Putin Killing Ukranians...but somehow President Biden is to Blame? Why?

I said nothing about Ukraine's NATO application, but clearly they HAD started the process, thought they qualified, and that it was the Ukraine that halted the process.
And the point is that the Ukraine joining NATO is terribly wrong, and would warrant a Russian invasion.
After WWII, they can not allow an enemy on their borders.
Would you care to tell us all the last time that NATO attacked ANYONE, Rigby? It's a defensive alliance. It always has been. The Soviets got in bed with the Nazis and then had Hitler turn on them. They've got nobody to blame for that than themselves! Tell whoever's feeding you your propaganda that they need to step up their game. What you're pedaling now is pathetic!
Putin wouldn't have attacked if Trump was still in office. Putin attacked when weak corrupt Obama was in office, and Putin attacked when weak corrupt Biden was in office.

Bullies like PUtin behave better when they fear getting Thumped back...and Trump was seen as someone who would Thump him.

Leftists don’t want to hear the truth. They want to hear want makes them feeeeellllsss good inside. Like blaming Trump for instance.

The question was this...Why is Biden getting blamed...he's not killing people in the Ukraine...Putin is.

It’s not speculation dip shit because Putin didn’t invade Ukraine when Trump was president. It’s fact.
The EU and IMF are controlled by the US.
Loan guarantees amount to free money, not only because they save interest, but because they often are never paid back. For example, Israel never pays back their loan guarantees.
The POINT is demanding Shokin be sacked was totally and completely illegal, given the fact he was just starting to investigate Burisma Holdings.
Are you trying to claim the money to Hunter was not an illegal bribe, and that he actually did something to earn any money?
Well Iraq went rouge on Raygun's loans but who's counting?

What law did Burisma break offering Hunter a job? What law did Hunter Break accepting it? There was nothing illegal in that US policy to oust the Prosecutor they felt was not doing enough to root out corruption. It's absurd to think that it is.
I said nothing about Ukraine's NATO application, but clearly they HAD started the process, thought they qualified, and that it was the Ukraine that halted the process.
And the point is that the Ukraine joining NATO is terribly wrong, and would warrant a Russian invasion.
After WWII, they can not allow an enemy on their borders.

Newsflash...it's "Ukraine" not "the" Ukraine.

They consider that an insult
You must think we're Russians and don't have access to the truth, Rigby! Pedal that crap somewhere else...nobody is buying ANY of it!
Even the Trumpers have your number Rigby.

Tuck tail and go back Russian blogs. It ain't working here.
Meanwhile back in reality natural gas production is up.
Oil and LNG are up from the fall due to covid, but they haven't come close to the numbers we saw during the Trump administration...Add in the recent hold on all new drilling, fracking, and the losses from Keystone, has compelled us to buy some 200 million plus barrels a day from Biden's master Vladimir...So, you can cling to the fool's gold of increased production, but it's not the big picture...
So he didn't halt production. Thanks for confirming what Liberals were already telling you.
How in the bloody hell do you read this: "The Biden Administration has delayed or stopped work on federal oil and gas leases and permits following a court ruling that struck down the Administration’s “social cost of carbon” metric to account for climate risk when holding lease sales or issuing permits."

And say what you said here?
Well Iraq went rouge on Raygun's loans but who's counting?

What law did Burisma break offering Hunter a job? What law did Hunter Break accepting it? There was nothing illegal in that US policy to oust the Prosecutor they felt was not doing enough to root out corruption. It's absurd to think that it is.
Hunter is a deviate and a crook. It is an open secret he will never be prosecuted by this administration. You can stop making excuses and admit him and the big guy are criminal scum.
How could Joe threaten to withhold US foreign aid before we started giving foreign aid to the Ukraine?
We should never have been giving the Ukraine foreign aid.
And whether or not Joe had anything to do with the inappropriate aid to the Ukraine, clearly the Ukraine thought that paying kickbacks to Hunter was part of the deal.
But Joe threatening to withhold aid over payments to Hunter, would not have been made in public, since that is illegal.
So it is foolish for you to claim any more proof is necessary other than the payments to Hunter themselves.
If the kickbacks to Hunter were not in response to threats, then why did the Ukraine make these payments?
Clearly they were not for services rendered, because Hunter admits he did absolutely nothing in return for the payments.
But Joe did clearly threaten to withhold payments over Shokin investigating Hunter, which again is more than enough proof of guilt by both Bidens.
I wonder if it bothers Trumpers that Russian trolls are spewing the same zombie lies that they are
So, while Biden talks tough about his sanctions, the fact is that he won't shut off Russian oil, a move that would cripple Russia, and starve their war machine, and libs call him a strong leader?

You must think we're Russians and don't have access to the truth, Rigby! Pedal that crap somewhere else...nobody is buying ANY of it!

Which of the 3 do you not believe is true?
Ukraine stealing gas/oil? Because the World Court already ruled against the Ukraine in 2012.
Ukraine putting nuke in the border of Russia? Because the Ukraine has said that is what they want.
Ukraine abusing ethnic minorities? Because the Russians of Donetsk and Crimea already voted 93% want their province returned to Russia.
So, while Biden talks tough about his sanctions, the fact is that he won't shut off Russian oil, a move that would cripple Russia, and starve their war machine, and libs call him a strong leader?

We import 3% of our oil from Russia...largely because it is more refined...

That could change if we are willing to import from Venezuela
I said nothing about Ukraine's NATO application, but clearly they HAD started the process, thought they qualified, and that it was the Ukraine that halted the process.
And the point is that the Ukraine joining NATO is terribly wrong, and would warrant a Russian invasion.
After WWII, they can not allow an enemy on their borders.
It’s not wrong. It’s their choice and their choice alone as a sovereign nation to align themselves with whomever they wish.
Oil and LNG are up from the fall due to covid, but they haven't come close to the numbers we saw during the Trump administration...Add in the recent hold on all new drilling, fracking, and the losses from Keystone, has compelled us to buy some 200 million plus barrels a day from Biden's master Vladimir...So, you can cling to the fool's gold of increased production, but it's not the big picture...

Production is climbing under Biden. The free market compelled us to buy a little Russian oil for over 25 years. They were never up their with the big suppliers. Look like the free market is going to take care of that and purchase that little bit elsewhere.

How much production did we lose on keystone again?

200 million barrel a day huh? Bit of an over kill I'd say since we use on average 20 million barrels a day. Care to revise your story?
Would you care to tell us all the last time that NATO attacked ANYONE, Rigby? It's a defensive alliance. It always has been. The Soviets got in bed with the Nazis and then had Hitler turn on them. They've got nobody to blame for that than themselves! Tell whoever's feeding you your propaganda that they need to step up their game. What you're pedaling now is pathetic!

NATO attacked Serbia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Croatia, and Herzegovina from 1992 to 2004.
Then NATO also was involved in illegal attacks on Qaddafi and Libya.
What Stalin did was awful, but has nothing to do with Putin or Russia.
NATO have been redundant for a long time.
And NATO putting nukes on the Russian border, in the Ukraine, is not defensive.
Well Iraq went rouge on Raygun's loans but who's counting?

What law did Burisma break offering Hunter a job? What law did Hunter Break accepting it? There was nothing illegal in that US policy to oust the Prosecutor they felt was not doing enough to root out corruption. It's absurd to think that it is.

When unearned kickbacks are plaid to a relative for undeserved US foreign aid, that is totally illegal.
Hunter never earned any money from the Ukraine.
He did not actually do anything for them, because he did not know how to do anything for them.

Prosecutors are civil service and normally illegal to fire them without proof of wrong doing. They are supposed to be exempt from politics.
But while it is not impossible to fire Shokin, it is incredibly suspicious to fire him just as he started to investigate Burisma Holdings.

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