Put a fork in him....


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
Hating Hatters
Mr. Cain needs to address these new allegations head on. Unlike anonymous allegations, Miss Bialek appeared credible, and I was very disturbed by her characterization of what happened. Whoever Republican primary voters choose as their nominee should be a man or woman of good moral character. We said when Bill Clinton was president that character counts, and we still believe that."

Concerned Women for America - Statement of Penny Nance Regarding Sharon Bialek and Herman Cain

This is a totally rightwing group.
Mr. Cain needs to address these new allegations head on. Unlike anonymous allegations, Miss Bialek appeared credible, and I was very disturbed by her characterization of what happened. Whoever Republican primary voters choose as their nominee should be a man or woman of good moral character. We said when Bill Clinton was president that character counts, and we still believe that."

Concerned Women for America - Statement of Penny Nance Regarding Sharon Bialek and Herman Cain

This is a totally rightwing group.

well, they "were" a totally rightwing group......

now they will be smeared by republicans along with any other women who stands up against sexual harrassment........
Mr. Cain needs to address these new allegations head on. Unlike anonymous allegations, Miss Bialek appeared credible, and I was very disturbed by her characterization of what happened. Whoever Republican primary voters choose as their nominee should be a man or woman of good moral character. We said when Bill Clinton was president that character counts, and we still believe that."

Concerned Women for America - Statement of Penny Nance Regarding Sharon Bialek and Herman Cain

This is a totally rightwing group.

well, they "were" a totally rightwing group......

now they will be smeared by republicans along with any other women who stands up against sexual harrassment........

The republicans have jumped the shark. Obama will win by 400 electrol votes if they're stupid enough to run Cain. I will also hold my nose and vote Obama if they run this savage named Cain. :evil:
the fools who keep pretending that he is still a decent candidate are delousional
He looked decent for a con at first.

Then he kept making factual gaffs and NOW this mess.

They are really fighting losing their "get out of racism free" card.

I know they love to think of everything as a game.
the fools who keep pretending that he is still a decent candidate are delousional

He was never a descent candidate

Now we know he is not morally descent either

So let's see.... candidate Cain, anonymous allegations of sexual harassment that were either dismissed or settled and one not so anonymous allegation, morally indecent. The PRESIDENT, copping blow jobs and shoving cigars in the twat of a staffer and then blasting a load all over her dress, in the oval office, then lying about it under oath in a civil trial over alleged sexual harassment, along with rape allegations... morally decent. Ok, I get it.
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This babe made allegations, period. No proof, no witness(es), no nothing.

Cain denied. No proof, no witness(es), no nothing.

Yet to complete partisan dumbasses like truthmatters and others, Cain is lying and she's telling the truth.

Hard to believe but I guess that's how delusional minds work.
This babe made allegations, period. No proof, no witness(es), no nothing.

Cain denied. No proof, no witness(es), no nothing.

Yet to complete partisan dumbasses like truthmatters and others, Cain is lying and she's telling the truth.

Hard to believe but I guess that's how delusional minds work.

They're scared shitlss of Cain because he, like pretty much any other candidate, will trounce Obama.
Mr. Cain needs to address these new allegations head on. Unlike anonymous allegations, Miss Bialek appeared credible, and I was very disturbed by her characterization of what happened. Whoever Republican primary voters choose as their nominee should be a man or woman of good moral character. We said when Bill Clinton was president that character counts, and we still believe that."

Concerned Women for America - Statement of Penny Nance Regarding Sharon Bialek and Herman Cain

This is a totally rightwing group.

He's got my vote. Theres a difference between being accused and being guilty. Sexual harassment is a very hard thing to prove innocent on, which is why the left used it as a tool to smear Cain with. Like I said, unless there is credible evidence other than people saying he did it, the man will continue to get my vote, and most other conservatives also. I just cant wait for these leftist to get exposed on it, it's going to be funny.
Mr. Cain needs to address these new allegations head on. Unlike anonymous allegations, Miss Bialek appeared credible, and I was very disturbed by her characterization of what happened. Whoever Republican primary voters choose as their nominee should be a man or woman of good moral character. We said when Bill Clinton was president that character counts, and we still believe that."

Concerned Women for America - Statement of Penny Nance Regarding Sharon Bialek and Herman Cain

This is a totally rightwing group.

well, they "were" a totally rightwing group......

now they will be smeared by republicans along with any other women who stands up against sexual harrassment........
I guess you were right. That idiot grunt is calling them leftists.

Drop OUT CAIN!!! DROP OUT NOW. If you gave a single fucking damn about your party beating Obama in 2012. You'd drop out and get out of view.

what, and miss out on "operation chaos II" where dems register as republicans to vote for cain.........
Its not quite the same as Mr Clinton's escapade, where the answer to the simple question of "Did you take your male appendage out of its container and let a woman, other than your lawful, legally wedded spouse, fondle and play with it?" was quite simple, "here's some stains we can test".
Its going to be "He said! She said!' until the media tire of it which won't be soon. Because Mr Obama was alleged to be a member of a Chicago area gay men's club, which to the Media made him one of them, they don't intend to let Mr Obama down and will defend him to their last bit of devotion.
Is there any wonder the media gave Mr Obama such slavish loyalty during the 2008 election. He was one of them. No wonder the LeftMedia all behaved as if they were on an intravenous Viagra drip, 24/7/365. Chris Matthews, what where you doing with your hand in your pocket while feeling those tingles down your legs. You Devil, you. Boys, I guess will be boys!
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Its not quite the same as Mr Clinton's escapade, where the answer to the simple question of "Did you take your male appendage out of its container and let a woman, other than your lawful, legally wedded spouse, fondle and play with it?" was quite simple, "here's some stains we can test".
Its going to be "He said! She said!' until the media tire of it which won't be soon. Because Mr Obama was alleged to be a member of a Chicago area gay men's club, which to the Media made him one of us, they don't intend to let Mr Obama down and will defend him to their last bit of devotion.
Is there any wonder the media gave Mr Obama such slavish loyalty during the 2008 election. He was one of them. No wonder the LeftMedia all behaved as if they were on an intravenous Viagra drip, 24/7/365. Chris Matthews, what where you doing with your hand in your pocket while feeling those tingles down your legs. You Devil, you. Boys, I guess will be boys!

you do realize that the whole lewinsky thing arose out of the paula jones case which was a matter of "he said, she said" and 90 million dollars later all they got was some guy lying about whether he got a couple blowjobs from a chick behind his wives back......

i wonder what would find out about cain if the federal governemnt spent 90 million dollars investigating each minute of his life........

so yeah, the initial accusation of brodderick and jones were exactly like cains, except that clinton did not agree to pay them to keep their mouths shut in the beginning.......
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He addressed the allegations head on.

He denied the lying bimbo's claims. Thats about as direct as one can get.


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