"punks....they always get away"

Outcome of the Zimmerman trial:

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"Fucking punks....these assholes always get away" said George Zimmerman about Trayvon Martin. Opening remarks by the prosecution! Outstanding! I love this guy!

And guess what, the defense attorneys did not object. Double ooops!

Talking about "case closed".......

So if he really said this, doesn't that sound to you like Martin got away from him? If that's the case, how did they end up in a struggle? Could that mean Martin CAME BACK to face Zimmerman? Could that mean that Martin started the fight? Why didn't he just keep running? Case is NOT closed......


That comment was uttered by GZ BEFORE he got out of his SUV to track TM down. The loser was lamenting all the "punks" who had gotten away in the past.

TM did not even know he was being watched as those words were said.....let alone chased.

Get it?

Gee....I hope it makes you feel like a big man when you start right off with name calling. Shows what a bright person you are. Get it?
Oh....and one more thing. Where does it say he said that BEFORE getting out of his SUV and following Martin. By this account, it happened MOMENTS before the struggle!

SANFORD, Florida (CNN) — A forensic audio expert who analyzed 911 recordings disagrees with speculation that George Zimmerman uttered a racial slur moments before shooting Trayvon Martin to death.

What the neighborhood watch volunteer whispered as he followed the teen leading up to the deadly confrontation could weigh into the decision about charges against Zimmerman
Expert: Zimmerman Whispered ?Punks? Before Shooting Trayvon Martin | FOX8.com

So would you try to throw out some more bullshit? Dummy!
Fox 8. com? :rofl: Thanks for the belly laugh Caroljo :thup: :anj_stfu:

Ok, I see nothing wrong with that link....here's a few more....

"Good morning. 'F*****g punks, these a******s all get away,'" Guy quoted Zimmerman. "These were the words in this grown man's mouth as he followed this boy that he didn't know. Those were his words, not mine."
Opening statements begin Zimmerman trial - CNN.com


Prosecutor John opened to the all-female jury, “‘Fu**ing punks. These a** holes they always get away.’ Those were the words in that grown man’s mouth as he followed in the dark a 17-year-old boy who he didn’t know. And excuse my language. but those were his words not mine. ‘Fu**ing punks. These a** holes they always get away.’”

how about find me a link that states George was still sitting in his SUV when he said that? That's the BS that Lonelaughter is trying to tell me. And he calls ME the dummy?
i do not know all the evidence

but from what i see

there is reasonable doubt

as to his guilt

I think he will be found guilty because to prove he was justified in using deadly force, he has to prove he was in a life threatening situation or was suffering great bodily harm. His injuries suggest nothing greater than what would be the result of a school yard fist fight.

he does not have to prove anything

the state has to beyond a reasonable doubt

present evidence of his guilt


Meet the Zimmerman Trial Jurors
Posted by Andrew Branca Sunday, June 23, 2013 at 6:00pm
In-depth profiles of the 6 jurors and 4 alternates, how they answered questions during voir dire, and what we know about them.

Meet the Zimmerman Trial Jurors

While in theory he does not have to prove anything and the prosecution bears the burden of proof, in reality that isn't necessarily what happens.
I think the poll results are interesting. This board has more conservative, pro-gun people than liberals, but the vote in the poll iis only 22 to 19 in favor of acquital. To me this means if you have a jury that isn't voting based on political leanings, pro- or anti-gun control, race, etc., but an unbiased jury, it's more likely he will be convicted.
Zimmerman planned to kill someone that night. That's why he took a loaded gun with him. He stalked a kid whose only crimes were walking while black, wearing a hoodie in the rain and carrying ice tea and Skittles. He told the dispatcher he was stalking the kid. Later, he told the police he had stalked the kid and he told them he had murdered him.

The kid had every right to "stand his ground" and to defend himself but, of course, Skittles is no defense against a gun.

Since it was premeditated and since he confessed to premeditated murder, he should get the death penalty.

As to those who say its a hate crime, that he's a racist or that the kid deserved it because there are photos of him flipping the bird and that he smoked grass - bullshit on all counts.

Zimmmerman should be tried and punished on the facts of the case, not whether he's a racist or the kid was less than perfect.
OK anyone that open carries a loaded gun is out to murder someone OK folks! Ya got that! :cuckoo:

Oh Gawd!!:gay:
Knowing what you know today, what do you believe will be the outcome of the trial.


Please only discussions pertaining to the poll in this thread.


There was an increase in burgleries in his area, so he followed a stranger to make sure he left the area.

that person attacked him

he responded by pulling his gun and shooting from the ground

Unless someone thinks a teen is badassed enough to jump a man holding a gun
Knowing what you know today, what do you believe will be the outcome of the trial.


Please only discussions pertaining to the poll in this thread.


There was an increase in burgleries in his area, so he followed a stranger to make sure he left the area.

that person attacked him

he responded by pulling his gun and shooting from the ground

Unless someone thinks a teen is badassed enough to jump a man holding a gun

If by some miracle, this all white jury ignores the facts and acquits this slug, Federal charges will follow.

I'm just hoping their aren't race riots between the two cases.
Knowing what you know today, what do you believe will be the outcome of the trial.


Please only discussions pertaining to the poll in this thread.


There was an increase in burgleries in his area, so he followed a stranger to make sure he left the area.

that person attacked him

he responded by pulling his gun and shooting from the ground

Unless someone thinks a teen is badassed enough to jump a man holding a gun

If by some miracle, this all white jury ignores the facts and acquits this slug, Federal charges will follow.

I'm just hoping their aren't race riots between the two cases.

There will be a civil trial by Martin's father against zimmerman. Remember OJ?

There was an increase in burgleries in his area, so he followed a stranger to make sure he left the area.

that person attacked him

he responded by pulling his gun and shooting from the ground

Unless someone thinks a teen is badassed enough to jump a man holding a gun

If by some miracle, this all white jury ignores the facts and acquits this slug, Federal charges will follow.

I'm just hoping their aren't race riots between the two cases.

There will be a civil trial by Martin's father against zimmerman. Remember OJ?

That would be fun. DeeDee BooBoo round 3. :woohoo:
Knowing what you know today, what do you believe will be the outcome of the trial.


Please only discussions pertaining to the poll in this thread.


There was an increase in burgleries in his area, so he followed a stranger to make sure he left the area.

that person attacked him

he responded by pulling his gun and shooting from the ground

Unless someone thinks a teen is badassed enough to jump a man holding a gun

If by some miracle, this all white jury ignores the facts and acquits this slug, Federal charges will follow.

I'm just hoping their aren't race riots between the two cases.

Do you have a link stateing that they are all white?

b/c I found the one about picking 6 women where 5 of them are white.

and as a reminder for the race baiting liars; Jorge Zimmerman is hispanic, so a all white jury won't help as you are indicating.

There was an increase in burgleries in his area, so he followed a stranger to make sure he left the area.

that person attacked him

he responded by pulling his gun and shooting from the ground

Unless someone thinks a teen is badassed enough to jump a man holding a gun

If by some miracle, this all white jury ignores the facts and acquits this slug, Federal charges will follow.

I'm just hoping their aren't race riots between the two cases.

There will be a civil trial by Martin's father against zimmerman. Remember OJ?

Unlike OJ, ZImmerman doesn't have anything. He's already going to be neck deep in hock when this trial is over with.

There was an increase in burgleries in his area, so he followed a stranger to make sure he left the area.

that person attacked him

he responded by pulling his gun and shooting from the ground

Unless someone thinks a teen is badassed enough to jump a man holding a gun

If by some miracle, this all white jury ignores the facts and acquits this slug, Federal charges will follow.

I'm just hoping their aren't race riots between the two cases.

Do you have a link stateing that they are all white?

b/c I found the one about picking 6 women where 5 of them are white.

and as a reminder for the race baiting liars; Jorge Zimmerman is hispanic, so a all white jury won't help as you are indicating.

5 White jurors and a juror whose race is indeterminate.

I do love how you changed his name to "Jorge" to make him Hispanic, though. That's clever, I guess.

point is, the Defense got a mostly white Jury, and are engaging in major league race baiting and slandering a dead kid to get their guy off.

If they succeed, you are going to see some pretty angry people.

It's like you people learned not a fucking thing from the whole Rodney King experience.

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