Puss President Blames Bush.. Still

there are 58 dems, two independents who virtually always vote dem, and only 40 republicans....

sheesh, even with this super majority, the dems still make excuses

Then, there's Olympia Snowe [R].


Snowe’s vote for the bill, could cost her dearly. It could prevent her from replacing retiring Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson as the ranking Republican on the Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee.

Senator Snowe is next in line for the post but her breaking from the ranks on healthcare reform, risks her moving into that position as fellow Republicans deny her enough of their votes to get the job. [My comment: They've already trashed her.]

Snowe could change her mind and oppose the bill in the full senate when the final bill is posted. According to Snowe, she will vote it out of committee because she wants the process to continue but she will await a final decision after the final figures from the Congressional Budget Office come out.

Blanche Lincoln & Olympia Snowe Will Support The Baucus Healthcare Bill in Committee « Politics 24/7
I don't think they even have 58. I count 50, max, maybe even less. The midterms are less than a year away, and those Dems up for reelection (19) won't vote for a health care bill unless they live in an extremely depressed region. Well, except the for-sures like Harry Reid.


To clarify for everyone but Her Majesty ^, there are enough Blue Dog Democrats who will vote NO, which would bring the total vote way below 58 and more like 40.

The number of Blue Dogs leaning toward or committed to “no” votes could be in the 30s, according to members, although Blue Dog leaders stress that they’ve done no whip count. But perhaps just as many have strong preferences for the healthcare bill approved by the Senate Finance Committee.

This weekend's vote presents a defining moment for Blue Dog Democrats - TheHill.com

GOD FORGIVE ME!!! I made a fucking typo. Now Stupid Moto will haunt me forever, since she has never made a mistake in her entire fucking life.
Typo, my ass.


To clarify for everyone but Her Majesty ^, there are enough Blue Dog Democrats who will vote NO, which would bring the total vote way below 58 and more like 40.

The number of Blue Dogs leaning toward or committed to “no” votes could be in the 30s, according to members, although Blue Dog leaders stress that they’ve done no whip count. But perhaps just as many have strong preferences for the healthcare bill approved by the Senate Finance Committee.

This weekend's vote presents a defining moment for Blue Dog Democrats - TheHill.com

GOD FORGIVE ME!!! I made a fucking typo. Now Stupid Moto will haunt me forever, since she has never made a mistake in her entire fucking life.
Typo, my ass.


Aww, do I piss you off bitch? GFY. Back on ignore. I'll bet you can clear a room real fast, too.
To clarify for everyone but Her Majesty ^, there are enough Blue Dog Democrats who will vote NO, which would bring the total vote way below 58 and more like 40.

The number of Blue Dogs leaning toward or committed to “no” votes could be in the 30s, according to members, although Blue Dog leaders stress that they’ve done no whip count. But perhaps just as many have strong preferences for the healthcare bill approved by the Senate Finance Committee.

This weekend's vote presents a defining moment for Blue Dog Democrats - TheHill.com

GOD FORGIVE ME!!! I made a fucking typo. Now Stupid Moto will haunt me forever, since she has never made a mistake in her entire fucking life.
Typo, my ass.


Aww, do I piss you off bitch? GFY. Back on ignore. I'll bet you can clear a room real fast, too.
Excellent news!

Let's see if you can actually keep your word this time. Your posts are so filled with lies and you have yet to REALLY ignore me, so let's see if you can get it this time.
This Thread obviously belongs in the flame zone.

The OP makes no validated points, but instead simply insults the president.
Snowe’s vote for the bill, could cost her dearly. It could prevent her from replacing retiring Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson as the ranking Republican on the Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee.

Senator Snowe is next in line for the post but her breaking from the ranks on healthcare reform, risks her moving into that position as fellow Republicans deny her enough of their votes to get the job. [My comment: They've already trashed her.]

Snowe could change her mind and oppose the bill in the full senate when the final bill is posted. According to Snowe, she will vote it out of committee because she wants the process to continue but she will await a final decision after the final figures from the Congressional Budget Office come out.

Blanche Lincoln & Olympia Snowe Will Support The Baucus Healthcare Bill in Committee « Politics 24/7

Sweet, then maybe she'll leave the Republican party and join the Democrats.

Democrats have a big tent, I'm sure they'd love to have her.
This Thread obviously belongs in the flame zone.

The OP makes no validated points, but instead simply insults the president.

inane, is that the word your looking for...

If you read through the thread you'll find varied discussion on varied issues, far from the original post.

I just offered up an opinion from my perspective, originally you may be correct.
inane, is that the word your looking for...

If you read through the thread you'll find varied discussion on varied issues, far from the original post.

I just offered up an opinion from my perspective, originally you may be correct.

True, the thread did move to other issues, but the thread classification is generally reached by the OP, at least that's how it's appeared to be in the past.

But hey, I could be wrong, I'm not a moderator.
This Thread obviously belongs in the flame zone.

The OP makes no validated points, but instead simply insults the president.

inane, is that the word your looking for...

If you read through the thread you'll find varied discussion on varied issues, far from the original post.

I just offered up an opinion from my perspective, originally you may be correct.

I thought this was a good discussion too.
inane, is that the word your looking for...

If you read through the thread you'll find varied discussion on varied issues, far from the original post.

I just offered up an opinion from my perspective, originally you may be correct.

True, the thread did move to other issues, but the thread classification is generally reached by the OP, at least that's how it's appeared to be in the past.

But hey, I could be wrong, I'm not a moderator.

If it helps you out (jr. mod)... I usually end up in Humor, Flame or.. Lame..now that hurts...:lol:
Snowe’s vote for the bill, could cost her dearly. It could prevent her from replacing retiring Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson as the ranking Republican on the Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee.

Senator Snowe is next in line for the post but her breaking from the ranks on healthcare reform, risks her moving into that position as fellow Republicans deny her enough of their votes to get the job. [My comment: They've already trashed her.]

Snowe could change her mind and oppose the bill in the full senate when the final bill is posted. According to Snowe, she will vote it out of committee because she wants the process to continue but she will await a final decision after the final figures from the Congressional Budget Office come out.

Blanche Lincoln & Olympia Snowe Will Support The Baucus Healthcare Bill in Committee « Politics 24/7

Sweet, then maybe she'll leave the Republican party and join the Democrats.

Democrats have a big tent, I'm sure they'd love to have her.

Yaaa...as long as you fall right in with the party line.
Can you tell me when was the last time a President pointed a finger at the last administration? And can you tell me how the hell you create any type of permanent jobs by throwing money into temporary jobs? Maybe you can tell me how the hell we are going to pay for any of this Drunken Sailor Spending? Maybe you can even tell us what policies Bush put into place that caused the recession......

Didn't think so.

That being said, Bush was far from Conservative.

The last time or the last president to do so? The last president to do so before obama would be bush when he constantly claimed that he inherited a recession.

As for the temp jobs even bush created jobs by "throwing money at temp jobs"

As for the drunken sailor spending you righties didn't seem to mind when you were douing the drinking and the spending so why so concerned now?? Oh that's right back then a republican was in charge but now that a dem is in charge it's ok to hold the dem to a different standard. LOL

You forgot the last line of my post. I have always been concerned about uncontrolled spending.

Uh and your last line has nothing to do with or in any what shape or form counters the FACT that YOU asked "Can you tell me when was the last time a President pointed a finger at the last administration?" and I answered your question and the FACT is that it was W who was last president pointing a finger at the last administration. You asked a question and you got an answer. Just because you don't like the answer, it doesn't make it so.

However, since you tried to take it that way what policies did obama put into place that took us into iraq and afghanistan which are two HUGE factors weighing down on the US economy?? The right isn't interested in the facts. All they wish to do when a dem is in charge is claim "it's his watch it's his fault" no matter when or where it began even as they spew out the other side of their faces that W isn't to blame despite the fact that it happned on his watch.
You try to pretend to be smart as you spin oh so desperately to make excuses for W and all you do is once again expose your hypocrisy as you refuse to apply the same standard to obama.
What is it with this whinny puss President we're stuck with. He can hardly make a speech without blaming Bush.

Where's the great change oh wonder god, whoops I forgot, that's right... it's Bush's fault.

He still can't step up to the plate and take responsibility, he would rather whine.

HUGE.. HUGE.. mistake for America....:(

You can't screw up as bad as Dubya and simply walk away from that.
There is no American at fault for the attacks of 9-11-01.

LOL that's not what the right said when they tried to blame clinton for every terrorist attack or event that happened during, before, or after his presidency. For years the right blamed clinton for ruby ridge when the event took place BEFORE he was even president. Then they blamed clinton for every attack/event that occured on his watch and even tried to blame clinton for 9/11 despite the fact that it happened on W's watch.

Furthermore, as recent as a last week many on the right were trying to blame obama for hasan as they tried to claim it was a terrorist attack so they could argue that obama hasn't kept us safe.

Which reminds me of another hypocrisy of the right when they argued that attacks on our embassies counted as US soil therefore clinton didn't keep the US safe and yet when our embassies were attacked on W's watch the right refused to apply that same standard to W as they tried to claim he kept us safe by fighting them over there so we could be safe over here.

2 dozen people on a forum is not the "right", and niether am I at times. I have never blamed any American for the attacks and never will, unless you know something I don't.....

LOL and yet almost everytime I heard a righty speaking about 9/11 and blame they almost always seems to try to blame clinton despite the fact that it happened on W's watch. That whole "it happened on his watch" argument used to be their standard for everything from ruby ridge (which actually happened on HW's watch) to the bombing of the US cole. However, that standard all but disappeared on W's watch and has only recently resurfaced as the hypocritical right once again tries to excuse a republican as they blame the next guy for the fall out caused by the republican.

Do simple search for clinton to blame for 9/11 (or something similar) and you will find far more than 2 dozen people on a forum.
One word - cloture. The Dems have all the power to use it. If they can't get their act together to use it, then they can blame themselves as they have the power.

Actually si that is NOT true. The dems onlty have 58 votes. There are two independents that have to vote with the dems in order to bring about cloture. However, nice spin attempt on your part.
Idiot. Read the thread. The two independents formally caucus with the Dems. Moron.

One would think that before they open their mouth (or hit their keyboard) they would have even the basics down.

Not the morons, though.


LOL says the moron that can't count to 60.
How many are registered as DEMOCRATS?? FIFTY-EIGHT
How many are registered as independents?? TWO

The mere fact that the TWO independents choose to caucus with the dems doesn't make those two independents magically become democrats. They are still registered as independents and therefore as a party the democrats only have FIFTY-EIGHT votes and cannot bring about cloture on their own.

Face it, you were WRONG. Attacking me won't change that fact.
there are 58 dems, two independents who virtually always vote dem, and only 40 republicans....

sheesh, even with this super majority, the dems still make excuses

LOL I just love how you qualify that statement with the term "virtually" meaning that the independents don't always vote with the dems. That alone counteres your spin.
However, none of that changes the FACT that a vote of 60 is required to bring about cloture and the dems as a party only have 58 and have to rely on another partry for the last two. They cannot do it on their own.

Your belief runs contrary to the facts and the numbers. When are righties going to learn that just because they believe something, it doesn't make it true?
Notice how the troll drsmith pops up like a prairie dog...throws a few bombs and then runs away....too funny.

LOL run away?? I only post during free time at work and due to my class schedule I only work about 19 hours a week which leaves very little time for this board.

Besides, wasn't running away your speciality on the msnbc boards after you would troll into a thread, just like you did here, and then cut and run after being called out for being a troll and not providing anything to the thread as you chime in only to attack a poster?
Notice how the troll drsmith pops up like a prairie dog...throws a few bombs and then runs away....too funny.
Yup. Get this: In , my first encounter with that moron, he tried to claim that I never provide supporting information for my claims and I always tell folks to look it up themselves. I told him to prove that allegation. He spent a good amount of time (searching, I guess), but he came back with a post of mine where I told someone to look up a word's definition. I kid you not. LMAO.

For the most part, I just laugh at him. But, it's hysterical when he posts something that is already answered in the thread. He doesn't (or can't) read.

Actually if you could remember correctly I called you out for hypocrtically demanding proof from others when you have refused to offer it yourself and have told others to look it up because you aren't going to do their work for them.

Which is about the standard response from righties on this board. So, it's no surprise that you would be dishonest about it.

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