Putin's Animals Commit Public War Crimes

I doubt Putin cares. He doesn't seem to put a lot of stock in the opinon of liberals.
It's a paranoid obsession with Russia. Obama is like a paranoiac with a furious look. He was driven to hysterics by fallen ratings and failed foreign policy.
He is imagining Russia everywhere - it is every minute around, even in Paraguay, even in Southern Sudan. Goes to the toilet - and there is Russia, pretending air freshener. Opens the fridge - Russia is there under the guise of oil pack waving its flag. Lays down with his wife in bed - and realizes that his wife had hair in the colors of Russian flag painted ... and he frantically tries to impose his paranoia all around ... terrible to live, when there is an obsession
Bla bla bla Figaro. Deflect and deter attention from the the subjects at hand. Russian troops, not volunteers or Ukrainian Russian speaking separatist, but uniform wearing, positively identified Russian paratroopers were captured miles inside of Ukrainian territory on there way to an epic battle for Donetsk. Russian military reinforcement caught invading Ukraine. Even the Russians admit it, albeit with a lame excuse of trained recon paratroopers getting lost.
1,000 troops is hardly a full-scale anything. As was pointed out yesterday, each side has been waging a war of words against the other for so long now (Putin calling the Ukrainian guys Nazis) that he had to finally do something to save face.

Ukraine was a major part of the former Soviet Union (it's where Chernobyl is remember.) So it's not like Russia's invading England or anything.
1,000 troops is hardly a full-scale anything. As was pointed out yesterday, each side has been waging a war of words against the other for so long now (Putin calling the Ukrainian guys Nazis) that he had to finally do something to save face.

Ukraine was a major part of the former Soviet Union (it's where Chernobyl is remember.) So it's not like Russia's invading England or anything.
In any case, there is no evidence of invasion. Can not you think logically and objectively? How can they not register the passage of vehicles and many soldiers across the border? I'm on a neutral side and do not know what is really going on there. And none of us know the real truth. But we can discern empty provocation and lies if thinking
1,000 troops is hardly a full-scale anything. As was pointed out yesterday, each side has been waging a war of words against the other for so long now (Putin calling the Ukrainian guys Nazis) that he had to finally do something to save face.

Ukraine was a major part of the former Soviet Union (it's where Chernobyl is remember.) So it's not like Russia's invading England or anything.
How many armed foreign troops need to invade a nation with tanks armored vehicles need to cross the border before it becomes an invasion? And what makes Ukraine different than England? Are some countries just allowed to be invaded or attacked because of some weird sense of racism or bigotry?
How many armed foreign troops need to invade a nation with tanks armored vehicles need to cross the border before it becomes an invasion? And what makes Ukraine different than England? Are some countries just allowed to be invaded or attacked because of some weird sense of racism or bigotry?

Russia's allowed to invade Ukraine because without Russia Ukraine wouldn't exist. It'd be like the US "invading" Alaska if they tried breaking away.

Before volunteering other people to fight on your behalf, put on a uniform and try it sometime. I'm sick of fucking civilians getting my friends killed playing armchair general.
How many armed foreign troops need to invade a nation with tanks armored vehicles need to cross the border before it becomes an invasion? And what makes Ukraine different than England? Are some countries just allowed to be invaded or attacked because of some weird sense of racism or bigotry?

Russia's allowed to invade Ukraine because without Russia Ukraine wouldn't exist. It'd be like the US "invading" Alaska if they tried breaking away.

Before volunteering other people to fight on your behalf, put on a uniform and try it sometime. I'm sick of fucking civilians getting my friends killed playing armchair general.
Sounds like you have a poor sense of history and geography, large sense of bigotry and need to find new friends.
1,000 troops is hardly a full-scale anything. As was pointed out yesterday, each side has been waging a war of words against the other for so long now (Putin calling the Ukrainian guys Nazis) that he had to finally do something to save face.

Ukraine was a major part of the former Soviet Union (it's where Chernobyl is remember.) So it's not like Russia's invading England or anything.
In any case, there is no evidence of invasion. Can not you think logically and objectively? How can they not register the passage of vehicles and many soldiers across the border? I'm on a neutral side and do not know what is really going on there. And none of us know the real truth. But we can discern empty provocation and lies if thinking
There is all that evidence, satellite images, captured Russian paratroopers, and even an admission from separatist leader that they have been reinforced by 3000 or 4,000 "volunteers" to include "Russian soldiers on leave" have entered Ukraine.

Couldn't help but notice the satellite images only showed military gear on the ground. Unless there was a highway sign in the picture saying the equivilent of "Ukraine next 12 stops" or something there's no evidence they're in Ukraine. Could be in Siberia for all you know looking at the pics.
Couldn't help but notice the satellite images only showed military gear on the ground. Unless there was a highway sign in the picture saying the equivilent of "Ukraine next 12 stops" or something there's no evidence they're in Ukraine. Could be in Siberia for all you know looking at the pics.

Satellite images are like finger prints. Anyone can compare the images. The farm fields and roads will show a pattern unlike any other. With world access by nations and individuals to satellite imagery it is not possible to "fake" imagery the way it may have been in the past before access was available. Plus a separatist has admitted and publicly stated that his forces were reinforced by hundreds of armored vehicles and 4,000 Russian's.
1,000 troops is hardly a full-scale anything. As was pointed out yesterday, each side has been waging a war of words against the other for so long now (Putin calling the Ukrainian guys Nazis) that he had to finally do something to save face.

Ukraine was a major part of the former Soviet Union (it's where Chernobyl is remember.) So it's not like Russia's invading England or anything.
In any case, there is no evidence of invasion. Can not you think logically and objectively? How can they not register the passage of vehicles and many soldiers across the border? I'm on a neutral side and do not know what is really going on there. And none of us know the real truth. But we can discern empty provocation and lies if thinking
There is all that evidence, satellite images, captured Russian paratroopers, and even an admission from separatist leader that they have been reinforced by 3000 or 4,000 "volunteers" to include "Russian soldiers on leave" have entered Ukraine.


And this is your EVIDENCE??? Do not make laugh people.
Firstly. Where is the Russian soldiers and equipment at this video? Ukrainian troops, running around and fighting with someone, does not constitute evidence.
The second. Satellite photos, presented in the video, dated on August 21-23. What's that? I found these pictures. If you look closely, you will see what is written on the pictures "ROSTOVSKAYA OBLAST, RUSSIA"...


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