Public university lays off 79 IT workers after they train outsourced replacements

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
Frankly, this is a much bigger threat to the American middle class than a bunch of illegal immigrants picking lettuce in the fields.

At the University of California's San Francisco campus, 79 IT employees lost their jobs this week, some of them after explaining to their replacements at Indian outsourcing firm HCL how to do their jobs.

The union representing the employees, University Professional and Technical Employees CWA Local 9119, says it's the first time a public university has offshored American IT jobs.

In a statement sent yesterday, UPTE-CWA says the layoffs could spread, since the HCL contract can be utilized by any of the 10 campuses in the University of California system, the nation's largest public university. "US taxes should be used to create jobs in the US, not in other countries," said Kurt Ho, a systems administrator who was quoted in the union's press release. Ho was required to train his replacement as a condition of getting his severance pay.

Public university lays off 79 IT workers after they train outsourced replacements
Frankly, this is a much bigger threat to the American middle class than a bunch of illegal immigrants picking lettuce in the fields.

At the University of California's San Francisco campus, 79 IT employees lost their jobs this week, some of them after explaining to their replacements at Indian outsourcing firm HCL how to do their jobs.

The union representing the employees, University Professional and Technical Employees CWA Local 9119, says it's the first time a public university has offshored American IT jobs.

In a statement sent yesterday, UPTE-CWA says the layoffs could spread, since the HCL contract can be utilized by any of the 10 campuses in the University of California system, the nation's largest public university. "US taxes should be used to create jobs in the US, not in other countries," said Kurt Ho, a systems administrator who was quoted in the union's press release. Ho was required to train his replacement as a condition of getting his severance pay.

Public university lays off 79 IT workers after they train outsourced replacements

And no one is gonna do anything about it including Don. Same as it ever was.
Of course Teump is to blame, a San Fran university is obviously a hotbed for conservatives.
Frankly, this is a much bigger threat to the American middle class than a bunch of illegal immigrants picking lettuce in the fields.

At the University of California's San Francisco campus, 79 IT employees lost their jobs this week, some of them after explaining to their replacements at Indian outsourcing firm HCL how to do their jobs.

The union representing the employees, University Professional and Technical Employees CWA Local 9119, says it's the first time a public university has offshored American IT jobs.

In a statement sent yesterday, UPTE-CWA says the layoffs could spread, since the HCL contract can be utilized by any of the 10 campuses in the University of California system, the nation's largest public university. "US taxes should be used to create jobs in the US, not in other countries," said Kurt Ho, a systems administrator who was quoted in the union's press release. Ho was required to train his replacement as a condition of getting his severance pay.

Public university lays off 79 IT workers after they train outsourced replacements

This is also why the Deep State is focused on removing AG Jeff Sessions who is planning to enforce H1-B visa laws.
Corporations play this outsourcing game all the time.

Sometimes it can bite them back however.
Ho, who earns about $100,000, told the LA Times that he spent two days training his replacement in a process that UCSF called "knowledge transfer." "He told me he would go back to India and train his team and would be sending me e-mails with questions," Ho said. Audrey Hatten-Milholin, who earned $127,000 at her job, says other replacements were around for two weeks. "What was shocking is that the system is so complex there’s no way you can learn it in two weeks," she said. Thirteen of the workers are considering filing a lawsuit, saying the way they were fired amounts to discrimination, Computerworld reported.

What on earth would the basis for a discrimination claim be? The picture in the article shows both genders and an Asian dude. Discriminating against people who make six figure salaries? Discriminating against Americans? Discriminating against people who probably don't get laid often? I guess maybe age since most of these cats look north of 45 and many Indian devs are in their 20s and 30s, but they'd probably have a hard time proving the University knew the ages of the people replacing them.

Frankly, this is a much bigger threat to the American middle class than a bunch of illegal immigrants picking lettuce in the fields.

At the University of California's San Francisco campus, 79 IT employees lost their jobs this week, some of them after explaining to their replacements at Indian outsourcing firm HCL how to do their jobs.

The union representing the employees, University Professional and Technical Employees CWA Local 9119, says it's the first time a public university has offshored American IT jobs.

In a statement sent yesterday, UPTE-CWA says the layoffs could spread, since the HCL contract can be utilized by any of the 10 campuses in the University of California system, the nation's largest public university. "US taxes should be used to create jobs in the US, not in other countries," said Kurt Ho, a systems administrator who was quoted in the union's press release. Ho was required to train his replacement as a condition of getting his severance pay.

Public university lays off 79 IT workers after they train outsourced replacements
Corporations and business seem intent on hurting the US populace as much as possible as they find their rising star to be trillionaires...
Maybe Boeing will get a contract for Super Duper Hornets where they take a plane that already costs 70+ million and add stealthy fuel tanks, a stealthy weapons pod, a fancier radar, infrared search and track system, ECM pod, and targeting pod bringing the cost up close to an F-35 that is still far more capable.

Then they can hire these cats back.

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