Putin's coalition vs our coalition

I was reading a bit from the transcript of Obama's press conference saying that Putin went in to Syria from a position of weakness and that his coalition was just Russia, iran,and Assad. Meanwhile our coalition is the rest of the world.

I have to say I am a little confused. Did I miss something since when do we have a coalition supporting us in Syria? Since when are we going into Syria ourselves to begin with? I thought we were just funding the so called moderate groups that many are saying are al queda or Isis cells. Now we have a coalition? For what purpose? What's our mission? And what are others in this coalition doing??

Am I the only one who thought Obama was pretty much trying convince himself that we are in a stronger position than he believes us to be in? It just sounded like he was trying to spin a ridiculous story to show why he isn't a total failure.

It's really not that complicated, there are now 3 coalitions in partially liberated Syria

There's ISIS, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey, those are the ones that want Assad, the Kurds and everyone who isn't a hardcore jihadi dead.

There's Al Quada (or Al Nusra if you like), the other assorted moderate jihadis (all 5 of them), the US, UK, France, Australia that only want Assad gone and be replaced be a loyal, freedom & democracy, dictator puppet so the pipeline can be build and supply western controlled gas to Europe.

Then there's Assad, the Syrian army, Putin, Iraq, Iran, Hezbollah that simply want to kill all jihadis, restore a functioning government and teach the terrorist sponsoring democracies a lesson.

Israel was part of the second coalition but Netanyahoo had a nice talk with Putin and has gone awfully quiet since so I guess you can call them neutral now.


Well done. A fine example of how a thoughtful, fact based post can basically kill a standard nutbag fantasy-isn't-Obama-horrible-Puins-is-awesome thread.
The claim about Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey wanting the Kurds and everyone who isn't a hardcore Jihadi dead is totaly wrong. Those participants in the US led coalition are supporting and financing groups of the FSA and others that are actually fighting both Assad and ISIS.
The claim of a third coalition existing is a ploy meant to confuse and muddy the situation to give cover to Russia's attacks on rebel forces that are assisting the international coalition against ISIS. Russia is attempting to portray it's protection of Assad as a fight against ISIS.

Why we want to put the Muslim Brotherhood in charge of another country is beyond me.

C.I.A. Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Opposition

WASHINGTON — A small number of C.I.A. officers are operating secretly in southern Turkey, helping allies decide which Syrian opposition fighters across the border will receive arms to fight the Syrian government, according to American officials and Arab intelligence officers.

The weapons, including automatic rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, ammunition and some antitank weapons, are being funneled mostly across the Turkish border by way of a shadowy network of intermediaries including Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood and paid for by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the officials said.

The C.I.A. officers have been in southern Turkey for several weeks, in part to help keep weapons out of the hands of fighters allied with Al Qaeda or other terrorist groups, one senior American official said. The Obama administration has said it is not providing arms to the rebels, but it has also acknowledged that Syria’s neighbors would do so.

Is the World Really Losing Faith in Obama? nutters have been trying to make people believe that Obama.....and by proxy Clinton and Kerry.....are incompetent when it comes to foreign policy......for years.

It hasn't worked. The only people who buy that shit are the dupes who make up the GOP base.

The world has confidence in the POTUS.

Is the World Really Losing Faith in Obama?

How the world sees Obama

And....the reputation this nation has for leadership has been restored.

Name one consequential-substantive and durable foreign policy victory achieved by the Obama Administration.
Is the World Really Losing Faith in Obama? nutters have been trying to make people believe that Obama.....and by proxy Clinton and Kerry.....are incompetent when it comes to foreign policy......for years.

It hasn't worked. The only people who buy that shit are the dupes who make up the GOP base.

The world has confidence in the POTUS.

Is the World Really Losing Faith in Obama?

How the world sees Obama

And....the reputation this nation has for leadership has been restored.

Name one consequential-substantive and durable foreign policy victory achieved by the Obama Administration.

Easy. The Iran Deal. It's a winner.
Relations with Cuba. Another winner.
The climate change deal with China. A winner.
Effectively crippling Russia's economy in response to Putins aggression.
Throw in our rock solid counter-terrorism record under his watch.

You are ao butthurt.....you can't see what's right in front of you.

You lose. But.....WE win. Pisses you off when we win, don't it.
Easy. The Iran Deal. It's a winner...
Hardly a victory.

...Relations with Cuba. Another winner...
Hardly a victory.

... The climate change deal with China. A winner...
Hardly a victory.

...Effectively crippling Russia's economy in response to Putins aggression...
Yeah. Sure. That's why Russia is bombing the ever-loving shit out of US-backed Syrian rebels even as we speak.

...Throw in our rock solid counter-terrorism record under his watch...
Utilizing mechanisms put into place and fine-tuned by his predecessor.

...You are ao butthurt.....you can't see what's right in front of you. You lose. But.....WE win. Pisses you off when we win, don't it.
Your side grows increasingly disconnected from Reality.

The American People sent you a message during the 2010 mid-terms.

The American People sent you another message during the 2014 mid-terms.

The American People are preparing to send you yet another similar message during the 2016 general election.

None of what you've cited means shit... none of what you've cited is going to last... none of what you've cited makes America safer or stronger.

But, for now, you're still convinced that you're right, and the rest of us can't change that.

We'll let The People decide in another 13 months.

Tick... tick.. tick.
Is the World Really Losing Faith in Obama? nutters have been trying to make people believe that Obama.....and by proxy Clinton and Kerry.....are incompetent when it comes to foreign policy......for years.

It hasn't worked. The only people who buy that shit are the dupes who make up the GOP base.

The world has confidence in the POTUS.

Is the World Really Losing Faith in Obama?

How the world sees Obama

And....the reputation this nation has for leadership has been restored.

Name one consequential-substantive and durable foreign policy victory achieved by the Obama Administration.

You would think that when jihadists are having pool parties now at your embassy in Tripoli some freaking Democrat would go "whoopsies".

But they won't. Worse yet they are backing the woman who cackled and claimed "we came, we saw, he died" and proclaimed it to the world. Happily. That's some kind of sick man that I can't wrap my brain around.
Is the World Really Losing Faith in Obama? nutters have been trying to make people believe that Obama.....and by proxy Clinton and Kerry.....are incompetent when it comes to foreign policy......for years.

It hasn't worked. The only people who buy that shit are the dupes who make up the GOP base.

The world has confidence in the POTUS.

Is the World Really Losing Faith in Obama?

How the world sees Obama

And....the reputation this nation has for leadership has been restored.

Name one consequential-substantive and durable foreign policy victory achieved by the Obama Administration.

Easy. The Iran Deal. It's a winner.
Relations with Cuba. Another winner.
The climate change deal with China. A winner.
Effectively crippling Russia's economy in response to Putins aggression.
Throw in our rock solid counter-terrorism record under his watch.

You are ao butthurt.....you can't see what's right in front of you.

You lose. But.....WE win. Pisses you off when we win, don't it.

Are you insane?
Is the World Really Losing Faith in Obama? nutters have been trying to make people believe that Obama.....and by proxy Clinton and Kerry.....are incompetent when it comes to foreign policy......for years.

It hasn't worked. The only people who buy that shit are the dupes who make up the GOP base.

The world has confidence in the POTUS.

Is the World Really Losing Faith in Obama?

How the world sees Obama

And....the reputation this nation has for leadership has been restored.

Name one consequential-substantive and durable foreign policy victory achieved by the Obama Administration.

Easy. The Iran Deal. It's a winner.
Relations with Cuba. Another winner.
The climate change deal with China. A winner.
Effectively crippling Russia's economy in response to Putins aggression.
Throw in our rock solid counter-terrorism record under his watch.

You are ao butthurt.....you can't see what's right in front of you.

You lose. But.....WE win. Pisses you off when we win, don't it.

Are you insane?

You have no idea how funny it is to see YOU asking that question.
I was reading a bit from the transcript of Obama's press conference saying that Putin went in to Syria from a position of weakness and that his coalition was just Russia, iran,and Assad. Meanwhile our coalition is the rest of the world.

I have to say I am a little confused. Did I miss something since when do we have a coalition supporting us in Syria? Since when are we going into Syria ourselves to begin with? I thought we were just funding the so called moderate groups that many are saying are al queda or Isis cells. Now we have a coalition? For what purpose? What's our mission? And what are others in this coalition doing??

Am I the only one who thought Obama was pretty much trying convince himself that we are in a stronger position than he believes us to be in? It just sounded like he was trying to spin a ridiculous story to show why he isn't a total failure.

How many participants are required to become a 'coalition?' Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, that's 4...:)
Did Obama say our coalition is the rest of the world? If so, that has to be an exaggeration at best.
...You would think that when jihadists are having pool parties now at your embassy in Tripoli some freaking Democrat would go "whoopsies". But they won't. Worse yet they are backing the woman who cackled and claimed "we came, we saw, he died" and proclaimed it to the world. Happily. That's some kind of sick man that I can't wrap my brain around.
Yeah, I know.

I chalk it up to them being on-the-ropes with respect to foreign policy and the weakening of American influence on the international front.

They know they've screwed-up in a dozen meaningful ways, so they conjure up recitals of secondary or tertiary issues as so-called (and highly doubtful) 'successes'.

Well, I guess you've gotta try and come up with something, when challenged like that, but the responses and protestations get pretty damned funny, the harder they're pressed.

Still, it's cute, watching the little fellers try to sell America on a stale, shopworn, discredited mindset that simply hasn't been working, on the foreign policy front.

The only bright spot in that particular spate of darkness is the idea that January 20, 2017 - Inauguration Day - is growing much closer now.

And, mercifully, it won't be one of theirs, getting sworn-in, next time.

America has had enough of their whiny shit for a while, methinks.
Democrats definition of foreign policy success!


Islamists throw pool party at U.S. Embassy compound in Libya


Islamists throw pool party at U.S. Embassy compound in Libya
...You would think that when jihadists are having pool parties now at your embassy in Tripoli some freaking Democrat would go "whoopsies". But they won't. Worse yet they are backing the woman who cackled and claimed "we came, we saw, he died" and proclaimed it to the world. Happily. That's some kind of sick man that I can't wrap my brain around.
Yeah, I know.

I chalk it up to them being on-the-ropes with respect to foreign policy and the weakening of American influence on the international front.

They know they've screwed-up in a dozen meaningful ways, so they conjure up recitals of secondary or tertiary issues as so-called (and highly doubtful) 'successes'.

Well, I guess you've gotta try and come up with something, when challenged like that, but the responses and protestations get pretty damned funny, the harder they're pressed.

Still, it's cute, watching the little fellers try to sell America on a stale, shopworn, discredited mindset that simply hasn't been working, on the foreign policy front.

The only bright spot in that particular spate of darkness is the idea that January 20, 2017 - Inauguration Day - is growing much closer now.

And, mercifully, it won't be one of theirs, getting sworn-in, next time.

America has had enough of their whiny shit for a while, methinks.

I hope you will help me remember these awesome predictions next November. I have a hard time keeping track of all the massive fails that you nutbags submit.
Again, since when do we have a coalition and are conducting operations in Syria? Where is the authorization from congress to do so? What is this coalition? And why is Obama just playing "we're better than you" with Putin instead of just leading?

Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Operation Inherent Resolve - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your last question doesn't mean anything, but the two links above should answer the rest.

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