Putin Killing Ukranians...but somehow President Biden is to Blame? Why?

The point is we would never allow an enemy on our borders, so neither should Russia.
It is their strategic interests, and we are violating their legitimate sphere of influence.
And the current Ukraine government clearly is totally corrupt.
The stolen oil/gas is well documented.

Isn't there a pro Russia forum you can post on? I'm sure you'd be much happier there....

This was an 80 year old man they ran over...Super brave...
Isn't there a pro Russia forum you can post on? I'm sure you'd be much happier there....

This was an 80 year old man they ran over...Super brave...

And what was your point with this video?
I saw it long ago, but it seemed pointless to me.
What is your point?
The deaths caused by Stalin were the purges and agricultural mistakes 10 to 20 years before WWII.
If communism was a failure, then how come it was the Russians who defeated Hitler?
The US almost never fought the first string German troops.
For example, the reason we got so badly beaten at the Battle of the Bulge was the German shifted 200 King Tiger tanks from the eastern front.
There was not a single Allied tank that could even pierce the armor of a King Tiger.
There were battles on the Eastern Front, with thousands of tanks on each side.
Communism took Russia from a Medieval state, to a modern contender.
I don't conversate with communists....We are done...
On the news they show Ukrainians making Molotov cocktails

That’s not what people do to welcome their invaders.

The media is lying and attempting to make hay out of this, but clearly the Ukraine is the evil and corrupt abuser.

What are they lying about. I see a line of Russian vehicles the lead vehicle is 15 miles from Kiev and it stretches 20 miles back to the Belarus border. It’s a satellite image. Are you saying it’s fake news?
This convoy hasn’t moved any closer to Kiev Kiev for the last 16 hours being reported right now.

I pretty much agree, except that it was the Ukraine that cut off the negotiations with Russia, and I think that left Putin no choice

which side involved in the negotiations surrounded almost the entire country with 200,000 troops rows and rows of military hardware located at three major border crossings. When Ukraine Allegedly ended the negotiations what threat did they have against the super power of Russia or any against any of those troops massed on their border. That is the only question you need to ask yourself. What was the threat that caused Putin to send those trips across the border.
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don't conversate with communists....We are done...
Rigby5 is a fascist. Putin’s not a commie. He is a fascist head of state war criminal who cannot defeat a Jewish comedian in a conventional war without mass indiscriminate killing or displacing 45 million Ukrainians. It seems you consider that an appropriate response to stealing gas.
Rigby5 is a fascist. Putin’s not a commie. He is a fascist head of state war criminal who cannot defeat a Jewish comedian in a conventional war without mass indiscriminate killing or displacing 45 million Ukrainians. It seems you consider that an appropriate response to stealing gas.
Rigby is a Kremlin stooge. He's fucking Russian for god's sake. Can't you tell?
Rigby is a Kremlin stooge. He's fucking Russian for god's sake. Can't you tell?
Yeah. I’m probing for a valid argument where Putin is justified to send his military into Ukraine to thus far conduct a Snail-Kreig with conscripts who were told they were going on a military exercise to be greeted with flowers.
Doesn't make much sense...

Can someone explain why President Biden is getting blamed for this other than "I hate Joe"?
The same reason GHW Bush got blamed for Iraq/Kuwait. He told Putin to do it. Just like Obama told Putin to take Crimea. They used the same play book figuring you were too dumb to figure it out.
I don't conversate with communists....We are done...

That is silly because every single person in the whole world is inherently communist.
Do families work in the "profit motive", charging children room and board, having more children so the parents can be wealthier?
That’s not what people do to welcome their invaders.

What are they lying about. I see a line of Russian vehicles the lead vehicle is 15 miles from Kiev and it stretches 20 miles back to the Belarus border. It’s a satellite image. Are you saying it’s fake news?
This convoy hasn’t moved any closer to Kiev Kiev for the last 16 hours being reported right now.

which side involved in the negotiations surrounded almost the entire country with 200,000 troops rows and rows of military hardware located at three major border crossings. When Ukraine Allegedly ended the negotiations what threat did they have against the super power of Russia or any against any of those troops massed on their border. That is the only question you need to ask yourself. What was the threat that caused Putin to send those trips across the border.

The Ukraine refused to stop its attempt to join NATO, refused to pay back for all the gas and oil it stole, and would not allow autonomy or self determination to the ethnic Russian minority that felt abused by Kyiv.
Yeah. I’m probing for a valid argument where Putin is justified to send his military into Ukraine to thus far conduct a Snail-Kreig with conscripts who were told they were going on a military exercise to be greeted with flowers.
You expect to get anything but propaganda garbage from a Russian troll?

Waste of time
Rigby5 is a fascist. Putin’s not a commie. He is a fascist head of state war criminal who cannot defeat a Jewish comedian in a conventional war without mass indiscriminate killing or displacing 45 million Ukrainians. It seems you consider that an appropriate response to stealing gas.

I never said Putin was a communist.
He obviously is a capitalist and always has been.
He may be fascist, as most wealthy capitalist are.

But he did not start this war.
The Ukrainians did, by trying to join NATO, stealing oil, and abusing ethnic Russians.

The claim of mass killing or displacement are false.
Over 99% of the Ukraine is without conflict right now.
Yeah. I’m probing for a valid argument where Putin is justified to send his military into Ukraine to thus far conduct a Snail-Kreig with conscripts who were told they were going on a military exercise to be greeted with flowers.

Very easy to understand.
Putin spent millions on the NordStream pipeline to bypass the Ukraine and prevent them from futher theft of gas and oil, but the pipeline terminated in Germany.
And yesterday, Germany said they won't allow that pipeline to be used.
So then Putin has no choice but to conduct regime change in the Ukraine, in order to stop future thefts on the only pipelines Putin can count on.
Putin also can not allow the Ukraine to go NATO on Russia's border.
He probably does not care about the abuse of the ethnic Russians by the Ukraine very much.
Very easy to understand.
Putin spent millions on the NordStream pipeline to bypass the Ukraine and prevent them from futher theft of gas and oil, but the pipeline terminated in Germany.
And yesterday, Germany said they won't allow that pipeline to be used.
So then Putin has no choice but to conduct regime change in the Ukraine, in order to stop future thefts on the only pipelines Putin can count on.
Putin also can not allow the Ukraine to go NATO on Russia's border.
He probably does not care about the abuse of the ethnic Russians by the Ukraine very much.
Poor Russian troll.

Workin it SO fucking hard.
Putin’s stock market is frozen

Putin’s banks are closed. He can’t buy weapons or pay his army to fight and resupply.

Reports coming in of Russian defections - told they would be greeted as liberators., sound familiar

Putin has not a friend in the world

Putin’s oligarchs and Tucker are turning on him.
I hate to break this to you, Notfooled...but Putin has been planning this for some time. The Russian government has very little debt and a huge amount of money squirrelled away to finance this war. He has one very important "friend" and that's China. The truth is...the EU needs Russian oil and natural gas more than he needs to sell it to them. Putin is banking on them caving. Given Europe's history...that's probably a good bet.
The media is lying and attempting to make hay out of this, but clearly the Ukraine is the evil and corrupt abuser.
Anyone with any knowledge or willingness to look anything up, knows I am right.
The Ukraine has jailed, censored, or assassinated far more dissidents than Putin.
Gee, Rigby...you can't protest in Russia. They lock you up if you do. It's Putin that is evil...the corruption in the Ukraine pales in contrast to what Vlad does in Russia!

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