put up or STFU ..

turning up the burners ..

Lawmakers Want Wiretapping Evidence by Monday

DipshitDonnie is uniting Congress ... with the Justice Department
Still waiting for that MAJOR investigation on the 2-5 million illegal voters in November.

that investigation died 30 seconds after they found out his family, and staff members were registered in two states ...

but we're still waiting on most everything The Hair Club President said he would do.
"We're still waiting"? Who's we? The infantile left?
I see illegals getting shipped out.
I see bids are being requested for the wall.
I see Obamacare being delt with.
I see jobs being created.
I saw the TPP bite the dust.
I see the oil line going ahead.
I see the markets booming.
I see construction at a 10 year high.
I see leftists shitting themselves daily.

I'm pretty content for the moment.
Trump should produce his evidence only after the idiot Democrats in Congress produce theirs regarding their assertions of Russian involvement in our election.

If they don't do that, Trump should give them the proverbial finger and tell 'em all to eat a dick
Son, Trump tweeted the admin tapped him because of the Russians.

Go take a cold shower, eat a good meal, and think.
There you go the proof is the Liberal media has claimed Flynn was tapped and the transcript illegally disclosed, and where was he? Trump Towers. Their case on Flynn wasxalready the proof but I'm sure something they leaked even further proved it could only be from Trump tower. And this can not be discussed in an on going or about to be going investigation hence he said he was gonna be or told to be silent. Only criminals complain abput not being able to tamper with investigations. Comey already tampered, the media is tampering, you want to tampern they eant to tamper=admission of criminal intent and that you are criminal minded.
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I see leftists shitting themselves daily.

I'm pretty content for the moment.

Yep they sure are:
tmp_5155-found out his party lost the election-988101276.jpg
turning up the burners ..

Lawmakers Want Wiretapping Evidence by Monday

DipshitDonnie is uniting Congress ... with the Justice Department
Still waiting for that MAJOR investigation on the 2-5 million illegal voters in November.

that investigation died 30 seconds after they found out his family, and staff members were registered in two states ...

but we're still waiting on most everything The Hair Club President said he would do.
"We're still waiting"? Who's we? The infantile left?
I see illegals getting shipped out.
I see bids are being requested for the wall.
I see Obamacare being delt with.
I see jobs being created.
I saw the TPP bite the dust.
I see the oil line going ahead.
I see the markets booming.
I see construction at a 10 year high.
I see leftists shitting themselves daily.

I'm pretty content for the moment.
Where's that MAJOR investigation on 3-5 million illegals voting? Don't you care?
turning up the burners ..

Lawmakers Want Wiretapping Evidence by Monday

DipshitDonnie is uniting Congress ... with the Justice Department
Still waiting for that MAJOR investigation on the 2-5 million illegal voters in November.
Actually that's another floundering by CNN.
They asked similar where's the evidence of voter fraud with many reporters and guest panels saying there was not one single case.
That has to be the worst and biggest lie you can make by claiming zero. How dumb do they think their viewers are?
They even said this today after last week or so they had results of investigation of a few states and they all had found voter fraud illegals voting, & I think it was Ohio that had 6% of their total vote count was illegal
Proof CNN is fake news and people are no better then Carbonaro's dupes in believing the rediculous illusions CNN creates.
View attachment 116511

floundering or not Trump dropped it like a red hot rock didn't he ... which leads rational humans to believe two things

1 Trump is full of shit
2 Fake news horseshit if meant to impress pussy RussianWingers

Pussy Russian wingers are loyal Democrats. You know like the Podestas.
turning up the burners ..

Lawmakers Want Wiretapping Evidence by Monday

DipshitDonnie is uniting Congress ... with the Justice Department
Still waiting for that MAJOR investigation on the 2-5 million illegal voters in November.

that investigation died 30 seconds after they found out his family, and staff members were registered in two states ...

but we're still waiting on most everything The Hair Club President said he would do.
"We're still waiting"? Who's we? The infantile left?
I see illegals getting shipped out.
I see bids are being requested for the wall.
I see Obamacare being delt with.
I see jobs being created.
I saw the TPP bite the dust.
I see the oil line going ahead.
I see the markets booming.
I see construction at a 10 year high.
I see leftists shitting themselves daily.

I'm pretty content for the moment.
Where's that MAJOR investigation on 3-5 million illegals voting? Don't you care?
You lost that argument already now you trying again pretending it didn't happen.
turning up the burners ..

Lawmakers Want Wiretapping Evidence by Monday

DipshitDonnie is uniting Congress ... with the Justice Department
Still waiting for that MAJOR investigation on the 2-5 million illegal voters in November.

that investigation died 30 seconds after they found out his family, and staff members were registered in two states ...

but we're still waiting on most everything The Hair Club President said he would do.
As has been pointed out to you many times, them being registered in two states is not illegal. Why do you keep accusing them of something that is not wrong, over and over and over?
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Trump should produce his evidence only after the idiot Democrats in Congress produce theirs regarding their assertions of Russian involvement in our election.
If they don't do that, Trump should give them the proverbial finger and tell 'em all to eat a dick
Dems live in warped timelines, they harp on a man before office who did more then their 8 yrs in office, then harped on 1- 2 months in that they are sabotaging and slowing down still he did more in that time then former in 8 yrs. Then they had 5-6+ months to present evidence of the Russia excuse which has no evidence or weight to even be investigated, but they needed an excuse to spy for the election edge, and yet in a day, a week they expect presented evidence when they just submited for investigation which hasn't started yet.
So 6 months & counting Dems-1 day Republicans fair and balanced eh?
8 years Dems vs 2 months getting cabinet still expecting what? He already delivered more then the 8 yr former administration.
Seems to be a time warp confusion with Dems on perspective of opponents timeline.
I think it's because their tin foil hats are to tight or they enjoy playing with their play doh so much that they lose track of time.
The same people who asked for evidence on Jesus and on who hacked Hillary?
The difference is they already showed us evidence during the railroading of Flynn.
Saying there is no evidence a million times on fake news does not make it so.
Requesting evidence after you orovide none yourselves in your tin foil hat Russian conspiracy rants= hypocracy and down right double standard. Another difference is that one can't discuss whatcs under investigation, asking for inside classified info to tamper with investigation is illegal on the media and congress' part especially when they are the ones being investigated.
Furthermore the Clinton cartel or the progressive mob protecting them is known to knock off whistleblowers.
You guys just live getting people killed don't you?

yeah, Republicans, top lawmakers on the House Intelligence Committee

13 Republicans, 9 Democrats, to be exact ..

Well 1st of all what side of the isle means nothing in this context and is problematic to dems delusional Russian rants.
Secondly do you know those 13's news source because you night be proving a point about propaganda on certain news outlets.
And third Political personas like the popularity and publicity they get from going against the grain, just look at how phoney the Rand Paul rants are.

those Russian rants were born with obvious connections between the Trump Cartel and Russia, Questions began to get serious with Manafort and have escalated to an investigation.

btw, save your horseshit for your fellow RussianWingers and KGB handlers.

Tony Podesta works for the Russian government. It's D's trying to get the sanctions lifted.
Tony's client and you D's still have the nerve to come after Trump? And pray tell why would the Russians hack a Podesta when the Podestas are their buddies?

"Andrei Kostin, head of Russia’s state-run VTB Bank, reaches to his mantelpiece into a thicket of framed pictures of him with President Vladimir Putin and picks out a photo in which he is standing with Hillary Clinton, then US secretary of state.

“If you publish this, it could affect her chances to be president! They’re always trying to find the Russian trace,” he jokes. “I don’t have one with Mr Trump, unfortunately.”

Subscribe to read
You Dem's have no power to demand anything. Elections have consequences for example we don't have to listen to you dipshits any longer you are a minority. You chair no committees, Trump is firing all your appointees. Just stand over there in the corner and keep your whining down.
turning up the burners ..

Lawmakers Want Wiretapping Evidence by Monday

DipshitDonnie is uniting Congress ... with the Justice Department
Still waiting for that MAJOR investigation on the 2-5 million illegal voters in November.

that investigation died 30 seconds after they found out his family, and staff members were registered in two states ...

but we're still waiting on most everything The Hair Club President said he would do.
"We're still waiting"? Who's we? The infantile left?
I see illegals getting shipped out.
I see bids are being requested for the wall.
I see Obamacare being delt with.
I see jobs being created.
I saw the TPP bite the dust.
I see the oil line going ahead.
I see the markets booming.
I see construction at a 10 year high.
I see leftists shitting themselves daily.

I'm pretty content for the moment.
Where's that MAJOR investigation on 3-5 million illegals voting? Don't you care?
Lock down the border and any problem, if it exists, takes care of itself. So no, I don't really care as long as he keeps his promise.
It's really bad news to me and to the ardent Trump supporters. Because HE KNOWS those leaks came from the NSA bulk collection Big Brother toy. And YET -- he's using the term "wiretap" to PROTECT that system.

Means he's not the dude/dudette stand up to principle and STOP IT after it became a POLITICAL WEAPON.

OR --- maybe he's playing this out. And he WILL fix it after the Dems are appropriately EMBARRASSED about turning Domestic Spy operations on their political opposition. America can only hope.

In this pissing match, there are literally only only about 10 politicians that would risk their careers to "clarify" what's happened (vis a vis the "leaks" ) for the American people and media. So that the bulk domestic collection program is HALTED --- or severely overhauled. Y'all should thanking Snowden right now for WARNING about this awesome power. He didn't lecture on the potential abuse -- but here it is..
turning up the burners ..

Lawmakers Want Wiretapping Evidence by Monday

DipshitDonnie is uniting Congress ... with the Justice Department

People in Hell want ice water, too, but I don't think they'll get it.

If the Democrats believe they will get the evidence by Monday they are incredibly ignorant. Anyone with a dozen or more fully functioning brain cells knows it will take months of investigation before presenting this evidence to a deliberative body. This type of information involves allegations of serious crimes and will not be released piecemeal but only when an investigation is complete. To do otherwise would hinder the investigation and turn the whole affair into a media circus. Trump's opposition is desperate to diffuse the allegations against the Obama administration and they will employ any tactic to sway public opinion.

I wish Trump had ALL the evidence available by Monday. That way a few higher-ups in the Obama Administration could be arrested by Tuesday. The allegations of illegal surveillance are widespread. They involve former high-level elected officials, possibly including a president and attorney general, as well as members of the intelligence community. This type of criminal investigation must be thorough and how long it takes depends on the direction the ALL the evidence leads.
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turning up the burners ..

Lawmakers Want Wiretapping Evidence by Monday

DipshitDonnie is uniting Congress ... with the Justice Department

People in Hell want ice water, too, but I don't think they'll get it.

If the Democrats believe they will get the evidence by Monday they are incredibly ignorant. Anyone with a dozen or more fully functioning brain cells knows it will take months of investigation before presenting this evidence to a deliberative body. This type of information involves allegations of serious crimes and will not be released piecemeal but only when an investigation is complete. To do otherwise would hinder the investigation and turn the whole affair into a media circus. Trump's opposition is desperate to diffuse the allegations against the Obama administration and they will employ any tactic to sway public opinion.

I wish Trump had ALL the evidence available by Monday. That way a few higher-ups in the Obama Administration could be arrested by Tuesday. The allegations of illegal surveillance are widespread. They involve former high-level elected officials, possibly including a president and attorney general, as well as members of the intelligence community. This type of criminal investigation must be thorough and how long it takes depends on the direction the ALL the evidence leads.

Trump has the ability to crush Obama, but he wont because why?

no evidence ..

idiots cant see their own ignorance.

end of story.

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