"punks....they always get away"

Outcome of the Zimmerman trial:

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If by some miracle, this all white jury ignores the facts and acquits this slug, Federal charges will follow.

I'm just hoping their aren't race riots between the two cases.

There will be a civil trial by Martin's father against zimmerman. Remember OJ?

Unlike OJ, ZImmerman doesn't have anything. He's already going to be neck deep in hock when this trial is over with.

He does have money. A lot of bigots donate money to him. He wears a new suit every day at trial.

He even lied about how much money he had to a judge and got away with it with a wrist slap.
If by some miracle, this all white jury ignores the facts and acquits this slug, Federal charges will follow.

I'm just hoping their aren't race riots between the two cases.

Do you have a link stateing that they are all white?

b/c I found the one about picking 6 women where 5 of them are white.

and as a reminder for the race baiting liars; Jorge Zimmerman is hispanic, so a all white jury won't help as you are indicating.

5 White jurors and a juror whose race is indeterminate.

I do love how you changed his name to "Jorge" to make him Hispanic, though. That's clever, I guess.

point is, the Defense got a mostly white Jury, and are engaging in major league race baiting and slandering a dead kid to get their guy off.

If they succeed, you are going to see some pretty angry people.

It's like you people learned not a fucking thing from the whole Rodney King experience.

See, this is what I get for being polite to liars.

I showed that you're a fucking liar, then even gave you a chance to take it back.

but you didn't

If we don't convict an innocent man, there will be riots!!

Fucking racist assuming that blacks can't control themselves.

lord I can't wait until another of you twats call me a racist. mmmm the hypcrassy.
There will be a civil trial by Martin's father against zimmerman. Remember OJ?

Against the law to file a civil suit in Florida if he is acquitted by lawful self-defense.


there would have to be an immunity hearing

The feds could and may nail him for a civil rights violation.

Every one is entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

TM broke no laws nor was he breaking any laws when he waas defending himself from an armed vicious hitman.
Do you have a link stateing that they are all white?

b/c I found the one about picking 6 women where 5 of them are white.

and as a reminder for the race baiting liars; Jorge Zimmerman is hispanic, so a all white jury won't help as you are indicating.

5 White jurors and a juror whose race is indeterminate.

I do love how you changed his name to "Jorge" to make him Hispanic, though. That's clever, I guess.

point is, the Defense got a mostly white Jury, and are engaging in major league race baiting and slandering a dead kid to get their guy off.

If they succeed, you are going to see some pretty angry people.

It's like you people learned not a fucking thing from the whole Rodney King experience.

See, this is what I get for being polite to liars.

I showed that you're a fucking liar, then even gave you a chance to take it back.

but you didn't


What was their to take back? No one has told me WHAT race the sixth juror is. Is she Hispanic? Asian? Mixed Race? Point is, she isn't black.

So let's get this straight. A Mostly WHite or perhaps all White Jury acquits a white guy of shooting an UNARMED black child after the defense attorneys engage in race baiting and fear mongering.

And you really think that black folks, with the history they have in this country are going to say, "Well, yeah, totally. Justice was served."
If we don't convict an innocent man, there will be riots!!

Fucking racist assuming that blacks can't control themselves.

lord I can't wait until another of you twats call me a racist. mmmm the hypcrassy.

If I were black, I'd probably riot. Damn straight.

Do you think we'd be having this conversation for a moment if Zimmerman was black and Trayvon was white?
5 White jurors and a juror whose race is indeterminate.

I do love how you changed his name to "Jorge" to make him Hispanic, though. That's clever, I guess.

point is, the Defense got a mostly white Jury, and are engaging in major league race baiting and slandering a dead kid to get their guy off.

If they succeed, you are going to see some pretty angry people.

It's like you people learned not a fucking thing from the whole Rodney King experience.

See, this is what I get for being polite to liars.

I showed that you're a fucking liar, then even gave you a chance to take it back.

but you didn't


What was their to take back? No one has told me WHAT race the sixth juror is. Is she Hispanic? Asian? Mixed Race? Point is, she isn't black.

So let's get this straight. A Mostly WHite or perhaps all White Jury acquits a white guy of shooting an UNARMED black child after the defense attorneys engage in race baiting and fear mongering.

And you really think that black folks, with the history they have in this country are going to say, "Well, yeah, totally. Justice was served."

I don't think they will go to Taco Bell to celebrate.
If the juries today could be trusted, I'd have to say that GZ gets a not-guilty verdict. However, remembering the Casey Anthony and OJ Simpson trials, you can't trust a jury these days.
If the juries today could be trusted, I'd have to say that GZ gets a not-guilty verdict. However, remembering the Casey Anthony and OJ Simpson trials, you can't trust a jury these days.

in the anthony case i expected her to walk from watching the testimony

and closing arguments
There will be a civil trial by Martin's father against zimmerman. Remember OJ?

Against the law to file a civil suit in Florida if he is acquitted by lawful self-defense.


there would have to be an immunity hearing


776.085 Defense to civil action for damages; party convicted of forcible or attempted forcible felony.--

(1) It shall be a defense to any action for damages for personal injury or wrongful death, or for injury to property, that such action arose from injury sustained by a participant during the commission or attempted commission of a forcible felony. The defense authorized by this section shall be established by evidence that the participant has been convicted of such forcible felony or attempted forcible felony, or by proof of the commission of such crime or attempted crime by a preponderance of the evidence.
Against the law to file a civil suit in Florida if he is acquitted by lawful self-defense.


there would have to be an immunity hearing


776.085 Defense to civil action for damages; party convicted of forcible or attempted forcible felony.--

(1) It shall be a defense to any action for damages for personal injury or wrongful death, or for injury to property, that such action arose from injury sustained by a participant during the commission or attempted commission of a forcible felony. The defense authorized by this section shall be established by evidence that the participant has been convicted of such forcible felony or attempted forcible felony, or by proof of the commission of such crime or attempted crime by a preponderance of the evidence.

zimmermans defense reserved the right to an immunity hearing

he has never waived it

and it is still on the table

for future use

there would have to be an immunity hearing


776.085 Defense to civil action for damages; party convicted of forcible or attempted forcible felony.--

(1) It shall be a defense to any action for damages for personal injury or wrongful death, or for injury to property, that such action arose from injury sustained by a participant during the commission or attempted commission of a forcible felony. The defense authorized by this section shall be established by evidence that the participant has been convicted of such forcible felony or attempted forcible felony, or by proof of the commission of such crime or attempted crime by a preponderance of the evidence.

zimmermans defense reserved the right to an immunity hearing

he has never waived it

and it is still on the table

for future use

You should stay in your lane.

Zimmerman waives pre-trial immunity hearing

776.085 Defense to civil action for damages; party convicted of forcible or attempted forcible felony.--

(1) It shall be a defense to any action for damages for personal injury or wrongful death, or for injury to property, that such action arose from injury sustained by a participant during the commission or attempted commission of a forcible felony. The defense authorized by this section shall be established by evidence that the participant has been convicted of such forcible felony or attempted forcible felony, or by proof of the commission of such crime or attempted crime by a preponderance of the evidence.

zimmermans defense reserved the right to an immunity hearing

he has never waived it

and it is still on the table

for future use

You should stay in your lane.

Zimmerman waives pre-trial immunity hearing

maybe you should check your own lane

did you happen to notice

the words "pre trial "

he waived a pre trial motion

he reserved his right for a future time
zimmermans defense reserved the right to an immunity hearing

he has never waived it

and it is still on the table

for future use

You should stay in your lane.

Zimmerman waives pre-trial immunity hearing

maybe you should check your own lane

did you happen to notice

the words "pre trial "

he waived a pre trial motion

he reserved his right for a future time

You are correct.

What people ignore though, is that even if Zimmerman is not entitled to stand your ground immunity, he is still entitled to use self-defense.
zimmermans defense reserved the right to an immunity hearing

he has never waived it

and it is still on the table

for future use

You should stay in your lane.

Zimmerman waives pre-trial immunity hearing

maybe you should check your own lane

did you happen to notice

the words "pre trial "

he waived a pre trial motion

he reserved his right for a future time

Lane checked.

Zim is pleading lawful self-defense of a forcible felony not "Stand your Ground"

SYG is the only oppty for immunity.

maybe you should check your own lane

did you happen to notice

the words "pre trial "

he waived a pre trial motion

he reserved his right for a future time

You are correct.

What people ignore though, is that even if Zimmerman is not entitled to stand your ground immunity, he is still entitled to use self-defense.

And there is no self-defense immunity....it requires a trial.
Not Guilty. Then I would file a multi million dollar lawsuit for slander/wrongful imprisonment etc against the state of Florida and his county police.

It's likely the parents of TM will sue GZ (as did the families in OJ's matter) IF he is found NG, which I highly doubt.

Post Script: Reading above I see this point has been debated. If, as suggested above, FL law provides immunity in a civil matter when a defendant has been found NG, I would imagine a suit would be filed in Federal Court.
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