Putin open to negotiations. What does this mean?

occupied suggested that its "stupid" for Ukraine and Russia to engage in talks to pound out their differences.
Of course it is. Ukrainian land is non-negotiable, so until Russia agrees to withdraw, there is nothing to talk about, however nothing about that suggests Ukraine is interested in invading Russia.
My thoughts exactly, but there is no face saving way for Putin to end this war. Ukraine has made it clear that it will fight until it has recovered all occupied lands, including Crimea, and the US and EU have pledged to support Ukraine for as long as it takes; further, since Putin has clearly demonstrated he has no respect of any treaties or laws, no peace treaty is possible without a guarantor of peace, and there is no possible guarantor but NATO. This means in order to negotiate peace with Ukraine, Putin would have to withdraw completely from Ukraine and drop his objections to Ukraine becoming a member of NATO.
The fact you believe this dumbfuck paid shill proves you are hopeless and as much an idiot troll as him,one more idiot to add to ignore.
Anyone that thinks Ukrainian forces can defeat the Russian army and win the war is seriously deluded. ... :cuckoo:
Perhaps Ukraine could compromise by withdrawing their request for NATO membership?
:thankusmile: Especially sense NATO is always behind global wars and it is zelensky that is the new Hitler not putin.contrary to the lies of the msm media,Russia just wants to be left alone and is tired ig Ukraine with the side of nato trying to overtake Russian land,they are fighting back and the msm is painting their defense attacks as being the aggressor.too many idiots here have fallen firnthe msms lies hook,line,and sinker.putin wants peace,it is nato who does not.
Maybe he's finally realizing that he's not gonna win as easily as he thought and is looking for some kind of way out while saving what little respect he has left.
There goes trollboy paid shill from Langley farting in the boards again.
Of course it is. Ukrainian land is non-negotiable, so until Russia agrees to withdraw, there is nothing to talk about, however nothing about that suggests Ukraine is interested in invading Russia.

There are territorial disputes between the two nations. A large number of Ukraine nationals are actually ethnic Russians. In the 1950's, if you'll remember, Ukrainian Strongman Nikita Khrushchev seized large sections of the Russian Federation and annexed them to the Ukrainian SSR.
Only with us emptying our military supplies to prop up Zelensky have they succeeded, plus our intelligence gathering on behalf of Ukraine.

You know, we'll be short on many things after this. China is taking note I would imagine.

Funny how people imagined that Russia wouldn't stop at Ukraine. Lies on top of lies. But Russia is a bastion of anti-woke, anti-transgenderism. So they must be stopped. But who will run Russia after Putin?
Not just the US supplies, all NATO members are empty. They aren't able even to try and get replacements for their own needs before another call comes from Zelensky that he needs them instead. One of our stations were talking about this today. Germany has to send their air defences instead of keeping it for themselves. Countries are losing billions and billions and their ability to defend themselves. It is beyond crazy.
Not just the US supplies, all NATO members are empty. They aren't able even to try and get replacements for their own needs before another call comes from Zelensky that he needs them instead. One of our stations were talking about this today. Germany has to send their air defences instead of keeping it for themselves. Countries are losing billions and billions and their ability to defend themselves. It is beyond crazy.
You underestimate the ability of our Military Industrial Complex to ramp up and replace equipment.

It is Putin who is unable to replace his expended equipment. He has sank to begging from N Korea and Iran
It's estimated the Russian army tactically withdrew from only about 2% of the land it formally occupied.
Have you already read about the figure of 14000 casualties in the Donbas war and are ready now to be confronted with this 2% nonsense?
:thankusmile: Especially sense NATO is always behind global wars and it is zelensky that is the new Hitler not putin.contrary to the lies of the msm media,Russia just wants to be left alone and is tired ig Ukraine with the side of nato trying to overtake Russian land,they are fighting back and the msm is painting their defense attacks as being the aggressor.too many idiots here have fallen firnthe msms lies hook,line,and sinker.putin wants peace,it is nato who does not.
Geez, you Putin lovers redefine what it means to be a “Useful Idiot”. :rolleyes:
Let's hope he means it and he's not just playing a game. Otherwise there is no way this ends well.
are ready now to be confronted with this 2% nonsense?
All you have to do is look at a map to see the large amount of territory in the Donbas that is occupied by the Russian army and then compare it to the small area of land reclaimed by the Ukrainian forces to come up with the 2% number.
All you have to do is look at a map to see the large amount of territory in the Donbas that is occupied by the Russian army and then compare it to the small area of land reclaimed by the Ukrainian forces to come up with the 2% number.
Yes, I look at a map
2022_Russian_invasion_of_Ukraine.svg (2).png

Even if you conveniently consider only the Donbas region, I doubt that liberated Lyman area comprises only 2% of the territory.
They had a pending agreement for peace back in April, but the western oligarchs and the MIC sent in dumb Boris to shit can it.
Was watching tonight Boris agreeing that he had said No Deal - though he put it a bit differently something like you do not agree to put your head in a crocodile's mouth. Apparently, Germany and France did not agree to this at first. Possibly because of their responsibilities towards Minsk. They correctly pointed out that when Zelensky wanted peace the UK and US were against it but when he wants war they say they will only go with what he wants and there will be no peace negotiations.
There are some opinions that some kind of a Big deal can be reached at the G20 summit. Though, Putin made everything for a compromise to be unreachable.
what I have heard is much less big. Biden has said he has no interest in speaking to Putin but if Putin wanted to speak to him about something small he might and Lavrov saying much the same. This was then turned into both of them saying they were open to speaking to each other, Putin according to mainstream media in the UK has said he wants negotiations again and again.
And what be a compromise from Putin's part?
Well I think in the April one apart from all sort of fighting stopping there was no talk of annexing the Donbas etc. It had something about giving them some sort of autonomy but still as part of Ukraine. People are saying no one is going to win this and I think that is true so the longer it goes on the more everyone loses, the more destruction, the more loss of life, the more life changing injuries. He's not going to give up Crimea.
Unless he is willing to return control of the plant to Ukraine i do not know what is to come of this.

He went and told the Turkish leader that he wanted to end the war as soon as possible. What he meant was "I want to destroy the Ukraine as soon as possible".

So, probably he's just playing games. Trying to make the Ukraine think one thing, when really he's just using it as an excuse.

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