Putin gets it

Putin tried to warn obama back in 2009 of his feckless economic policies. obama didn't listen.
Fuck Putin and the horse he rode in on.

I can only imagine how the pseudo-cons would react to Democrats praising the Russian leader for criticizing the USA.
"Barack Obama is either an idiot or he is intentionally trying to destroy the American economy" Vladimir Putin.

The world is laughing at the fool that 52% of american voters put in office. :cuckoo:

Did he really say that? oh wow.:(

When Chavez called Bush the devil, no elected Democratic office holder agreed with him. In fact Charlie Rangel told him off. It's on tape.


Conservatives are flocking to that guy's side.
It would be more like 70% of the population.

Most people are to lazy to vote.

hard to get to 70% when only 44% currently think obama is doing a good job.

as someone else already said, "none of the above" was the real winner in the last two elections.
Republicans have done a fantastic job of getting people to really hate government. Especially pretty recently. Congressional approval is at record lows.

Hats off.

LOL the vast ring wing conspiracy shit has been used. I think Barry got people to hate govt all by himself.
Winner winner chicken dinner.


liberal logic....:cuckoo:

how is Vladamir pissed off when he's the one making the insults......?

if anybody should be pissed of it's Obammy....but he's prolly secretly pleased...

Personally I think Putin and Obama got off to a bad start when that nest of Russian spies were cleaned out at the beginning of the Obama administration.

When do you think Obama pissed off your hero, Putin?

Or should I say Putie Put - As Putin's friend, George W. Bush, use to call him.

just two arrogant prima donnas having their spats.....maybe it was because BO didnt' betray Poland enough....oh wait he did...

when it comes down to brass tacks Lefties have always loved their Uncle Joes....
"Barack Obama is either an idiot or he is intentionally trying to destroy the American economy" Vladimir Putin.

The world is laughing at the fool that 52% of american voters put in office. :cuckoo:

Did he really say that? oh wow.:(

When Chavez called Bush the devil, no elected Democratic office holder agreed with him. In fact Charlie Rangel told him off. It's on tape.


Conservatives are flocking to that guy's side.

That's because it wasn't true. In obama's case it is true. He really is trying to crash the economy.
See this is the reason so many of you on here have no credibility.

If Putin had complimented Obama, then you would have screamed "SEE, two commie brothers!!!"
And when Putin insults him, you shift to "HEAR THE WISE WORDS OF THE COMMIE!!!"

Didn't your moms ever read you the story of the boy who cried wolf???

You've been screaming "wolf" for so long and at every B.S. opportunity that you can manufacture, no one takes you seriously anymore. You could really be raising a legitimate alarm, but because you've shredded your own credibility, no one is listening.

You did it to yourself - no one else to blame.
"Barack Obama is either an idiot or he is intentionally trying to destroy the American economy" Vladimir Putin.

The world is laughing at the fool that 52% of american voters put in office. :cuckoo:

Did he really say that? oh wow.:(

When Chavez called Bush the devil, no elected Democratic office holder agreed with him. In fact Charlie Rangel told him off. It's on tape.


Conservatives are flocking to that guy's side.

Another great point. When America was attacked on 911, most Democrats had no trouble putting aside political difference to rally around the flag and POTUS.

Not only has the far right failed to rally in times of crisis, they flock to attack and blame political advesaries.

I disagree with the far left early and often (as I do with the far right) but credit given where credit has been earned.
To be clear - I am not an Obama fan by any stretch of the imagination - but I feel a measure of sympathy for him right now. The spy games - NSA - Lucent Technology Worldwide behind the scenes were doing globally were going on back when Obama was still a school boy. I sense people are being led to believe his adminstration master minded everything rolling out here rather than realizing that is quite impossible. ( unless he began at age 2 )

Snowden may have his and First Lady's school records, grades, everything Saudis paid a fortune to have sealed - he may even have unreleased evidence concerning where Obama was born but isn't that precisely the type of person Kissinger and co. were looking for to be pres. of usa? Of course it was. It worked in the favor of both parties ( arabs and people Kissinger & Bernanke represent )

They don't care about his grades being revealed, they care about information getting out that would derail their plans for America. ( Obama cares about that because he hasn't yet realised it doesn't matter)

So what information are Obamas' handlers worried about and does Obama trust them enough to stake his future on it? He is afterall their chosen scapegoat for all of this. Anyone can see that by the way things are stacking up. Putin ( a murderer, philanderer, wife beater & fraud who started off in low level job and today is worth billions he stole from others ) is presented to the world as the paragon of virtue while the man the elitists introduced as the answer for America's problems is now presented as the source of them.

There is far more going on behind the scenes than meets the eye here. So on that note? I do feel a measure of Sympathy here for the Obamas because I can recognize a set up when I see one coming. I don't believe either of them have any idea Russia will really do a limited nuclear strike on the 4 corners of USA. Nevertheless Putin will do it eventually.

When it happens the Obama family will be blamed as the cause - they will be a family without a home - Syria the reason - Putin the hero who saved the day - while handing USA to China in exchange for a deal on Taiwan. ( Putin doesn't want America - he just wants to destroy it to the point it can't get back up again & give it to the Chinese ) For the Chinese this works because they want the land America has and the waters , oil , everything - they just don't want the reputation that would come along with taking it so it makes perfect sense Russia will do the dirty work in this one. Any Pentagon officials, RAND thinksters, CFR wannabes that believe differently are idiots. Why? Because neither China nor Russia ever had any plans on being a member of the NWO - even though you guys offered China the lead role. Why take a seat when you can have the entire room? That is what they have to be thinking - which is what the idiots at the Pentagon gave up long ago when they started targeting Christians and removing them from top level positions - replacing them with satanists and atheists in the Pentagon. It's like owning a maserati in mind condition and replacing the engine with a ford one. Think about it.

- Jeri
~60 million is not 52% of 314 million.

That said, Putin is looking to flex his muscles. Even if I can partially agree with his assessment. Frankly, he doesnt have a lot of room to talk. He's just another central planner like Obama.

I said 52% of AMERICAN VOTERS, not 52% of the population.

My point is that Putin sees what half of america refuses to see.

Yes, Putin is ex KGB and is looking to flex, but he is acting like a man while obama acts like a pussy boy.

that fact you stated is a bit too difficult for liarberals to grasp on to !

half of Americans is a tad bit low, i would say that about, maybe 20% of Americans and us patriots 99.9% :up:
hard to get to 70% when only 44% currently think obama is doing a good job.

as someone else already said, "none of the above" was the real winner in the last two elections.
Republicans have done a fantastic job of getting people to really hate government. Especially pretty recently. Congressional approval is at record lows.

Hats off.

LOL the vast ring wing conspiracy shit has been used. I think Barry got people to hate govt all by himself.

Yeah it had nothing to do with Reagan's crack about government being the problem.

liberal logic....:cuckoo:

how is Vladamir pissed off when he's the one making the insults......?

if anybody should be pissed of it's Obammy....but he's prolly secretly pleased...

Personally I think Putin and Obama got off to a bad start when that nest of Russian spies were cleaned out at the beginning of the Obama administration.

When do you think Obama pissed off your hero, Putin?

Or should I say Putie Put - As Putin's friend, George W. Bush, use to call him.

just two arrogant prima donnas having their spats.....maybe it was because BO didnt' betray Poland enough....oh wait he did...

when it comes down to brass tacks Lefties have always loved their Uncle Joes....

Betray Poland, by what? Rightly pointing out the Nazis set up Death Camps in um..Poland?

Here's a newsflash..the Polish were as happy as the rest of Europe that Jews were being purged.
~60 million is not 52% of 314 million.

That said, Putin is looking to flex his muscles. Even if I can partially agree with his assessment. Frankly, he doesnt have a lot of room to talk. He's just another central planner like Obama.

I said 52% of AMERICAN VOTERS, not 52% of the population.

My point is that Putin sees what half of america refuses to see.

Yes, Putin is ex KGB and is looking to flex, but he is acting like a man while obama acts like a pussy boy.

It would be more like 70% of the population.

Most people are to lazy to vote.

on that note i have to agree :up:

IF we could get 70% of the American population to get off their lazy asses and vote, you liberfools would never see another liberscum presidunce such as that illegal alien mulatto muslime son-of-a-bitch in the WH now. :up:
Fuck Putin and the horse he rode in on.

I can only imagine how the pseudo-cons would react to Democrats praising the Russian leader for criticizing the USA.
Very true. This is asinine. Putin’s opinion on this nation matters less to me than the bum down the street. We are not Russia’s ‘friend.’ We are their rival. We deal with each other because that is what responsible nations do but in no way should any American EVER take insults about our leadership from another nation.

Rad, you should be ashamed of yourself and your asinine actions. It is wrong. Criticize the president. Condemn the president. DO NOT put yourself behind another leader acting like a child though.
"Barack Obama is either an idiot or he is intentionally trying to destroy the American economy" Vladimir Putin.

The world is laughing at the fool that 52% of american voters put in office. :cuckoo:

Did he really say that? oh wow.:(

When Chavez called Bush the devil, no elected Democratic office holder agreed with him. In fact Charlie Rangel told him off. It's on tape.


Conservatives are flocking to that guy's side.

Do you have an elected office holder form the republicans backing up Putin’s claims?

I think not.

There were plenty of democrats that agreed with that sentiment against Bush but they were not stupid enough to actually take it from other nations leaders. In the same way, there are plenty of republicans that agree with that sentiment as well (and said it long before Putin did) but I don’t think any of them are dumb enough to actually back Putin. Prove me wrong.

As far as ‘conservative’ flocking anywhere, I only see one here that has done so. That is not indicative of anyone flocking anywhere.
Jeremiah, you "feel a measure of sympathy for him right now."

awwww.., what a pussy boy :up: i personally do not understand this "FEEL" concept.., the man (?) is a fucking criminal in most peoples point of view....., especially mine :up:

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