Putin gets it

Personally I think Putin and Obama got off to a bad start when that nest of Russian spies were cleaned out at the beginning of the Obama administration.

When do you think Obama pissed off your hero, Putin?

Or should I say Putie Put - As Putin's friend, George W. Bush, use to call him.

just two arrogant prima donnas having their spats.....maybe it was because BO didnt' betray Poland enough....oh wait he did...

when it comes down to brass tacks Lefties have always loved their Uncle Joes....

Betray Poland, by what? Rightly pointing out the Nazis set up Death Camps in um..Poland?

Here's a newsflash..the Polish were as happy as the rest of Europe that Jews were being purged.

no long-range missile interceptors for Poland...

This week, Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski accused the Obama Administration of betrayal, saying, “Our mistake was that by accepting the American offer of a [missile defense] shield we failed to take into account the political risk associated with a change of president.… We paid a high political price. We do not want to make the same mistake again. We must have a missile system as an element of our defences.”

In 2009, President Obama cancelled the deal the U.S. had with Poland and the Czech Republic to build an interceptor site and radar that would provide protection of the U.S. homeland and allies from rogue ballistic missiles. Polish and Czech leaders took on the task of educating their populations of the necessity of defending their populations from Iranian missiles, of collaborating with the U.S. to do this, of having American soldiers on their territory, and—the hardest of all—that the blowback from Russia over the sites was worth it.

Polish President Blasts Obama on Missile Defense | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation
If the Muslim Brotherhood ran Poland, Obama would have sent them 4 separate missile shields

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It would be more like 70% of the population.

Most people are to lazy to vote.

Or most people use not voting to vote "no one". The true winner of the last election was "no one". With the majority abstaining from voting at all.

Most people in the United States are registered Democrats. And most don't want to be bothered with standing on line for 6 hours.

Surprising as that may be.

A somewhat misleading statement, as most states in the South and Midwest do not request or require a declaration of party in the voter registration process:

the following 22 states (mostly in the South and the Midwest) do not provide for party preferences in voter registration:

Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington and Wisconsin.

Political party strength in U.S. states - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jeremiah, you "feel a measure of sympathy for him right now."

awwww.., what a pussy boy :up: i personally do not understand this "FEEL" concept.., the man (?) is a fucking criminal in most peoples point of view....., especially mine :up:

I'm a woman. Of course he is a criminal. You can't be a politician in highest office of land in America these days without being one of those. What color is your sky? My message obviously went right over your head. Nevermind. - J.
"Like spoiled, angry children, they (American Liberals) rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave."

Liberalism: Psychosis, evil or ignorance? - English pravda.ru

The Russians are laughing at our Progressives



There should be no doubt now...Commies hate liberals. Just like Conservatives.

Yes, I think the liberal top guys in Pentagon, WH, Senate, Congress, DOJ, everywhere are waking up to the reality of what time it is right now. Which must come as quite a shock.

You see, they thought everyone was on the same page here. Obviously not.

Truth is the ex- KGB Agent - Yuri Bemzanov - made it clear years ago that when the Russian tanks roll into the USA the first people to be lined up against the wall will be the liberals who worked for the press, the ediucators who promoted Marx, the Hollywood star useful idiot crowd, those type folks will be gathered up first and executed by firing squad. There is precedent for it. They have done it exactly that way in every single nation communism has ever taken. Sad, isn't it? - J.
Did he really say that? oh wow.:(

When Chavez called Bush the devil, no elected Democratic office holder agreed with him. In fact Charlie Rangel told him off. It's on tape.


Conservatives are flocking to that guy's side.

Another great point. When America was attacked on 911, most Democrats had no trouble putting aside political difference to rally around the flag and POTUS.

Not only has the far right failed to rally in times of crisis, they flock to attack and blame political advesaries.

I disagree with the far left early and often (as I do with the far right) but credit given where credit has been earned.

conservatives did not cause 9/11, liberal policies have caused the current economic problems. But I guess the difference is too subtle for you to grasp.
Redfish, both parties are working for the same folks. I know you don't believe that but how do explain both Republican leaders and democrat leaders all demanding snowden be executed without a trial? What you think you knew you didn't and what you think you know now you don't. - Jeri
Redfish, both parties are working for the same folks. I know you don't believe that but how do explain both Republican leaders and democrat leaders all demanding snowden be executed without a trial? What you think you knew you didn't and what you think you know now you don't. - Jeri

And who, by name, are those evil NWO guys that both parties are working for? Is Dr NO one of them? goldfinger? scaramanga?

you read too much fantasy. There is no group of evil rich guys who control the leaders of every nation in the world. GEEEEEEZ, where do you guys get this crap?
And he says this why using an Ayn Rand quote at bottom of his post. Incredible. - J.

show me where Rand ever said that there is a global conspiracy the controls the world's governments.

Her message was that ever increasing government control will destroy an economy. Her predictions are coming true.

BTW, if you have not read Atlas Shrugged or at least watched the movie, then you should recuse yourself from this discussion because you are speaking from ignorance.
Oh goody. A commie talks about the American Economy and a conservative agrees.


Commies tell the truth now and then.

Any sane person would agree with what was said.

You libs have a hard time understanding that you cannot discredit something said simply because of its source.

I am sure that you and your ilk will mock and find humor in what Putin said. I don't. He speaks the truth. I tend to think it is the latter. Obama is certainly no idiot...but he is deliberately trying to ruin our economy.
~60 million is not 52% of 314 million.

That said, Putin is looking to flex his muscles. Even if I can partially agree with his assessment. Frankly, he doesnt have a lot of room to talk. He's just another central planner like Obama.

He said voters.
Oh goody. A commie talks about the American Economy and a conservative agrees.


Commies tell the truth now and then.

Any sane person would agree with what was said.

You libs have a hard time understanding that you cannot discredit something said simply because of its source.

I am sure that you and your ilk will mock and find humor in what Putin said. I don't. He speaks the truth. I tend to think it is the latter. Obama is certainly no idiot...but he is deliberately trying to ruin our economy.

His recently declared war on coal is just another step in the process. It will destroy jobs, drive energy costs through the roof, and do nothing to stop world wide pollution.

China and India are opening coal fired power plants every day. we could be selling coal to them, but instead obozo wants to "invest" our tax dollars in unproven and unworkable "clean" energy fiascos.
I said 52% of AMERICAN VOTERS, not 52% of the population.

My point is that Putin sees what half of america refuses to see.

Yes, Putin is ex KGB and is looking to flex, but he is acting like a man while obama acts like a pussy boy.

It would be more like 70% of the population.

Most people are to lazy to vote.

on that note i have to agree :up:

IF we could get 70% of the American population to get off their lazy asses and vote, you liberfools would never see another liberscum presidunce such as that illegal alien mulatto muslime son-of-a-bitch in the WH now. :up:

So you're saying that people who would vote conservative are on the average, lazy?

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