Putin is doing his country no favors and will lose

How come you have your Rep disabled?...Like other subversives, afraid to be NEGGED into the RED? Cowards, all you subversives.

Ever think that the ENEMY understand STRENGTH through armaments, even though 10% of what we have is all that's needed? NO, you people just don't get that!

Its funny you asked. I have my rep disable so losers like you have no way of releasing your stress when I make you look stupid. See example below.

Putin already knows we have enough nukes to destroy the world. Your reasoning is retarded but expected. So we are going to drop a nuclear bomb just to get Putin? What affect is that going to have on the rest of the world? Clowns like you don't think things out to conclusions.

As I said, and proved by the above, a fucking subversive coward, afraid stand behind his postings! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

I stand behind my postings 100%. You being enraged you cant neg me to relive your stress doesn't change that fact. :lol:
How Putin is losing in Crimea: A reality check

Economic costs

While Putin clearly imagines Russia to be a great power, the country is a hollow shell of its former self, with waning political and military influence and an economy that is teetering on the brink. Higher inflation, a weakening ruble, huge capital outflows and a lack of economic reforms contributed to a major slowdown in the growth rate last year — from a projected increase of 3.6 percent to a mediocre 1.3 percent clip. The Crimea crisis will only add to these economic woes.

But he doesn't care. He only cares about his power at present and making himself look like a legitimate world leader, instead of the Thug that he really is.

But Republicans still love him

Damn, do you guys ever drool over Putin
How Putin is losing in Crimea: A reality check

Economic costs

While Putin clearly imagines Russia to be a great power, the country is a hollow shell of its former self, with waning political and military influence and an economy that is teetering on the brink. Higher inflation, a weakening ruble, huge capital outflows and a lack of economic reforms contributed to a major slowdown in the growth rate last year — from a projected increase of 3.6 percent to a mediocre 1.3 percent clip. The Crimea crisis will only add to these economic woes.

But he doesn't care. He only cares about his power at present and making himself look like a legitimate world leader, instead of the Thug that he really is.

Putin is playing his "Might makes right" card and daring the west to come in and kick him out of the Ukraine. Conservatives are eating it up

Putin will learn the difference between military might and economic might if he plays his Ukraine card. If his economy topples, how long before Putin topples?

He is not Stalin...he will be accountable for his decisions
So is Putin going to be on the GOP ticket in November. It certainly sounds like it.

You guys want to call out the troops and march on Moscow? If DICK could get the Halliburton no-bid contract for it, he might do it.
So is Putin going to be on the GOP ticket in November. It certainly sounds like it.

You guys want to call out the troops and march on Moscow? If DICK could get the Halliburton no-bid contract for it, he might do it.

Is there really any difference between Putin and Dick Cheney?
So is Putin going to be on the GOP ticket in November. It certainly sounds like it.

You guys want to call out the troops and march on Moscow? If DICK could get the Halliburton no-bid contract for it, he might do it.

No wonder you've been here since 2007 and only have 1358 Rep points...Because you're as fucking stupid as Leftwinger!

Obama administration approves No-Bid Halliburton Contract...

I guess the evil Cheney wasn't so evil after all?

May 06, 2010, 11:27 AM EDT

By Tony Capaccio

May 6 (Bloomberg) -- KBR Inc. was selected for a no-bid contract worth as much as $568 million through 2011 for military support services in Iraq, the Army said.
The Army announced its decision yesterday only hours after the Justice Department said it will pursue a lawsuit accusing the Houston-based company of taking kickbacks from two subcontractors on Iraq-related work. The Army also awarded the work to KBR over objections from members of Congress, who have pushed the Pentagon to seek bids for further logistics contracts.
The Justice Department said the government will join a suit filed by whistleblowers alleging that two freight-forwarding firms gave KBR transportation department employees kickbacks in the form of meals, drinks, sports tickets and golf outings.
“Defense contractors cannot take advantage of the ongoing war effort by accepting unlawful kickbacks,” Assistant Attorney General Tony West said in a statement.
KBR, the Army’s largest contractor in Iraq, will review the litigation when it is received and “will continue to cooperate with the government,” company spokeswoman Heather Browne said in an e-mail. “Gifts of dinners, baseball tickets and similar items would violate KBR policies and KBR was not aware of these violations.”
KBR will continue to provide services in Iraq such as housing, meals, laundry, showers, water purification and bathroom cleaning under the new order, which was placed under a military contract KBR won in late 2001, shortly after the U.S. invaded Afghanistan.
‘Appropriate Safeguards’
The Army has “reviewed the government’s notice to intervene” in the whistleblower lawsuit, Army spokesman Dan Carlson said. “We feel we have appropriate safeguards in place” to protect the government’s interests.
The no-bid work order is unusual because the Army, at the insistence of Congress, has since April 2008 put all logistics orders to bid, pitting KBR against Falls Church, Virginia-based DynCorp International Inc. and Irving, Texas-based Fluor Corp.
The Army didn’t put this work out for bids because U.S. commanders in Iraq advised against it, saying that enlisting a new company would be too disruptive as the U.S withdraws, Army program director Lee Thompson said in an interview before the Justice Department action was announced.
Odierno’s View
The view of General Ray Odierno, the U.S. military commander in Iraq, was crucial to the decision, Army Chief of Staff General George Casey told reporters today.
“Odierno said, ‘I’ve got three million pieces of equipment I’ve got to get out of Iraq, I’ve got 100 or so bases to close, I’ve got to move 80,000-plus people out of here and you want me to change horses in the middle of the stream?’” Casey recounted.
The U.S. force in Iraq is scheduled to shrink from 94,000 troops today to 50,000 by August, with a complete withdrawal by December 2011.
The Army, in its statement yesterday, said putting to bid an order for 18 months’ work and making the transition to a new contractor would cost at least $77 million. The KBR work order will be awarded by Aug. 31, said Mike Hutchison, deputy director of Army logistics contracting.
Earlier U.S. Lawsuit
The lawsuit is the second government action this year against KBR. The U.S. sued the company on April 1, alleging that it used private armed security guards in Iraq between 2003 and 2006 in violation of its Army contract and then improperly billed for their services.
Before yesterday’s Justice Department announcement, the Army had said in an e-mailed statement that it was aware of the April lawsuit and would use “additional oversight measures to ensure only reasonable, allowable costs are paid” under the new work order.
The new lawsuit, filed in a Texas federal court, was based on information from two whistleblowers who work in the air cargo industry, the Justice Department statement said. The whistleblowers can get a portion of any money the Justice Department obtains in the case.
Senate Objections
KBR’s no-bid work order drew criticism from two U.S. senators even before it was announced.
Senator Claire McCaskill, the Missouri Democrat who heads a subcommittee that oversees military contracting, and the panel’s ranking Republican, Susan Collins of Maine, wrote Defense Secretary Robert Gates on April 30 urging the Army against “continued reliance” on KBR in light of the Justice Department’s April lawsuit.
“The Army has a big burden to demonstrate that a decision to not compete is in the best interest of the military and American taxpayers,” McCaskill said in a statement last night. “We will hold their feet to the fire and continue to demand accountability on this decision.”
Under the new competitive-bid approach, KBR on March 2 won a one-year, $571 million contract with four option years that, if exercised, could be worth as much as $2.77 billion.
That contract calls for KBR to provide services including transportation and postal operations. DynCorp initially protested the award and then dropped its objections.

LiveLeak.com - Obama administration approves No-Bid Halliburton Contract...
AP reports today that obama is complying with the missile defense reduction he promised Putin. He's removing defense missiles IN THE UNITED STATES.

I can't post a link because my tablet won't do that. It's on Drudge though.

We need our nukes. If Putin can get away invading Alaska he will do it. The only think that can stop Russia is our nuclear ability. We should reserve the right test to our nukes any where on our territory anytime we wish. Any where Russian troops land would be a possible test site. At this point to reduce our nukes is almost treason.

Just what in the world do you think a "nuke" is? You think reducing our nukes is comparable to treason?

The U.S. has THOUSANDS of nukes. All at least 10 times more powerful than Nagasaki and Hiroshima. And back then we only needed 2.

How many nukes, approximately, do you think the U.S. needs?

At least one more than the opposition has the capability of destroying before detonation.

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