Public wary about sequester cuts, but Obama in stronger political position than GOP


Gold Member
Oct 5, 2009
With automatic, across-the-board spending cuts set to begin Friday, majorities of Americans believe they aren’t a good idea and say the contentious budget negotiations make them less confident about the U.S. economy, according to the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.

Despite those findings, a majority still supports Congress moving ahead with either the current cuts or a plan containing even more cuts as a way to reduce the deficit, suggesting the public’s general appetite for reducing spending.

But the poll also shows that as the nation’s political actors once again quarrel over these automatic cuts totaling $1.2 trillion over 10 years – commonly referred to as sequestration or the sequester – President Barack Obama finds himself in a much stronger position than his Republican adversaries.

“If the president needs some tweaks and adjustments, the Republican Party is pretty much in need of a major makeover,” says Democratic pollster Fred Yang of Hart Research Associates, who conducted this survey with Republican pollster Bill McInturff.

“The Republicans don’t need a silver lining; they need a whole new playbook,” Yang adds.

48 percent say Obama is pursuing a path on unifying the country in a bipartisan way, while 43 percent say he's taking a partisan approach that doesn't unify the country.

By comparison, 64 percent say Republicans are taking a partisan approach, versus 22 percent who say it's focused on unity.

NBC/WSJ poll: Public wary about sequester cuts, but Obama in stronger political position than GOP - First Read
The sequester is obamturds plan, plain and simple. You idiot libtards lying about it doesn't change that fact.
For four years we lurched from crisis to crisis. The public is losing faith in government by crisis.
Public wary about Obama's sequester cuts, but Obama in stronger political position than GOP....
The sequester is about as scary as the Mayan calender crisis. It's nothing but another Obama political ploy that he failed to use as leverage. Now he's crying "the sky is falling" while intelligent people stretch and yawn about it. Anybody running a business or a family budget could deal with a 2.5% budget cut but a Community Organizer sees it as a political tool that can be manipulated if the right amount of dishonesty is applied.
Despite those findings, a majority still supports Congress moving ahead with either the current cuts or a plan containing even more cuts as a way to reduce the deficit, suggesting the public’s general appetite for reducing spending.

How does that put Obama in a "stronger position" when he has made it perfectly crystal clear that he opposes any cuts of any kind?

You're and your article are trying to blow smoke up our asses.

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the sequester is a bonus for the Republicans ... Obama lost that one when he gave them their tax cuts without stopping the sequester at the same time.

and the Republicans are running with theirs and turning their backs on the country.

Obama's first fiscal year was 2009, not 2010 as most of the lying libturds on this forum claim. The deficit for that year was $1.6 trillion. There was no year when it was as low as $845 billion. You apparently just made that number up.
the sequester is a bonus for the Republicans ... Obama lost that one when he gave them their tax cuts without stopping the sequester at the same time.

and the Republicans are running with theirs and turning their backs on the country.

So spending us into bankruptcy is what's best for the country?

Yeah, right, asshole.

Do you give a crap about saddling your children and grandchildren with another $20,000 to $30,000 in debt each? Of course you don't. You're a Democrap. All you care about is keeping those welfare checks coming.
Of course Obama is in a strong position. He instituted the cuts.

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