Pure Evil: deranged liberal shoots kills own family dog to make point about gun control


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
A Washington man with severe Trump Derangement Syndrome has been arrested for fatally shooting his wife and dog to apparently make a point to President Trump about gun control.
PURE EVIL: Deranged Liberal Shoots, Kills Own Family To Make Point About Gun Control

All those gun signs didn't stop this dumb ass
all the background checks and mental health checks won't make you dumb asses any safer losers. A person can lose it at any time.
When your mental nobody needs a psychiatrist phd to tell society this sob is mental nut just like the rest of the American anti-gun-hating morons they have this secret desire hiding in all of them. " Kill it" .
A Washington man with severe Trump Derangement Syndrome has been arrested for fatally shooting his wife and dog to apparently make a point to President Trump about gun control.
PURE EVIL: Deranged Liberal Shoots, Kills Own Family To Make Point About Gun Control

All those gun signs didn't stop this dumb ass
all the background checks and mental health checks won't make you dumb asses any safer losers. A person can lose it at any time.
When your mental nobody needs a psychiatrist phd to tell society this sob is mental nut just like the rest of the American anti-gun-hating morons they have this secret desire hiding in all of them. " Kill it" .
A person can lose it at any time.
Exactly. Thank you for the great example of my point. With everyone having a gun in their closet, the likelihood of some lunatic going over the edge and committing murder is TOO GREAT. "All the background checks and mental health checks" won't make you safe. There is no way to tell when someone purchases a gun what will happen in the future, when they might go off the deep end. So stop allowing guns in every closet.
A Washington man with severe Trump Derangement Syndrome has been arrested for fatally shooting his wife and dog to apparently make a point to President Trump about gun control.
PURE EVIL: Deranged Liberal Shoots, Kills Own Family To Make Point About Gun Control

All those gun signs didn't stop this dumb ass
all the background checks and mental health checks won't make you dumb asses any safer losers. A person can lose it at any time.
When your mental nobody needs a psychiatrist phd to tell society this sob is mental nut just like the rest of the American anti-gun-hating morons they have this secret desire hiding in all of them. " Kill it" .
A person can lose it at any time.
Exactly. Thank you for the great example of my point. With everyone having a gun in their closet, the likelihood of some lunatic going over the edge and committing murder is TOO GREAT. "All the background checks and mental health checks" won't make you safe. There is no way to tell when someone purchases a gun what will happen in the future, when they might go off the deep end. So stop allowing guns in every closet.

Most of the time, there are plenty of warning signs that we choose to ignore, because of stupid reasons.
A Washington man with severe Trump Derangement Syndrome has been arrested for fatally shooting his wife and dog to apparently make a point to President Trump about gun control.
PURE EVIL: Deranged Liberal Shoots, Kills Own Family To Make Point About Gun Control

All those gun signs didn't stop this dumb ass
all the background checks and mental health checks won't make you dumb asses any safer losers. A person can lose it at any time.
When your mental nobody needs a psychiatrist phd to tell society this sob is mental nut just like the rest of the American anti-gun-hating morons they have this secret desire hiding in all of them. " Kill it" .
A person can lose it at any time.
Exactly. Thank you for the great example of my point. With everyone having a gun in their closet, the likelihood of some lunatic going over the edge and committing murder is TOO GREAT. "All the background checks and mental health checks" won't make you safe. There is no way to tell when someone purchases a gun what will happen in the future, when they might go off the deep end. So stop allowing guns in every closet.

His TWEETS and the murders makes clear he is mentally ill.
So stop allowing guns in every closet.
Shall not be infringed- we can start there- then we can move to the right of the people- then we can move to by what authority are you presuming to use to tell others what they can have- tp presume is arrogance personified, to assume is ignorance, personified- to FORCE your will on others is immoral, by proxy its cowardly.
A Washington man with severe Trump Derangement Syndrome has been arrested for fatally shooting his wife and dog to apparently make a point to President Trump about gun control.
PURE EVIL: Deranged Liberal Shoots, Kills Own Family To Make Point About Gun Control

All those gun signs didn't stop this dumb ass
all the background checks and mental health checks won't make you dumb asses any safer losers. A person can lose it at any time.
When your mental nobody needs a psychiatrist phd to tell society this sob is mental nut just like the rest of the American anti-gun-hating morons they have this secret desire hiding in all of them. " Kill it" .
A person can lose it at any time.
Exactly. Thank you for the great example of my point. With everyone having a gun in their closet, the likelihood of some lunatic going over the edge and committing murder is TOO GREAT. "All the background checks and mental health checks" won't make you safe. There is no way to tell when someone purchases a gun what will happen in the future, when they might go off the deep end. So stop allowing guns in every closet.

Most of the time, there are plenty of warning signs that we choose to ignore, because of stupid reasons.
I know. When someone you know or work with or are related to suddenly starts acting strange, we want to look the other way and hope it goes away. Probably half the people in this country are still vehemently opposed to "counseling" or psychiatry as bullshit and mumbo jumbo. I know in my family that is a pretty popular view.

Imagine, though, being an outsider trying to decide if a voice on the internet, like a poster here who mouths off and says wild stuff, is serious. I would not want that job for all the tea in China. I do think, though, as we see the early indications of disturbance from what these murderers post online, there will be more sensitivity to it as time goes on.
Because liberals are INSANE.
The founders were Liberals- their detractors were conservative- the root of conservative is to keep- status quo is political speak for just that- what's crazy, though maybe not insane, is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results- Liberal, Conservative, Liberal, Conservative, etc for decade after decade after decade- SMH- voters are merely tools or enemies- to wit: words mean things- Liberals are what the founders were- their detractors were Conservatives- Liberals came from the age of enlightenment and revered Natural Rights- Conservatives wanted "a" King- they opposed the Natural Rights philosophy- especially when it came to, ALL men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights- Liberals of the day subscribed to it, Conservatives didn't- voters have been horn swaggled with bastardized definitions- and IF words mean nothing, why use them at all?
A Washington man with severe Trump Derangement Syndrome has been arrested for fatally shooting his wife and dog to apparently make a point to President Trump about gun control.
PURE EVIL: Deranged Liberal Shoots, Kills Own Family To Make Point About Gun Control

All those gun signs didn't stop this dumb ass
all the background checks and mental health checks won't make you dumb asses any safer losers. A person can lose it at any time.
When your mental nobody needs a psychiatrist phd to tell society this sob is mental nut just like the rest of the American anti-gun-hating morons they have this secret desire hiding in all of them. " Kill it" .
A person can lose it at any time.
Exactly. Thank you for the great example of my point. With everyone having a gun in their closet, the likelihood of some lunatic going over the edge and committing murder is TOO GREAT. "All the background checks and mental health checks" won't make you safe. There is no way to tell when someone purchases a gun what will happen in the future, when they might go off the deep end. So stop allowing guns in every closet.

Most of the time, there are plenty of warning signs that we choose to ignore, because of stupid reasons.
I know. When someone you know or work with or are related to suddenly starts acting strange, we want to look the other way and hope it goes away. Probably half the people in this country are still vehemently opposed to "counseling" or psychiatry as bullshit and mumbo jumbo. I know in my family that is a pretty popular view.

Imagine, though, being an outsider trying to decide if a voice on the internet, like a poster here who mouths off and says wild stuff, is serious. I would not want that job for all the tea in China. I do think, though, as we see the early indications of disturbance from what these murderers post online, there will be more sensitivity to it as time goes on.

The Fort Hood shooter, for one example, was obviously and regularly exhibiting treasonous thoughts AND behaviors, while serving active duty, and no one was comfortable saying anything about it.

That is a cultural problem. Reminds me of the way the rape ring was able to operate for years with the knowledge of local police and government in Rothingham.

We need to be willing to call out people who are acting bat shit crazy or dangerous.
This type of bologna is why we should not allow anti-gun folks to own guns. We all know folks out there who are anti-gun, or at least who refuse to defend gun rights who own guns. They’re hypocrites.

I’ve made it a cause of mine in recent years to do my best to get these people to sell or give away their guns to more pro-gun individuals and entities. This puts the guns in the hands of people who deserve to have them (via legal means) and taking them out of the hands of those who shouldn’t have them.
A Washington man with severe Trump Derangement Syndrome has been arrested for fatally shooting his wife and dog to apparently make a point to President Trump about gun control.
PURE EVIL: Deranged Liberal Shoots, Kills Own Family To Make Point About Gun Control

All those gun signs didn't stop this dumb ass
all the background checks and mental health checks won't make you dumb asses any safer losers. A person can lose it at any time.
When your mental nobody needs a psychiatrist phd to tell society this sob is mental nut just like the rest of the American anti-gun-hating morons they have this secret desire hiding in all of them. " Kill it" .
A person can lose it at any time.
Exactly. Thank you for the great example of my point. With everyone having a gun in their closet, the likelihood of some lunatic going over the edge and committing murder is TOO GREAT. "All the background checks and mental health checks" won't make you safe. There is no way to tell when someone purchases a gun what will happen in the future, when they might go off the deep end. So stop allowing guns in every closet.

Millions of gun owners dont go bonkers and start killing people.

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