Putin To Western Elites: Play-Time Is Over

I love Russians. Good down to earth people. But they have a real problem with crime, corruption and their politics since the fall of the Soviets, Putin and his henchmen are more than a bunch of glorified gangsters. Russians are struggling against the tide. Putin is just another Czar. He will get what's coming to him.
I love Russians. Good down to earth people. But they have a real problem with crime, corruption and their politics since the fall of the Soviets, Putin and his henchmen are more than a bunch of glorified gangsters. Russians are struggling against the tide. Putin is just another zcar. He will get what's coming to him.
Your description resembles Obama.
President Putin was correct in identifying the United States of America as the enemy of the world. That would be obola's America.

The US is HIS enemy, not the worlds. Maneuvering Russia's credit rating, and now their 'ONLY' making $70.00 per barrel profit on oil is GREAT! When oil profits drop to $40.00/barrel he's going to be lynched by his own people.
President Putin was correct in identifying the United States of America as the enemy of the world. That would be obola's America.

The US is HIS enemy, not the worlds. Maneuvering Russia's credit rating, and now their 'ONLY' making $70.00 per barrel profit on oil is GREAT! When oil profits drop to $40.00/barrel he's going to be lynched by his own people.
Nah, Putin is the great survivor. Whenever something goes wrong he lynches another oligarch, nationalizes a company, invades a country like Ukraine, or goes after 'foreigners' and LGBT people.
President Putin was correct in identifying the United States of America as the enemy of the world. That would be obola's America.

The US is HIS enemy, not the worlds. Maneuvering Russia's credit rating, and now their 'ONLY' making $70.00 per barrel profit on oil is GREAT! When oil profits drop to $40.00/barrel he's going to be lynched by his own people.
So, your for cheap oil now?
Supporting Russia over America is not loving America.

There will be a reckoning for your kind in politics. There was in the sixties and the eighties. There will be again.
Your reckoning happened in the 80's with Reagan. We won the cold war. Your reckoning today isn't that grand and more of giving up. The community organizer just doesn't seem up to the task.
President Putin was correct in identifying the United States of America as the enemy of the world. That would be obola's America.

The US is HIS enemy, not the worlds. Maneuvering Russia's credit rating, and now their 'ONLY' making $70.00 per barrel profit on oil is GREAT! When oil profits drop to $40.00/barrel he's going to be lynched by his own people.
Only one way to make that happen and it's drill here. XL pipeline, more drilling. We can't drop the price with more Solyndra's.
Nah, Putin is the great survivor. Whenever something goes wrong he lynches another oligarch, nationalizes a company, invades a country like Ukraine, or goes after 'foreigners' and LGBT people.

But his head squeeze is gone!

I love Russians. Good down to earth people. But they have a real problem with crime, corruption and their politics since the fall of the Soviets, Putin and his henchmen are more than a bunch of glorified gangsters. Russians are struggling against the tide. Putin is just another Czar. He will get what's coming to him.

I love Americans. Good down to earth people. But they have a real problem with crime, corruption and their politics since the election of a socialist leader in 2008. Obama and his henchmen in Chicago on the Potomac are nothing more than a bunch of punks. Americans are struggling against the tide.

I hope and pray that the socialist Obama and his many czars will get what's coming to them.


I worry more about America than Russia. Putin isn't hell bent for leather to crush his people.
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I love Americans. Good down to earth people. But they have a real problem with crime, corruption and their politics since the election of a socialist leader in 2008. Obama and his henchmen in Chicago on the Potomac are nothing more than a bunch of punks. Americans are struggling against the tide.

I hope and pray that the socialist Obama and his many czars will get what's coming to them.

What part of Russia do you live?
The chaos is a result of the lack of leadership by Obabble. Obabble told Putin he would have flexibility after 2012. Putin thought that meant Obabble had ideas. Putin didn't know the extent of the fecklessness of the community organizer.
Sigh... If only Obama was a leader like Putin. It sucking phucks!
So you support Russia over the USA.

Vote for whom you want, but if you choose Putin over your fellow citizens, you are worthless.
The real enemy is Obama. He has upset the natural order of things. The next President may have to go to war to reset things.
I was talking to a former obamalover today who said that the US may never recover from obama . If we do it may take another 200 years.
Nah, Putin is the great survivor. Whenever something goes wrong he lynches another oligarch, nationalizes a company, invades a country like Ukraine, or goes after 'foreigners' and LGBT people.

But his head squeeze is gone!

He is running out of groups to persecute, marginalize, and blame for all Russia's problems. Blaming the west for all Russia's problems, invading other countries, creating their own 'great firewall', and shutting down all free press in Russia is the only card Putin has left to play.
Supporting Russia over America is not loving America.

There will be a reckoning for your kind in politics. There was in the sixties and the eighties. There will be again.
Oh look and see who has done and gone all patriotic on us.

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