Public Schools & Teachers WTF


Detroit Public Schools: Bankrupting Minority Students’ Futures

January 31, 2013
By Arnold Ahlert


In terms of the racial element, Education Trust-Midwest reported that Michigan has one of the worst student achievement gaps in the nation. Thus, Detroit’s overwhelmingly black American student body has fallen behind their white
counterparts as far as any in the country–and as Michigan Merit Exam (MME) results reveal, the gap is getting larger. In 2011, Detroit tied Washington D.C. for last place nationwide in eighth-grade reading scores. Only 7 percent of students were grade-level proficient or better, according to the U.S. Department of Education. Almost unbelievably, DPS students were even worse in math. The Education Department’s 2011 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) test revealed that a paltry 4 percent of DPS students scored highly enough to be rated “proficient” or better.

None of this stopped Detroit teachers from taking a day off last December 11 to protest Michigan’s subsequently enacted right to work law. Despite the
consistently substandard education produced by the city’s school unions, their members knew that reprisals for either that reality, or their illegitimate day off would never be challenged. The Michigan Education Association spent more than $7 million on political contributions, 86 percent of which went Democrats. That would be the same unions, along with their Democrat enablers, who consistently lobby against reforms such as vouchers, charter schools, the closing of underperforming schools, or anything else that puts the interests of students over those of the union.

Despite all hollow denials to the contrary, Detroit Democrats and their public school establishment allies own what they have created. The Detroit public school system is bankrupt–morally and financially–and it is black American school children and their parents who are most affected.

Detroit Public Schools: Bankrupting
Minority Students? Futures

Yes, but the TOP SCORING wealthy suburban schools that surround Detroit like Birmingham and Bloomfield Hills and Troy also have teacher unions. You are looking at an enormously complex problem with tunnel vision.
"It's ridiculous, they care more about the paychecks and benefits than they do about the kids."
Whatever your education was, you apparently didn't learn any critical thinking skills. Teachers are the lowest paid professionals with the same level of educatin as other professionals. They do not go into teaching to line their pockets, that's for sure. Many teachers have worked in the private sector for years and changed to teaching because they were not inspired by chasing the almight dollar. Most others aspired to teaching since they themselves were students and admired their own teachers and/or found themselves very attached to a specific discipline, wanting to have a career in teaching it. No one goes into the field of teaching because they are after the financial gain. No one.

One of the things that is interesting, and exceedingly ironic, is that in other countries, teachers are respected. In those countries, where students and parents respect teachers and value education, the success of the education system is much higher than in the States. Part of what is wrong with the education 'system' is not the system itself but the lack of respect for teachers and for education that exists in the States.
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American Student Punished For Refusing To Be Indoctrinated By Saluting Mexican Flag, Reciting Mexican Pledge Of Allegiance

Feb 27, 2013 7
Jake Hammer

Excerpted from FOX RADIO: A Texas high school student has filed a federal lawsuit against her school and her teachers after she was punished for refusing to salute and recite the Mexican pledge of allegiance. The Thomas More Law Center filed the suit on behalf of Brenda Brinsdon alleging the McAllen Independent School District violated the 15-year-old girl’s constitutional rights when she was forced to recite the Mexican pledge and sing the Mexican national anthem

Click here to read the lawsuit.

Brinsdon, who is the daughter of a Mexican immigrant and an American father, refused. She believed it was un-American to pledge a loyalty oath to another country.

American Student Punished For Refusing To Be Indoctrinated By Saluting Mexican Flag, Reciting Mexican Pledge Of Allegiance « Pat Dollard

Your source tells us: "The recitation of the Mexican pledge and the singing of the Mexican national anthem was part of a 2011 Spanish class assignment at Achieve Early College High School. The teacher, Reyna Santos, required all her students to participate in the lesson."

The pledge and singing was not demanded of all the students in the school. The Spanish teacer may not have used good judgment, but her purpose was not to undermine US loyalty but to expose students to the Mexican pledge and anthem. Since this was a "college high school" it is likely most students understood the purpose of the material in the context of a Spanish class.
American Student Punished For Refusing To Be Indoctrinated By Saluting Mexican Flag, Reciting Mexican Pledge Of Allegiance

Feb 27, 2013 7
Jake Hammer

Excerpted from FOX RADIO: A Texas high school student has filed a federal lawsuit against her school and her teachers after she was punished for refusing to salute and recite the Mexican pledge of allegiance. The Thomas More Law Center filed the suit on behalf of Brenda Brinsdon alleging the McAllen Independent School District violated the 15-year-old girl’s constitutional rights when she was forced to recite the Mexican pledge and sing the Mexican national anthem

Click here to read the lawsuit.

Brinsdon, who is the daughter of a Mexican immigrant and an American father, refused. She believed it was un-American to pledge a loyalty oath to another country.

American Student Punished For Refusing To Be Indoctrinated By Saluting Mexican Flag, Reciting Mexican Pledge Of Allegiance « Pat Dollard

Your source tells us: "The recitation of the Mexican pledge and the singing of the Mexican national anthem was part of a 2011 Spanish class assignment at Achieve Early College High School. The teacher, Reyna Santos, required all her students to participate in the lesson."

The pledge and singing was not demanded of all the students in the school. The Spanish teacer may not have used good judgment, but her purpose was not to undermine US loyalty but to expose students to the Mexican pledge and anthem. Since this was a "college high school" it is likely most students understood the purpose of the material in the context of a Spanish class.

Yes, the teacher did not use good judgment. In a second language class, students learn about the culture as well as studying the language. But the teacher should have made this assignment optional. Teachers are not perfect and do make mistakes. :eek: Good Lord. You'd think no one on here made any mistakes while on their own jobs.
the sad thing is that education cant be outsourced so liberal Democrat unions are dominant in the educational industry and causing the usual destruction that they caused in other industries before international competition exposed the second rate work they were doing.

It was one thing, however, when Democrats allowed unions to destroy our manufacturing industries but it is another when Democrats allow their liberal unions to destroy our children!!

The worst states for education are also those where unions are the weakest.

too stupid!! as if thats the only factor!!

I agree. And i am sure you did not mean to imply that teacher unions were the reason Detroit students do so poorly. That would also be "too stupid!!"
The worst states for education are also those where unions are the weakest.

too stupid!! as if thats the only factor!!

I agree. And i am sure you did not mean to imply that teacher unions were the reason Detroit students do so poorly. That would also be "too stupid!!"

it is very safe to say that liberal unions are the proximate cause of our schools turning out about the dumbest kids in the civilized world.
Some states may have weaker unions but the schools still function as liberal union monopolies and get the expected results.
Nope. Those who cannot do, teach. Those who cannot teach, teach PhysEd.

It is a more accurate statement to say "Those who cannot do, teach. Those who cannot teach, or do, go into politics and make laws about teaching."

it is very safe to say that liberal unions are the proximate cause of our schools turning out about the dumbest kids in the civilized world.
Some states may have weaker unions but the schools still function as liberal union monopolies and get the expected results.
Nope. Those who cannot do, teach. Those who cannot teach, teach PhysEd.

It is a more accurate statement to say "Those who cannot do, teach. Those who cannot teach, or do, go into politics and make laws about teaching."

it is very safe to say that liberal unions are the proximate cause of our schools turning out about the dumbest kids in the civilized world.
Some states may have weaker unions but the schools still function as liberal union monopolies and get the expected results.

Wow, you're a very odd and unusual buffoon.
Nope. Those who cannot do, teach. Those who cannot teach, teach PhysEd.

It is a more accurate statement to say "Those who cannot do, teach. Those who cannot teach, or do, go into politics and make laws about teaching."

it is very safe to say that liberal unions are the proximate cause of our schools turning out about the dumbest kids in the civilized world.
Some states may have weaker unions but the schools still function as liberal union monopolies and get the expected results.

I've posted this earlier in this thread, but I'll post it again for those with weak reading comprehension skills: the EU countries have teacher unions. The EU countries have stronger educational systems and better student success than the US does. Teacher unions are not the problem. Liberal politics is not the problem. The problem is American social problems, the fact that schools in America are forced to expend half of their time, attention and energy on social ills rather than on education, and the lack of respect for education and teachers. The problem is not teacher unions. The problem is not teacher training. The problem is not teachers. The problem is the American public: the very people like the ones in this tread who bitch and bitch and bitch but have no idea what they are talking about.
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It is a more accurate statement to say "Those who cannot do, teach. Those who cannot teach, or do, go into politics and make laws about teaching."

it is very safe to say that liberal unions are the proximate cause of our schools turning out about the dumbest kids in the civilized world.
Some states may have weaker unions but the schools still function as liberal union monopolies and get the expected results.

I've posted this earlier in this thread, but I'll post it again for those with weak reading comprehension skills: the EU countries have teacher unions. The EU countries have stronger educational systems and better student success than the US does. Teacher unions are not the problem. Liberal politics is not the problem. The problem is American social problems, the fact that schools in America are forced to expend half of their time, attention and energy on social ills rather than on education, and the lack of respect for education and teachers. The problem is not teacher unions. The problem is not teacher training. The problem is not teachers. The problem is the American public: the very people like the ones in this tread who bitch and bitch and bitch but have no idea what they are talking about.

it is very safe to say that liberal unions are the proximate cause of our schools turning out about the dumbest kids in the civilized world.
Some states may have weaker unions but the schools still function as liberal union monopolies and get the expected results.

I've posted this earlier in this thread, but I'll post it again for those with weak reading comprehension skills: the EU countries have teacher unions. The EU countries have stronger educational systems and better student success than the US does. Teacher unions are not the problem. Liberal politics is not the problem. The problem is American social problems, the fact that schools in America are forced to expend half of their time, attention and energy on social ills rather than on education, and the lack of respect for education and teachers. The problem is not teacher unions. The problem is not teacher training. The problem is not teachers. The problem is the American public: the very people like the ones in this tread who bitch and bitch and bitch but have no idea what they are talking about.


Yes, I would say the problem is people like you.
Countries with most effective education systems in order of rating:
Finland is number 1

South Korea
Hong Kong
New Zealand

BEN LEVIN, Professor and Canada Research Chair in Education Leadership and Policy. University of Toronto, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE)
A lot of education rhetoric these days includes mention of the supposedly negative impact of teacher unions on reform. For a few commentators, eliminating union opposition is one of the most essential, or even the single most important component in creating improvement, while for many others it is part of the package.
But here’s an interesting observation. Virtually all the top performing countries on international education measures have strong teacher unions, including Finland, Korea, Japan, Canada, Australia and others. Of course such a relationship does not imply causation, but it does suggest that there is no necessary conflict between strong teacher unions and good outcomes. Moreover, some countries or sub-national units that took steps to weaken the influence of their unions did not demonstrate any subsequent improvements and in some cases, such as England, later had to take many measures to improve the situation of teachers to get an adequate supply and thus to improve student results
Education This Week - US Edition

The problem with education in the US is not teacher unions.
The problem is the American public:

trying to excuse failure is too stupid and perfectly liberal. The Americans most in support of change are black parents whose kids go to worthless hip-hop ghetto schools!! Who is the enemy of voucher schools and charter schools that don't make excuses for failure???? Liberal unions of course!!!

Did you see Waiting For Superman???
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The problem is the American public:

trying to excuse failure is too stupid and perfectly liberal. The Americans most in support of change are black parents whose kids go to worthless hip-hop ghetto schools!! Who is the enemy of voucher schools and charter schools that don't make excuses for failure???? Liberal unions of course!!!

Did you see Waiting For Superman???

You think teachers would prefer to maintain the quality of ghetto schools, would prefer to teach in them rathern than better schools? Unions are not the enemy of anything that improves the quality of the job for teachers. Keeping schools in bad condition is not something teachers or unions support. Try to use some critical thinking skills. Possibly you didn't get any because you didn't pay attention in school. Possibly you hate the American school system because you were a failure in it: which is your fault and no one else's. Take responsibility for your own failures and stop hating all teachers and all of the American school system because you were miserable in it.

The reason schools in America are not performing is because of the social problems in America--which is much of what I mean by 'the American public' being the problem. The schools expend at least half their time, engery, and focus on dealing with social problems. In schools like those you mention, it is more like 90%. Change the society so the social problems are reduced, find other ways to deal with them, etc., and schools can go back to focusing on education. I know that one reason schools in Europe and Asia do better is because traditional values in the family are stronger and remain intact. And don't throw in yet another myth, that it is feminism that has ruined the American family: women in Europe are just as liberated as American women: I've lived in Europe; feminism is just as strong there as in the States. Europeans have adapted to women being free and equal and have still maintained strong family units. The problem is not unions, the problem is not liberalism (Europeans are far more liberal than Americans), the problem is not Unions. The problem is American social ills.
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Unions are not the enemy of anything that improves the quality of the job for teachers.

too stupid!! and 100% liberal. We're talking about the quallity of the education not the quality of the teachers job!! Thanks for the perfect example of the self-centered liberal union screw the kids mentality.

Unions won't let principals fire the bad teachers. Imagine a business that could not fire the bad workers. Thats how absurd, stupid, and dangerous unions are!!
Unions are not the enemy of anything that improves the quality of the job for teachers.

too stupid!! and 100% liberal. We're talking about the quallity of the education not the quality of the teachers job!! Thanks for the perfect example of the self-centered liberal union screw the kids mentality.

Unions won't let principals fire the bad teachers. Imagine a business that could not fire the bad workers. Thats how absurd, stupid, and dangerous unions are!!

You can't even read with comprehension; you cannot even do any critical thinking. You can't even put two and two together.

Bad teachers are not protected by unions. What about all the discussion of teachers pressuring kids about standardized tests, even of some cheating to make sure their kids do well? If they felt their jobs were secure no matter what, they wouldn't care if their students did poorly on standardized tests. Try to THINK. Try to use your brain.
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Eddie seriously has some issues. Position on this or that issue aside, he's just not all there.
The problem is the American public:

trying to excuse failure is too stupid and perfectly liberal. The Americans most in support of change are black parents whose kids go to worthless hip-hop ghetto schools!! Who is the enemy of voucher schools and charter schools that don't make excuses for failure???? Liberal unions of course!!!

Did you see Waiting For Superman???

I agree that minority students have horrific achievement records in our public schools and significant systemic changes are needed. If a parent is interested enough to enroll his child in a private or charter school and transport his child there, that student probably arrives with many of the benefits of a family that
values education. So the public school loses a group of motivated kids. Charter schools and most private schools do not offer very expensive services to special needs students or to ESL students.
This leaves the public school with the oblgation to provide services for all of the students who need one to one aides, special tutors, hearing and language consultants, physical therapists and differentiated phys ed professionals, psychologists and counselors, special ed teachers with strict limits on class size, unique special needs academic materials, appropriate technology, special transportation vehicles, special mobility devices and power lifts, specially designed lavatories and eating areas etc. etc. If the general population leaves
the neighborhood public school, each school will have to provide all of the
mandated services without the funding attached to each child who leaves the school. Basically, this burden will mean the end of public schools. If I believed charter schools could do better, i might not mourn this loss, but extensive research shows most charter schools are not better than public schools and many are significantly worse. (to be continued)

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