Pyro-Carnage: The Consumer Hell-Gate


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a sociopolitical consumerism argument between the anarchism-oriented Marvel Comics super-villains Pyro (a 'super-arsonist') and Carnage (a 'violence-philosopher').

Will Wall Street make us pensive about 'ambition ugliness'? What would President Trump say?



PYRO: Fire is the element of creative destruction, the door to rage!
CARNAGE: Capitalism makes for strange hallways (e.g., Wall Street).
PYRO: Terrorism is amateur, but pyromania is very...awakening.
CARNAGE: Destruction without target is simply a 'wildfire.'
PYRO: Gambling on the stock-exchange is a 'wildfire' too.
CARNAGE: There are 'elevators' on the great building of commerce.
PYRO: Upward mobility is challenged, however, by hesitation.
CARNAGE: You can't motivate people to succeed by scaring them with fire!
PYRO: What about 9/11?
CARNAGE: Terrorism creates panic regarding urban labyrinths.
PYRO: Yet you 'endorse' terrorism with your pro-violence methodology!
CARNAGE: My 'brand' of terrorism involves 'muscular gate-keeping.'
PYRO: I think you disparage fire in favor of bloodlust, since you like malice.
CARNAGE: I may have anger towards pedestrians, but you're a 'mischief-artist.'
PYRO: Don't you think the 'doors of Wall Street' beg us to explore conflagration?
CARNAGE: When you get your hand stuck in an elevator-door, you're humbled!
PYRO: I agree with you that capitalism infrastructures are...claustrophobic.
CARNAGE: Then let's agree that arson and violence are both 'anti-commerce.'
PYRO: That's either the miracle or the curse of capitalism --- ambition-doubt!
CARNAGE: Perhaps 'TrumpUSA' will succeed in warding off nuclear cynicism.


{Pyro & Carnage}


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