Puerto Rican Grammy winner to Trump: Shut the fuck up about the NFL. Puerto Rico needs help

Ted Frazier

Gold Member
Nov 12, 2016
Marc Anthony has some kind words for Mr. Trump, who has neglected Puerto Rico as it finds itself in need after the terrible hurricane Maria:

"Mr. President shut the fuck up about NFL. Do something about our people in need in #PuertoRico. We are American citizens too."

Marc Anthony on Twitter
Marc Anthony has some kind words for Mr. Trump, who has neglected Puerto Rico as it finds itself in need after the terrible hurricane Maria:

"Mr. President shut the fuck up about NFL. Do something about our people in need in #PuertoRico. We are American citizens too."

Marc Anthony on Twitter

Puerto Rico's Governor Dismantles Media Attacks on Trump's Response to Hurricane Irma

Rossello and other officials praised the federal government for planning its response in detail before the storm hit, a contrast with what Puerto Rico has long seen as the neglect of 3.4 million Americans living in a territory without a vote in Congress or the electoral college.

"This is the first time we get this type of federal coordination," said Resident Commission Jenniffer Gonzalez, Puerto Rico's non-voting representative in Washington.
Marc Anthony has some kind words for Mr. Trump, who has neglected Puerto Rico as it finds itself in need after the terrible hurricane Maria:

"Mr. President shut the fuck up about NFL. Do something about our people in need in #PuertoRico. We are American citizens too."

Marc Anthony on Twitter

Puerto Rico's Governor Dismantles Media Attacks on Trump's Response to Hurricane Irma

Rossello and other officials praised the federal government for planning its response in detail before the storm hit, a contrast with what Puerto Rico has long seen as the neglect of 3.4 million Americans living in a territory without a vote in Congress or the electoral college.

"This is the first time we get this type of federal coordination," said Resident Commission Jenniffer Gonzalez, Puerto Rico's non-voting representative in Washington.
You mean the conservative governor who "found a supportive audience when talking to the conservative Heritage Foundation"? Rosselló stands by all his reforms

Thanks for the clarification.
Marc Anthony has some kind words for Mr. Trump, who has neglected Puerto Rico as it finds itself in need after the terrible hurricane Maria:

"Mr. President shut the fuck up about NFL. Do something about our people in need in #PuertoRico. We are American citizens too."

Marc Anthony on Twitter

Puerto Rico's Governor Dismantles Media Attacks on Trump's Response to Hurricane Irma

Rossello and other officials praised the federal government for planning its response in detail before the storm hit, a contrast with what Puerto Rico has long seen as the neglect of 3.4 million Americans living in a territory without a vote in Congress or the electoral college.

"This is the first time we get this type of federal coordination," said Resident Commission Jenniffer Gonzalez, Puerto Rico's non-voting representative in Washington.
You mean the conservative governor who "found a supportive audience when talking to the conservative Heritage Foundation"? Rosselló stands by all his reforms

Thanks for the clarification.

Um...yeah...from Wikipedia

Three NPP gubernatorial candidates registered nationally as Republicans (Luis A. Ferré, Baltasar Corrada and Luis G. Fortuño) while four NPP gubernatorial candidates registered nationally as Democrats (Carlos Romero Barceló, Carlos Pesquera, Pedro Rossellóand Ricardo Rosselló). Fortuño caucused with the Republicans when he was in Congress and serves as Puerto Rico's Republican National Committeeman while Resident Commissioner Pedro Pierluisi is a Democrat. When Fortuño was governor, his top administration officials were also split in national politics. His last chief of staff, Miguel Romero, and his Secretary of State (and first in line of succession), Kenneth McClintock, are Democrats, while his last Attorney General Guillermo Somoza is a Republican. House NPP Leader Jenniffer González and Senate Minority Leader Larry Seilhamer are Republicans.
Half of the island's citizens were already on government assistance and food stamps.

So it should be easy to ramp up and enroll the other half. ..... :cool:
maybe marc antony should get some current info before he opens his big yap...just sayin....
Marc Anthony has some kind words for Mr. Trump, who has neglected Puerto Rico as it finds itself in need after the terrible hurricane Maria:

"Mr. President shut the fuck up about NFL. Do something about our people in need in #PuertoRico. We are American citizens too."

Marc Anthony on Twitter

Why would anyone care what Marc Anthony has to say about anything? Give me one good reason.
It was awesome how Trump tweeted the places people could donate to help PR, Texas, and Florida this morning. Oh wait, it was a tweet about NFL ratings. My bad.
Anthony's just another entitled Limousine Liberal asshole. Why doesn't he help more? He's worth several $Million. If he really cares, he should hand over a large portion of his large fortune. He needs to put up, or shut up.
Anthony's just another entitled Limousine Liberal asshole. Why doesn't he help more? He's worth several $Million. If he really cares, he should hand over a large portion of his large fortune. He needs to put up, or shut up.
Why does it have to be a large portion when Trump has only donated a tiny portion of his to hurricane victims?
Anthony's just another entitled Limousine Liberal asshole. Why doesn't he help more? He's worth several $Million. If he really cares, he should hand over a large portion of his large fortune. He needs to put up, or shut up.
Why does it have to be a large portion when Trump has only donated a tiny portion of his to hurricane victims?

Anthony's doing all the whining. And he's a very wealthy man. He needs to do more. The US Government will obviously help Puerto Rico. But Anthony handing over a substantial portion of his vast wealth could help too. So he needs to STFU and start writing those checks.
Puerto Rico is getting help. They need to remember there's Texas and Florida as well.

PR needs more than help, they are toast. Might as well been hit by a hundred F4 tornadoes. They need to rebuild the entire island! Pretty costly thing to do after Harvey and Irma (Irma grazed PR as well), considering that while we get a lot of economic return on Houston and Florida, et al., we get little return from PR! Not even a good cigar. What do they make, rum? It'll be a long time before PR is back on its feet, maybe a year to get some basic infrastructure fixed. Until that happens first, damaged industries will have to wait to rebuild.

This is nature's way of telling people you live 6 feet above sea level at your own risk!
And Anthony should actually be blasting Puerto Rico's corrupt incompetent Government. It's bankrupted the country. And that's not Trump's fault. Anthony, being the dumb Democrat he is, is just directing his anger & frustration in the wrong direction.

Anthony should be taking on his own Government instead. But it's much easier for him to run with the herd and blame Trump. He's a typical Democrat coward.
Another liberal retard broadcasting his stupidity for all to see and hear.
Mr. Anthony was born in New York City and has a net worth of about 40 million. Why doesn't he help Puerto Rico?

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