My wife and I promised before our children were born, that they would NEVER walk the halls of a p-school. We kept that promise. My children turned out to be honest, ethical, and responsible people. They do not expect others or the stinking government take care of them.

What the Left has done to p-school students for decades, should be considered a crime,
Yeah I am in the Midwest.
Now when I lived in the South I worked hard to keep my kids out of public schools. The South absolutely dominates the lists when you talk about badly run and underperforming schools. They've systematically defunded K12 and broken down tenure laws to nothing down there following Brown vs. the Board of Education. There was massive white flight even in the early 00's where I was in Louisiana because even then the schools were segregated (cleverly) and the Feds had to step in and redraw district lines. Once that happened even more parents left for private school and even less funding for public school was available.

I'm back in the Midwest now and my kids schools are pretty awesome. Easily on par, and maybe better, than what I had as a kid.

Good lord...

I am in the Midwest, but that again means nothing. Do you think p-schools in the inner cities of the Midwest are good? I would bet you dollars to donuts you would never send your kids to p-schools in Detroit, Chicago, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Dayton, Milwaukee, etc.....but it is not just the inner cities that suck. Wherever a p-school is located it is likely to fail in educating students. Yes...there are exceptions, but they are few and far between.

My son went to one the nation's best engineering universities. He was so well prepared by his private high school, that he did not have to work hard until his junior year. He said his buddies from the p-schools considered him a genius, because they had to work their tails off. He graduated summa cum laude.
Public schools are controlled by school boards, made up of parents in those schools.
Ever hear of Common Core? Where did it come from and who is demanding it be implemented?
Most of the push for Common core comes from the US Military. Military Brats get pretty screwed up education-wise when moved from base to base because standards across States are incompatible.

My wife and I promised before our children were born, that they would NEVER walk the halls of a p-school. We kept that promise. My children turned out to be honest, ethical, and responsible people. They do not expect others or the stinking government take care of them.

What the Left has done to p-school students for decades, should be considered a crime,
Yeah I am in the Midwest.
Now when I lived in the South I worked hard to keep my kids out of public schools. The South absolutely dominates the lists when you talk about badly run and underperforming schools. They've systematically defunded K12 and broken down tenure laws to nothing down there following Brown vs. the Board of Education. There was massive white flight even in the early 00's where I was in Louisiana because even then the schools were segregated (cleverly) and the Feds had to step in and redraw district lines. Once that happened even more parents left for private school and even less funding for public school was available.

I'm back in the Midwest now and my kids schools are pretty awesome. Easily on par, and maybe better, than what I had as a kid.

Good lord...

I am in the Midwest, but that again means nothing. Do you think p-schools in the inner cities of the Midwest are good? I would bet you dollars to donuts you would never send your kids to p-schools in Detroit, Chicago, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Dayton, Milwaukee, etc.....but it is not just the inner cities that suck. Wherever a p-school is located it is likely to fail in educating students. Yes...there are exceptions, but they are few and far between.

My son went to one the nation's best engineering universities. He was so well prepared by his private high school, that he did not have to work hard until his junior year. He said his buddies from the p-schools considered him a genius, because they had to work their tails off. He graduated summa cum laude.
Inner city schools anywhere are questionable. For the most part though, even there the Midwest is still pretty on top of the game.

I've known a lot of public schooled kids that go on to college and kick ass. I've seen a lot of private school kids come out middling to average. Your son's success is mostly due to him to be honest. Teachers can at most encourage interest and support what a student is willing to do.
Oh brother....p-schools kids watch Fat Albert's end of the world AGW lies and for an added bonus, watch Fat Mikey Moore's left wing movies. one film they watch that is right wing? This is to say nothing of the non-stop PC, diversity, homosexual, moral equivalence, big government wonderfulness, socialist shit storm indoctrination they also get.

You don't see the indoctrination...because you are purposely blind.
Public schools are controlled by school boards, made up of parents in those schools.
Ever hear of Common Core? Where did it come from and who is demanding it be implemented?
Most of the push for Common core comes from the US Military. Military Brats get pretty screwed up education-wise when moved from base to base because standards across States are incompatible.

My wife and I promised before our children were born, that they would NEVER walk the halls of a p-school. We kept that promise. My children turned out to be honest, ethical, and responsible people. They do not expect others or the stinking government take care of them.

What the Left has done to p-school students for decades, should be considered a crime,
You got me here, my curiosity is perked. What has the "left" done to public school students?

It's a waste arguing with people who deny reality and have no concept of truth or history.
Public schools are controlled by school boards, made up of parents in those schools.
Ever hear of Common Core? Where did it come from and who is demanding it be implemented?
Most of the push for Common core comes from the US Military. Military Brats get pretty screwed up education-wise when moved from base to base because standards across States are incompatible.

My wife and I promised before our children were born, that they would NEVER walk the halls of a p-school. We kept that promise. My children turned out to be honest, ethical, and responsible people. They do not expect others or the stinking government take care of them.

What the Left has done to p-school students for decades, should be considered a crime,
Yeah I am in the Midwest.
Now when I lived in the South I worked hard to keep my kids out of public schools. The South absolutely dominates the lists when you talk about badly run and underperforming schools. They've systematically defunded K12 and broken down tenure laws to nothing down there following Brown vs. the Board of Education. There was massive white flight even in the early 00's where I was in Louisiana because even then the schools were segregated (cleverly) and the Feds had to step in and redraw district lines. Once that happened even more parents left for private school and even less funding for public school was available.

I'm back in the Midwest now and my kids schools are pretty awesome. Easily on par, and maybe better, than what I had as a kid.

Good lord...

I am in the Midwest, but that again means nothing. Do you think p-schools in the inner cities of the Midwest are good? I would bet you dollars to donuts you would never send your kids to p-schools in Detroit, Chicago, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Dayton, Milwaukee, etc.....but it is not just the inner cities that suck. Wherever a p-school is located it is likely to fail in educating students. Yes...there are exceptions, but they are few and far between.

My son went to one the nation's best engineering universities. He was so well prepared by his private high school, that he did not have to work hard until his junior year. He said his buddies from the p-schools considered him a genius, because they had to work their tails off. He graduated summa cum laude.
Have you listened to old fag talk about his superior, public ed children?

It's nauseating.
Conservatives hate public schools because public schools don't let science classes teach that the Earth is 6000 years old
and that Jesus was a dinosaur wrangler.

That's really about all there is to it.

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