Putin offers to hand over records of Trump-Lavrov meeting


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Does it get any more intriguing?

This could leave some egg on some peoples faces, and also raise again, suspicions of efforts by some to undermine this administration. At this point, I'm starting to think this isn't just about Trump, this is about trying to sidetrack the entire GOP. These kinds of leaks are done with a specific purpose. Especially when the media names an ally as being the one being harmed. Unforgivable.

Putin offers to hand over records of Trump-Lavrov meeting

Vladimir Putin offered Wednesday to help settle the controversy over claims President Trump shared classified intel with his diplomats.

Railing against “dangerous” U.S. politicians whipping up “anti-Russian sentiment,” the Russian president dismissed the claim that Trump disclosed such information to Kremlin officials and offered to hand over records of an Oval Office meeting to Congress.

Speaking during a joint news conference with the Italian prime minister, Putin said those attacking Trump for allegedly being too cozy with Russian politicians were guilty of “political schizophrenia.”

Putin said – if the White House agreed – that he would share his records of a meeting Trump had last week with Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and ambassador Sergei Kislyak in which it was reported Trump blurted out sensitive information given to the White House by Israeli intelligence. Making light of the situation, Putin said he would have to reprimand Lavrov since the alleged intelligence was never passed along to him.

“He hasn’t shared those secrets with us,” Putin said.

The former KGB operative said he wasn’t yet ready to judge Trump’s nascent presidency and would only do so “when he’s allowed to work at full capacity,” ostensibly referencing the tidal wave of legislative resistance that’s greeted most of the items on Trump’s agenda.

The White House has adamantly defended Trump's conversations in that Oval Office meeting, saying what he discussed was "wholly appropriate."

"It was nothing that you would not know from open-source reporting," National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster said on Tuesday.
"Political schizophrenia" is a pretty apt term. The Russian hysteria has been dangerous on a "we don't want to end the world" kind of level. I appreciate that Putin asked the US for permission, it bodes well for future peaceful relations.

Its so weird, I grew up under the mantra of the US seeking world peace, but these days it's like some people want to blow it all up. ~SMH~
Putin's offer of evidence is like bank robber taking stand as character witness for the alleged driver of getaway car.
Why doesn't Trump have a transcript? It was at the WH. Is the only transcript in Putin's hands? Why? I don't suppose today transcripts, tapes and pictures can be altered? Oh wait a minute, yes they all can.

Yea, let's believe pooty.
Why doesn't Trump have a transcript? It was at the WH. Is the only transcript in Putin's hands? Why? I don't suppose today transcripts, tapes and pictures can be altered? Oh wait a minute, yes they all can.

Yea, let's believe pooty.
How do you know Trump doesn't have a transcript AND audio and video tapes of the meeting?
You don't asshole!
Trump,when he was doing business had audio and videotaped EVERY fucking meeting he had with EVERYONE!
Everyone who met with Trump KNEW it.
Given the extremely intense LIB media Trump-hate going on don't assume Trump isn't covering his ass by audio/video recording EVERY meeting he has with EVERYONE.

Putin continues the most successful trolling campaign against the U.S. in history

I don;t know, Canada has been trolling America since the 1960's (with a short reprieve in the 80's). Russia has been a clear enemy, Canada has just been trolling and getting support from the U.S media in their efforts "oh, look at those nice, innocent Canadians. Such friendly, happy socialists!"

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Why doesn't Trump have a transcript? It was at the WH. Is the only transcript in Putin's hands? Why? I don't suppose today transcripts, tapes and pictures can be altered? Oh wait a minute, yes they all can.

Yea, let's believe pooty.
How do you know Trump doesn't have a transcript AND audio and video tapes of the meeting?
You don't asshole!
Trump,when he was doing business had audio and videotaped EVERY fucking meeting he had with EVERYONE!
Everyone who met with Trump KNEW it.
Given the extremely intense LIB media Trump-hate going on don't assume Trump isn't covering his ass by audio/video recording EVERY meeting he has with EVERYONE.

No you are the asshole, I was replying to OP as to why you pooty luvin trump volunteered the transcript and trump surely had them. You apparently didn't understand the sarcasm, but then again I guess if you voted for trumpie you don't understand much. Now go pull your little wee wee while looking at pictures of trump.
I guess when I'm being sarcastic I better start the sentence, I am being sarcastic for the mental midgets.

Putin continues the most successful trolling campaign against the U.S. in history

I don;t know, Canada has been trolling America since the 1960's (with a short reprieve int he 80's). Russia has been a clear enemy, Canada has just been trolling and getting support from the U.S media in their efforts "oh, look at those nice, innocent Canadians. Such friendly, happy socialists!"

I guess when I'm being sarcastic I better start the sentence, I am being sarcastic for the mental midgets.
All low info dimocrats would appreciate that. It might help to include a definition of sarcastic though so you're not wasting your time.
Does it get any more intriguing?

This could leave some egg on some peoples faces, and also raise again, suspicions of efforts by some to undermine this administration. At this point, I'm starting to think this isn't just about Trump, this is about trying to sidetrack the entire GOP. These kinds of leaks are done with a specific purpose. Especially when the media names an ally as being the one being harmed. Unforgivable.

Putin offers to hand over records of Trump-Lavrov meeting

Vladimir Putin offered Wednesday to help settle the controversy over claims President Trump shared classified intel with his diplomats.

Railing against “dangerous” U.S. politicians whipping up “anti-Russian sentiment,” the Russian president dismissed the claim that Trump disclosed such information to Kremlin officials and offered to hand over records of an Oval Office meeting to Congress.

Speaking during a joint news conference with the Italian prime minister, Putin said those attacking Trump for allegedly being too cozy with Russian politicians were guilty of “political schizophrenia.”

Putin said – if the White House agreed – that he would share his records of a meeting Trump had last week with Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and ambassador Sergei Kislyak in which it was reported Trump blurted out sensitive information given to the White House by Israeli intelligence. Making light of the situation, Putin said he would have to reprimand Lavrov since the alleged intelligence was never passed along to him.

“He hasn’t shared those secrets with us,” Putin said.

The former KGB operative said he wasn’t yet ready to judge Trump’s nascent presidency and would only do so “when he’s allowed to work at full capacity,” ostensibly referencing the tidal wave of legislative resistance that’s greeted most of the items on Trump’s agenda.

The White House has adamantly defended Trump's conversations in that Oval Office meeting, saying what he discussed was "wholly appropriate."

"It was nothing that you would not know from open-source reporting," National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster said on Tuesday.
We can't have that happen. It would put the usual suspects in the awkward position of once again insisting that anonymous sources are more reliable than eyewitnesses who go public with documentation.
Just two years ago if you told any Republican "the guy you elected president will bar the US press core from the White House but will allow the Russian press core in exclusively and he will tell them classified information that will put some of our operative's lives at stake around the world. AND, the leader of Russia will defend Trump as nobody in the US believes him.

And this is just one of many impeachable offenses committed by dog-brain in 3 months.

Republicans have no honor and they are not patriots. They will ignore the Constitution as long as it stands in their way.
Does it get any more intriguing?

This could leave some egg on some peoples faces, and also raise again, suspicions of efforts by some to undermine this administration. At this point, I'm starting to think this isn't just about Trump, this is about trying to sidetrack the entire GOP. These kinds of leaks are done with a specific purpose. Especially when the media names an ally as being the one being harmed. Unforgivable.

Putin offers to hand over records of Trump-Lavrov meeting

Vladimir Putin offered Wednesday to help settle the controversy over claims President Trump shared classified intel with his diplomats.

Railing against “dangerous” U.S. politicians whipping up “anti-Russian sentiment,” the Russian president dismissed the claim that Trump disclosed such information to Kremlin officials and offered to hand over records of an Oval Office meeting to Congress.

Speaking during a joint news conference with the Italian prime minister, Putin said those attacking Trump for allegedly being too cozy with Russian politicians were guilty of “political schizophrenia.”

Putin said – if the White House agreed – that he would share his records of a meeting Trump had last week with Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and ambassador Sergei Kislyak in which it was reported Trump blurted out sensitive information given to the White House by Israeli intelligence. Making light of the situation, Putin said he would have to reprimand Lavrov since the alleged intelligence was never passed along to him.

“He hasn’t shared those secrets with us,” Putin said.

The former KGB operative said he wasn’t yet ready to judge Trump’s nascent presidency and would only do so “when he’s allowed to work at full capacity,” ostensibly referencing the tidal wave of legislative resistance that’s greeted most of the items on Trump’s agenda.

The White House has adamantly defended Trump's conversations in that Oval Office meeting, saying what he discussed was "wholly appropriate."

"It was nothing that you would not know from open-source reporting," National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster said on Tuesday.
Well that may shut down a few of these warmongering sob's. It will be up to the media to distribute truthful information without all these bullshit distortions.
Why doesn't Trump have a transcript? It was at the WH. Is the only transcript in Putin's hands? Why? I don't suppose today transcripts, tapes and pictures can be altered? Oh wait a minute, yes they all can.

Yea, let's believe pooty.
How do you know Trump doesn't have a transcript AND audio and video tapes of the meeting?
You don't asshole!
Trump,when he was doing business had audio and videotaped EVERY fucking meeting he had with EVERYONE!
Everyone who met with Trump KNEW it.
Given the extremely intense LIB media Trump-hate going on don't assume Trump isn't covering his ass by audio/video recording EVERY meeting he has with EVERYONE.

No you are the asshole, I was replying to OP as to why you pooty luvin trump volunteered the transcript and trump surely had them. You apparently didn't understand the sarcasm, but then again I guess if you voted for trumpie you don't understand much. Now go pull your little wee wee while looking at pictures of trump.
That's enough wasted bandwidth from you.
Permanent Ignore asshole!
Why doesn't Trump have a transcript? It was at the WH. Is the only transcript in Putin's hands? Why? I don't suppose today transcripts, tapes and pictures can be altered? Oh wait a minute, yes they all can.

Yea, let's believe pooty.
How do you know Trump doesn't have a transcript AND audio and video tapes of the meeting?
You don't asshole!
Trump,when he was doing business had audio and videotaped EVERY fucking meeting he had with EVERYONE!
Everyone who met with Trump KNEW it.
Given the extremely intense LIB media Trump-hate going on don't assume Trump isn't covering his ass by audio/video recording EVERY meeting he has with EVERYONE.

No you are the asshole, I was replying to OP as to why you pooty luvin trump volunteered the transcript and trump surely had them. You apparently didn't understand the sarcasm, but then again I guess if you voted for trumpie you don't understand much. Now go pull your little wee wee while looking at pictures of trump.
That's enough wasted bandwidth from you.
Permanent Ignore asshole!

You can't handle the truth BOY.
If Trump has tapes of the meeting, Democrat operatives have already altered them. Russia's offer is an adult trying to calm a rampaging infant down. The only truthful ones are the Russian ones.

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