Putin to U.S. Business: Invest in Russia

Ironic that the same types of people who so often claim that regulation is destroying American capitalism eschew investing in Russia why?

Because of the lack of regulation in Russia makes the place so corrupt that the market is toxic.
Ironic that the same types of people who so often claim that regulation is destroying American capitalism eschew investing in Russia why?

Because of the lack of regulation in Russia makes the place so corrupt that the market is toxic.

It has nothing to do with regulation. I would bet there are tons of regulations in Russia.
The issue in Russia is rule of law and enforceability of contracts. That isn't an issue in this country (yet) although Obama is doing his best to undermine it.
Russia is a kleptocracy. The rule of law is optional. Don't invest there.
Why Americans do not like Putin?

Americans fear the strong. They want to rule the world alone, and therefore do not love those who do them harm. And if the Americans who do not like something, they can hang a man or bomb the country.

With Russia, this will not work.
Why Americans do not like Putin?
Because Putin smells like this guy...

Yes I think all you libertarians and Austrian school econo advocates ought to invest in Russia.

After all, they don't have a nanny state telling their rich what do to, do they?

They have freedom, few of them even bother to pay taxes, too.

By all means do invest there.

Russia is doing now, what you guys we think we ought to do.

They have a non-functioning government.

They have a government small enough that you can drown it in the bathtub.

Now, how's that working out for them?
Why Americans do not like Putin?
Because Putin smells like this guy...


This guy has done a lot for Russia - the country made a huge step forward towards a democratic society. It gave a powerful impetus to the development of Soviet culture and science.

Millions of people lived in cellars, in the barracks - he began a massive construction of affordable homes.

Khrushchev was released from the camps of political prisoners of the Stalinist era. Was eliminated gulag.

When Khrushchev, the Soviet Union decided to withdraw its troops from Austria, rejecting the Soviet zone of occupation, and to conclude a peace treaty with Austria. Beginning of normalization of relations with West Germany, Khrushchev actually recognized West Germany as an independent state.

Another major achievement, nuclear project, the creation of the hydrogen bomb.

Under Khrushchev managed to avert the threat of U.S. aggression in a nuclear attack on the Soviet Union.
Shall list some of the achievements of Putin.

- Improving the status of Russia in the world

- Improving the lives of the people, the growth of wages and pensions.

- Strengthening the country's defense.

- Growth of the economy and the country's GDP.

- Preventing the collapse of the country, the suppression of terrorism, the growth of housing, promotion of healthy lifestyles.

- The centralization and strengthening the vertical of power, reducing inflation, increasing self-awareness and dignity of the Russian people, improvements in health, employment, growth of economic freedom, as well as strengthening democracy and the growth of civil liberties.

Do they not real?
Ironic that the same types of people who so often claim that regulation is destroying American capitalism eschew investing in Russia why?

Because of the lack of regulation in Russia makes the place so corrupt that the market is toxic.

It has nothing to do with regulation. I would bet there are tons of regulations in Russia.
The issue in Russia is rule of law and enforceability of contracts. That isn't an issue in this country (yet) although Obama is doing his best to undermine it.

Rabbi, if a nation has laws that don't apply or aren't enforced?

Then it is still a lawless land.

Don't even try to play the literalist game with me.

It just doesn't impress me.
Ironic that the same types of people who so often claim that regulation is destroying American capitalism eschew investing in Russia why?

Because of the lack of regulation in Russia makes the place so corrupt that the market is toxic.

It has nothing to do with regulation. I would bet there are tons of regulations in Russia.
The issue in Russia is rule of law and enforceability of contracts. That isn't an issue in this country (yet) although Obama is doing his best to undermine it.

Rabbi, if a nation has laws that don't apply or aren't enforced?

Then it is still a lawless land.

Don't even try to play the literalist game with me.

It just doesn't impress me.

I dont even understand what point you are trying to make here. Russia has plenty of laws and regulations. Too many probably. They are selectively enforced based largely on in whose interest enforcement or lack thereof is. That is the problem. That is the lack of rule of law. That is why no one in his right mind should invest in Russia.
Shall list some of the achievements of Putin.

- Improving the status of Russia in the world

- Improving the lives of the people, the growth of wages and pensions.

- Strengthening the country's defense.

- Growth of the economy and the country's GDP.

- Preventing the collapse of the country, the suppression of terrorism, the growth of housing, promotion of healthy lifestyles.

- The centralization and strengthening the vertical of power, reducing inflation, increasing self-awareness and dignity of the Russian people, improvements in health, employment, growth of economic freedom, as well as strengthening democracy and the growth of civil liberties.

Do they not real?

Oil rising from $20-$40 to $40-$140 had more to do with Russia's current prosperity than whatever the government has done.
Shall list some of the achievements of Putin.

- Improving the status of Russia in the world

- Improving the lives of the people, the growth of wages and pensions.

- Strengthening the country's defense.

- Growth of the economy and the country's GDP.

- Preventing the collapse of the country, the suppression of terrorism, the growth of housing, promotion of healthy lifestyles.

- The centralization and strengthening the vertical of power, reducing inflation, increasing self-awareness and dignity of the Russian people, improvements in health, employment, growth of economic freedom, as well as strengthening democracy and the growth of civil liberties.

Do they not real?

Oil rising from $20-$40 to $40-$140 had more to do with Russia's current prosperity than whatever the government has done.

If we remember Gorbachev, who all passed the America, and the drunkard Yeltsin, who so liked the Americans.
It has nothing to do with regulation. I would bet there are tons of regulations in Russia.
The issue in Russia is rule of law and enforceability of contracts. That isn't an issue in this country (yet) although Obama is doing his best to undermine it.

Rabbi, if a nation has laws that don't apply or aren't enforced?

Then it is still a lawless land.

Don't even try to play the literalist game with me.

It just doesn't impress me.

I dont even understand what point you are trying to make here. Russia has plenty of laws and regulations. Too many probably. They are selectively enforced based largely on in whose interest enforcement or lack thereof is. That is the problem. That is the lack of rule of law. That is why no one in his right mind should invest in Russia.

Under Yeltsin, from 1990 to 1999, Russia ruled by a handful of oligarchs, and the so-called "family" business laws are not respected, the business did not work according to the laws, but on concepts.

Oligarchs and rogues, of course it was convenient to steal money.

And only after Putin came to power in 1999, began to establish legitimate rights in the business. The oligarchs were removed from government and business had the opportunity to work with the real laws.
Under Yeltsin, from 1990 to 1999, Russia ruled by a handful of oligarchs, and the so-called "family" business laws are not respected, the business did not work according to the laws, but on concepts.

Oligarchs and rogues, of course it was convenient to steal money.

And only after Putin came to power in 1999, began to establish legitimate rights in the business. The oligarchs were removed from government and business had the opportunity to work with the real laws.
To America, Putin is a meaner, KGB-flavored Yeltsin with teeth.

Interesting thread. Now I work for a Russian company. Evraz. And, since they bought our company, the benefits have actually increased. My wages went up, until November of last year, but remained the same.

Since we are not union, we have a profit sharing program that ensures some very high wages in good times, and a good job in bad. The Russians changed none of this, although we were sure worried about what they would do the first couple of years. And they have made good profits from our unit, even in these times.

Don't know how it is with other Russian companies in the US, but I have to say they have been good people to work for so far.

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