Putin Pulls American Troops Out of Afghanistan

On Russian state TV Putin applauded Trump's announcement that we were pulling out forces out of Syria. He was virtually the only high profile figure that did so. He went on to demand that we pull out of Afghanistan as well

The next day Trump announced Afghanistan withdrawal.

Who's pulling the strings? It's pretty obvious

Trump lies about everything under the sun, and throws his voting base under the bus anytime it suits him, his lawyers lie about Trump contacts with Russia, Putin barks twice in 24 hours and Trump rolls over like a puppy, yet he has no contacts with, or in Russa ????????????


We are actually punishing our own people for killing savage radical muzzies.

What W did in Afghan was just unreal.

When our troops arrived over the lie of 911, we found the Taliban at war with The Northern Alliance, armed and funded by IRAN.

Then, with our troops still there shoulder to shoulder with TNA, W sold out and put Iran on the "Axis of Evil," and TNA then started shooting at our troops.

SUBS cheered.

US troops killed over no US national interest, just the desire to let ISRAEL get away with 911 and make it "look right."

As for Pat Tillman, the first public figure to notice there was NO TARGET in Afghan, W and Rummy had a plan for him.... and you cheered yet again...
On Russian state TV Putin applauded Trump's announcement that we were pulling out forces out of Syria. He was virtually the only high profile figure that did so. He went on to demand that we pull out of Afghanistan as well

The next day Trump announced Afghanistan withdrawal.

Who's pulling the strings? It's pretty obvious

Hey dummy....who pulled the strings to yank the Soviets out of Afghanistan?
you've had it proven to you that is not Osama bin Laden.

Just the opposite is true. You and the rest of ZIONISM cannot show ONE SINGLE PHOTO of "Osama" in Saudi, because Col Osman was NEVER THERE....
you've had it proven to you that is not Osama bin Laden.

Just the opposite is true. You and the rest of ZIONISM cannot show ONE SINGLE PHOTO of "Osama" in Saudi, because Col Osman was NEVER THERE....
You exposed your complete ignorance of military matters. We all had a great laugh.:lol:

But you keep on shoveling that ignorant bullshit, dipshit. We expect nothing less.
g5000 wants Americans to believe "Osama" was a SAUDI, yet cannot produce ONE SINGLE PHOTO of "Osama" in Saudi.

g5000 wants Americans to believe "Osama" was a SAUDI, yet cannot produce ONE SINGLE PHOTO of "Osama" in Saudi.

Your photo of someone who is not Osama bin Laden does not prove OBL is not a Saudi, retard. :lol:

"Here's a picture of Queen Elizabeth. Therefore, OBL is not a Saudi."
There are NO PHOTOS of "Osama" in Saudi.



Because "Osama" was/is really Col Tim Osman....

and that explains why this happened....


"Saudi Arabia was so uncooperative in US terror investigations before and after 9/11 that one New York FBI investigator slammed the kingdom as “useless and obstructionist,” "

WHY couldn't our "ally" help us about "Saudi" Osama???


This explains MUCH....

saudi royal family jewish - Google Search
On the one hand he applauds the Syria pull out but then challenges Trump by pointing out that in spite of promises to leave Afghanistan we have not done so.

The next day Trump announces...an Afghanistan pull out

We've only been over there for 17 years. We won WW2 in 4 years.
And then spent the next 50 occupying the countries we conquered.
On the one hand he applauds the Syria pull out but then challenges Trump by pointing out that in spite of promises to leave Afghanistan we have not done so.

The next day Trump announces...an Afghanistan pull out

We've only been over there for 17 years. We won WW2 in 4 years.
And then spent the next 50 occupying the countries we conquered.
That's the difference. We should have obliterated Afghanistan and set up a provisional government.
On Russian state TV Putin applauded Trump's announcement that we were pulling out forces out of Syria. He was virtually the only high profile figure that did so. He went on to demand that we pull out of Afghanistan as well

The next day Trump announced Afghanistan withdrawal.

Who's pulling the strings? It's pretty obvious
We have no reason to be in Afghanistan/Syria/Iraq...
On Russian state TV Putin applauded Trump's announcement that we were pulling out forces out of Syria. He was virtually the only high profile figure that did so. He went on to demand that we pull out of Afghanistan as well

The next day Trump announced Afghanistan withdrawal.

Who's pulling the strings? It's pretty obvious

You are just not very smart.

Putin loves seeing us waste money, equipment and troops lives in Afghanistan. We are doing Russia no harm and are just wasting our time there.

The USSR figured out that place is unwinable after only 10 years...we are at 17 and cannot grasp that yet

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Regardless, the fact remains that pulling out of Afghanistan and Syria benefits Putin.

How does the US pulling out of Afghanistan benefit Putin?

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'Russia may be the biggest beneficiary of an American departure, which would leave it as the major global power in Syria and restore its Soviet-era role as a player in the Middle East.

Mr. Putin’s praise for Mr. Trump aside, he is likely to use an American withdrawal to “tell the world that Russia’s won against the U.S. in this proxy war,” said Ms. Khatib of Chatham House. And with good reason, she added: “Russia will take advantage of the vacuum to set the terms for the trajectory of the Syrian conflict as it wishes. It paves the way for Russia to treat Syria as part of its virtual territory.”'

Syria Pullout by U.S. Tilts Mideast Toward Iran and Russia, Isolating Israel

That’s how.

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