Putin's New Year Address 2015: Reunification with Crimea landmark in national history

Russia will eventually be the power house of both Europe and Asia.

I hope that whomever leads Russia after Putin retires has the same vision as his predecessor. ..... :cool:
Nah. Russia is weakening. Russia is going to be a regional player, but never to the extent of China or the United States. Without Chinese generosity it is doubtful that Russia can hope to grow its economy, as they scare the investors away with nationalizations and corruption. People would rather invest in Azerbaijan, America or the Middle East than Russia.
Russia has the land and resources

I have worked with Russian people before. They are a hard working and industrious.

With a leader like Putin to guide them. I expect Russia to become an economic and military powerhouse. ..... :cool:
Russia has the land and resources

I have worked with Russian people before. They are a hard working and industrious.

With a leader like Putin to guide them. I expect Russia to become an economic and military powerhouse. ..... :cool:
Meh. They said the same in the 1990s, and it didn't happen. With a recession next year it won't 'become' anything, just stagnate.
Whiny little twerp Pootin has run his country into bankruptcy while the president of the United States has made his country stronger, more jobs, US oil production, economic recovery, stock market setting records and he doesn't have to shoot endangered tigers to prove he's a Real Man.

No wonder the RW traitors love Pootin.

Move to Russia.
Move to Mexico.

Post of the year so far :rolleyes:
He did keep it on reserve for as long as possible...
Pootin has worked so hard reunifying Crimea to the rest of Russia, I mean look at the history of the area, the Ruskies had to kill a lot of people to obtain and keep this area.......
Pootin has worked so hard reunifying Crimea to the rest of Russia, I mean look at the history of the area, the Ruskies had to kill a lot of people to obtain and keep this area.......
The Baltics are next for sure, doubt he could resist to divide them up like Ukraine.
Pootin has worked so hard reunifying Crimea to the rest of Russia, I mean look at the history of the area, the Ruskies had to kill a lot of people to obtain and keep this area.......
The Baltics are next for sure, doubt he could resist to divide them up like Ukraine.
Baltic's are NATO. An attempt at the Baltic's will cost him and in the end he will not only not have them, he will lose Kalingrad. He will not gamble on the loss of Kalingrad. The Baltic's are not worth the loss of Kalingrad.
Pootin has worked so hard reunifying Crimea to the rest of Russia, I mean look at the history of the area, the Ruskies had to kill a lot of people to obtain and keep this area.......
The Baltics are next for sure, doubt he could resist to divide them up like Ukraine.
Baltic's are NATO. An attempt at the Baltic's will cost him and in the end he will not only not have them, he will lose Kalingrad. He will not gamble on the loss of Kalingrad. The Baltic's are not worth the loss of Kalingrad.
He won't 'lose' anything, NATO military strength is weak in that area. Besides he doesn't want all of the Baltics, but enough to rattle things up.
Pootin has worked so hard reunifying Crimea to the rest of Russia, I mean look at the history of the area, the Ruskies had to kill a lot of people to obtain and keep this area.......
The Baltics are next for sure, doubt he could resist to divide them up like Ukraine.
Baltic's are NATO. An attempt at the Baltic's will cost him and in the end he will not only not have them, he will lose Kalingrad. He will not gamble on the loss of Kalingrad. The Baltic's are not worth the loss of Kalingrad.
He won't 'lose' anything, NATO military strength is weak in that area. Besides he doesn't want all of the Baltics, but enough to rattle things up.
Pootin is whining about the US and NATO troops sent in to block his move, they maybe weak, but the long term implications is...no Europe to sell Ruskies goods to....Things are really bad when the Russian president had to put in price controls for vodka!
I wish we had a strong leader like Pres. Putin who loves his country. .... :cool: ...
It would be nice, to have a President, who has the balls to advance his country's best interests, rather than being perceived as a doormat.

But such a President would also need to be devoted to the democratic ideals and best interests and traditions of our country, in order to be both effective and widely accepted, at home and abroad.

Things that a transplanted 'Putin' persona would be lacking.

As with any political figure who projects strength... there is both Good and Bad in such an example.

Now... if we could strip-away the Bad, and leave the Good, and infuse even more Good into the mix, well, then you'd have a ball-game.

But, given Reality, and our own present circumstances and rather weak and ineffective and autocratic leadership, well, looks like we'll have to wait...

Until at LEAST January 20, 2017...

If then...
I wish we had a strong leader like Pres. Putin who loves his country. .... :cool: ...
It would be nice, to have a President, who has the balls to advance his country's best interests, rather than being perceived as a doormat.

But such a President would also need to be devoted to the democratic ideals and best interests and traditions of our country, in order to be both effective and widely accepted, at home and abroad.

Things that a transplanted 'Putin' persona would be lacking.

As with any political figure who projects strength... there is both Good and Bad in such an example.

Now... if we could strip-away the Bad, and leave the Good, and infuse even more Good into the mix, well, then you'd have a ball-game.

But, given Reality, and our own present circumstances and rather weak and ineffective and autocratic leadership, well, looks like we'll have to wait...

Until at LEAST January 20, 2017...

If then...
But what president is going to re-invade Mexico or Cuba?
I wish we had a strong leader like Pres. Putin who loves his country. .... :cool: ...
It would be nice, to have a President, who has the balls to advance his country's best interests, rather than being perceived as a doormat.

But such a President would also need to be devoted to the democratic ideals and best interests and traditions of our country, in order to be both effective and widely accepted, at home and abroad.

Things that a transplanted 'Putin' persona would be lacking.

As with any political figure who projects strength... there is both Good and Bad in such an example.

Now... if we could strip-away the Bad, and leave the Good, and infuse even more Good into the mix, well, then you'd have a ball-game.

But, given Reality, and our own present circumstances and rather weak and ineffective and autocratic leadership, well, looks like we'll have to wait...

Until at LEAST January 20, 2017...

If then...
But what president is going to re-invade Mexico or Cuba?
None, that I'm aware of, under present circumstances... why?
Pootin has worked so hard reunifying Crimea to the rest of Russia, I mean look at the history of the area, the Ruskies had to kill a lot of people to obtain and keep this area.......
The Baltics are next for sure, doubt he could resist to divide them up like Ukraine.
Baltic's are NATO. An attempt at the Baltic's will cost him and in the end he will not only not have them, he will lose Kalingrad. He will not gamble on the loss of Kalingrad. The Baltic's are not worth the loss of Kalingrad.
He won't 'lose' anything, NATO military strength is weak in that area. Besides he doesn't want all of the Baltics, but enough to rattle things up.

What do you mean "NATO military strength is weak in that area"? You think Putin can shoot down some USA and NATO planes without getting a response? You think NATO can't defend itself? And Kalingrad is an easy target. Any attack on NATO would bring about the immediate neutralizing of Kalingrad. So, which Baltic states do you think Putin can get his hands on? Which one or ones do you think he covets. That area may have seemed week a year ago, but Putin's dumb move in Ukraine has caused that area to prepare and they can no longer be addressed as "weak".
"You think Putin can shoot down some USA and NATO planes without getting a response?"
Of course not! US President will speak on TV, and very angry ... say that Putin is evil.
ps O. I almost forgot. And apply new sanctions. This time, they should definitely be affected =))) Bugaga=))
"You think Putin can shoot down some USA and NATO planes without getting a response?"
Of course not! US President will speak on TV, and very angry ... say that Putin is evil.
ps O. I almost forgot. And apply new sanctions. This time, they should definitely be affected =))) Bugaga=))
Also, Baltic Russians are discriminated against in the sense that millions of them were stripped of citizenship rights and lot allowed to vote.

I don't like the Russian government or Putin, but if ethnic Russians decide to rebel in majority Russian regions of the Baltics, Russia will be able to easily intervene like in Crimea.

By the time NATO decides to act, it will be over and parts of the Baltics would be made a part of Russia.

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