Qatar Payment Confirmed

What a crook this woman is.

Clinton's charity confirms Qatar's $1 million gift while she was at State Dept

NEW YORK (Reuters) - The Clinton Foundation has confirmed it accepted a $1 million gift from Qatar while Hillary Clinton was U.S. secretary of state without informing the State Department, even though she had promised to let the agency review new or significantly increased support from foreign governments.

Qatari officials pledged the money in 2011 to mark the 65th birthday of Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton's husband, and sought to meet the former U.S. president in person the following year to present him the check, according to an email from a foundation official to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign chairman, John Podesta. The email, among thousands hacked from Podesta's account, was published last month by WikiLeaks.

Clinton signed an ethics agreement governing her family's globe-straddling foundation in order to become secretary of state in 2009. The agreement was designed to increase transparency to avoid appearances that U.S. foreign policy could be swayed by wealthy donors.

If a new foreign government wished to donate or if an existing foreign-government donor, such as Qatar, wanted to "increase materially" its support of ongoing programs, Clinton promised that the State Department's ethics official would be notified and given a chance to raise any concerns.

Clinton's charity confirms Qatar's $1 million gift while she was at State Dept
Of course she took that money......she is corrupt to her core and then even deeper...I think every molecule of her being is corrupt........

All she had to do was keep her nose clean for a few years between Secretary of State and running for President and she would have had a cake walk.........but no...she couldn't fucking help herself....
Billy, as I read the link, I tried to figure your point. There was no 'cause/effect' that I could see. No 'Qatar gave X, and got X in return' link. Then, further on, I read this from the article: "Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has said that major donors to the Clinton Foundation may have obtained favored access to Clinton's State Department, but has provided little evidence to that effect". Note the "may have" which becomes "sure did" in the minds of Trumpists.

So, what would be the reason for such a payment other than buying influence?
Well, maybe for the cause! It is said the Foundation does a lot of good around the world in terms of healthcare and education. I know the Clinton's have capitalized on their name and used it as leverage for their Foundation. And they know where the money is, know whom to hit up. That's an advantage for fund raisers. The difference between you and me is that I do not believe most of it went into their pockets, as is the common theme song among supporters of the pure and pristine Donald who wouldn't dream of deflecting charitable funds into his own ..ummm..portrait? The Clinton unhidden tax records shed some light. I believe they are available for your perusal too.
Yes they do....about 5% of the money went to anything charitable.....

Charitable still being euphemistically defined at that.
Billy, as I read the link, I tried to figure your point. There was no 'cause/effect' that I could see. No 'Qatar gave X, and got X in return' link. Then, further on, I read this from the article: "Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has said that major donors to the Clinton Foundation may have obtained favored access to Clinton's State Department, but has provided little evidence to that effect". Note the "may have" which becomes "sure did" in the minds of Trumpists.

That is what the year long FBI investigation into the clinton foundation is doing...they are the ones finding the favors for the pay to might want to watch the news sometime.....
Hillary's policy = whatever whoever donated the most to the Clinton Foundation wants

That's "leadership" according to Dems here.
Of course she took that money......she is corrupt to her core and then even deeper...I think every molecule of her being is corrupt........

All she had to do was keep her nose clean for a few years between Secretary of State and running for President and she would have had a cake walk.........but no...she couldn't fucking help herself....

She's going to end up being the most investigated president of all time.

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