Putin Killing Ukranians...but somehow President Biden is to Blame? Why?

Yeah, that part I get.

What isn't so clear is the "Putin is defending Russians outside of it's border" schtick.
still ignoring posts. Why did you start the thread if all you were going to do is ignore the input? still stupid you are.
We don't need any kind of military. The last time we were invaded was the War of 1812, and it was Americans who invaded us. We also don't go around the world starting useless wars we cannot win, in order to support the Military Industrial Complex.

While you spend 4% of your GDP blowing up shit in other countries for fun and profit. You spend more money on useless weapons of war and destruction, than the next 9 top 10 spending countries combined - and 8 of those 9 countries, are your allies. All the while your roads crumble, your power grid fails, and public schools don't have adequate text books and resources. You can't afford healthcare for your people, but you can afford a "Space Force" to put weapons in outer space.

Canadian armed forced entered World War One, in 1914. We spent our blood, and our treasure in that conflict for 4 long years. My father fought in Europe for 4 years while Americans sat at home profitting off the war and selling arms to the Allies, until 1917, and then tipped the balance in our favour.

But it was Woodrow Wilson's insistence that Germany be "punished" for starting the war, the lead directly to the rise of Hilter and WWII. Bankrupting the Germany treasury, and inflicting tremendous hardship on a defeated people enabled Hitler to stoke those

Canada entered WWII in 1939, once again, while Americans sat at home profiting by supplying the Allies with weapons. All three of my older brothers served. One of them was seriously wounded on Juno Beach on D-Day. He carried shrapnel in his body until the day he died. My youngest brother was in training to go in at Dieppe, but my mother sent his birth certificate over to England and they sent him home:

Our troops went over to Eastern Europe weeks ago.

So please bitch, don't try to pretend that Canadians are in any way cowardly or weak.

250 troops that would be, I read on two different sources. 250 troops to "Eastern Europe". That is fewer than in my elementary school.

I am completely fine with you not having a military. You are a sovereign nation. (Well..kinda). If you want to spend all your money on balloon-tying clowns, go for it. But then DO NOT ask us to back you up should China invade. Or Russia send nuclear bombs. Okay? Fair enough.
You're lying again, ya pathological liar. :eusa_liar:

You're all over the place trying to cover your tracks. And you're failing miserably.

Again, you claimed Hunter got the job with Burisma Holdings because his father threatened with withhold aid from Ukraine. Forget for the moment that one has absolutely nothing to do with the other, but Hunter got that job in April of 2014. So for your claim to be true, then Joe had to threaten to withhold aid PRIOR to April, 2014.

So prove that happened. Prove it or you prove I'm right when I called you a liar about this...

How could Joe threaten to withhold US foreign aid before we started giving foreign aid to the Ukraine?
We should never have been giving the Ukraine foreign aid.
And whether or not Joe had anything to do with the inappropriate aid to the Ukraine, clearly the Ukraine thought that paying kickbacks to Hunter was part of the deal.
But Joe threatening to withhold aid over payments to Hunter, would not have been made in public, since that is illegal.
So it is foolish for you to claim any more proof is necessary other than the payments to Hunter themselves.
If the kickbacks to Hunter were not in response to threats, then why did the Ukraine make these payments?
Clearly they were not for services rendered, because Hunter admits he did absolutely nothing in return for the payments.
But Joe did clearly threaten to withhold payments over Shokin investigating Hunter, which again is more than enough proof of guilt by both Bidens.
I’ve looked it all up. And I was Russian in spirit by marriage for over twenty years, until last Wednesday. They have to depose Putin and get western democracy back if they want my wife and I l’s respect to come back.,

NFBW wrote: I was in Russia in 2000 when Putin was on the ballot for the first time. I went with my wife and her father to watch them vote.

Two years later and after 9/11, I supported Bush going into Afghanistan because we were attacked and we had an inherent right to self-defense to retaliate for being attacked from there.

A year after that I marched in protests against Bush’s threat to invade Iraq. He was lying on March 10 that inspections were not working and this was a lie.

BUSH WAS LYING. He did not have that intelligence.,

I have condemned Bush and his lies and wouid like to see him charged as a war criminal for killing half a million Iraqis in what he called a preemptive war. There was no threat or justification for harming Iraqis. there was no genocide going on that wouid justify an invasion.

In 2008 I watched Russian troops operating in Georgia. My wife and I watched live Russian TV and she translated directly what was gong on the night it started. Russian military were being shelled in a hotel in South Ossetia. So Putin retaliated by destroying Georgia’s military installations and equipment. I leaned toward agreement with Putin on that.

Crimea was a bloodless coup and my viewpoint at that time was because of the coup in KIEV when the Yanakovich regime was removed there was a humanitarian danger to the Russian speakers in Crimea. I Agreed that the coup in Kiev ended Ukraine’s constitutional government so Putin had a right and humanitarian objective to send forces in to protect Crimeans and allow them to vote. I’m still with Putin up to that point.

Donbass was sad. Both sides suck on that dispute.

We have Russian and Ukrainian friends here in the states. My wife is a psychotherapist educated in Russia. The Donbass situation has splintered some of our friendships but my wife has been a Swiss refuge - we have kept it intact with both sides..

Up to 72,hours ago my wife and I were pretty much on the same page on Putin. i cannot accept what he did in Syria. My wife was not bothered by that. I object to his attempts at subverting Democracy here and in Europe, Wife thinks that is Western hyperbole and propaganda - both sides do it.

We both were on edge when Putin moved troops into the Donbas region - I said well if that’s what he wants and it settled it - and peace and security resumes for Russian speakers living there then so be it. it’s another Crimea except this was bloody.and wrong to drag it out all these years.. my wife agreed but she seemed to realize Putin was getting out of touch with reality and not to be trusted for negotiating at gunpoint.

Then the announcement by Putin starting bombing and invading and heading to Kiev..

I was done. He is Hitler invading Poland. he is killing civilians. There is no excuse or justification for what he has done., He is not a genius. HE is a WAR CRIMINAL and terrorist, Just like liar George Bush and Dick Cheney are war criminals and terrorists causing the deaths of half a million Iraqis. SHOCK and AWE night on tv with massive explosions in Baghdad made me ashamed to be an American.

SHOCK n AWE NIGHT March 2003. That was my thought 2 days ago. I had to tell my wife it’s shameful to be Russian right now. I was not comfortable saying it. Fortunately she saw the video of the Russian Tank hitting a car on the street pushing it out of its way and then drive right over top of another car crushing it to get away from the civilians scattering for their lives. So fucking ugly cowardly and inhumane., My wife in tears cried out I’m so ashamed to be Russian - I hugged her.,

We are uplifted a bit for now by the protests in Russia and the strength and character of the Ukrainians. Here is to supporting them to overcome what a war criminal has started. May he end up like Mussolini dud is fine with me.

I pretty much agree, except that it was the Ukraine that cut off the negotiations with Russia, and I think that left Putin no choice.
I think that happened because the US secretly gave the Ukraine enough experimental high tech weapons to make them think they could win.
And I don't think they can.
So I think the US got the Ukraine into this deliberately.
I think it was a testing grounds for these new weapons.

On the news they show Ukrainians making Molotov cocktails, and they have not worked in 50 years.
All the tanks and APCs have been airtight in order to prevent radiation entry, for over 50 years.
The NordStream terminates in Germany, and apparently someone has convinced the Germans to not let the pipeline be opened

By invading the Ukraine.
Possibly we wanted the conflicts so we could test out some new weapons against the Russians?
Is president Zelensky in on this conspiracy to lure Putin to invade and kill Zelinski and his family so that the United States can test some new weapons? ‘tis an odd plot plot for a comedian/actor turned president to conspire with the west. I’ll bet Tucker won’t even take that one.
By invading the Ukraine.

Is president Zelensky in on this conspiracy to lure Putin to invade and kill Zelinski and his family so that the United States can test some new weapons? ‘tis an odd plot plot for a comedian/actor turned president to conspire with the west. I’ll bet Tucker won’t even take that one.

That is silly because Zelensky was never at risk.
He could have ended the conflict at any time just by agreeing to start negotiations back up.
He was the one who ended them, leaving Putin no choice.

And you are forgetting that US weapons producers would pay considerable sums of untaxed money for that opportunity.
Relations between Ukraine and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) started in 1992. Ukraine applied to begin a NATO Membership Action Plan (MAP) in 2008. Plans for NATO membership were shelved by Ukraine following the 2010 presidential election in which Viktor Yanukovych, who preferred to keep the country non-aligned, was elected President. Amid the Euromaidanunrest, Yanuk…

Considering the US feels justified in the Monroe Doctrine, clearly the Ukraine should not be allowed into NATO.
In fact, NATO is obsolete with the USSR gone.
An action plan map, dope. That is the criteria that a country has to meet in order to even apply for membership in NATO. Ukraine has not completed it. That’s why I said they don’t even qualify for membership.
Go learn and understand something about all of this before posting your garbage.
How could Joe threaten to withhold US foreign aid before we started giving foreign aid to the Ukraine?
We should never have been giving the Ukraine foreign aid.
And whether or not Joe had anything to do with the inappropriate aid to the Ukraine, clearly the Ukraine thought that paying kickbacks to Hunter was part of the deal.
But Joe threatening to withhold aid over payments to Hunter, would not have been made in public, since that is illegal.
So it is foolish for you to claim any more proof is necessary other than the payments to Hunter themselves.
If the kickbacks to Hunter were not in response to threats, then why did the Ukraine make these payments?
Clearly they were not for services rendered, because Hunter admits he did absolutely nothing in return for the payments.
But Joe did clearly threaten to withhold payments over Shokin investigating Hunter, which again is more than enough proof of guilt by both Bidens.
"How could Joe threaten to withhold US foreign aid before we started giving foreign aid to the Ukraine?"


Which proves you lied when you falsely claimed Burisma only hired Hunter because Joe was withholding U.S. foreign aid.

Your lie was so obvious, even you are debunking it; even though don't even realize you did.
How could Joe threaten to withhold US foreign aid before we started giving foreign aid to the Ukraine?
Those were loan guarantees, not an aid package. Joe also represented the EU as well as the IMF who had exponentially more loans guarantees for Ukraine that the USA did.
The NordStream terminates in Germany, and apparently someone has convinced the Germans to not let the pipeline be opened.
That would be Uncle Vlad when he invaded another sovereign nation despite the warnings that the pipeline agreement would be in jeopardy if he did.

Are you stupid or something?
An action plan map, dope. That is the criteria that a country has to meet in order to even apply for membership in NATO. Ukraine has not completed it. That’s why I said they don’t even qualify for membership.
Go learn and understand something about all of this before posting your garbage.

I said nothing about Ukraine's NATO application, but clearly they HAD started the process, thought they qualified, and that it was the Ukraine that halted the process.
And the point is that the Ukraine joining NATO is terribly wrong, and would warrant a Russian invasion.
After WWII, they can not allow an enemy on their borders.
"How could Joe threaten to withhold US foreign aid before we started giving foreign aid to the Ukraine?"


Which proves you lied
when you falsely claimed Burisma only hired Hunter because Joe was withholding U.S. foreign aid.

Your lie was so obvious, even you are debunking it; even though don't even realize you did.

Obviously Joe could and the Ukraine did think Joe WAS withhold US foreign aid until Hunter was paid.
The public announcement Joe was going to withhold US foreign aid over Shokin, has NOTHING at all to do with the private notification that US foreign aid would be withheld if not for the payments to Hunter.
Even Joe would not be stupid enough to publicly announce his illegal plan to extort money from the Ukraine.
The fact Joe was stupid enough to admit his illegal extortion over Shokin, does not mean he was not still privately extorting the Ukraine all along.
Are you really stupid enough to claim that extortion has to be made in public?
Those were loan guarantees, not an aid package. Joe also represented the EU as well as the IMF who had exponentially more loans guarantees for Ukraine that the USA did.

The EU and IMF are controlled by the US.
Loan guarantees amount to free money, not only because they save interest, but because they often are never paid back. For example, Israel never pays back their loan guarantees.
The POINT is demanding Shokin be sacked was totally and completely illegal, given the fact he was just starting to investigate Burisma Holdings.
Are you trying to claim the money to Hunter was not an illegal bribe, and that he actually did something to earn any money?
That would be Uncle Vlad when he invaded another sovereign nation despite the warnings that the pipeline agreement would be in jeopardy if he did.

Are you stupid or something?

That is silly.
The NordStream pipeline becomes redundant if Russia could somehow prevent the Ukraine from stealing gas/oil.
Threatening Russia over the pipeline made invasion the only possible strategy left to them.
Germany made it obvious they were not trustworthy.
The EU and IMF are controlled by the US.
Loan guarantees amount to free money, not only because they save interest, but because they often are never paid back. For example, Israel never pays back their loan guarantees.
The POINT is demanding Shokin be sacked was totally and completely illegal, given the fact he was just starting to investigate Burisma Holdings.
Are you trying to claim the money to Hunter was not an illegal bribe, and that he actually did something to earn any money?
Why is it that you continue to push pro-Russian Trump narratives?

That is silly.
The NordStream pipeline becomes redundant if Russia could somehow prevent the Ukraine from stealing gas/oil.
Threatening Russia over the pipeline made invasion the only possible strategy left to them.
Germany made it obvious they were not trustworthy.
Germany only pulled the pipeline AFTER Putin invaded, and Biden was covering Germany's back with congress. your defenses of Putin are pathetic in there falsity. Why try?
Why is it that you continue to push pro-Russian Trump narratives?

Because of something called "justice".
Putin is not Stalin, and Russia is not the USSR.
We should not be pretending Russia is the USSR, in order to promote evil war agendas.
The reality is that if a country did to the US what the Ukraine did to Russia, like steal oil/gas, abuse ethnic minorities, threaten to put enemy nuclear missiles near the border, etc., the US would have invaded long ago.
The Ukraine is thoroughly corrupt and makes Putin look like an angel in comparison.
The Ukraine is well known for imprisoning, censoring, and assassinating opposition, much more so than Putin.
Germany only pulled the pipeline AFTER Putin invaded, and Biden was covering Germany's back with congress. your defenses of Putin are pathetic in there falsity. Why try?

The POINT is that Germany threatened Russia and that FORCED Russia to forget about the pipeline, because they realized it would always then be threatened.
They realized the only way then was to use the pipelines though the Ukraine instead, and to do that, the Ukraine government has to be changed.
The fault is with Germany and the Ukraine, not Russia.
That is obvious.
You do not negotiate with those attempting extortion.

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