Putin: In Your Face, Punk

Obama wants to fire a couple hundred missiles,seems like he's in a big hurry to do it.
Kerry says the attack will just be a little thing,no biggie.

Which is it ?
The missile attack on Syria would take out chemical weapons manufacturing facilities, military command and control facilities, and chemical weapons delivery vehicles and their manufacturing facilities.

As always, extraordinary precautions would be taken to minimize civilian casualties. But you assholes already know that.

You are just suffering from ODS and twisting and spinning like hell to make Syria's admission it has WMDs somehow work against Obama when it is clearly a huge victory for the US and the world. The mere threat of the attack brought this incredible admission about.

You fuckheads are more worried about politics than pushing back against true evil.

why is that the role of the USA? Who appointed us as sargeant at arms for the world?
The missile attack on Syria would take out chemical weapons manufacturing facilities, military command and control facilities, and chemical weapons delivery vehicles and their manufacturing facilities.

As always, extraordinary precautions would be taken to minimize civilian casualties. But you assholes already know that.

You are just suffering from ODS and twisting and spinning like hell to make Syria's admission it has WMDs somehow work against Obama when it is clearly a huge victory for the US and the world. The mere threat of the attack brought this incredible admission about.

You fuckheads are more worried about politics than pushing back against true evil.

why is that the role of the USA? Who appointed us as sargeant at arms for the world?

With great power comes great responsibility.

The world is safer today because of what the US just did.
Obama wants to fire a couple hundred missiles,seems like he's in a big hurry to do it.
Kerry says the attack will just be a little thing,no biggie.

Which is it ?

Your post is full of equivocations.
I heard a Liberal talk show host yesterday say she was overwhelmed by the job
the president did with Syria.

She was so wet and excited she kept slipping of the chair.
All you jackoffs who have been opposing the missile strike on Syria are Putin's useful idiots. You communicated pantywaist weakness.

What will missile strikes accomplish?

Be specific.

What will they hit?

Where will they hit?

When, how and especially what are the expected results and outcome, etc.

Would Iran retaliate against Israel?

Would Russia defend Syria?

Would Iran unleash the dozens of Sleeper Cells currently inside the US?

I wanna know.

Look at you, trembling in your panties over "sleeper cells". :lol:

We definitely need to preserve this newfound appeaser cowardice for posterity.

I have been specific about Syrian targets many times. It has also been in all the papers. I cannot help it if you have the memory retention of a goldfish.
Something apparently woke up the Boston Marathon bomber brothers. Do you doubt there are others here? With our wide open border with Mexico and our pampering of radical Islamic E-mommies here...preaching hatred for the country that allows them to stay, I would not doubt that there are MANY sleeper cells here...and more cellmates coming in daily.

We have the most ridiculous border security system on earth....all because the Democrats want the votes...and because the Marxist Obama wants more people to pass money to in his concerted effort to bankrupt the country.

Liberalism is a mental disorder!
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As I have pointed out time and time again, the Iraq war was eight years long, cost three trillion dollars, involved hundreds of thousands of US troops, and we lost thousands of fighthing men and women.

Syria is a missile shoot involving less tonnage than we fired in the first 60 seconds of the Iraq War.

Dipshits have been trying to draw parallels between Syria and Iraq when it suits them, and ducking when it doesn't.

They call the planned Syrian action a "war" and an "invasion". Strangely, the neocons forget they couldn't WAIT to invade Iraq. Not only that, two wars weren't enough for them. They wanted more veins in their teeth. They wanted to invade Iran. Over and over again, they demanded we invade Iran. And yet now they suddenly don twisted panties and oppose to a much, much, much, much smaller military action that doesn't even compare to that invasion/war.

Things that make you go, "Hmmmmm..."


And now, Syria admits it has chemical weapons and is open to working out a means to remove those from its country.

Syria has denied, denied, and denied again over the years it even has chemical weapons. It denied it to Bush, it denied it to the UN, it denied it to the world.

Still the neocons try to desperately spin this amazing development into a negative for Obama. They just come across looking more and more deranged with every passing day.
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The missile attack on Syria would take out chemical weapons manufacturing facilities, military command and control facilities, and chemical weapons delivery vehicles and their manufacturing facilities.

As always, extraordinary precautions would be taken to minimize civilian casualties. But you assholes already know that.

You are just suffering from ODS and twisting and spinning like hell to make Syria's admission it has WMDs somehow work against Obama when it is clearly a huge victory for the US and the world. The mere threat of the attack brought this incredible admission about.

You fuckheads are more worried about politics than pushing back against true evil.

why is that the role of the USA? Who appointed us as sargeant at arms for the world?

With great power comes great responsibility.

The world is safer today because of what the US just did.

Please quote the language in the constitution that declares that the USA is to enforce a morals code on the rest of the world.

and------if that is our role, why did we sit and watch as millions were slaughtered in the Congo and Sudan? No oil in africa? blacks don't count? our police role does not include africa?

waiting for an explanation.:eusa_whistle:
As I have pointed out time and time again, the Iraq war was eight years long, cost three trillion dollars, involved hundreds of thousands of US troops, and we lost thousands of fighthing men and women.

Syria is a missile shoot involving less tonnage than we fired in the first 60 seconds of the Iraq War.

Dipshits have been trying to draw parallels between Syria and Iraq when it suits them, and ducking when it doesn't.

They call the planned Syrian action a "war" and an "invasion". Strangely, the neocons forget they couldn't WAIT to invade Iraq. Not only that, two wars weren't enough for them. They wanted more veins in their teeth. They wanted to invade Iran. Over and over again, they demanded we invade Iran. And yet now the suddenly don panties and oppose to a much, much, much, much smaller military action that doesn't even compare to that invasion/war.

Things that make you go, "Hmmmmm..."


And now, Syria admits it has chemical weapons and is open to working out a means to remove those from its country.

Syria has denied, denied, and denied again over the years it even has chemical weapons. It denied it to Bush, it denied it to the UN, it denied it to the world.

Still the neocons try to desperately spin this amazing development into a negative for Obama. They just come across looking more and more deranged with every passing day.

very similar to what was said at the beginning of our involvement in Viet Nam.
why is that the role of the USA? Who appointed us as sargeant at arms for the world?

With great power comes great responsibility.

The world is safer today because of what the US just did.

Please quote the language in the constitution that declares that the USA is to enforce a morals code on the rest of the world.

and------if that is our role, why did we sit and watch as millions were slaughtered in the Congo and Sudan? No oil in africa? blacks don't count? our police role does not include africa?

waiting for an explanation.:eusa_whistle:

We have several precedents for the Syrian action.

How come I did not hear all these questions from the neocons in the leadup to the invasion of Iraq?

How come I did not hear all these questions from the neocons when Clinton bombed Iraq three times without even consulting with Congress?

These bullshit objections are the height of hypocrisy.

As for Iraq, we would have had to go to war with Hussein again sooner or later. I speak from firsthand experience from being over there on active duty. It was just a matter of time. Better sooner than later.

However, Bush blundered it. Totally blundered it. Demobilizing the Iraqi Army is going to go down as the greatest US military fuckup in history.
One of the arguments against securing our border with Mexico is that the area is too vast to secure.
How much would it cost to put up signs saying the border is mined.

Then lay some mines.
How do none of you see whats happening? All of a sudden the President is asking permission of congress to do something and all you idiots dont see this as odd? Obama is hoping congress tells him no so he can blame republicans for not being able to stop Syria from killing kids....Whoever is advising the president had a damn good idea to cover Obama's cowardliness this time.

So look at how this plays out.... Congress says no and they are painted as people who dont care children are gassed... They say yes and they are painted as warmongers.... Damned if we do fucked if we dont.
Syria has always denied it had chemical weapons. They denied it to Bush, they have denied it to the UN, they have denied it to everyone who ever demanded they fess up.

Now, they not only just admitted they do have chemical weapons, they are offering to remove them from their country.

Boy, they sure did punk Obama! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

You people are beyond retarded.

so we should bomb children in syria because Assad lied? is that what you are saying?

Listen you liar piece of traitor shit, we don't target and bomb kids or innocent civilians. The people you are defending like a 13 year old boy who just saw his first pair of naked tits use the civilian population as cover. They are cowards. They know that the only way to reach them is to cause collateral damage. It is what they want. They use the collateral damage as propaganda you asshole. They hide behind the women and children. Jerks like you want that to be acceptable, the same way jerks like you want chemical warfare to be acceptable. You don't know how to fight or protect the American people and you don't have the balls to fight and protect the American people. You just want to accuse the American people of being savage murderers who kill innocent civilians because we are evil people.
The missile attack on Syria would take out chemical weapons manufacturing facilities, military command and control facilities, and chemical weapons delivery vehicles and their manufacturing facilities.

As always, extraordinary precautions would be taken to minimize civilian casualties. But you assholes already know that.

You are just suffering from ODS and twisting and spinning like hell to make Syria's admission it has WMDs somehow work against Obama when it is clearly a huge victory for the US and the world. The mere threat of an attack brought this incredible admission about.

Assad is giving up his WMDs in order to survive. To stay in power. This is the best of a shit ton of ugly, nasty alternatives.

You fuckheads are more worried about politics than pushing back against true evil. The world just became a safer place and you are too retarded to realize it.

Do you know what happens when you bomb a Chemical Weapons Manufacturing Facility?

It goes BOOM!!! And disperses all the bad Chemicals into the air. Maybe, thousands of feet into the air where they can drift for miles and miles and settle to Earth on a thousand square miles of population.

Maybe killing hundreds of thousands.

Yer a fucking genius.

Go clean the chalkboard, dummy
All you jackoffs who have been opposing the missile strike on Syria are Putin's useful idiots. You communicated pantywaist weakness.

What will missile strikes accomplish?

Be specific.

What will they hit?

Where will they hit?

When, how and especially what are the expected results and outcome, etc.

Would Iran retaliate against Israel?

Would Russia defend Syria?

Would Iran unleash the dozens of Sleeper Cells currently inside the US?

I wanna know.

obama and the libtards are convinced that there would be no retaliation for a strike. There is no plan to deal with retaliation. There's no plan for anything. That is the worst of obama's blunders. He is so in love with himself and so convinced of the adoration of everyone else in the world, that he cannot imagine any use of force against the US.
Just when you think the Right Wingnut Brigade can't get any wingnuttier.....
The missile attack on Syria would take out chemical weapons manufacturing facilities, military command and control facilities, and chemical weapons delivery vehicles and their manufacturing facilities.

As always, extraordinary precautions would be taken to minimize civilian casualties. But you assholes already know that.

You are just suffering from ODS and twisting and spinning like hell to make Syria's admission it has WMDs somehow work against Obama when it is clearly a huge victory for the US and the world. The mere threat of an attack brought this incredible admission about.

Assad is giving up his WMDs in order to survive. To stay in power. This is the best of a shit ton of ugly, nasty alternatives.

You fuckheads are more worried about politics than pushing back against true evil. The world just became a safer place and you are too retarded to realize it.

Do you know what happens when you bomb a Chemical Weapons Manufacturing Facility?

It goes BOOM!!! And disperses all the bad Chemicals into the air. Maybe, thousands of feet into the air where they can drift for miles and miles and settle to Earth on a thousand square miles of population.

Maybe killing hundreds of thousands.

Yer a fucking genius.

Go clean the chalkboard, dummy

The stupidity is enough to make someone cry. It wasn't the threat of force. Assad was already assured that the force used would be the smallest amount of force that could be used without being embarrassing. Assad was advised of the targets and assured that he would not be a target himself. The peace plan is a Russian plan, part one is Assad gives up his chemical weapons. Part 2 is that Americans renounce any use of force in Syria forever and until the end of time. Now use of any force has been delayed giving Assad, Russia and Iran plenty of time to take whatever actions they deem necessary to take in their own interests.

You think the world just became a safer place? Really? Seriously? How did you come to this conclusion? Did obama tell you?
As I have pointed out time and time again, the Iraq war was eight years long, cost three trillion dollars, involved hundreds of thousands of US troops, and we lost thousands of fighthing men and women.

Syria is a missile shoot involving less tonnage than we fired in the first 60 seconds of the Iraq War.

Dipshits have been trying to draw parallels between Syria and Iraq when it suits them, and ducking when it doesn't.

They call the planned Syrian action a "war" and an "invasion". Strangely, the neocons forget they couldn't WAIT to invade Iraq. Not only that, two wars weren't enough for them. They wanted more veins in their teeth. They wanted to invade Iran. Over and over again, they demanded we invade Iran. And yet now the suddenly don panties and oppose to a much, much, much, much smaller military action that doesn't even compare to that invasion/war.

Things that make you go, "Hmmmmm..."


And now, Syria admits it has chemical weapons and is open to working out a means to remove those from its country.

Syria has denied, denied, and denied again over the years it even has chemical weapons. It denied it to Bush, it denied it to the UN, it denied it to the world.

Still the neocons try to desperately spin this amazing development into a negative for Obama. They just come across looking more and more deranged with every passing day.

very similar to what was said at the beginning of our involvement in Viet Nam.

How so, and who? Recall it was Truman who pledged 15 million in military aid to the French for fighting against Ho in 1950.

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