Putin's New Year Address 2015: Reunification with Crimea landmark in national history

Am I to believe the Republicans think Putin is what would be considered a good leader?! PLEASE! Say it isn't so!
From what the european media reported; the Crimean people voted 90% to leave the Ukraine and join with Russia.

So I fail to see how anyone can call this an invasion?

When in reality it was the will of the people and true Democracy in action. ..... :thup:

According to UN Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples:
All peoples have the right to self-determination; by virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.
The United Nations and Decolonization - Declaration
Since the USA tries to play the role of an example of democracy which they want to spread around the world, then the USA should have supported Crimea's free choice. Seems like everybody has already forgotten Kosovo, which the USA recognized without any hesitation. However there was no referendum in Kosovo, which contradicted UN Declaration mentioned above. Smells with double standards, right?
From what the european media reported; the Crimean people voted 90% to leave the Ukraine and join with Russia.

So I fail to see how anyone can call this an invasion?

When in reality it was the will of the people and true Democracy in action. ..... :thup:

According to UN Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples:
All peoples have the right to self-determination; by virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.
The United Nations and Decolonization - Declaration
Since the USA tries to play the role of an example of democracy which they want to spread around the world, then the USA should have supported Crimea's free choice. Seems like everybody has already forgotten Kosovo, which the USA recognized without any hesitation. However there was no referendum in Kosovo, which contradicted UN Declaration mentioned above. Smells with double standards, right?

Stratford! Your timing is quite interesting! The Russians invaded Ukraine. What part of that do you not get? Shall I recite to you - your Russian saying - about blind spots?
Tell me, Stratford, while you're here, do you think that the Americans do not know of Putins' plan to do a nuclear strike on the USA? New York, Florida, California, Nevada? Do you think we do not know of the alliance of your Russian leader, Putin, with Cuba, Nicaragua......China? Yes, we know all about their plans and have known for some time!

Now tell me this, Stratford. How exactly does your leader and his ally Communist nations think they are going to prevail against America with over 150 million armed to the teeth American citizens and a remnant of praying Christians to back them?

You know what is going to happen? Russia is going down. That is what is going to happen. Wait and see,Stratford. The hole your leader has dug for Americans is the very hole his own people will fall into and be buried under because of him. Mark my words. Every dog has its' day.
From what the european media reported; the Crimean people voted 90% to leave the Ukraine and join with Russia.

So I fail to see how anyone can call this an invasion?

When in reality it was the will of the people and true Democracy in action. ..... :thup:

According to UN Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples:
All peoples have the right to self-determination; by virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.
The United Nations and Decolonization - Declaration
Since the USA tries to play the role of an example of democracy which they want to spread around the world, then the USA should have supported Crimea's free choice. Seems like everybody has already forgotten Kosovo, which the USA recognized without any hesitation. However there was no referendum in Kosovo, which contradicted UN Declaration mentioned above. Smells with double standards, right?
Stop with the UN Declarations about Colonial Countries. Crimea was not and never was a colony of Ukraine. The UN nor any internationally recognized entity recognizes Crimea as being annexed to or part of Russia. The so called election was a scam that has no standing in the real world. Now go get in you food hand out line and say thank you to Vlad for your can of Tushunka.
From what the european media reported; the Crimean people voted 90% to leave the Ukraine and join with Russia.

So I fail to see how anyone can call this an invasion?

When in reality it was the will of the people and true Democracy in action. ..... :thup:

According to UN Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples:
All peoples have the right to self-determination; by virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.
The United Nations and Decolonization - Declaration
Since the USA tries to play the role of an example of democracy which they want to spread around the world, then the USA should have supported Crimea's free choice. Seems like everybody has already forgotten Kosovo, which the USA recognized without any hesitation. However there was no referendum in Kosovo, which contradicted UN Declaration mentioned above. Smells with double standards, right?
Stop with the UN Declarations about Colonial Countries. Crimea was not and never was a colony of Ukraine. The UN nor any internationally recognized entity recognizes Crimea as being annexed to or part of Russia. The so called election was a scam that has no standing in the real world. Now go get in you food hand out line and say thank you to Vlad for your can of Tushunka.

Thank you for putting Stratford in his place. You do that so well.
Is that why there are demonstrations in Moscow right now against Putin? Got to love these 'Conservatives'. Siding with an unreconstructed communist against their own nation. What lovely patriots.
Says the sycophant who supports the first communist POTUS.
Pres. Putin has a 80+ approval from the Russian people.

That's because he puts Russia's interests first when deciding government policy. ..... :cool:
He is an accomplished and politically savy leader, but he bit more than he could chew in Crimea, and was unprepared for the oil price drop.

But what will do his government in, though maybe not himself is:
- Russia's anti-immigration stance
- Ageing and declining Russian population and less than half the GDP per capita of most EU states.
- Corruption in their economy at the highest levels, siphoning off state funds.
- Wasteful spending like at Sochi.
- No plan to cope with a long term low oil price.
- A push in Europe to move away from Russian gas.
What a surprise, the progressives still want to make believe that the GOP likes Putin.
I find it interesting that the conservatives (like those on FOX News and Charles Krauthammer) think that a communist, socialist President like Obama is bad, yet a genuine Communist (who happens to occupy the highest office in Russia) like Putin is a solid leader.

Yanno.....................I spent 20 years of my life defending this country. Sad to see that the GOP is willing to support them.
I find it interesting that the conservatives (like those on FOX News and Charles Krauthammer) think that a communist, socialist President like Obama is bad, yet a genuine Communist (who happens to occupy the highest office in Russia) like Putin is a solid leader.

Yanno.....................I spent 20 years of my life defending this country. Sad to see that the GOP is willing to support them.
Putin is a genuine communist? How so?

Do you mean this seriously, or are you saying it in jest? Because if you think Putin is a communist, you don't know what communism is.
I find it interesting that the conservatives (like those on FOX News and Charles Krauthammer) think that a communist, socialist President like Obama is bad, yet a genuine Communist (who happens to occupy the highest office in Russia) like Putin is a solid leader.

Yanno.....................I spent 20 years of my life defending this country. Sad to see that the GOP is willing to support them.
Putin is a genuine communist? How so?

Do you mean this seriously, or are you saying it in jest? Because if you think Putin is a communist, you don't know what communism is.

Well......................considering that most people say that Russia is a communist state, then it stands to reason that the leader of a communist state must be a communist.

Although............I do understand.........................Putin is a dictator who is trying his best to appear to be something more than a paper tiger.

I'm still wondering why the GOP thinks he's such a great leader though.
I find it interesting that the conservatives (like those on FOX News and Charles Krauthammer) think that a communist, socialist President like Obama is bad, yet a genuine Communist (who happens to occupy the highest office in Russia) like Putin is a solid leader.

Yanno.....................I spent 20 years of my life defending this country. Sad to see that the GOP is willing to support them.
Putin is a genuine communist? How so?

Do you mean this seriously, or are you saying it in jest? Because if you think Putin is a communist, you don't know what communism is.

Well......................considering that most people say that Russia is a communist state, then it stands to reason that the leader of a communist state must be a communist.

Although............I do understand.........................Putin is a dictator who is trying his best to appear to be something more than a paper tiger.

I'm still wondering why the GOP thinks he's such a great leader though.
So because "people" say something it must be so? I am curious too meet these "people" you know who say such things. Maybe you ought to start hanging out with a smarter crowd because they are rubbing off on you and not in a good way.

How about you give actual examples of how he is a communist, not just saying, "well most people say it so I just blindly follow what they say". The fact you say these things shows how little you know about Russia or Putin.

The GOP supports sanctions on Russia, neo-cons and liberals alike have adopted this ridiculous anti-Russian stance which hurts, not helps, America geopolitically. We have gotten from the point where right after 9/11 Russia was the first to offer us help in combating Al Qaeda(by giving us access to their airspace for the War in Afghanistan), to a point now where Russia is economically aligning with our rival China due to western sanctions on them.
I find it interesting that the conservatives (like those on FOX News and Charles Krauthammer) think that a communist, socialist President like Obama is bad, yet a genuine Communist (who happens to occupy the highest office in Russia) like Putin is a solid leader.

Yanno.....................I spent 20 years of my life defending this country. Sad to see that the GOP is willing to support them.

Just because one might say that Putin is a "solid leader" doesn't mean that you support that leader and everything he does.

I know that is a difficult concept for you progressives to grasp.

One can say Hitler was a "charasmatic leader", it doesn't mean you agree with any of his ideas or actions.
The GOP supports sanctions on Russia, neo-cons and liberals alike have adopted this ridiculous anti-Russian stance which hurts, not helps, America geopolitically.
Anyone who knows the history of the brutal battles in the Crimea between USSR and German soldiers during WWll is well aware of the amount of Russian blood spilt in that small piece of land.

The Crimea has long been separated from Ukraine geographically, historically and politically. And the vast majority of its citizens are pro Russia and wanted to leave the Ukraine..

Plus, Russia already has a large naval base on the Crimea so annexing the rest of the peninsula was totally logical. and the U.S. and Europe need to forget it and move on. ....... :cool:
Population of Crimea is mainly ethnic Russians. By taking Crimea in time, Putin prevented civil war there: Ukrainians with the hands of their Right Sector party whose slogans were:
- "hang all the Russians!";
- "stab all the Russians!":
- "we will promise those bastards [ethnic Russians] everything they want to hear and we'll start hanging them all later."
After the coup Right Sector started threatening "to sink Crimea in blood". Official Kiev has shown later what was its plans about ethnic Russians by starting an ugly civil war in Donbass (SE Ukraine), which didn't want to obey it and was not taken by Putin like Crimea was. By the way, the Right Sector Party is on the road to become another ISIS very soon.

Ukraine civil war 2014 - Banderastan
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Stratford! Your timing is quite interesting! The Russians invaded Ukraine. What part of that do you not get? Shall I recite to you - your Russian saying - about blind spots?
Because it’s you prefer to be blind, not me.

1. UN has written the certain laws to keep the world in balance and to prevent the wars in the world. Those countries who violate the UN laws, put the world at a risk of instability and new wars. By yelling “Putin is an aggressor!” official Washington is trying to distract its own taxpayers from the role it has played in bringing chaos and deaths into such countries like Iraq, Libya, Syria and lately – to Ukraine. If official Washington truly wants to know who’s the aggressor is, it should look into the mirror.

2. For those who are not tired from repeating like parrots: “Putin invaded Ukraine!” there is a map below. Red spot at the bottom is Crimean peninsula (3 million people) and red spot in the right is half of Donbass (half of Donetsk and half of Lugansk cities with about 3 million population, all Donbass voted to separate from Ukraine when fascist junta came to the power after the coup and later raised against Kiev junta). The population of Ukraine without Crimea equals 43 million. At the moment the rebels only control half of Donbass, that’s where they stopped in their fight with Ukrainian army in September after Minsk agreements. Question is: if Putin really has pulled his troops into Ukraine, then why he has not moved farther? FYI, the first language of the population in Eastern part of Ukraine is Russian, and there are other cities with very high concentration of ethic Russians in Eastern Ukraine: Odessa, Kharkov, Nikolayev, Kherson, Dnepropetrovsk, which are still controlled by official Kiev as well as the other 40 million of its population.

The GOP supports sanctions on Russia, neo-cons and liberals alike have adopted this ridiculous anti-Russian stance which hurts, not helps, America geopolitically.
Anyone who knows the history of the brutal battles in the Crimea between USSR and German soldiers during WWll is well aware of the amount of Russian blood spilt in that small piece of land.

The Crimea has long been separated from Ukraine geographically, historically and politically. And the vast majority of its citizens are pro Russia and wanted to leave the Ukraine..

Plus, Russia already has a large naval base on the Crimea so annexing the rest of the peninsula was totally logical. and the U.S. and Europe need to forget it and move on. ....... :cool:
Crimea had a much larger Tatar population, till it was ethnic cleansed by the USSR. Now Russia has control of it, they intend to persecute them like the 'good old days'. It is more a part of Ukraine, than it ever was a part of Russia. Btw, when does Russia plan to give back the land it took in war from Finland, and Japan.

We can play the who historically deserves what game all day, so don't spin the 'Crimea belongs to Russia' crap, as it has even less rights to it than the Ukrainians do. Crimea was made a part of Ukraine, and has been a part of it since the fall of the USSR.

Russia is being made to suffer for breaking the treaty it signed with Ukraine, and also to weaken its ability to threaten the Baltic's and Poland. Whether it has been effective remains to be seen.

If Ukraine is considering rebuilding its nuclear weapons, as Russia ripped up the treaty that guaranteed Ukraine's territorial integrity. It would be ironic if Ukraine had nuclear weapons right on Russia's doorstep soon, much like Cuba had nuclear weapons to defend against US invasion. That's Russia's fear, and why it hasn't attempted to take more through its undeclared army.

Russia will probably keep Crimea and parts of Eastern Ukraine, and a peace deal will be signed at the end of this year or next. But pretty sure whatever the outcome, Ukraine will [try to] rebuild a small nuclear arsenal. The sanctions by both sides will also end around 2015-2017, depending on when the peace deal is signed.
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