Putin Killing Ukranians...but somehow President Biden is to Blame? Why?

So far 26 pages of mostly rightwing drivel and lies and not one conservative can justify falsely accusing President Biden of being ‘responsible’ for Putin lawlessly attacking Ukraine.
What part of the billions of dollars that Putin is taking in selling oil and natural gas to us and to Europe don't you "get", Clayton! You don't go to war if your economy is doing badly. That takes money! Biden kowtowing to the Green left GAVE that income to Putin and he's using it to attack the Ukraine! Once again Captain Clueless got it wrong!
Bullies like PUtin behave better when they fear getting Thumped back

Trump administration made sure that Putin knew he would get his ass kicked if he tried this shit under Trump

Biden blurted out the US would not send troops in. He took that off the table in a blundered press conference. He could had at least negotiated something for that.

He didn’t attack during President Trump.
You a bot, NotfooledbyW ?
And other smear with shit that you completely pulled out of your ass.....

You think no one noticed?

You don't remember when Trump went on international tv and saying that he believed Putin when he told him Russia didn't interfere in the election mere weeks after the CIA, and US Military intelligence both said that they had clear proof that Russia interfere? He might not have used the word "Liars" he was effectively saying that he believed Putin over our own intelligence agencies.

He didn’t attack during President Trump.

NFBW “1” wrote: Of course Putin did not move until his sycophanatic NATO bashing bootlikker from America was out of power
You a bot, @NotfooledbyW ?

NFBW “1” wrote: No. I work for former Trump national security adviser John Bolton.

{Trump} was effectively saying that he believed Putin over our own intelligence agencies.

NFBW “1” wrote:. Putin surely would prefer a second TRUMP anti-democracy term without a General Mattis and John Bolton advising (Bolton real anti Russia war hawk you should love 💕 theHawk )

No, Hawk Putin came damn close to seeing his greatest intelligence asset General Flynn) trying to keep pro-Putin Trump in power by overturning the election on January 6 enforcing martial laws to sieze corrupted voting machines.

And that puts Pro-Putin General Michael Flynn whispering Putin’s desires into second term Trump as his National security adviser based on the Word of God. Can you imagine the mess those three could create for Zelinski and the brave Ukrainians?

It is my Great Honor to announce that General Michael T. Flynn has been granted a Full Pardon. Congratulations to @GenFlynn and his wonderful family, I know you will now have a truly fantastic Thanksgiving!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 25, 2020

General Flynn Biden Ukraine Western Journal 2022

By: Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022
A remarkable failure of meaningful reporting about the massive military buildup in and around Ukraine in recent weeks results in most Americans having no idea how close we have been brought to armed conflict with the Russian Federation.

By: Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 Even those Americans who have sought out news about Ukraine can do little more than watch from the sidelines as those currently leading our nation inch us toward a potential catastrophe.

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 Although going to war is the most consequential decision that a nation can make, the people are rarely consulted by the elites, who are largely immunized from the consequences of their actions. If the people were actually consulted, wars would be rare events indeed.

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 The rhetoric about the Ukraine conflict is out of control. President Joe Biden threatens that Russia would “pay a heavy price” for any incursion into Ukraine. Secretary of State Antony Blinken warns of “massive consequences” for Russia.

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 Policy wonks throw around the phrase “failure of imagination” when it comes to intelligence community failures.

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 The entire Biden administration, along with the neocon defense and foreign policy thinks tanks in Washington, are failing to imagine the consequences of the dangers lurking in Eastern Europe currently.

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 We are again living out the maxim that “truth is the first casualty of war.” If the people are to have a chance to stop a conflagration, the first step is to resist the propaganda barrage from the establishment media and learn the truth.

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 Only then we can demand our government stop beating the drums of war.

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 The Biden administration wants us to believe that Russia is seeking to regain its former greatness by overthrowing the government of Volodymyr Zelensky and replacing it with a puppet government that it would control.

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 The neocon-dominated establishment in both of our political parties wants us to believe that the Soviet Union still exists and is inherently expansionary.

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 Just as the nation was sold a hoax about Russia having elected President Donald Trump in 2016, another illusion now is being sold. Do not believe a word of it!

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 Russia has explained repeatedly it has one core concern — Ukraine being admitted into the NATO military alliance.

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 Responding to the buildup, a Russian official explained in a Tass article: “We are alarmed by reports some member-countries of NATO have stepped up the deployment of lethal weapons and military personnel to Ukraine.”

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 And if Ukraine were admitted into NATO, with its strategic location, Russian knows that NATO and the U.S. could place missiles literally on its border, creating an existential threat to Russia.

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 While Russia’s concern is obvious, the Biden administration has never even tried to explain the existence of any vital national interest of the United States in Ukraine that could justify hostilities.

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 For his part, Blinken has asserted the principle that Ukraine must have the right to join NATO and claimed that principle could never be compromised.

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 The Russians understand that would likely result in nuclear weapons being placed at its doorstep — closer to Russia than Cuba is to the United States.

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 It should be obvious that there is no equivalency of interest here. None. NATO was established to preserve the peace, and it would be a tragedy of immense proportions if its threatened Eastern expansion would become the principal cause of a devastating war.

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 There Let’s put the current conflict into a historical context. If President John Kennedy was justified in risking war to prevent nuclear missiles from being installed in Cuba in 1961, then why exactly is Russian President Vladimir Putin being reckless in risking war to prevent NATO weapons from being installed in Ukraine in 2022?

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 “Every nation … has … a right to prevent other nations from obstructing her preservation … that is, to preserve herself from all injuries … called the right to security … It is safest to prevent the evil, when it can be prevented.”

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 This principle is the basis for the Monroe Doctrine and was exactly Kennedy’s response to the threat of Russian missiles in Cuba.

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 “Every nation is obliged to cultivate the friendship of other nations, and carefully to avoid whatever might kindle their enmity against her.”

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 “Every nation is obliged to cultivate the friendship of other nations, and carefully to avoid whatever might kindle their enmity against her.”

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 De Vattel then added: “Wise and prudent nations often pursue this line of conduct from views of direct and present interest; a more noble, more general, and less direct interest, is too rarely the motive of politicians.”

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 All parties involved must seek to re-identify and apply those natural law principles to the current crisis before the world slips off into the abyss.

Flynn’s Neville Chamberlain moment

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 While politicians generally double down on overblown rhetoric, there is still hope statesmen will arise, act responsibly and preserve the peace.

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 The United States and the Russian Federation are great nations. However, these great nations each have thousands of nuclear weapons that could kill hundreds of millions.

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 With those as the stakes, it would be wise for Biden and Blinken to listen to what Putin is saying and consider why Russia believes its vital national interests are at risk.

.Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 . . If the United States has no comparable national interest to that of Russia, that should be the basis for de-escalation.

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 My strongest recommendation . . . Listen to George Washington, our first president, : “e honest and just ourselves and to exact it from others, meddling as little as possible in their affairs where our own are not involved. If this maxim was generally adopted, wars would cease …”

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NFBW “1” wrote: Of course Putin did not move until his sycophanatic NATO bashing bootlikker from America was out of power

NFBW “1” wrote: No. I work for former Trump national security adviser John Bolton.

NFBW “1” wrote:. Putin surely would prefer a second TRUMP anti-democracy term without a General Mattis and John Bolton advising (Bolton real anti Russia war hawk you should love 💕 theHawk )

No, Hawk Putin came damn close to seeing his greatest intelligence asset General Flynn) trying to keep pro-Putin Trump in power by overturning the election on January 6 enforcing martial laws to sieze corrupted voting machines.

And that puts Pro-Putin General Michael Flynn whispering Putin’s desires into second term Trump as his National security adviser based on the Word of God. Can you imagine the mess those three could create for Zelinski and the brave Ukrainians?

General Flynn Biden Ukraine Western Journal 2022

Flynn’s Neville Chamber

I am not pollyannish that war will forever cease; I am by nature a warrior. I do believe, however, from time to time, to be a nation at peace, we must return to our faith and our forefathers to remind ourselves what the real consequences of wars cause.

War is not fair — it is not meant to be — and a looming war with Russia would be anything but fair. Take that to the bank, if you can find one after a nuclear exchange.

Source: Western Journal
Putin never invaded when Trump was in the WH. you were fooled.
Moron, it was Trump who recommended the shutdowns...

"Therefore, my administration is recommending that all Americans, including the young and healthy, work to engage in schooling from home when possible, avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people, avoid discretionary travel and avoid eating and drinking in bars, restaurants, and public food courts." ~ Donald Trump, 3.16.2020

Sadly, he was president for 4 years, not 3. And the annual average number of people entering the labor force is...

Trump ...... 141,000
Biden .... 3,503,000

... no amount of excuses from you is going to change that.

And we're not losing jobs. You're out of your fucking mind. :cuckoo:

Good Gawd you are dense and dishonest. All the left's hatred of DeSantis for not shutting down Florida like the left did the North forcing their people to flee must be my imagination as well.

What trumps administration did was recommend SOCIAL DISTANCING -----Trump not only didn't shut down the economy, but he got attacked for not shutting it down (even though the number of covid was less under him than dipshit Biden)

Trump is not a democrat. We will not have an openly Racist in our party. But nevertheless, Trump took credit for shutting down the economy. It was no hoax. Serious shit!

Dying on Airplanes
Remarks by President Trump, Vice President Pence, and Members of the Coronavirus Task Force in Press Briefing
Issued on: April 1, 2020

THE PRESIDENT: It says 100- to 200,000. Anything — it’s a lot of people, right? It’s a lot of people.

Well, you didn’t ask the other question. What would have happened — because this is the question that I’ve been asking Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx for a long time, and they’ve been working on this for a long time.

The question is: What would have happened if we did nothing? Because there was a group that said, “Let’s just ride it out. Let’s ride it out.” What would have happened? And that number comes in at 1.5 to 1.6 million people, up to 2.2 and even beyond. So that’s 2.2 million people would have died if we did nothing, if we just carried on our life.

Now, I don’t think that would have been possible because you would have had people dying all over the place. This would not have been a normal life. How many people have even seen anybody die? You would have seen people dying on airplanes. You would have been seeing people dying in hotel lobbies. You would’ve seen death all over.

So I think, from a practical standpoint, that couldn’t have been carried out too far. But — but if you — if you did nothing, on the higher side, the number would be 2.2 and maybe even more, and on the lower side, 1.6 million people.

My gawd, you are a silly little bootlicker.

Hun, BIDEN is flat out a racist--he hates blacks. He didn't even want his kids going to school with black kids.

Obama is certainly a racist--he hates whites, he has WHITE MOMMY issues. His wife and her buddy Oprah are even worse racists.

The dems are the party of the KKK dippy---------you don't get much more racist than that.

You seriously need help----
Good Gawd you are dense and dishonest. All the left's hatred of DeSantis for not shutting down Florida like the left did the North forcing their people to flee must be my imagination as well.

What trumps administration did was recommend SOCIAL DISTANCING -----Trump not only didn't shut down the economy, but he got attacked for not shutting it down (even though the number of covid was less under him than dipshit Biden)

Sadly, you're reading impaired. :cuckoo:

I didn't say Trump shut the country down. I said he recommended it -- and he did, as evidenced by the video I posted.
Putin never invaded when Trump was in the WH.

that was exactly my point.

NFBW “1” wrote: Of course Putin did not move until his sycophanatic NATO bashing bootlikker from America was out of power

NFBW “1” wrote:. Putin surely would prefer a second TRUMP anti-democracy term without a General Mattis and John Bolton advising

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 Just as the nation was sold a hoax about Russia having elected President Donald Trump in 2016, another illusion now is being sold. Do not believe a word of it!

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 With those as the stakes, it would be wise for Biden and Blinken to listen to what Putin is saying and consider why Russia believes its vital national interests are at risk.

NFBW “1” wrote:
DAY SEVEN of the Putin invade - maternity hospital bombed.

Thank you General Michael Flynn for encouraging Putin to do that.
Sadly, you're reading impaired. :cuckoo:

I didn't say Trump shut the country down. I said he recommended it -- and he did, as evidenced by the video I posted.
Trump recommended social distancing (no more than 10 people to a room etc.) Maybe you listening comprehension is the issue---try listening to your own video.

Trump would never recommend killing the economy.
Trump recommended social distancing (no more than 10 people to a room etc.) Maybe you listening comprehension is the issue---try listening to your own video.

Trump would never recommend killing the economy.

That, and closing schools and no eating in restaurants, was what the shutdowns were, ya, gimp.
that was exactly my point.

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 Just as the nation was sold a hoax about Russia having elected President Donald Trump in 2016, another illusion now is being sold. Do not believe a word of it!

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 With those as the stakes, it would be wise for Biden and Blinken to listen to what Putin is saying and consider why Russia believes its vital national interests are at risk.

NFBW “1” wrote:
DAY SEVEN of the Putin invade - maternity hospital bombed.

Thank you General Michael Flynn for encouraging Putin to do that.
your point? hahahahaahahahhahaha. The point is that Putin invaded under obammy and now under xiden, but not under trump. hmmmmmm. Both demofks had energy dependencies, trump, nope.

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