Put Me On The Jury!

WTF was that race-soldier doing at a protest running around w/a long-gun OP?

I hope they hang his ass.

And what would you have done in his position?

Keep in mind I'm not speaking from a leftward position...

I would have stayed home, in the town where I lived, thirty miles away, in Illinois.

And when it came to your property that the Democrat shock troops had in their sights?

The 17 year old has property in Kenosha?

One needs a passport to travel in Democrat America???

Just saying, he wasn’t protecting his property.

And he was out after curfew.

And he was carrying a firearm despite being a minor.

It’s a damn tragedy that no one talked some sense into this kid before he inserted himself into the picture.

"It’s a damn tragedy that no one talked some sense into..." ...Democrat voters.

Don’t change the subject.

What parent gives their kid a rifle and lets them go out into the streets on a night like that?


The subject is the riots engendered by the Left, and the looters, arsonists, thugs, anarchists empowered by the Democrats.
The subject should be the murdering cops who face no penalty Amazing republicans despise all unions EXCEPT the police union

Can you name some "murdering cops who face no penalty"???

Even if you can't, you still get the gold star from the DNC.
Very curious request even coming from you but any cop killing an unarmed man be he white or black deserves the highest penalty allowed and shooting some one in the back with his 3 children in the car I think deserves the gas chamber The cops who just strangle one to death should get the chair They are murderers

So you really can't name some "murdering cops who face no penalty"???

You just said that to maintain your membership-in-good-standing in the radical, anarko-communist mob?

Seriously, weren't you surprised that, after the doctors made the intermastoid incision, and removed your brain- you were still able to post on the board?
You are brain dead expecting me to know the murderers names You are also missing a heart but you know that Right?
WTF was that race-soldier doing at a protest running around w/a long-gun OP?

I hope they hang his ass.

And what would you have done in his position?

Keep in mind I'm not speaking from a leftward position...

I would have stayed home, in the town where I lived, thirty miles away, in Illinois.

And when it came to your property that the Democrat shock troops had in their sights?

That's the fucking point. The kid lives 30 miles away, in another town, in another state.

Someone comes after me or mine, in my home, in my town, you better believe the firearms are coming out. But I'm not traveling and looking for an excuse for gun play.

This kid was out of his depth, out of his state, "defending" property that was not his. And yes, defending is in quotation marks for a reason...

The "kid" (a year older than my uncle when he enlisted) worked in Kenosha.
WTF was that race-soldier doing at a protest running around w/a long-gun OP?

I hope they hang his ass.

And what would you have done in his position?

Keep in mind I'm not speaking from a leftward position...

I would have stayed home, in the town where I lived, thirty miles away, in Illinois.

And when it came to your property that the Democrat shock troops had in their sights?

The 17 year old has property in Kenosha?

One needs a passport to travel in Democrat America???

Just saying, he wasn’t protecting his property.

And he was out after curfew.

And he was carrying a firearm despite being a minor.

It’s a damn tragedy that no one talked some sense into this kid before he inserted himself into the picture.

"It’s a damn tragedy that no one talked some sense into..." ...Democrat voters.

Don’t change the subject.

What parent gives their kid a rifle and lets them go out into the streets on a night like that?


The subject is the riots engendered by the Left, and the looters, arsonists, thugs, anarchists empowered by the Democrats.
The subject should be the murdering cops who face no penalty Amazing republicans despise all unions EXCEPT the police union

Can you name some "murdering cops who face no penalty"???

Even if you can't, you still get the gold star from the DNC.
Very curious request even coming from you but any cop killing an unarmed man be he white or black deserves the highest penalty allowed and shooting some one in the back with his 3 children in the car I think deserves the gas chamber The cops who just strangle one to death should get the chair They are murderers

So you really can't name some "murdering cops who face no penalty"???

You just said that to maintain your membership-in-good-standing in the radical, anarko-communist mob?

Seriously, weren't you surprised that, after the doctors made the intermastoid incision, and removed your brain- you were still able to post on the board?
You are brain dead expecting me to know the murderers names You are also missing a heart but you know that Right?

You said this: "The subject should be the murdering cops who face no penalty?"

Now you are galloping away from your claim, thus:

"You are brain dead expecting me to know the murderers names."

Here's where reality....something that seems alien to you....enters the picture.

Put aside your bogus claim of "the murdering cops who face no penalty"...you've essentially admitted that you just made that up.....

...but with one question, watch me put a cork in your pie hole: explain the disproportionate lawlessness.

In Brownsville, Brooklyn, the per capita shooting rate is 81 times higher than in nearby Bay Ridge, Brooklyn—the first neighborhood predominantly black, the second neighborhood predominantly white and Asian. As a result, police presence and use of proactive tactics are much higher in Brownsville than in Bay Ridge.

This incidence of crime means that innocent black men have a much higher chance than innocent white men of being stopped by the police because they match the description of a suspect. This is not something the police choose. It is a reality..." The Danger of the “Black Lives Matter” Movement


'In Brownsville, Brooklyn, the per capita shooting rate is 81 times higher than in nearby Bay Ridge, Brooklyn
—the first neighborhood predominantly black, the second neighborhood predominantly white and Asian.'

Brownsville population, ......60,000
Bay Ridge population.......70,000
WTF was that race-soldier doing at a protest running around w/a long-gun OP?

I hope they hang his ass.

And what would you have done in his position?

Keep in mind I'm not speaking from a leftward position...

I would have stayed home, in the town where I lived, thirty miles away, in Illinois.

And when it came to your property that the Democrat shock troops had in their sights?

The 17 year old has property in Kenosha?

One needs a passport to travel in Democrat America???

Just saying, he wasn’t protecting his property.

And he was out after curfew.

And he was carrying a firearm despite being a minor.

It’s a damn tragedy that no one talked some sense into this kid before he inserted himself into the picture.

"It’s a damn tragedy that no one talked some sense into..." ...Democrat voters.

Don’t change the subject.

What parent gives their kid a rifle and lets them go out into the streets on a night like that?


The subject is the riots engendered by the Left, and the looters, arsonists, thugs, anarchists empowered by the Democrats.
The subject should be the murdering cops who face no penalty Amazing republicans despise all unions EXCEPT the police union

Can you name some "murdering cops who face no penalty"???

Even if you can't, you still get the gold star from the DNC.
Very curious request even coming from you but any cop killing an unarmed man be he white or black deserves the highest penalty allowed and shooting some one in the back with his 3 children in the car I think deserves the gas chamber The cops who just strangle one to death should get the chair They are murderers

So you really can't name some "murdering cops who face no penalty"???

You just said that to maintain your membership-in-good-standing in the radical, anarko-communist mob?

Seriously, weren't you surprised that, after the doctors made the intermastoid incision, and removed your brain- you were still able to post on the board?
You are brain dead expecting me to know the murderers names You are also missing a heart but you know that Right?

You said this: "The subject should be the murdering cops who face no penalty?"

Now you are galloping away from your claim, thus:

"You are brain dead expecting me to know the murderers names."

Here's where reality....something that seems alien to you....enters the picture.

Put aside your bogus claim of "the murdering cops who face no penalty"...you've essentially admitted that you just made that up.....

...but with one question, watch me put a cork in your pie hole: explain the disproportionate lawlessness.

In Brownsville, Brooklyn, the per capita shooting rate is 81 times higher than in nearby Bay Ridge, Brooklyn—the first neighborhood predominantly black, the second neighborhood predominantly white and Asian. As a result, police presence and use of proactive tactics are much higher in Brownsville than in Bay Ridge.

This incidence of crime means that innocent black men have a much higher chance than innocent white men of being stopped by the police because they match the description of a suspect. This is not something the police choose. It is a reality..." The Danger of the “Black Lives Matter” Movement


'In Brownsville, Brooklyn, the per capita shooting rate is 81 times higher than in nearby Bay Ridge, Brooklyn
—the first neighborhood predominantly black, the second neighborhood predominantly white and Asian.'

Brownsville population, ......60,000
Bay Ridge population.......70,000

Poor eddie.......I left him speechless.......again.

Truth and reality seem to have that effect on Biden supporters.
"Joe Biden finally breaks silence on urban violence, too late: Goodwin
By Michael Goodwin
August 27, 2020 | 1:02am | Updated

Joe Biden finally raised an objection to the riots, arson, murder and looting tearing apart American cities. To be sure, his wasn’t a strong voice, but at least he finally broke his silence.

“The needless violence won’t heal us,” the Democrats’ nominee said in a statement focused mostly on the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wis.

It’s very little, and very late, maybe even too late to save his campaign.

Dems made what I believe to be a historic error in failing to say a single word — a single word — about the national urban crisis during their convention last week. They said nothing about the violence and the tent cities of homeless popping up everywhere, yet embraced the Black Lives Matter movement, frequently criticized the police and romanced protesters as a new wave of selfless heroes."
I never want to see a Civil War in America.

But we've all seen what the Democrats have engineered, the mobs of looters, arsonists, thugs, anarko-communists they've encouraged and unleashed on our streets.

Then they tied the hands of the police.

And the Democrat DAs, judges, prosecutors released any of the savages that were arrested.

And we saw the St. Louis DA actually charge the citizens attempting to defend their property when police wouldn't show up.

And it has come to this:

Teenage Suspect In Kenosha Shootings Charged With 1st Degree Murder,

The Democrats eliminate law and order, except against the law-abiding citizens.

How much of the depredations by the party of felons, of evil, of death, must America take?

Have any of your moron republicans seen what's caused all these riots?? Are you all brain dead ?? You worry about broken windows while ah cops who YOU support shoot blacks in the back strangle them etc etc etc etc

"Have any of your moron republicans seen what's caused all these riots?? "

Sure.....everyone has: the Democrat Party.

It is clear that the Democrat braintrust decided encouraging, releasing, and protecting the looters, arsonists, thugs, and anarko-communist hordes onto America's streets would cow the populace into voting against Trump.

Now....they recognize their huggggggge mistake.

"Lemon: ‘The Rioting Has to Stop ... It’s Showing up in the Polling, It’s Showing up in Focus Groups’


LEMON: “The rioting has to stop. Chris, as you know and I know, it’s showing up in the polling. It’s showing up in focus groups. It is the only thing — it is the only thing right now that is sticking. And the Democrats tonight stuck with that, right? And they also stuck with the theme that you said: The Coronavirus. You’ve got coronavirus, and you have Kenosha.”

Lemon: ‘The Rioting Has to Stop ... It’s Showing up in the Polling, It’s Showing up in Focus Groups’
‘I think maybe Joe Biden may be afraid to do it, I’m not sure, maybe he won’t, maybe he is ... he’s got to address it’

"The polls are starting to shift — two now have President Trump’s approval rating over 50 percent — and other Dems, including the mayor of Washington, suddenly are calling for an end to the violence.

The impact is so serious that even CNN anchor Don Lemon is worried about Biden’s chances, leading him to say, “The rioting has to stop.”

That’s the left-wing media in a nutshell. They supported the “protesters” until it started to backfire on their candidate. Now it has to stop or President Trump will be re-elected.

Not that it has to stop because it’s destructive and leading to deaths. Only because it’s bad for their candidate."
WTF was that race-soldier doing at a protest running around w/a long-gun OP?

I hope they hang his ass.

And what would you have done in his position?

Keep in mind I'm not speaking from a leftward position...

I would have stayed home, in the town where I lived, thirty miles away, in Illinois.

And when it came to your property that the Democrat shock troops had in their sights?

That's the fucking point. The kid lives 30 miles away, in another town, in another state.

Someone comes after me or mine, in my home, in my town, you better believe the firearms are coming out. But I'm not traveling and looking for an excuse for gun play.

This kid was out of his depth, out of his state, "defending" property that was not his. And yes, defending is in quotation marks for a reason...

The "kid" (a year older than my uncle when he enlisted) worked in Kenosha.

Got a link to that? I ask because the only thing I've seen in regards to his employment is that, after dropping out of high school, he got a job as a lifeguard at the Lindenhurst YMCA.
Last edited:
"Kyle Rittenhouse finds big-name support in legal fight as building evidence suggests he acted in self-defense

Two big names have joined the fight to defend Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old Illinois teenager who’s been charged with intentional homicide for opening fire on and killing two left-wing extremists who’d attacked him during a riot Tuesday in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

One of those names is L. Lin Wood, the renowned attorney made famous first for defending media-smeared security guard Richard Jewell and then later for helping media-smeared former Covington Catholic High School student Nicholas Sandmann win a defamation lawsuit against The Washington Post.

In tweets posted Thursday morning, Wood said his colleagues have assembled a legal team to defend Rittenhouse and also revealed that conservative commentator Michelle Malkin will be “assisting.”

This movement in defense of Rittenhouse erupted Wednesday after local authorities charged him with first-degree intentional homicide and took him into custody.

The growing outrage is rooted in the strong belief that Rittenhouse should not have been charged given evidence that he’d been acting in self-defense.

The evidence is extensive and includes multiple video clips of Rittenhouse being chased and attacked by the left-wing extremists in Kenosha."
"Reporter at deadly scene gives on the ground account, interviewed Kyle Rittenhouse before shooting

Does the truth matter anymore? To those congressional Democrats and mainstream media propagandists who’ve rushed to smear Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old responsible for the alleged killing of two left-wing extremists, the answer is clearly no.

Case in point: Despite there being no evidence to substantiate this outlandish claim, Rep. Ayanna Pressley told her nearly one million Twitter followers on Wednesday that Rittenhouse is a “domestic terrorist” and “white supremacist.”

But according to accounts from Richie McGinniss, a Daily Caller reporter who witnessed the shooting himself, the left-wing narrative surrounding Rittenhouse — that he’s a white supremacist terrorist who’d been out to stir trouble — is patently false.

Speaking late Wednesday on Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” McGinniss described how Rittenhouse, 17, told him he had shown up in Kenosha on Tuesday “to maintain peace in the absence of police” and protect business owners from seeing their livelihoods destroyed."

I never want to see a Civil War in America.

But we've all seen what the Democrats have engineered, the mobs of looters, arsonists, thugs, anarko-communists they've encouraged and unleashed on our streets.

Then they tied the hands of the police.

And the Democrat DAs, judges, prosecutors released any of the savages that were arrested.

And we saw the St. Louis DA actually charge the citizens attempting to defend their property when police wouldn't show up.

And it has come to this:

Teenage Suspect In Kenosha Shootings Charged With 1st Degree Murder,

The Democrats eliminate law and order, except against the law-abiding citizens.

How much of the depredations by the party of felons, of evil, of death, must America take?

You are unfit to serve on any jury.
I never want to see a Civil War in America.

But we've all seen what the Democrats have engineered, the mobs of looters, arsonists, thugs, anarko-communists they've encouraged and unleashed on our streets.

Then they tied the hands of the police.

And the Democrat DAs, judges, prosecutors released any of the savages that were arrested.

And we saw the St. Louis DA actually charge the citizens attempting to defend their property when police wouldn't show up.

And it has come to this:

Teenage Suspect In Kenosha Shootings Charged With 1st Degree Murder,

The Democrats eliminate law and order, except against the law-abiding citizens.

How much of the depredations by the party of felons, of evil, of death, must America take?

You are unfit to serve on any jury.

Perhaps ......but I'd be honored to be selected as one of the to helpers to carry your coffin.

Um...Is tomorrow okay for you?
"Does Kyle Rittenhouse Have a Self-Defense Claim?

There are two extremes here: justifiable use of deadly force and first-degree intentional homicide. So let’s see what the law says about those two situations, bearing in mind that other charges can apply if Rittenhouse’s behavior fell in between them. (There are plenty of options: Rittenhouse is charged with reckless homicide for the first fatal shooting, first-degree intentional homicide for the second, and attempted first-degree intentional homicide for the nonfatal one, in addition to charges for reckless endangerment and bearing a dangerous weapon as a minor.)

Quite typically for a U.S. state, Wisconsin allows civilian use of deadly force when one “reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm.” One major issue, then, will be whether Rittenhouse reasonably thought that the folks engaging with him meant to inflict serious injury, not just disarm him.

...even if Rittenhouse bears some responsibility for the initial conflict, he can still argue that he did everything he could to escape the situation and withdraw from the fight. Both shooting incidents began with him running away.

...to prove first-degree intentional homicide, prosecutors will have to show that Rittenhouse “cause[d] the death of another human being with intent to kill that person” and will have to disprove the existence of any “mitigating circumstances” the defense asserts. If the prosecution fails at the latter task, the offense is knocked down to the second degree. "

Justice is incidental to law and order. J. Edgar Hoover
WTF was that race-soldier doing at a protest running around w/a long-gun OP?

I hope they hang his ass.
Keeping you stupid fucks and your white idiot allies from destroying a city over the shooting of an asshole that deserved it.
restraining order violation. he is the one that actually called the cops. he showed up illegally. and the demofks must have wanted him to take out his black girlfriend I supposed. I mean, why did she have a restraining order? maybe he was a fking dickwad and criminal? but the demofks love him. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh so goes the spoils of the demofks.

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