put up or STFU ..

The same people who asked for evidence on Jesus and on who hacked Hillary?*sarcasm*
The difference is they already showed us evidence during the railroading of Flynn.
Saying there is no evidence a million times on fake news does not make it so.
Requesting evidence after you provide none yourselves in your tin foil hat Russian conspiracy rants= hypocracy and down right double standard. Another difference is that one can't discuss what's under investigation, asking for inside classified info to tamper with investigation is illegal on the media and congress' part, especially when they are the ones being investigated.
Furthermore the Clinton cartel or the progressive mob protecting them is known to knock off whistleblowers.
You guys just love getting people killed don't you?
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turning up the burners ..

Lawmakers Want Wiretapping Evidence by Monday

DipshitDonnie is uniting Congress ... with the Justice Department
Still waiting for that MAJOR investigation on the 2-5 million illegal voters in November.

that investigation died 30 seconds after they found out his family, and staff members were registered in two states ...

but we're still waiting on most everything The Hair Club President said he would do.
The same people who asked for evidence on Jesus and on who hacked Hillary?
The difference is they already showed us evidence during the railroading of Flynn.
Saying there is no evidence a million times on fake news does not make it so.
Requesting evidence after you orovide none yourselves in your tin foil hat Russian conspiracy rants= hypocracy and down right double standard. Another difference is that one can't discuss whatcs under investigation, asking for inside classified info to tamper with investigation is illegal on the media and congress' part especially when they are the ones being investigated.
Furthermore the Clinton cartel or the progressive mob protecting them is known to knock off whistleblowers.
You guys just live getting people killed don't you?

yeah, Republicans, top lawmakers on the House Intelligence Committee

13 Republicans, 9 Democrats, to be exact ..
Last edited:
turning up the burners ..

Lawmakers Want Wiretapping Evidence by Monday

DipshitDonnie is uniting Congress ... with the Justice Department
Still waiting for that MAJOR investigation on the 2-5 million illegal voters in November.
Actually that's another floundering by CNN.
They asked similar where's the evidence of voter fraud with many reporters and guest panels saying there was not one single case.
That has to be the worst and biggest lie you can make by claiming zero. How dumb do they think their viewers are?
They even said this today after last week or so they had results of investigation of a few states and they all had found voter fraud illegals voting, & I think it was Ohio that had 6% of their total vote count was illegal
Proof CNN is fake news and people are no better then Carbonaro's dupes in believing the rediculous illusions CNN creates.
Last edited:
turning up the burners ..

Lawmakers Want Wiretapping Evidence by Monday

DipshitDonnie is uniting Congress ... with the Justice Department
Still waiting for that MAJOR investigation on the 2-5 million illegal voters in November.
Actually that's another floundering by CNN.
They asked similar where's the evidence of voter fraud with many reporters and guest panels saying there was not one single case.
That has to be the worst and biggest lie you can make by claiming zero. How dumb do they think their viewers are?
They even said this today after last week or so they had results of investigation of a few states and they all had found voter fraud illegals voting, & I think it was Ohio that had 6% of their total vote count was illegal
Proof CNN is fake news and people are no better then Carbonaro's dupes in believing the rediculous illusions CNN creates.
View attachment 116511
Nope...we want a MAJOR investigation on these 3-5 million illegal voters as was claimed by the so-called president.
turning up the burners ..

Lawmakers Want Wiretapping Evidence by Monday

DipshitDonnie is uniting Congress ... with the Justice Department
Still waiting for that MAJOR investigation on the 2-5 million illegal voters in November.
Actually that's another floundering by CNN.
They asked similar where's the evidence of voter fraud with many reporters and guest panels saying there was not one single case.
That has to be the worst and biggest lie you can make by claiming zero. How dumb do they think their viewers are?
They even said this today after last week or so they had results of investigation of a few states and they all had found voter fraud illegals voting, & I think it was Ohio that had 6% of their total vote count was illegal
Proof CNN is fake news and people are no better then Carbonaro's dupes in believing the rediculous illusions CNN creates.
View attachment 116511

floundering or not Trump dropped it like a red hot rock didn't he ... which leads rational humans to believe two things

1 Trump is full of shit
2 Fake news horseshit if meant to impress pussy RussianWingers
The same people who asked for evidence on Jesus and on who hacked Hillary?
The difference is they already showed us evidence during the railroading of Flynn.
Saying there is no evidence a million times on fake news does not make it so.
Requesting evidence after you orovide none yourselves in your tin foil hat Russian conspiracy rants= hypocracy and down right double standard. Another difference is that one can't discuss whatcs under investigation, asking for inside classified info to tamper with investigation is illegal on the media and congress' part especially when they are the ones being investigated.
Furthermore the Clinton cartel or the progressive mob protecting them is known to knock off whistleblowers.
You guys just live getting people killed don't you?

yeah, Republicans, top lawmakers on the House Intelligence Committee

13 Republicans, 9 Democrats, to be exact ..

Well 1st of all what side of the isle means nothing in this context and is problematic to dems delusional Russian rants.
Secondly do you know those 13's news source because you night be proving a point about propaganda on certain news outlets.
And third Political personas like the popularity and publicity they get from going against the grain, just look at how phoney the Rand Paul rants are.
turning up the burners ..

Lawmakers Want Wiretapping Evidence by Monday

DipshitDonnie is uniting Congress ... with the Justice Department
Still waiting for that MAJOR investigation on the 2-5 million illegal voters in November.
Actually that's another floundering by CNN.
They asked similar where's the evidence of voter fraud with many reporters and guest panels saying there was not one single case.
That has to be the worst and biggest lie you can make by claiming zero. How dumb do they think their viewers are?
They even said this today after last week or so they had results of investigation of a few states and they all had found voter fraud illegals voting, & I think it was Ohio that had 6% of their total vote count was illegal
Proof CNN is fake news and people are no better then Carbonaro's dupes in believing the rediculous illusions CNN creates.
View attachment 116511
Nope...we want a MAJOR investigation on these 3-5 million illegal voters as was claimed by the so-called president.

No you gave up that right when they found just 1. Should have chosen your words wisely like you expect of him...
wah wah wahhh!(the horn wah not the crying wah we hear from yas too) :)
The same people who asked for evidence on Jesus and on who hacked Hillary?
The difference is they already showed us evidence during the railroading of Flynn.
Saying there is no evidence a million times on fake news does not make it so.
Requesting evidence after you orovide none yourselves in your tin foil hat Russian conspiracy rants= hypocracy and down right double standard. Another difference is that one can't discuss whatcs under investigation, asking for inside classified info to tamper with investigation is illegal on the media and congress' part especially when they are the ones being investigated.
Furthermore the Clinton cartel or the progressive mob protecting them is known to knock off whistleblowers.
You guys just live getting people killed don't you?

yeah, Republicans, top lawmakers on the House Intelligence Committee

13 Republicans, 9 Democrats, to be exact ..

Well 1st of all what side of the isle means nothing in this context and is problematic to dems delusional Russian rants.
Secondly do you know those 13's news source because you night be proving a point about propaganda on certain news outlets.
And third Political personas like the popularity and publicity they get from going against the grain, just look at how phoney the Rand Paul rants are.

those Russian rants were born with obvious connections between the Trump Cartel and Russia, Questions began to get serious with Manafort and have escalated to an investigation.

btw, save your horseshit for your fellow RussianWingers and KGB handlers.
Trump should produce his evidence only after the idiot Democrats in Congress produce theirs regarding their assertions of Russian involvement in our election.

If they don't do that, Trump should give them the proverbial finger and tell 'em all to eat a dick
Trump should produce his evidence only after the idiot Democrats in Congress produce theirs regarding their assertions of Russian involvement in our election.

If they don't do that, Trump should give them the proverbial finger and tell 'em all to eat a dick
Son, Trump tweeted the admin tapped him because of the Russians.

Go take a cold shower, eat a good meal, and think.
turning up the burners ..

Lawmakers Want Wiretapping Evidence by Monday

DipshitDonnie is uniting Congress ... with the Justice Department

This is EXTREMELY important. Because the public and media are being played by damn near EVERY politician in Washington DC right now. They WANT you to confused about the technical and legal difference between a "wiretap done in a specific investigation" and the "domestic intelligence bulk COLLECTIONS" done under the authority of the PATRIOT act. The later approves total surveillance of the American public under a small group of "cover FISA warrants" and is ongoing without additional judicial review.

Where's the EVIDENCE for a wiretap in conjunction with an investigation on Trump aides? It was on the top of FRONT PAGE of the NY Times on Jan 20..

Except there's one BIG problem -- the article below discussing this "wiretap" -- is not about a separately authorized wiretap at all. It's all about "intelligence collections".

Now the problem is --- BOTH SIDES, Rep and Dem love them some of this "Big Brother" capability. MOST of them don't WANT to hurt this program and the ginormous huge building they built for the NSA in Utah. So NONE of them will HELP YOU discern the difference while they prank each other like school children about where "these leaks came from".

But CLEARLY -- that domestic intel operation was used to LEAK political material against an opponent. If Trump, who by now KNOWS the truth about whether he was technically "investigated and wiretapped" or had a domestic Intel Agency just leaking information that should NEVER go public and outside the hands of 20 or so people in control of that information ----- Then he TOO has decided to protect and preserve that domestic spying operation in SPITE of being a victim of it.

And both sides are purposely CONFUSING the issue to PROTECT that awesome power that desperately NEEDS to be reined in. America is gonna suffer greatly now that the system authorized to protect us from terrorists has been WEAPONIZED politically.

EVERYONE should be outraged. Regardless of party affiliation....
The same people who asked for evidence on Jesus and on who hacked Hillary?
The difference is they already showed us evidence during the railroading of Flynn.
Saying there is no evidence a million times on fake news does not make it so.
Requesting evidence after you orovide none yourselves in your tin foil hat Russian conspiracy rants= hypocracy and down right double standard. Another difference is that one can't discuss whatcs under investigation, asking for inside classified info to tamper with investigation is illegal on the media and congress' part especially when they are the ones being investigated.
Furthermore the Clinton cartel or the progressive mob protecting them is known to knock off whistleblowers.
You guys just live getting people killed don't you?

yeah, Republicans, top lawmakers on the House Intelligence Committee

13 Republicans, 9 Democrats, to be exact ..

Well 1st of all what side of the isle means nothing in this context and is problematic to dems delusional Russian rants.
Secondly do you know those 13's news source because you night be proving a point about propaganda on certain news outlets.
And third Political personas like the popularity and publicity they get from going against the grain, just look at how phoney the Rand Paul rants are.

those Russian rants were born with obvious connections between the Trump Cartel and Russia, Questions began to get serious with Manafort and have escalated to an investigation.

btw, save your horseshit for your fellow RussianWingers and KGB handlers.

Nope there is over 5-6 months of excuses and not one single connection yo Russia has been made says the 3 intelligence agencies thst investigated and with thst time and knowkedge the fake news still goes on with ILLEGAL false charges. Where's the 5-6 months you had to come up with evidence given the same luxury to the agencies now and yet you donct even want to gicen them a chance to investigate before you want to INTERFERE with investigations.
You guys are criminals that way.
That's why people voted them out with the ole clean up the swamp slogan.
The swamp critters get nervous when you drain their hiding (cash) spots.
The same people who asked for evidence on Jesus and on who hacked Hillary?
The difference is they already showed us evidence during the railroading of Flynn.
Saying there is no evidence a million times on fake news does not make it so.
Requesting evidence after you orovide none yourselves in your tin foil hat Russian conspiracy rants= hypocracy and down right double standard. Another difference is that one can't discuss whatcs under investigation, asking for inside classified info to tamper with investigation is illegal on the media and congress' part especially when they are the ones being investigated.
Furthermore the Clinton cartel or the progressive mob protecting them is known to knock off whistleblowers.
You guys just live getting people killed don't you?

yeah, Republicans, top lawmakers on the House Intelligence Committee

13 Republicans, 9 Democrats, to be exact ..

Well 1st of all what side of the isle means nothing in this context and is problematic to dems delusional Russian rants.
Secondly do you know those 13's news source because you night be proving a point about propaganda on certain news outlets.
And third Political personas like the popularity and publicity they get from going against the grain, just look at how phoney the Rand Paul rants are.

those Russian rants were born with obvious connections between the Trump Cartel and Russia, Questions began to get serious with Manafort and have escalated to an investigation.

btw, save your horseshit for your fellow RussianWingers and KGB handlers.

Prove it or STFU. To quote you that is.

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