Put Me On The Jury!

WTF was that race-soldier doing at a protest running around w/a long-gun OP?

I hope they hang his ass.
I never want to see a Civil War in America.

But we've all seen what the Democrats have engineered, the mobs of looters, arsonists, thugs, anarko-communists they've encouraged and unleashed on our streets.

Then they tied the hands of the police.

And the Democrat DAs, judges, prosecutors released any of the savages that were arrested.

And we saw the St. Louis DA actually charge the citizens attempting to defend their property when police wouldn't show up.

And it has come to this:

Teenage Suspect In Kenosha Shootings Charged With 1st Degree Murder,

The Democrats eliminate law and order, except against the law-abiding citizens.

How much of the depredations by the party of felons, of evil, of death, must America take?

You would be disqualified from the jury because you aren't allowed to cut and paste in the court room.

It upsets you that I can prove, document, provide quotes that prove everything I post?


Doesn't bother me one bit. It would just be convenient if you didn't create posts that take 10 minutes to scroll past that included way more cut and paste information than would qualify as copyright infringement. Just because you add a link after it doesn't change that.
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WTF was that race-soldier doing at a protest running around w/a long-gun OP?

I hope they hang his ass.

And what would you have done in his position?

Keep in mind I'm not speaking from a leftward position...

I would have stayed home, in the town where I lived, thirty miles away, in Illinois.

And when it came to your property that the Democrat shock troops had in their sights?

The 17 year old has property in Kenosha?

One needs a passport to travel in Democrat America???

Just saying, he wasn’t protecting his property.

And he was out after curfew.

And he was carrying a firearm despite being a minor.

It’s a damn tragedy that no one talked some sense into this kid before he inserted himself into the picture.

"It’s a damn tragedy that no one talked some sense into..." ...Democrat voters.

Don’t change the subject.

What parent gives their kid a rifle and lets them go out into the streets on a night like that?


The subject is the riots engendered by the Left, and the looters, arsonists, thugs, anarchists empowered by the Democrats.

The subject is vigilante justice by kids.
WTF was that race-soldier doing at a protest running around w/a long-gun OP?

I hope they hang his ass.

And what would you have done in his position?

Keep in mind I'm not speaking from a leftward position...

I would have stayed home, in the town where I lived, thirty miles away, in Illinois.

And when it came to your property that the Democrat shock troops had in their sights?

The 17 year old has property in Kenosha?

One needs a passport to travel in Democrat America???

Just saying, he wasn’t protecting his property.

And he was out after curfew.

And he was carrying a firearm despite being a minor.

It’s a damn tragedy that no one talked some sense into this kid before he inserted himself into the picture.

"It’s a damn tragedy that no one talked some sense into..." ...Democrat voters.

Don’t change the subject.

What parent gives their kid a rifle and lets them go out into the streets on a night like that?


The subject is the riots engendered by the Left, and the looters, arsonists, thugs, anarchists empowered by the Democrats.

The subject is vigilante justice by kids.

The subject is no justice, no law and order, instigated by the Democrat Party.
WTF was that race-soldier doing at a protest running around w/a long-gun OP?

I hope they hang his ass.

And what would you have done in his position?

Keep in mind I'm not speaking from a leftward position...

I would have stayed home, in the town where I lived, thirty miles away, in Illinois.

And when it came to your property that the Democrat shock troops had in their sights?

The 17 year old has property in Kenosha?

One needs a passport to travel in Democrat America???

Just saying, he wasn’t protecting his property.

And he was out after curfew.

And he was carrying a firearm despite being a minor.

It’s a damn tragedy that no one talked some sense into this kid before he inserted himself into the picture.
It would be even better if democrats talked some sense into THEIR kids. Democrat children are the most violent children by far in the US.
WTF was that race-soldier doing at a protest running around w/a long-gun OP?

I hope they hang his ass.

And what would you have done in his position?

Keep in mind I'm not speaking from a leftward position...

I would have stayed home, in the town where I lived, thirty miles away, in Illinois.

And when it came to your property that the Democrat shock troops had in their sights?

The 17 year old has property in Kenosha?

One needs a passport to travel in Democrat America???

Just saying, he wasn’t protecting his property.

And he was out after curfew.

And he was carrying a firearm despite being a minor.

It’s a damn tragedy that no one talked some sense into this kid before he inserted himself into the picture.

"It’s a damn tragedy that no one talked some sense into..." ...Democrat voters.

Don’t change the subject.

What parent gives their kid a rifle and lets them go out into the streets on a night like that?


The subject is the riots engendered by the Left, and the looters, arsonists, thugs, anarchists empowered by the Democrats.

The subject is vigilante justice by kids.

The subject is no justice, no law and order, instigated by the Democrat Party.
Not according to your thread title.
WTF was that race-soldier doing at a protest running around w/a long-gun OP?

I hope they hang his ass.

And what would you have done in his position?

Keep in mind I'm not speaking from a leftward position...

I would have stayed home, in the town where I lived, thirty miles away, in Illinois.

And when it came to your property that the Democrat shock troops had in their sights?

The 17 year old has property in Kenosha?

One needs a passport to travel in Democrat America???

Just saying, he wasn’t protecting his property.

And he was out after curfew.

And he was carrying a firearm despite being a minor.

It’s a damn tragedy that no one talked some sense into this kid before he inserted himself into the picture.

"It’s a damn tragedy that no one talked some sense into..." ...Democrat voters.

Don’t change the subject.

What parent gives their kid a rifle and lets them go out into the streets on a night like that?


The subject is the riots engendered by the Left, and the looters, arsonists, thugs, anarchists empowered by the Democrats.

The subject is vigilante justice by kids.

The subject is no justice, no law and order, instigated by the Democrat Party.
Not according to your thread title.

You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber.
WTF was that race-soldier doing at a protest running around w/a long-gun OP?

I hope they hang his ass.

And what would you have done in his position?

Keep in mind I'm not speaking from a leftward position...

I would have stayed home, in the town where I lived, thirty miles away, in Illinois.

And when it came to your property that the Democrat shock troops had in their sights?

The 17 year old has property in Kenosha?

One needs a passport to travel in Democrat America???

Just saying, he wasn’t protecting his property.

And he was out after curfew.

And he was carrying a firearm despite being a minor.

It’s a damn tragedy that no one talked some sense into this kid before he inserted himself into the picture.

"It’s a damn tragedy that no one talked some sense into..." ...Democrat voters.

Don’t change the subject.

What parent gives their kid a rifle and lets them go out into the streets on a night like that?


The subject is the riots engendered by the Left, and the looters, arsonists, thugs, anarchists empowered by the Democrats.

The subject is vigilante justice by kids.

The subject is no justice, no law and order, instigated by the Democrat Party.
Not according to your thread title.

You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber.
WTF was that race-soldier doing at a protest running around w/a long-gun OP?

I hope they hang his ass.

And what would you have done in his position?

Keep in mind I'm not speaking from a leftward position...

I would have stayed home, in the town where I lived, thirty miles away, in Illinois.

And when it came to your property that the Democrat shock troops had in their sights?

The 17 year old has property in Kenosha?

One needs a passport to travel in Democrat America???

Just saying, he wasn’t protecting his property.

And he was out after curfew.

And he was carrying a firearm despite being a minor.

It’s a damn tragedy that no one talked some sense into this kid before he inserted himself into the picture.

"It’s a damn tragedy that no one talked some sense into..." ...Democrat voters.

Don’t change the subject.

What parent gives their kid a rifle and lets them go out into the streets on a night like that?


The subject is the riots engendered by the Left, and the looters, arsonists, thugs, anarchists empowered by the Democrats.
The subject should be the murdering cops who face no penalty Amazing republicans despise all unions EXCEPT the police union
WTF was that race-soldier doing at a protest running around w/a long-gun OP?

I hope they hang his ass.

And what would you have done in his position?

Keep in mind I'm not speaking from a leftward position...

I would have stayed home, in the town where I lived, thirty miles away, in Illinois.

And when it came to your property that the Democrat shock troops had in their sights?

The 17 year old has property in Kenosha?

One needs a passport to travel in Democrat America???

Just saying, he wasn’t protecting his property.

And he was out after curfew.

And he was carrying a firearm despite being a minor.

It’s a damn tragedy that no one talked some sense into this kid before he inserted himself into the picture.

"It’s a damn tragedy that no one talked some sense into..." ...Democrat voters.

Don’t change the subject.

What parent gives their kid a rifle and lets them go out into the streets on a night like that?


The subject is the riots engendered by the Left, and the looters, arsonists, thugs, anarchists empowered by the Democrats.
The subject should be the murdering cops who face no penalty Amazing republicans despise all unions EXCEPT the police union

Can you name some "murdering cops who face no penalty"???

Even if you can't, you still get the gold star from the DNC.
WTF was that race-soldier doing at a protest running around w/a long-gun OP?

I hope they hang his ass.

And what would you have done in his position?

Keep in mind I'm not speaking from a leftward position...

I would have stayed home, in the town where I lived, thirty miles away, in Illinois.

And when it came to your property that the Democrat shock troops had in their sights?

The 17 year old has property in Kenosha?

Yep...he has a country. The kid is being seen as a hero to many...................

A bellweather/a sign for what America is really thinking---------------that the dem rioters are animals that need to be shot.

Talk about getting WOKE...

Say bye bye to the affirmative action/community organizing nonsense-----America now sees it for what it has always been.
A bellweather/a sign for what America is really thinking---------------that the dem rioters are animals that need to be shot.
Violence begets violence. This is only getting worse.
Yes Colfax---but not the way you think. Middle america---military personnel/cops and their supporters are loading up on weapons---- are tired of being victimized by the thugs in blm and anti-fa----the thugs have been allowed and even helped in their endeavors to harm america by dem and swamp pols-----the dems push for chaos is going to happen and lead to a civil war---I was hoping that america could hold out till after the election as I think this is a ploy to throw the elections into chaos to get pelosi in but I don't think america is going to wait much longer before killing the vermin to take back the country.

Criminal, communist, thuggish, looters, extorters, rioters lives don't matter....
A bellweather/a sign for what America is really thinking---------------that the dem rioters are animals that need to be shot.
Violence begets violence. This is only getting worse.
Yes Colfax---but not the way you think. Middle america---military personnel/cops and their supporters are loading up on weapons---- are tired of being victimized by the thugs in blm and anti-fa----the thugs have been allowed and even helped in their endeavors to harm america by dem and swamp pols-----the dems push for chaos is going to happen and lead to a civil war---I was hoping that america could hold out till after the election as I think this is a ploy to throw the elections into chaos to get pelosi in but I don't think america is going to wait much longer before killing the vermin to take back the country.

Criminal, communist, thuggish, looters, extorters, rioters lives don't matter....
Ah, so violence and oppression is the path to peace and prosperity.

I don’t think that’s going to be the cure you wish.
WTF was that race-soldier doing at a protest running around w/a long-gun OP?

I hope they hang his ass.

And what would you have done in his position?

Keep in mind I'm not speaking from a leftward position...

I would have stayed home, in the town where I lived, thirty miles away, in Illinois.

And when it came to your property that the Democrat shock troops had in their sights?

The 17 year old has property in Kenosha?

One needs a passport to travel in Democrat America???

Just saying, he wasn’t protecting his property.

And he was out after curfew.

And he was carrying a firearm despite being a minor.

It’s a damn tragedy that no one talked some sense into this kid before he inserted himself into the picture.

"It’s a damn tragedy that no one talked some sense into..." ...Democrat voters.

Don’t change the subject.

What parent gives their kid a rifle and lets them go out into the streets on a night like that?


The subject is the riots engendered by the Left, and the looters, arsonists, thugs, anarchists empowered by the Democrats.
The subject should be the murdering cops who face no penalty Amazing republicans despise all unions EXCEPT the police union

Can you name some "murdering cops who face no penalty"???

Even if you can't, you still get the gold star from the DNC.
Very curious request even coming from you but any cop killing an unarmed man be he white or black deserves the highest penalty allowed and shooting some one in the back with his 3 children in the car I think deserves the gas chamber The cops who just strangle one to death should get the chair They are murderers
WTF was that race-soldier doing at a protest running around w/a long-gun OP?

I hope they hang his ass.

And what would you have done in his position?

Keep in mind I'm not speaking from a leftward position...

I would have stayed home, in the town where I lived, thirty miles away, in Illinois.

And when it came to your property that the Democrat shock troops had in their sights?

The 17 year old has property in Kenosha?

One needs a passport to travel in Democrat America???

Just saying, he wasn’t protecting his property.

And he was out after curfew.

And he was carrying a firearm despite being a minor.

It’s a damn tragedy that no one talked some sense into this kid before he inserted himself into the picture.

"It’s a damn tragedy that no one talked some sense into..." ...Democrat voters.

Don’t change the subject.

What parent gives their kid a rifle and lets them go out into the streets on a night like that?


The subject is the riots engendered by the Left, and the looters, arsonists, thugs, anarchists empowered by the Democrats.
The subject should be the murdering cops who face no penalty Amazing republicans despise all unions EXCEPT the police union

Can you name some "murdering cops who face no penalty"???

Even if you can't, you still get the gold star from the DNC.
Very curious request even coming from you but any cop killing an unarmed man be he white or black deserves the highest penalty allowed and shooting some one in the back with his 3 children in the car I think deserves the gas chamber The cops who just strangle one to death should get the chair They are murderers

So you really can't name some "murdering cops who face no penalty"???

You just said that to maintain your membership-in-good-standing in the radical, anarko-communist mob?

Seriously, weren't you surprised that, after the doctors made the intermastoid incision, and removed your brain- you were still able to post on the board?
A bellweather/a sign for what America is really thinking---------------that the dem rioters are animals that need to be shot.
Violence begets violence. This is only getting worse.
Yes Colfax---but not the way you think. Middle america---military personnel/cops and their supporters are loading up on weapons---- are tired of being victimized by the thugs in blm and anti-fa----the thugs have been allowed and even helped in their endeavors to harm america by dem and swamp pols-----the dems push for chaos is going to happen and lead to a civil war---I was hoping that america could hold out till after the election as I think this is a ploy to throw the elections into chaos to get pelosi in but I don't think america is going to wait much longer before killing the vermin to take back the country.

Criminal, communist, thuggish, looters, extorters, rioters lives don't matter....
Ah, so violence and oppression is the path to peace and prosperity.

I don’t think that’s going to be the cure you wish.
Walk softly and carry a big stick----------

Peace is costly in blood and never comes about by being peaceful......

And even once obtained, must constantly be fought for to be kept.


History repeats itself repeatedly-----

We are now forced to defend our peace--------

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