🇷🇺 putin Invades Alaska, Here’s What Happens Next

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Know what "non-sequitur" means?

random conflict.
  1. a conclusion or statement that does not logically follow from the previous argument or statement.
    "his weird mixed metaphors and non sequiturs"
but i dont buy it, i posted here a lot of information (some from another side ). this version looks very 🇷🇺 logical to me " the Muscovite kidnapped and r***d a Z-blogger and communist American because they mistook him for a spy, then when they realized their mistake, they murdered and dismembered him to silence him. 🇷🇺 Bizarre way of life "

with other words, He failed the test of traditional 🇷🇺Muscovite values :popcorn:.....

why putin kidnapped American traitor Russell Bentley (64), a Texan and self-proclaimed 'communist' in Donetsk ?

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What happens next is I wake up and say, "I shouldn't have eaten that chili so close to bedtime."
when you will make this joke again, you can use this pic. you have my permission.
You know, Litwin, I'm with you 100 percent on Ukraine. I'm with you all the way on the sheer evil that is Putin.

But Putin invading Alaska is ridiculous.

He's evil, not stupid. Though one could argue invading Ukraine was a huge miscalculation on his part.

You know, Litwin, I'm with you 100 percent on Ukraine. I'm with you all the way on the sheer evil that is Putin.

But Putin invading Alaska is ridiculous.

He's evil, not stupid. Though one could argue invading Ukraine was a huge miscalculation on his part.

California´s GDP is bigger than GDP of putinstan. so its a question, who annexes who ...

Russia will never invade Alaska. Carve that into stone somewhere, if it hasn't already been done.
Moscow (with support of our radical leftists & Trumpits )🇷🇺 empire is going to start putting Alaska as a part of itself in it's maps a soon, .

My qestion to all Americans , are you ready to die for Alaska (French: Pourquoi mourir pour Dan(t)zig?)?

this political slogan has nothing to do with " Danzig was not part of France"

Why Die for Danzig? - Wikipedia

The phrase originated in the title of an article ("Mourir pour Dantzig?") by the French Neo-Socialist writer Marcel Déat, published on May 4, 1939 in the Parisian newspaper L'Œuvre (L'Œuvre in French Wikipedia)[2][3] The article concerned one of the Nazi German ultimatums to the Second Polish Republic, regarding the demand to transfer control of the Free City of Danzig (Gdańsk) to Germany.[4] In the article, Déat argued in favor of appeasement.[5] He asserted that France had no interest in defending Poland, and that German Chancellor Adolf Hitler would be satisfied after receiving the territory he (rightfully, according to Déat[6]) demanded. He accused the Poles of warmongering and dragging Europe into a war.[6] Déat argued that Frenchmen should not be called to die paying for irresponsible Polish politicking,[6]..... But to die for Danzig, no!" ("Mais mourir pour Dantzig, non !") [7]...Following French defeat by Germany and the creation of the Vichy regime, Déat became an advocate of fascism and a Nazi collaborator, going so far as to look for support in Nazi Germany for his fascist party, which was more radical than the Vichy regime.

The sale of Stewart's icebox was legit...according us, yes.

wrong , they🇷🇺 are dumb and evil
No offense there Litwin but your posts about Alaska are ridiculous.

Russia is saying if the US can take Ukraine, then we can take Alaska.

The difference is Alaska is full of Americans while Ukraine is full of Ukrainians.

Stop posting nonsense about what drunk Russians say about Alaska.

Good info about Ukraine would be more useful.
No offense there Litwin but your posts about Alaska are ridiculous.

Russia is saying if the US can take Ukraine, then we can take Alaska.

The difference is Alaska is full of Americans while Ukraine is full of Ukrainians.

Stop posting nonsense about what drunk Russians say about Alaska.

Good info about Ukraine would be more useful.
Man, I like straight forward conversation . Yes, and we know that Ukrainians can fight war-war . Meanwhile WE BOTH know that Americans dont WANT TO fight war- war (a real war). And Moscow 🇷🇺 imperialists know it.


Why were poor, backward , aggressive nomadic (outgunned, outnumbered) armies so successful (often) against settled super RICH empires throughout history?

The Huns, the Magyars , Arabs (in VII c. ) the Jurchens, the Turks, Manchus, the Mongols, etc.
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