Putin Killing Ukranians...but somehow President Biden is to Blame? Why?

Actually does – it’s called ‘under Biden.’

‘Under Biden,’ anything bad that happens is Biden’s fault.

‘Under Biden,’ anything good that happens Biden doesn’t get credit for.

Yeah, that part I get.

What isn't so clear is the "Putin is defending Russians outside of it's border" schtick.
Doesn't make much sense...

Can someone explain why President Biden is getting blamed for this other than "I hate Joe"?
Really? After the last year you have to ask that question? Either you are a troll or you are too ignorant to discuss important issues with other adults.
Putin wouldn't have attacked if Trump was still in office. Putin attacked when weak corrupt Obama was in office, and Putin attacked when weak corrupt Biden was in office.

Bullies like PUtin behave better when they fear getting Thumped back...and Trump was seen as someone who would Thump him.

He didn't have to. Donald Trump was withholding military aid from the Ukraine, and telling Zelensky to give Putin what he wants. NATO was fractured and he could do what he wanted.

Trump was giving Putin free access to hack the US government. Life was good. Biden got NATO back together, and read Putin the riot act.

The question has to be at this point "Is Putin mentally stable". His speech made no sense at all.
Really? After the last year you have to ask that question? Either you are a troll or you are too ignorant to discuss important issues with other adults.

In other words, you have no answer. So you insult a poster who actually shows up around here and contributes. We don't need more ignorant asshole right wingers to take the piss out of. We're full up with you useless tools.

Go join the rest of the useless FuckBois.
In other words, you have no answer. So you insult a poster who actually shows up around here and contributes. We don't need more ignorant asshole right wingers to take the piss out of. We're full up with you useless tools.

Go join the rest of the useless FuckBois.

How bout Canadians take a seat until they contribute something in terms of military might and treasure, hmmm? How about that?

Like most western "democracies", you spend all your $$$ on social programs and have none left over for any kind of military. You insult us left, right and center and then expect America to be the world's police.

Honey, look at the American polls. We are sick to death of being your chumps. Pay up AND shut up. How about that?
Doesn't make much sense...

Can someone explain why President Biden is getting blamed for this other than "I hate Joe"?
Weak President, zero resolve, spineless, all talk no action. A no brainer, no pun intended:) The world was looking for a strong leader, what they got was a smile and more bullshit. Can you explain why Trump was blamed for Wuhan’s release of an international pandemic other than ”I hate the Donald”? You have been warned not to throw rocks when you live in a glass house.

He didn't have to. Donald Trump was withholding military aid from the Ukraine, and telling Zelensky to give Putin what he wants. NATO was fractured and he could do what he wanted.

Trump was giving Putin free access to hack the US government. Life was good. Biden got NATO back together, and read Putin the riot act.

The question has to be at this point "Is Putin mentally stable". His speech made no sense at all.

Weak President, zero resolve, spineless, all talk no action. A no brainer, no pun intended:) The world was looking for a strong leader, what they got was a smile and more bullshit. Can you explain why Trump was blamed for Wuhan’s release of an international pandemic other than ”I hate the Donald”? You have been warned not to throw rocks when you live in a glass house.
Trump wasnt blamed for what came from wuhan.
Trump was blamed for downplaying the virus, at the start of the pandemic. Not listening to scientists, and delaying response which caused more deaths than necessary.
Doesn't make much sense...

Can someone explain why President Biden is getting blamed for this other than "I hate Joe"?

Same reason you guys blamed Trump for COVID, only in this case there's some validation.

After all, tamed when Trump was POTUS, and now with Biden foreigners are taking advantage. I wonder why that would be? Taiwan is next.
Doesn't make much sense...

Can someone explain why President Biden is getting blamed for this other than "I hate Joe"?
First of all because he’s the man in charge

its politics and libs would be just as harsh on trump if he was still president

but biden does have a tainted history with ukraine

Good old Joe was VP when obama made the phony promise to defend ukraine from russia
What action did you want him to take? I'm sure you posted what action you wanted him to take well before Vlad invaded...right? Please link to you sage wisdom.
Convince Western European leaders (NATO countries) to cut off SWIFT access, shutdown exports of energy, enact a comprehensive embargo of all goods and services, shut down all means of transportation between Russia and NATO countries, in short employ total economic isolation of Russia, and provide Ukrainian access to defensive weapons.
Convince Western European leaders (NATO countries) to cut off SWIFT access, shutdown exports of energy, enact a comprehensive embargo of all goods and services, shut down all means of transportation between Russia and NATO countries, in short employ total economic isolation of Russia, and provide Ukrainian access to defensive weapons.

Ahh...you wanted the impossible.
Doesn't make much sense...

Can someone explain why President Biden is getting blamed for this other than "I hate Joe"?
Putin sees weakness. So he pounced.
Doesn't make much sense...

Can someone explain why President Biden is getting blamed for this other than "I hate Joe"?

Yes I can. Absurd notions, spite and revenge, plus It was Thursday. It's just what they do on Thursdays.
Doesn't make much sense...

Can someone explain why President Biden is getting blamed for this other than "I hate Joe"?
2014, he set this in motion.
Trump was in the same situation as Obama in Syria and the use of poison gas. Obama made his famous redline, gas attacks continued. Obama was a punk. Trump said anymore poison gas attacks and he'll bomb Syrian forces, Russia said they would stop it. One more gas attack later and Trump bombed a Surian military airfield. Assad and Putin were punks.

Obama went to Congress to authorize strikes and they pussed out. Ships were on the way when Kerry offered them and off ramp and Syria's' benefactor took him up on it.
Obama went to Congress to authorize strikes and they pussed out. Ships were on the way when Kerry offered them and off ramp and Syria's' benefactor took him up on it.
An off ramp was not part of the redline calculus. Which is why Obama will forever be known a weak president.

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