PUTIN´S USEFUL IDIOT STAKES AGAIN: President Trump might be on to something with "Russia"


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
What has Putler on Trump? for me, its can not be nothing else by the piss video? any other ideas?



"Russian" President Vladimir Putin called President Trump Sunday to thank him for helping prevent a terror attack in "Russia", according to the Kremlin. "

President Trump might be on to something with Russia

Putin has found his perfect 'useful idiots' - The Washington Post

May 17, 2017 - You cannot make this stuff up. “Russian President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday he would be willing to provide the U.S. Congress a record of President Trump's meeting with top Russian envoys, possibly offering new details on the disclosures of reportedly highly classified intelligence information,” The ...
Conservatives shouldn't be Vladimir Putin's 'useful idiots' - Washington ...

Jul 27, 2017 - I have been hearing a lot of comments lately from conservatives that Russia is not our enemy, that President Vladimir Putin is a great guy, a strong leader who loves his country and is simply standing up to the globalist European Union. Mr. Putin and Russia, I'm told, are standing up for Christianity and ...

What has Putler on Trump? for me, its can not be nothing else by the piss video? any other ideas?



"Russian" President Vladimir Putin called President Trump Sunday to thank him for helping prevent a terror attack in "Russia", according to the Kremlin. "

President Trump might be on to something with Russia

Putin has found his perfect 'useful idiots' - The Washington Post

May 17, 2017 - You cannot make this stuff up. “Russian President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday he would be willing to provide the U.S. Congress a record of President Trump's meeting with top Russian envoys, possibly offering new details on the disclosures of reportedly highly classified intelligence information,” The ...
Conservatives shouldn't be Vladimir Putin's 'useful idiots' - Washington ...

Jul 27, 2017 - I have been hearing a lot of comments lately from conservatives that Russia is not our enemy, that President Vladimir Putin is a great guy, a strong leader who loves his country and is simply standing up to the globalist European Union. Mr. Putin and Russia, I'm told, are standing up for Christianity and ...
I for one will be glad when this "Russian collusion" thing plays out, and you leftists are left standing there with your dicks in your hands.

Shit's getting old. Time to develop a new comedy routine because this one isn't funny anymore.
I for one will be glad when this "Russian collusion" thing plays out, and you leftists are left standing there with your dicks in your hands.

Shit's getting old. Time to develop a new comedy routine because this one isn't funny anymore.
left? Lol Putler supports both extremes , and the useful idiots are still dont get it) LOL




The Guardian view on Putin's Europe: the new fellow travellers ...

Jan 18, 2017 - Financial connections are suspected but have rarely been proven or admitted. Russia's support is mostly detected through its propaganda machine. One revealing moment, however, came in 2014 when several radical European parties, both left and right, sent “observers” to Crimea's staged “referendum”.

Why Russia cultivates fringe groups on the far-right and far-left.

May 4, 2017 - But much as Moscow has fanned far-right actors bent on unwinding a post–Cold War liberal order, the Kremlin has espied potential support from those on the opposite end of the political spectrum, who view Russia as both an ally of convenience and an innocent government supposedly wracked by ...

... who is dat girl...

... inna Trump/Putin t-shirt?

Uncle Ferd thinks she's a honey.
I for one will be glad when this "Russian collusion" thing plays out, and you leftists are left standing there with your dicks in your hands.

Shit's getting old. Time to develop a new comedy routine because this one isn't funny anymore.
It has played out and these dipshits still make posts like these.
I for one will be glad when this "Russian collusion" thing plays out, and you leftists are left standing there with your dicks in your hands.

Shit's getting old. Time to develop a new comedy routine because this one isn't funny anymore.
It has played out and these dipshits still make posts like these.

If Litwin's inane posts are any indication of the Democrat's game plan in 2018, they're in for a very rude surprise.
What has Putler on Trump? for me, its can not be nothing else by the piss video? any other ideas?



"Russian" President Vladimir Putin called President Trump Sunday to thank him for helping prevent a terror attack in "Russia", according to the Kremlin. "

President Trump might be on to something with Russia

Putin has found his perfect 'useful idiots' - The Washington Post

May 17, 2017 - You cannot make this stuff up. “Russian President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday he would be willing to provide the U.S. Congress a record of President Trump's meeting with top Russian envoys, possibly offering new details on the disclosures of reportedly highly classified intelligence information,” The ...
Conservatives shouldn't be Vladimir Putin's 'useful idiots' - Washington ...

Jul 27, 2017 - I have been hearing a lot of comments lately from conservatives that Russia is not our enemy, that President Vladimir Putin is a great guy, a strong leader who loves his country and is simply standing up to the globalist European Union. Mr. Putin and Russia, I'm told, are standing up for Christianity and ...

All those Russian Intel agencies don't NEED collusion with a candidate to stir doubt about our political process. CNN/WashPO/NYTimes does all that FOR Putin. He's just taking advantage of OUR Stupid ass political food fights. WE did this to ourselves. Didn't take a LOT of effort on the part of the Russians.
I for one will be glad when this "Russian collusion" thing plays out, and you leftists are left standing there with your dicks in your hands.

Shit's getting old. Time to develop a new comedy routine because this one isn't funny anymore.
It has played out and these dipshits still make posts like these.

If Litwin's inane posts are any indication of the Democrat's game plan in 2018, they're in for a very rude surprise.
what Kremlin thugs do to the USA, has very litter to do with the USA parties

- 2009: Mueller, Holder, Obama hide Russian intent to buy Uranium One, corner US uranium market, and acquire 20% of US uranium; hide Russian crimes; Protect Hillary from Russian Bribery Scandal

- 2014-2016: Comey, Lynch, Obama hide Russian attempts to hack Senior US politicians and agencies, hide Russian social media PsyOp that results in snowflakes organizing and marching for the Russians, hide Russians paying liberal groups to spread racial division and violence, hide Russian attempts to interfere in our election


All those Russian Intel agencies don't NEED collusion with a candidate to stir doubt about our political process. CNN/WashPO/NYTimes does all that FOR Putin. He's just taking advantage of OUR Stupid ass political food fights. WE did this to ourselves. Didn't take a LOT of effort on the part of the Russians.

The liberals' continued witch hunt against Trump is a continuation of the Left helping Russia split the country apart, a continuation of their PsyOp program of manipulating the American people (snowflakes) into continuing to further divide and keep this nation divided.

They are 'seeking Russia Collusion' ... while they are ignorantly engaged in it. :p

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