Put Me On The Jury!

I never want to see a Civil War in America.

But we've all seen what the Democrats have engineered, the mobs of looters, arsonists, thugs, anarko-communists they've encouraged and unleashed on our streets.

Then they tied the hands of the police.

And the Democrat DAs, judges, prosecutors released any of the savages that were arrested.

And we saw the St. Louis DA actually charge the citizens attempting to defend their property when police wouldn't show up.

And it has come to this:

Teenage Suspect In Kenosha Shootings Charged With 1st Degree Murder,

The Democrats eliminate law and order, except against the law-abiding citizens.

How much of the depredations by the party of felons, of evil, of death, must America take?
Why was that guy running down the street with a long gun? He was obviously not organized militia.
He is lucky that mob was so disorganized and no one thought to simply take his long gun away from him.

From the full video i have seen, one of the asshole Commies hit him in the head with a skateboard and when the Commie tried to run away was shot and killed. Never bring a skateboard to a gunfight...
WTF was that race-soldier doing at a protest running around w/a long-gun OP?

I hope they hang his ass.
His right to be there to protest and with no criminal record---his right to bear arms as well. So weird that the fascists don't get this basic american right....he even had the right to chose to stand up to the thugs and criminals in BLM........
We need to see what he had done to get all of those morons chasing him....really what kind of stupid is it to chase a man with a gun and try and punch him...but whatever...I heard reports that he had shot and killed someone before this video clip was recorded....so its a wait and see thing for me....
I never want to see a Civil War in America.

But we've all seen what the Democrats have engineered, the mobs of looters, arsonists, thugs, anarko-communists they've encouraged and unleashed on our streets.

Then they tied the hands of the police.

And the Democrat DAs, judges, prosecutors released any of the savages that were arrested.

And we saw the St. Louis DA actually charge the citizens attempting to defend their property when police wouldn't show up.

And it has come to this:

Teenage Suspect In Kenosha Shootings Charged With 1st Degree Murder,

The Democrats eliminate law and order, except against the law-abiding citizens.

How much of the depredations by the party of felons, of evil, of death, must America take?

Fine post, PC. Thank you.
WTF was that race-soldier doing at a protest running around w/a long-gun OP?

I hope they hang his ass.
His right to be there to protest and with no criminal record---his right to bear arms as well. So weird that the fascists don't get this basic american right....he even had the right to chose to stand up to the thugs and criminals in BLM........
It won't come to this. The percentages from these tantrum-having scumbags are too low, we have plenty of patriotic gun owners, and the Left blew their load way too early on. Massive strategic campaign fail, as Americans are already sick of this rioting and looting crap. We now get back to recognizing the necessity for law and order.

Trump in a landslide. If the losers can't deal with it, they will crawl back to their holes for another 4 years, and can always GTFO of our country. Oh, that's right. They won't leave, because all know this IS the greatest country. If admitted or not.
I'm in total agreement with you. Nice post, thank you.
I never want to see a Civil War in America.

But we've all seen what the Democrats have engineered, the mobs of looters, arsonists, thugs, anarko-communists they've encouraged and unleashed on our streets.

Then they tied the hands of the police.

And the Democrat DAs, judges, prosecutors released any of the savages that were arrested.

And we saw the St. Louis DA actually charge the citizens attempting to defend their property when police wouldn't show up.

And it has come to this:

Teenage Suspect In Kenosha Shootings Charged With 1st Degree Murder,

The Democrats eliminate law and order, except against the law-abiding citizens.

How much of the depredations by the party of felons, of evil, of death, must America take?

You would be disqualified from the jury because you aren't allowed to cut and paste in the court room.
It is clear that the Democrat braintrust decided encouraging, releasing, and protecting the looters, arsonists, thugs, and anarko-communist hordes onto America's streets would cow the populace into voting against Trump.

Now....they recognize their huggggggge mistake.

"Lemon: ‘The Rioting Has to Stop ... It’s Showing up in the Polling, It’s Showing up in Focus Groups’


LEMON: “The rioting has to stop. Chris, as you know and I know, it’s showing up in the polling. It’s showing up in focus groups. It is the only thing — it is the only thing right now that is sticking. And the Democrats tonight stuck with that, right? And they also stuck with the theme that you said: The Coronavirus. You’ve got coronavirus, and you have Kenosha.”

Lemon: ‘The Rioting Has to Stop ... It’s Showing up in the Polling, It’s Showing up in Focus Groups’
‘I think maybe Joe Biden may be afraid to do it, I’m not sure, maybe he won’t, maybe he is ... he’s got to address it’

Did you get that?

Not that it is costing lives.......only that it is costing votes.
Don Lemonhead, what a dumbsh*t.
I never want to see a Civil War in America.

But we've all seen what the Democrats have engineered, the mobs of looters, arsonists, thugs, anarko-communists they've encouraged and unleashed on our streets.

Then they tied the hands of the police.

And the Democrat DAs, judges, prosecutors released any of the savages that were arrested.

And we saw the St. Louis DA actually charge the citizens attempting to defend their property when police wouldn't show up.

And it has come to this:

Teenage Suspect In Kenosha Shootings Charged With 1st Degree Murder,

The Democrats eliminate law and order, except against the law-abiding citizens.

How much of the depredations by the party of felons, of evil, of death, must America take?

Have any of your moron republicans seen what's caused all these riots?? Are you all brain dead ?? You worry about broken windows while ah cops who YOU support shoot blacks in the back strangle them etc etc etc etc

"Have any of your moron republicans seen what's caused all these riots?? "

Sure.....everyone has: the Democrat Party.

It is clear that the Democrat braintrust decided encouraging, releasing, and protecting the looters, arsonists, thugs, and anarko-communist hordes onto America's streets would cow the populace into voting against Trump.

Now....they recognize their huggggggge mistake.

"Lemon: ‘The Rioting Has to Stop ... It’s Showing up in the Polling, It’s Showing up in Focus Groups’


LEMON: “The rioting has to stop. Chris, as you know and I know, it’s showing up in the polling. It’s showing up in focus groups. It is the only thing — it is the only thing right now that is sticking. And the Democrats tonight stuck with that, right? And they also stuck with the theme that you said: The Coronavirus. You’ve got coronavirus, and you have Kenosha.”

Lemon: ‘The Rioting Has to Stop ... It’s Showing up in the Polling, It’s Showing up in Focus Groups’
‘I think maybe Joe Biden may be afraid to do it, I’m not sure, maybe he won’t, maybe he is ... he’s got to address it’
I never want to see a Civil War in America.

But we've all seen what the Democrats have engineered, the mobs of looters, arsonists, thugs, anarko-communists they've encouraged and unleashed on our streets.

Then they tied the hands of the police.

And the Democrat DAs, judges, prosecutors released any of the savages that were arrested.

And we saw the St. Louis DA actually charge the citizens attempting to defend their property when police wouldn't show up.

And it has come to this:

Teenage Suspect In Kenosha Shootings Charged With 1st Degree Murder,

The Democrats eliminate law and order, except against the law-abiding citizens.

How much of the depredations by the party of felons, of evil, of death, must America take?

You would be disqualified from the jury because you aren't allowed to cut and paste in the court room.

It upsets you that I can prove, document, provide quotes that prove everything I post?

I never want to see a Civil War in America.

But we've all seen what the Democrats have engineered, the mobs of looters, arsonists, thugs, anarko-communists they've encouraged and unleashed on our streets.

Then they tied the hands of the police.

And the Democrat DAs, judges, prosecutors released any of the savages that were arrested.

And we saw the St. Louis DA actually charge the citizens attempting to defend their property when police wouldn't show up.

And it has come to this:

Teenage Suspect In Kenosha Shootings Charged With 1st Degree Murder,

The Democrats eliminate law and order, except against the law-abiding citizens.

How much of the depredations by the party of felons, of evil, of death, must America take?

Have any of your moron republicans seen what's caused all these riots?? Are you all brain dead ?? You worry about broken windows while ah cops who YOU support shoot blacks in the back strangle them etc etc etc etc

"Have any of your moron republicans seen what's caused all these riots?? "

Sure.....everyone has: the Democrat Party.

It is clear that the Democrat braintrust decided encouraging, releasing, and protecting the looters, arsonists, thugs, and anarko-communist hordes onto America's streets would cow the populace into voting against Trump.

Now....they recognize their huggggggge mistake.

"Lemon: ‘The Rioting Has to Stop ... It’s Showing up in the Polling, It’s Showing up in Focus Groups’


LEMON: “The rioting has to stop. Chris, as you know and I know, it’s showing up in the polling. It’s showing up in focus groups. It is the only thing — it is the only thing right now that is sticking. And the Democrats tonight stuck with that, right? And they also stuck with the theme that you said: The Coronavirus. You’ve got coronavirus, and you have Kenosha.”

Lemon: ‘The Rioting Has to Stop ... It’s Showing up in the Polling, It’s Showing up in Focus Groups’
‘I think maybe Joe Biden may be afraid to do it, I’m not sure, maybe he won’t, maybe he is ... he’s got to address it’

Thanks for another fine post, PC.
WTF was that race-soldier doing at a protest running around w/a long-gun OP?

I hope they hang his ass.

And what would you have done in his position?

Keep in mind I'm not speaking from a leftward position...

I would have stayed home, in the town where I lived, thirty miles away, in Illinois.

And when it came to your property that the Democrat shock troops had in their sights?

The 17 year old has property in Kenosha?
WTF was that race-soldier doing at a protest running around w/a long-gun OP?

I hope they hang his ass.

And what would you have done in his position?

Keep in mind I'm not speaking from a leftward position...

I would have stayed home, in the town where I lived, thirty miles away, in Illinois.

And when it came to your property that the Democrat shock troops had in their sights?

The 17 year old has property in Kenosha?

One needs a passport to travel in Democrat America???
WTF was that race-soldier doing at a protest running around w/a long-gun OP?

I hope they hang his ass.

And what would you have done in his position?

Keep in mind I'm not speaking from a leftward position...

I would have stayed home, in the town where I lived, thirty miles away, in Illinois.

And when it came to your property that the Democrat shock troops had in their sights?

The 17 year old has property in Kenosha?

One needs a passport to travel in Democrat America???

Just saying, he wasn’t protecting his property.

And he was out after curfew.

And he was carrying a firearm despite being a minor.

It’s a damn tragedy that no one talked some sense into this kid before he inserted himself into the picture.
WTF was that race-soldier doing at a protest running around w/a long-gun OP?

I hope they hang his ass.

And what would you have done in his position?

Keep in mind I'm not speaking from a leftward position...

I would have stayed home, in the town where I lived, thirty miles away, in Illinois.

And when it came to your property that the Democrat shock troops had in their sights?

The 17 year old has property in Kenosha?

One needs a passport to travel in Democrat America???

Just saying, he wasn’t protecting his property.

And he was out after curfew.

And he was carrying a firearm despite being a minor.

It’s a damn tragedy that no one talked some sense into this kid before he inserted himself into the picture.

"It’s a damn tragedy that no one talked some sense into..." ...Democrat voters.
WTF was that race-soldier doing at a protest running around w/a long-gun OP?

I hope they hang his ass.

And what would you have done in his position?

Keep in mind I'm not speaking from a leftward position...

I would have stayed home, in the town where I lived, thirty miles away, in Illinois.

And when it came to your property that the Democrat shock troops had in their sights?

The 17 year old has property in Kenosha?

One needs a passport to travel in Democrat America???

Just saying, he wasn’t protecting his property.

And he was out after curfew.

And he was carrying a firearm despite being a minor.

It’s a damn tragedy that no one talked some sense into this kid before he inserted himself into the picture.

"It’s a damn tragedy that no one talked some sense into..." ...Democrat voters.

Don’t change the subject.

What parent gives their kid a rifle and lets them go out into the streets on a night like that?

I never want to see a Civil War in America.

But we've all seen what the Democrats have engineered, the mobs of looters, arsonists, thugs, anarko-communists they've encouraged and unleashed on our streets.

Then they tied the hands of the police.

And the Democrat DAs, judges, prosecutors released any of the savages that were arrested.

And we saw the St. Louis DA actually charge the citizens attempting to defend their property when police wouldn't show up.

And it has come to this:

Teenage Suspect In Kenosha Shootings Charged With 1st Degree Murder,

The Democrats eliminate law and order, except against the law-abiding citizens.

How much of the depredations by the party of felons, of evil, of death, must America take?

Have any of your moron republicans seen what's caused all these riots?? Are you all brain dead ?? You worry about broken windows while ah cops who YOU support shoot blacks in the back strangle them etc etc etc etc

"Have any of your moron republicans seen what's caused all these riots?? "

Sure.....everyone has: the Democrat Party.

It is clear that the Democrat braintrust decided encouraging, releasing, and protecting the looters, arsonists, thugs, and anarko-communist hordes onto America's streets would cow the populace into voting against Trump.

Now....they recognize their huggggggge mistake.

"Lemon: ‘The Rioting Has to Stop ... It’s Showing up in the Polling, It’s Showing up in Focus Groups’


LEMON: “The rioting has to stop. Chris, as you know and I know, it’s showing up in the polling. It’s showing up in focus groups. It is the only thing — it is the only thing right now that is sticking. And the Democrats tonight stuck with that, right? And they also stuck with the theme that you said: The Coronavirus. You’ve got coronavirus, and you have Kenosha.”

Lemon: ‘The Rioting Has to Stop ... It’s Showing up in the Polling, It’s Showing up in Focus Groups’
‘I think maybe Joe Biden may be afraid to do it, I’m not sure, maybe he won’t, maybe he is ... he’s got to address it’

Thanks for another fine post, PC.

LOL That sounds like Pence kissing Trumps butt
WTF was that race-soldier doing at a protest running around w/a long-gun OP?

I hope they hang his ass.

And what would you have done in his position?

Keep in mind I'm not speaking from a leftward position...

I would have stayed home, in the town where I lived, thirty miles away, in Illinois.

And when it came to your property that the Democrat shock troops had in their sights?

The 17 year old has property in Kenosha?

One needs a passport to travel in Democrat America???

Just saying, he wasn’t protecting his property.

And he was out after curfew.

And he was carrying a firearm despite being a minor.

It’s a damn tragedy that no one talked some sense into this kid before he inserted himself into the picture.

"It’s a damn tragedy that no one talked some sense into..." ...Democrat voters.

Don’t change the subject.

What parent gives their kid a rifle and lets them go out into the streets on a night like that?


The subject is the riots engendered by the Left, and the looters, arsonists, thugs, anarchists empowered by the Democrats.

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