Puerto Rico's emergency services director fired after supplies from Maria discovered in warehouse!

"With the area struggling to recover from a series of strong earthquakes, residents took to social media Saturday to express outrage over the discovery of the unused supplies"
I have no doubt that the left will have some reason that it is Trumps fault.
I have no doubt they will also claim that he only gave them $8 billion because he is a racist.
"Vazquez gave island officials 48 hours to figure out why the supplies were being stockpiled."


Any idiot KNOWS why these government crooks were stockpiling the supplies. FOR VOTES. TO SELL FOR MONEY.

It is all about corruption.

IT is the same reason politicians sway cash and favors toward specific companies. It is simple corruption.
Hmm. Surprise, surprise. More lies from the left. They are completely self imploding at this point.
Nothing new here...........We already rebuilt their electrical grid......dams .......roads...........which were already mostly defunct before the storm.................

And it was always give them more.......more........more...........even after we did more for them than victims in our own country........Including free transportation to the United States and Free Rent for over a year. Yet look at fire victims here who lost everything.................Very little done......

Imagine that.
Puerto Rico's emergency services director fired after supplies from Hurricane Maria discovered

Well, well, well

Oh, and President Trump just authorized ANOTHER $8 BILLION in emergency funding for Puerto Rico OVER TWO WEEKS AGO WHICH THE MEDIA DIDN’T REPORT, for newfound earthquake repair
More? Man, I wonder where else they are stashed. It isn’t the first time warehouses full have been found.

I just hope the people of Puerto Rico are taking notes. What a horrible injustice these people suffered through, and all to try to make the POTUS look bad!
Nothing new here...........We already rebuilt their electrical grid......dams .......roads...........which were already mostly defunct before the storm.................

And it was always give them more.......more........more...........even after we did more for them than victims in our own country........Including free transportation to the United States and Free Rent for over a year. Yet look at fire victims here who lost everything.................Very little done......

Imagine that.

We should just cut Puerto Rico loose. Why do we want to take on that responsibility anyways? I am sick of us always sending aid to other places and ignoring our own problems here at home.

Think of all the nice things we could have if our money stayed in our country and we cut way down on illegal immigration!
Nothing new here...........We already rebuilt their electrical grid......dams .......roads...........which were already mostly defunct before the storm.................

And it was always give them more.......more........more...........even after we did more for them than victims in our own country........Including free transportation to the United States and Free Rent for over a year. Yet look at fire victims here who lost everything.................Very little done......

Imagine that.

We should just cut Puerto Rico loose. Why do we want to take on that responsibility anyways? I am sick of us always sending aid to other places and ignoring our own problems here at home.

Think of all the nice things we could have if our money stayed in our country and we cut way down on illegal immigration!
They were a bankrupt country before the storm. Their power grid did NO RIGHT OF WAY MAINTENANCE and was already a disaster.............Yet we paid to rebuild the whole Island............An entire Dam was washed away and the Corp of Engineers built them a new Dam.............1.3 Billion to individuals for rent assistance and home assistance.................

We did Far more than those hurt in the Keys...............FAR MORE.......but it was all politics against Trump even though he did more than we should have there.

And now the corrupt horde supplies............Imagine that.
Nothing new here...........We already rebuilt their electrical grid......dams .......roads...........which were already mostly defunct before the storm.................

And it was always give them more.......more........more...........even after we did more for them than victims in our own country........Including free transportation to the United States and Free Rent for over a year. Yet look at fire victims here who lost everything.................Very little done......

Imagine that.

We should just cut Puerto Rico loose. Why do we want to take on that responsibility anyways? I am sick of us always sending aid to other places and ignoring our own problems here at home.

Think of all the nice things we could have if our money stayed in our country and we cut way down on illegal immigration!
They were a bankrupt country before the storm. Their power grid did NO RIGHT OF WAY MAINTENANCE and was already a disaster.............Yet we paid to rebuild the whole Island............An entire Dam was washed away and the Corp of Engineers built them a new Dam.............1.3 Billion to individuals for rent assistance and home assistance.................

We did Far more than those hurt in the Keys...............FAR MORE.......but it was all politics against Trump even though he did more than we should have there.

And now the corrupt horde supplies............Imagine that.

I would have been fine with his paper towels idea. :biggrin:
Nothing new here...........We already rebuilt their electrical grid......dams .......roads...........which were already mostly defunct before the storm.................

And it was always give them more.......more........more...........even after we did more for them than victims in our own country........Including free transportation to the United States and Free Rent for over a year. Yet look at fire victims here who lost everything.................Very little done......

Imagine that.

We should just cut Puerto Rico loose. Why do we want to take on that responsibility anyways? I am sick of us always sending aid to other places and ignoring our own problems here at home.

Think of all the nice things we could have if our money stayed in our country and we cut way down on illegal immigration!
They were a bankrupt country before the storm. Their power grid did NO RIGHT OF WAY MAINTENANCE and was already a disaster.............Yet we paid to rebuild the whole Island............An entire Dam was washed away and the Corp of Engineers built them a new Dam.............1.3 Billion to individuals for rent assistance and home assistance.................

We did Far more than those hurt in the Keys...............FAR MORE.......but it was all politics against Trump even though he did more than we should have there.

And now the corrupt horde supplies............Imagine that.
Don’t forget they also found warehouses of electrical grid items as well.
Puerto Rico Governor Asks DOJ To Investigate Island's Public Power Utility
Nothing new here...........We already rebuilt their electrical grid......dams .......roads...........which were already mostly defunct before the storm.................

And it was always give them more.......more........more...........even after we did more for them than victims in our own country........Including free transportation to the United States and Free Rent for over a year. Yet look at fire victims here who lost everything.................Very little done......

Imagine that.
Mainly it was yelling Trump wasn’t doing anything.

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