Putin Killing Ukranians...but somehow President Biden is to Blame? Why?

Even the Trumpers have your number Rigby.

Tuck tail and go back Russian blogs. It ain't working here.

Anyone supporting the Ukraine is the corrupt one.
They have already been convicted by the World Court for stealing oil/gas.
That is silly.
The NordStream pipeline becomes redundant if Russia could somehow prevent the Ukraine from stealing gas/oil.
Threatening Russia over the pipeline made invasion the only possible strategy left to them.
Germany made it obvious they were not trustworthy.
You certainly have quite a lot of goofy opinions for someone who has no idea about what’s happening and when.
Anyone supporting the Ukraine is the corrupt one.
They have already been convicted by the World Court for stealing oil/gas.
Who the fuck do you think you're convincing?

The left doesn't believe your bullshit

Trumpers aren't falling for it any more

Give it up and go away Igor
It’s not wrong. It’s their choice and their choice alone as a sovereign nation to align themselves with whomever they wish.

So then why did we impose the Monroe Doctrine by force, illegally start the Spanish American War, and illegally blockade Cuba?
I point out Russian agitprop and move along.

I don't deal with bullshit

You are the one lying.
The Ukraine caused the entire problem.
How the Ukraine got Khrushchev to give them Donetsk and the Crimea in 1955 is a secret, but clearly the Russians who live there never liked it and want to be back in Russia.
Its a basic ethical principle.
Its called "self determination".
And the Ukraine is the bad guy.
We import 3% of our oil from Russia...largely because it is more refined...

That could change if we are willing to import from Venezuela
Actually it's 7%, but all the same why is Biden fueling his war machine? And Venezuela? Hell naw...Open our own....
You are the one lying.
The Ukraine caused the entire problem.
How the Ukraine got Khrushchev to give them Donetsk and the Crimea in 1955 is a secret, but clearly the Russians who live there never liked it and want to be back in Russia.
Its a basic ethical principle.
Its called "self determination".
And the Ukraine is the bad guy.

That's pure bs right there....Russia is the aggressor here due to a borderline madman that has dreams of restoring a bygone era...
Actually it's 7%, but all the same why is Biden fueling his war machine? And Venezuela? Hell naw...Open our own....
You just quoted a source that said 3%. Where do you get 7?
NATO attacked Serbia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Croatia, and Herzegovina from 1992 to 2004.
Then NATO also was involved in illegal attacks on Qaddafi and Libya.
What Stalin did was awful, but has nothing to do with Putin or Russia.
NATO have been redundant for a long time.
And NATO putting nukes on the Russian border, in the Ukraine, is not defensive.
NATO have been redundant for a long time.
Even if true, Uncle Vlad just reminded the world why it remains a necessity.
That's pure bs right there....Russia is the aggressor here due to a borderline madman that has dreams of restoring a bygone era...

The desire to not have an enemy on its borders, is not the act of a madman.
Putin gains nothing by invading the Ukraine except to ensure the Ukraine does not put NATO nukes on its border.
When Russia invades countries, like the Soviets did to Hungary and Poland in the past, it COST them far more than they gained.
Russia is NOT going to invade anyone out of greed.
Putin is ONLY going to be motivated out of a valid sense of security.
You are forgetting the USSR lost 38 million people in WWII.
They are never going to let something like that ever happen again.
You just quoted a source that said 3%. Where do you get 7?

It was in an EIA report I believe...But that's the problem isn't it? We don't really know, and why are we continuing to enrich Putin? If this were Trump doing this, you'd be all over him calling him Putin's puppet...
The desire to not have an enemy on its borders, is not the act of a madman.
Putin gains nothing by invading the Ukraine except to ensure the Ukraine does not put NATO nukes on its border.
When Russia invades countries, like the Soviets did to Hungary and Poland in the past, it COST them far more than they gained.
Russia is NOT going to invade anyone out of greed.
Putin is ONLY going to be motivated out of a valid sense of security.
You are forgetting the USSR lost 38 million people in WWII.
They are never going to let something like that ever happen again.
And that 38 million were mostly starved because of Joe Stalin...Hell, he couldn't even feed the troops by the end because Communism is a failure...
Your logic is incoherent and is riddled with fallacious manure.

The point is we would never allow an enemy on our borders, so neither should Russia.
It is their strategic interests, and we are violating their legitimate sphere of influence.
And the current Ukraine government clearly is totally corrupt.
The stolen oil/gas is well documented.
And that 38 million were mostly starved because of Joe Stalin...Hell, he couldn't even feed the troops by the end because Communism is a failure...

The deaths caused by Stalin were the purges and agricultural mistakes 10 to 20 years before WWII.
If communism was a failure, then how come it was the Russians who defeated Hitler?
The US almost never fought the first string German troops.
For example, the reason we got so badly beaten at the Battle of the Bulge was the German shifted 200 King Tiger tanks from the eastern front.
There was not a single Allied tank that could even pierce the armor of a King Tiger.
There were battles on the Eastern Front, with thousands of tanks on each side.
Communism took Russia from a Medieval state, to a modern contender.

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