QAnon Hate Pastor: I've Seen Sick Videos Proving That Hillary Clinton Is "High Priestess In The Satanic Church" - Joe.My.God. (


Diamond Member
Jan 3, 2021
Do people listen to this nut because its entertaining or are Americans really so pitifully stupid and superstitious?

QAnon Hate Pastor: I’ve Seen Sick Videos Proving That Hillary Clinton Is “High Priestess In The Satanic Church”
September 23, 2021 Christianists, Hate Groups

“Did you know some of the most well-known corrupted evil politicians you’ve heard of are full-blown devil worshipers? I seen videos that will make you sick. You ever notice when people say stuff like this, they don’t get sued? Because they don’t want discovery.

“When I tell you that Hillary Clinton is a high priestess in the Satanic church, I wish to God she’d sue me over it. I’ve seen the video footage. That woman worships the devil 1000%. People like, ‘You better pray for her.’ She has been given over to a reprobate mind.

“I’m telling you, Satanism has infiltrated politics in America. You know where all this pedophilia, this sex trafficking comes from? They gotta have a supply and demand. And there’s a big demand and they’re lacking supply now.

“So you know what you do? You open the borders. They ain’t foolin’ me, church. They ain’t foolin’ me.” – Hate pastor Greg Locke, who will appear this weekend at a conference with Mike Huckabee, Rep. Madison Cawthorn and other local Republicans.
From wiki

A superstition is any belief or practice considered by non-practitioners to be irrational or supernatural, attributed to fate or magic, perceived supernatural influence, or fear of that which is unknown.

It is commonly applied to beliefs and practices surrounding luck, amulets, astrology, fortune telling, spirits, and certain paranormal entities, particularly the belief that future events can be foretold by specific (apparently) unrelated prior events.

Also, the word superstition is often used to refer to a religion not practiced by the majority of a given society regardless of whether the prevailing religion contains alleged superstitions.
I'm pretty sure that Hillary has eaten baby hearts ...

I have no idea if the Clintons are satanists or not. I've heard of their devotion to the CoS since the 1990's, but I haven't seen Bill and Hillary prove their aren't involved.

But I'd say its important for the news media to look into it and ask them about it until their get the truth.
Do people listen to this nut because its entertaining or are Americans really so pitifully stupid and superstitious?

QAnon Hate Pastor: I’ve Seen Sick Videos Proving That Hillary Clinton Is “High Priestess In The Satanic Church”
September 23, 2021 Christianists, Hate Groups

“Did you know some of the most well-known corrupted evil politicians you’ve heard of are full-blown devil worshipers? I seen videos that will make you sick. You ever notice when people say stuff like this, they don’t get sued? Because they don’t want discovery.

“When I tell you that Hillary Clinton is a high priestess in the Satanic church, I wish to God she’d sue me over it. I’ve seen the video footage. That woman worships the devil 1000%. People like, ‘You better pray for her.’ She has been given over to a reprobate mind.

“I’m telling you, Satanism has infiltrated politics in America. You know where all this pedophilia, this sex trafficking comes from? They gotta have a supply and demand. And there’s a big demand and they’re lacking supply now.

“So you know what you do? You open the borders. They ain’t foolin’ me, church. They ain’t foolin’ me.” – Hate pastor Greg Locke, who will appear this weekend at a conference with Mike Huckabee, Rep. Madison Cawthorn and other local Republicans.

Hezbollah Hannah accusing others of "hate," that's rich....
I find this alarming because there are so many of these sicko preachers.. They have a following and they are making money. What the hell is wrong with Americans?

Sicko preachers making money is what America is all about.

Finding a commercial need and exploiting it for profit is as American as apple pie or Agent Orange.
Sicko preachers making money is what America is all about.

Finding a commercial need and exploiting it for profit is as American as apple pie or Agent Orange.

Sad to say you're right.. Same holds true with politicians. There's a sucker born every minute.
I have no idea if the Clintons are satanists or not. I've heard of their devotion to the CoS since the 1990's, but I haven't seen Bill and Hillary prove their aren't involved.

But I'd say its important for the news media to look into it and ask them about it until their get the truth.
The Clinton's are not satanists, but oddly enough, satan is a Clintonist.
Your faith permits lies and slander?
Why is it "slanderous" to suggest that someone is a Clintonist?

Is it really that bad of an attack that even the author of evil- Satan- would consider it over-the-top to be associated with the Clinton Crime Family?
Your faith permits lies and slander?
My faith permits sarcasm and humor.

Like this:

John 10:31 Again his Jewish opponents picked up stones to stone him, 32 but Jesus said to them, “I have shown you many good works from the Father. For which of these do you stone me?”

33 “We are not stoning you for any good work,” they replied, “but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God.”

34 Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I have said you are “gods”’?

Do people listen to this nut because its entertaining or are Americans really so pitifully stupid and superstitious?

QAnon Hate Pastor: I’ve Seen Sick Videos Proving That Hillary Clinton Is “High Priestess In The Satanic Church”
September 23, 2021 Christianists, Hate Groups

“Did you know some of the most well-known corrupted evil politicians you’ve heard of are full-blown devil worshipers? I seen videos that will make you sick. You ever notice when people say stuff like this, they don’t get sued? Because they don’t want discovery.

“When I tell you that Hillary Clinton is a high priestess in the Satanic church, I wish to God she’d sue me over it. I’ve seen the video footage. That woman worships the devil 1000%. People like, ‘You better pray for her.’ She has been given over to a reprobate mind.

“I’m telling you, Satanism has infiltrated politics in America. You know where all this pedophilia, this sex trafficking comes from? They gotta have a supply and demand. And there’s a big demand and they’re lacking supply now.

“So you know what you do? You open the borders. They ain’t foolin’ me, church. They ain’t foolin’ me.” – Hate pastor Greg Locke, who will appear this weekend at a conference with Mike Huckabee, Rep. Madison Cawthorn and other local Republicans.

Who is Hillary? Yellow Journalism is better than no journalism....i.e.,, any attention is better than no attention. Dead Horse.........or rather a has been left wing politician.

Hillary is soon to take her place in the hall's of history alongside such greats as Sir Al Gore, the inventor of the net, Global Warming, and Piss Poor presidential loser, Blow Job Bill and Mr. Peanut the author of international terrorism (or.......great Holy Men defending their faith).

Ever consideration that all the YELLOW based (wink, wink) news articles are nothing but plants by the media to garner attention? They are paid to continue to stir up shit, to keep the people divided and at the throats of one another. Its how they garner power and stay in power.........divide and conquer, they need their wars both abroad and at home, religious wars, political wars, community wars, and even media wars.

Nothing New to see here.........its so amusing that some take the bait willingly and take off at a full gallop doing the biding of their overseers.

GULLIBLE: Naive and easy deceived.

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