Public sector strikes illegal in WI; the strikers are criminal.

They're so far out of the loop, they won't register that what they think and reality are too different things.

They'll EXCUSE anything as long as it's FOR their party AND is being done AGAINST a Republican.

with them it's PARTY OVER COUNTRY.
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If they're breaking the law, they're criminals.

Fraud is illegal, Ravtard. You don't get a get out of jail free card just because you're a teacher.

Ok, so what is this criminal fraud? And you are right, teachers are not above the law, they make the laws for the lower classes to follow. Only the Elite are above the laws.:lol:
Claiming that you're sick to attend a political rally is a violation of the letter and intent of sick days....Breach of contract.

Falsifying records, by turning in bogus doctor's verification of illness.
Here you go folks, these shenanigans by the Unions has the stamp of approval by the Obama and the Democrat party.REMEMBER that come election time.
Shocking Level of Influence: Trumka Talks to White House EVERY DAY and Visits a Couple Times A

Yeah, I think America will remember Obama for a long time to come, but you Retards didn't vote for him, so basically, you got nothing coming.:lol:

Oh he'll be remembered all right, but probably NOT like you Obamabot Retards think.
He'll be remembered like the residents of the Gulf Coast will remember Katrina.
Since when is it illegal in America to stand up for what you believe it? People, republicans want to silence you if you disagree with you. They should not be trusted.

Stand up all you want but there should be ramifications.If you walked off the job you should be dealt with accordingly.
#3 - Wisconsin Statute 111.89 "Strikes Prohibited" (

Knowing the SeaShadow is what SS is, lets quote the law below

111.62 Strikes, work stoppages, slowdowns, lockouts, unlawful; penalty. It shall be unlawful for any group of employees of a public utility employer acting in concert to call a strike or to go out on strike, or to cause any work stoppage or slowdown which would cause an interruption of an essential service; it also shall be unlawful for any public utility employer to lock out the employer’s employees when such action would cause an interruption of essential service; and it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to instigate, to induce, to conspire with, or to encourage any other person or persons to engage in any strike or lockout or slowdown or work stoppage which would cause an interruption of an essential service. Any violation of this section by any member of a group of employees acting in concert or by any employer or by any officer of an employer acting for such employer, or by any other individual, shall constitute a misdemeanor.
History: 1993 a. 49

and we find the SS has been less than forthcoming. "essential service"? Aren't the workers going to make sure essential services are not shut down?

SeaShadow's desperate last-second shut is batted into the stand and SS fouls out.

Illegal? Really?
If they're breaking the law, they're criminals.

Fraud is illegal, Ravtard. You don't get a get out of jail free card just because you're a teacher.

Ok, so what is this criminal fraud? And you are right, teachers are not above the law, they make the laws for the lower classes to follow. Only the Elite are above the laws.:lol:

The lower classes???



And since when do teachers make law? WTF are you gibbering about?

Since they run the schools that shove lawyers out the doors, perhaps a poor choice of words, but it is the law teachers students that go onto congess, etc. and use their given education. Got it blubber mouth? Lower classes are not elite classes. ie. Bush can murder, torture & rape & get away with it (above the law). Teachers cannot without being arrested.

Now back to the question you are deflecting, Ok, so what is this criminal fraud?
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"After this confrontation, Walker will no doubt want to soothe ruffled feathers, but he’s not about to have unions hold the legislative process and his agenda hostage. The outcome of an illegal strike is likely to be mass firings, combined with immediate decertification of the unions themselves, at least after a short period of time to reconsider. Walker will eventually have to follow Ronald Reagan’s example with PATCO to establish firmly that the people of Wisconsin, through their elected representatives, run the state of Wisconsin — and not union bosses or Barack Obama’s political organization."

Unions preparing general strike in Wisconsin? « Hot Air

its not a 'strike' allie, they are out sick...they have doctor(s) notes too;)
Republicans give rich people tax breaks but come down hard on middle class workers.
They're so far out of the loop, they won't register that what they think and reality are too different things.

They'll EXCUSE anything as long as it's FOR their party AND is being done AGAINST a Republican.

with them it's PARTY OVER COUNTRY.

Yes, I know you facists would force the American masses to stay on their jobs or go to jail. Do you think we should also shackle them to their desks?
Aniel said the group would make sure all emergency services would continue throughout the state.”What we have to do is to make sure all essential services to people are provided,” said Aniel. “Then we’ll determine what other entities deserve those services.”
"The unions will decide what services deserve to be provided to the people of Wisconsin, whose tax dollars go to funding the services. Not the people, not their elected representatives, but union bosses with no accountability.
"This is why public-sector strikes are illegal, and also why this fight is so important in determining who controls public policy."

Unions preparing general strike in Wisconsin? « Hot Air

When the state government is getting ready to abridge the rights of the citizens, the citizens have the right to take action. Such action, particularly in Wisconsin, is not criminal. If the law passes, then it will be. Nonetheless, the nation is going to get to watch nonviolent civil disobedience and the shutting down of non-essential government services. OK.

The Founders would be proud of the demonstrators for worker rights.
Yep. However, you just have to love how the Republicans are declaring teachers to be criminals.

Wonders will never cease.

They finally feel comfortable saying what they've already felt.
They're so far out of the loop, they won't register that what they think and reality are too different things.

They'll EXCUSE anything as long as it's FOR their party AND is being done AGAINST a Republican.

with them it's PARTY OVER COUNTRY.

Yes, I know you facists would force the American masses to stay on their jobs or go to jail. Do you think we should also shackle them to their desks?

Omg, so now demanding these Teachers be fired for shutting down the schools they work in, defrauding the TAXPAYERS who pay their salaries is now, Forcing them to stay on their jobs.
holy shit I've heard it all now. and speaking of shackles. white coats come with those too.
Since when is it illegal in America to stand up for what you believe it? People, republicans want to silence you if you disagree with you. They should not be trusted.

Stand up all you want but there should be ramifications.If you walked off the job you should be dealt with accordingly.

You mean like walking off a job as Alaska's governor?

(Ok, that one just wrote itself)
Ok, so what is this criminal fraud? And you are right, teachers are not above the law, they make the laws for the lower classes to follow. Only the Elite are above the laws.:lol:

The lower classes???



And since when do teachers make law? WTF are you gibbering about?

Since they run the schools that shove lawyers out the doors, perhaps a poor choice of words, but it is the law teachers students that go onto congess, etc. and use their given education. Got it blubber mouth? Lower classes are not elite classes. ie. Bush can murder, torture & rape & get away with it (above the law). Teachers cannot without being arrested.

Now back to the question you are deflecting, Ok, so what is this criminal fraud?

Do you ever make sense?

And all fraud is criminal, nitwit:

"Fraud is generally defined in the law as an intentional misrepresentation of material existing fact made by one person to another with knowledge of its falsity and for the purpose of inducing the other person to act, and upon which the other person relies with resulting injury or damage. Fraud may also be made by an omission or purposeful failure to state material facts, which nondisclosure makes other statements misleading"

Fraud Law & Legal Definition

I forgive you and pity you, since you are an example of what our public schools are churning out.

So who are the *lower classes*? Please define *lower classes*. Since 1/3 of WI teachers send their kids to private schools, I'm making the assumption that they aren't the lower classes, which, by (your) definition, makes them elites.

Republicans give rich people tax breaks but come down hard on middle class workers.

So now asking for people to kick in some for their pensions and health care is considered coming down hard on people.

Wow we are back to being "kept down by da man".......:eek:
They'll EXCUSE anything as long as it's FOR their party AND is being done AGAINST a Republican.

with them it's PARTY OVER COUNTRY.

Yes, I know you facists would force the American masses to stay on their jobs or go to jail. Do you think we should also shackle them to their desks?

Omg, so now demanding these Teachers be fired for shutting down the schools they work in, defrauding the TAXPAYERS who pay their salaries is now, Forcing them to stay on their jobs.
holy shit I've heard it all now. and speaking of shackles. white coats come with those too.

I keep asking what criminal fraud? There is no criminal fraud dumbass. No one arrested for fraud dumbass, No one convicted of fraud dumbass, so what are drooling all over yourself about anyway??
We aren't going to get anywhere until you can read the definition of fraud for yourself.
Fraud is criminal. There isn't the garden variety, non-criminal fraud, and then criminal fraud, you nitwit.
Yes, I know you facists would force the American masses to stay on their jobs or go to jail. Do you think we should also shackle them to their desks?

Omg, so now demanding these Teachers be fired for shutting down the schools they work in, defrauding the TAXPAYERS who pay their salaries is now, Forcing them to stay on their jobs.
holy shit I've heard it all now. and speaking of shackles. white coats come with those too.

I keep asking what criminal fraud? There is no criminal fraud dumbass. No one arrested for fraud dumbass, No one convicted of fraud dumbass, so what are drooling all over yourself about anyway??

holy don't care what these teachers do to you and US the TAXPAYER. or what they are doing to OUR CHILDREN who they are SUPPOSE to be TEACHING..
how pathetic. You are hopeless. and dismissed.

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