putin again cuts off gas supply to Germany. I SAY - BUILD THE nuclear power plants NOW !

Only Trump got up at the UN and publicly called them out.
not true,
once Putin came to power,
Yeltsin did go the same imperialist way , we just chose dont see it
chechnya - ex Yugoslavia etc.

there is the only one solution :

Germany is set pretty well for gas this winter. Their stockpiles are nearly full.

That is, they don't need Russia.
dont tell it to the pootler´s lovers here, they will cry all night long. We got tons of cash, huge and smart population and technologies , what Moscow got ? Nothing , they are gonna eat each other very soon

the leading expert Krutikhin's concluding comments shows he doesn't get it. Renewable sources are great in theory, but the basic problem is that the sun does not shine at full strength every day (clouds, rain, etc.) not does wind blow all the time. Battery banks & arrays can be used for storage but they take up a lot of space, plus battery manufacture is toxic--it requires rare earth metals, strong acids &/or bases, etc. Don't forget all the plastic components...where will those come from? Solar & wind energy are not good substitutes for petroleum & natural gas, & won't be for the foreseeable future. Germany is in its current MESS because Germany's Green Party- EXTREME LEFT & allies tried to rid the country of all NUKLEAR & fossil fuel ENERGY AND convert GERMAN/EU BUDGET MONEY INto UNPRACTICAL solar & wind power.

what pootler´s gang want to pull off here ? I SAY - BUILD THE nuclear power plants NOW !

Solar panels work on a cloudy day, they're just very diminished. This is why Germany doesn't rely on them for a large portion of their energy generation. They only get 8% of their energy from solar. The rest is provided by Wind. Germany relies on 50% renewables to generate all their power and plans on making it to 80% by 2030. Do you realize how many nuclear plants they would need to build in order to reach 80% in 8 years? It can takes upwards of 10 years and billions just to finish building one plant. People use the same argument in the US. We have 90 nuclear power plants right now, which account for 20% of our energy. We would need to build several hundred in order to cover the electrical power for the whole country without relying on any other source. It's completely untenable and is simply not going to happen. Sometimes I really wonder if ppl think, if we just build 10 more power plants we'll be good, how hard can it be? 🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️
After the breakup of the USSR, many thought Russia would join the civilized nations of the world, but once Putin came to power, it was clear that would not happen. In a speech in 2005, Putin made it clear he intended to expand the Russian empire westward, and western Europe should have become wary about importing Russian energy, but it didn't. In 2005, when Putin invaded Georgia, western Europe should have become wary of importing Russian energy, but it didn't, and in 2014 when Russia invaded Ukraine western Europe should have begun cutting back on Russian energy imports but instead it joined Russia in strongarming Ukraine into signing away territories in the infamous Minsk agreement.

Now it has finally become clear to western Europeans that seeking to appease Putin is seen by him as weakness and an invitation for further aggression and that there is no choice but to oppose Russian aggression though this winter and adapt to a future without energy imports from Russia. By spring it will become clear to Putin that his invasion has failed and he will eventually have to withdraw from Ukraine.

That is what progressive socialism does to people, it makes them, weak and stupid.
Solar panels work on a cloudy day, they're just very diminished. This is why Germany doesn't rely on them for a large portion of their energy generation. They only get 8% of their energy from solar. The rest is provided by Wind. Germany relies on 50% renewables to generate all their power and plans on making it to 80% by 2030. Do you realize how many nuclear plants they would need to build in order to reach 80% in 8 years? It can takes upwards of 10 years and billions just to finish building one plant. People use the same argument in the US. We have 90 nuclear power plants right now, which account for 20% of our energy. We would need to build several hundred in order to cover the electrical power for the whole country without relying on any other source. It's completely untenable and is simply not going to happen. Sometimes I really wonder if ppl think, if we just build 10 more power plants we'll be good, how hard can it be? 🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️

I thought the Germans already have 30 or so nuclear plants, most of which they are not using. I think they are going to bring one or two online before winter, not sure though. I do not understand the Left's objection to nuclear power, I wonder if it's because the renewables industry offers more opportunities to make big money or gov't grants and loans.
It's never logic with the greens.

I think there's more graft involved than greed in the non-renewables vs nuclear. For the Greens, it's nothing less than a holy war against fossil fuels, but for many it is also an opportunity to enjoy gov't largesse in the form of gov't grants and loans.
I think there's more graft involved than greed in the non-renewables vs nuclear. For the Greens, it's nothing less than a holy war against fossil fuels, but for many it is also an opportunity to enjoy gov't largesse in the form of gov't grants and loans.

They can't make any money on reliable energy.
I thought the Germans already have 30 or so nuclear plants, most of which they are not using. I think they are going to bring one or two online before winter, not sure though. I do not understand the Left's objection to nuclear power, I wonder if it's because the renewables industry offers more opportunities to make big money or gov't grants and loans.

No, Germany never had that many.

First of all, everything doesn't have to be political. Countries are shutting down plants because it's not cost effective or practical compared to wind and solar. Even coal, oil and gas is much cheaper than nuclear energy. It's not a left vs right thing. It's a money thing. Anyone who can add and subtract will come to the same conclusion.
No, Germany never had that many.

First of all, everything doesn't have to be political. Countries are shutting down plants because it's not cost effective or practical compared to wind and solar. Even coal, oil and gas is much cheaper than nuclear energy. It's not a left vs right thing. It's a money thing. Anyone who can add and subtract will come to the same conclusion.

Germany has six nuclear power reactors in operation and is in the process of phasing out its nuclear power programme. A total of 26 nuclear power reactors are undergoing decommissioning, one is in post-operation and three nuclear power plants have already been fully dismantled. The remaining six nuclear power reactors in operation will be permanently shut down in a phased approach by the end of 2022.

Let's see, 26 + 1 + 3, that's 30 isn't it? Then there's the other 6 still in operation.

I get the money thing. But don't tell me this ain't political. And then there's this:

FRANKFURT, Jan 4 (Reuters) - Some 4.2 million German households will see their electricity bills rise by an average 63.7% this year and 3.6 million stand to pay 62.3% higher gas bills as suppliers pass on record wholesale rates, data showed on Tuesday.

And then there's this:

BERLIN, Aug 15 (Reuters) - German households will have to pay almost 500 euros ($509) more a year for gas after a levy was set to help utilities cover the cost of replacing Russian supplies, piling pressure on Berlin to come up with further relief measures for the public.

Trading Hub Europe, the German gas market operator, said on Monday it had set the charge at 2.419 euro cents per kilowatt hour (kWh).

The levy will be imposed from Oct. 1 and remain in place until April 2024 in a bid to help Uniper (UN01.DE) - the country's largest importer of Russian gas - and other importers cope with soaring prices.

When you ain't got the money to heat your homes this winter, you got a problem. The Germans put their balls in Putin's hands and said please don't squeeze too hard.
No, Germany never had that many.

First of all, everything doesn't have to be political. Countries are shutting down plants because it's not cost effective or practical compared to wind and solar. Even coal, oil and gas is much cheaper than nuclear energy. It's not a left vs right thing. It's a money thing. Anyone who can add and subtract will come to the same conclusion.

Germany shut down fully paid for plants and "replaced" their output with unreliable wind and solar.
That's why they paid the highest rates in the world. Triple the US rates.
Germany shut down fully paid for plants and "replaced" their output with unreliable wind and solar.
That's why they paid the highest rates in the world. Triple the US rates.

They are not the highest in the world, but they are much higher than the US, but to blame it on wind and solar is beyond silly. Correlation does not equal causation. The UK relies on 43% renewable energy, nearly as much as Germany, to power their country, but their electricity prices are more in line with the US. There are different reasons for higher prices everywhere you go. Wind and solar are now the cheapest sources of energy and will get better with better batteries and solar technology. This is why many countries, including the US is moving more towards renewables. Reliability is not an issue. This is right wing misinformation meant for their low information, dummy followers. There are far and away way more outages in the US than in Germany and parts of Europe that rely on renewables for a good portion of their energy. Talk about unreliable.
They are not the highest in the world, but they are much higher than the US, but to blame it on wind and solar is beyond silly. Correlation does not equal causation. The UK relies on 43% renewable energy, nearly as much as Germany, to power their country, but their electricity prices are more in line with the US. There are different reasons for higher prices everywhere you go. Wind and solar are now the cheapest sources of energy and will get better with better batteries and solar technology. This is why many countries, including the US is moving more towards renewables. Reliability is not an issue. This is right wing misinformation meant for their low information, dummy followers. There are far and away way more outages in the US than in Germany and parts of Europe that rely on renewables for a good portion of their energy. Talk about unreliable.
Green energy is the future, but not the near future. To have shut down their nuclear power plants and rely on Russian gas imports before they could fully convert to renewables was reckless and irresponsible behavior, but also enabled the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
They are not the highest in the world, but they are much higher than the US, but to blame it on wind and solar is beyond silly. Correlation does not equal causation. The UK relies on 43% renewable energy, nearly as much as Germany, to power their country, but their electricity prices are more in line with the US. There are different reasons for higher prices everywhere you go. Wind and solar are now the cheapest sources of energy and will get better with better batteries and solar technology. This is why many countries, including the US is moving more towards renewables. Reliability is not an issue. This is right wing misinformation meant for their low information, dummy followers. There are far and away way more outages in the US than in Germany and parts of Europe that rely on renewables for a good portion of their energy. Talk about unreliable.

The UK relies on 43% renewable energy, nearly as much as Germany, to power their country, but their electricity prices are more in line with the US.


Would you like to amend your claim?

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