Quantity Trumps quality

I have read this same kind of background about several of Republican confirmations for federal judges lately.
Republicans Confirm Judge Rated 'Not Qualified' For Being 'Lazy,' 'Arrogant'

"Every Democrat present opposed him."

So all's well that ends well.
I don't think you mean that, billy. I know you want qualified judges of any stripe. And I do not think you are so soaked in Trump-itis that you actually think lifetime judgeship's of unqualified people is acceptable just because it pisses off liberals. You are not one of 'those' who promotes ruin of a legal system out of spite.
I have read this same kind of background about several of Republican confirmations for federal judges lately.
Republicans Confirm Judge Rated 'Not Qualified' For Being 'Lazy,' 'Arrogant'

"Every Democrat present opposed him."

So all's well that ends well.
I don't think you mean that, billy. I know you want qualified judges of any stripe. And I do not think you are so soaked in Trump-itis that you actually think lifetime judgeship's of unqualified people is acceptable just because it pisses off liberals. You are not one of 'those' who promotes ruin of a legal system out of spite.

I'd wager your idea of "qualified" and mine differ.
I have read this same kind of background about several of Republican confirmations for federal judges lately.
Republicans Confirm Judge Rated 'Not Qualified' For Being 'Lazy,' 'Arrogant'

"Every Democrat present opposed him."

So all's well that ends well.
I don't think you mean that, billy. I know you want qualified judges of any stripe. And I do not think you are so soaked in Trump-itis that you actually think lifetime judgeship's of unqualified people is acceptable just because it pisses off liberals. You are not one of 'those' who promotes ruin of a legal system out of spite.

I'd wager your idea of "qualified" and mine differ.
Evidently! But I still have faith in you.
Meantime: Republican Group Hits Donald Trump With Scathing New Billboard Campaign
I have read this same kind of background about several of Republican confirmations for federal judges lately.
Republicans Confirm Judge Rated 'Not Qualified' For Being 'Lazy,' 'Arrogant'

"Every Democrat present opposed him."

So all's well that ends well.
I don't think you mean that, billy. I know you want qualified judges of any stripe. And I do not think you are so soaked in Trump-itis that you actually think lifetime judgeship's of unqualified people is acceptable just because it pisses off liberals. You are not one of 'those' who promotes ruin of a legal system out of spite.

I'd wager your idea of "qualified" and mine differ.
Evidently! But I still have faith in you.
Meantime: Republican Group Hits Donald Trump With Scathing New Billboard Campaign

Republicans? That group is funded by billionaire Pierre Omidyar, a major donor to Democratic Party candidates and organizations.
Federal judge seats along with tax cuts are among the TOP REASONS so many republicans are willing to make themselves look like cult followers for Trump -- not because of them believing in Trump -- but because they know he will rubber stamp every federal judge, tax cut or corporate hand-out they put on his desk...

They would support Hitler if it meant them getting judges on the bench who will roll back civil rights and labor protections 70 years.....
Lazy, arrogant and non-democrat is still way better for this country than an industrious, ambitious democrat.
Look again. Check your spelling.
Billy, I've looked everywhere I can. I see no connection between this anti-Republican ad by Republicans for Rule of Law. But my skills are limited. Can you take a peek and see if you can find where Omidyar is involved in this ad? What is your source for your claim in the first place?
Federal judge seats along with tax cuts are among the TOP REASONS so many republicans are willing to make themselves look like cult followers for Trump -- not because of them believing in Trump -- but because they know he will rubber stamp every federal judge, tax cut or corporate hand-out they put on his desk...

They would support Hitler if it meant them getting judges on the bench who will roll back civil rights and labor protections 70 years.....

Wow another Hitler refuse...

Well those like you would support Stalin if it meant forty acres and a mule and if they would genocide whitey...

Those that voted for Trump did so knowing he was imperfect and knew he was a mess but they felt something had to be done.

They voted for him for his willingness to tear up NAFTA and fight with China over trade.

They also voted for him because of his immigration stance and wanting a wall.

They also voted for him for Tax cuts and Judges like written.


They voted for him because he was not Hillary Clinton!

So as you make your typical Hitler reference just know you are more like Trump than you wish to admit...
Federal judge seats along with tax cuts are among the TOP REASONS so many republicans are willing to make themselves look like cult followers for Trump -- not because of them believing in Trump -- but because they know he will rubber stamp every federal judge, tax cut or corporate hand-out they put on his desk...

They would support Hitler if it meant them getting judges on the bench who will roll back civil rights and labor protections 70 years.....

Wow another Hitler refuse...

Well those like you would support Stalin if it meant forty acres and a mule and if they would genocide whitey...

Those that voted for Trump did so knowing he was imperfect and knew he was a mess but they felt something had to be done.

They voted for him for his willingness to tear up NAFTA and fight with China over trade.

They also voted for him because of his immigration stance and wanting a wall.

They also voted for him for Tax cuts and Judges like written.


They voted for him because he was not Hillary Clinton!

So as you make your typical Hitler reference just know you are more like Trump than you wish to admit...

Trump is a republican who does the same ole republican shit...95% of his policies are the same ole GOP policies ..the same ole trillion dollar taxcuts to the same top 1% of corporations, he blows up the debt and deficit, he de-regulates wallstreet in order to prime the pump for the next financial collapse, he continues to try to cut or weaken social security, medicare, etc ....but those policies didn't stop you dumb asses from hating your previous 4 presidential nominees now did it?

You idiots once worshipped Bush the same way you worship Trump now...yall even worshipped Sarah Palin the way you worshipped Trump now..but not for any policies they had.....in fact, the only reason Trump became politically relevant to you Trumpers was when he hopped on the racist birther movement...he knew if he fed the racist and xenophobic troll inclinations of base republicans, they will support him no matter what he did policy wise.......he basically became worshiped by you idiots because yall liked that he said the quiet parts loud...no dog whistles.....

And most Trumpers, their main reason for supporting him is because they think it offends someone else...period.....If Trumpers thought not breathing air would trigger libs, most of them would suffocate themselves to death...they are clowns...

And just like with Bush, just like with McCain/Palin -- when the years pass, you folks will be pretending to have never really supported Trump like that...you would be saying shit like "I never really liked his Tweets" -- doing everything you can to try to pretend none of this Trump worship you currently doing, ever happened...all that means is, we were conned but too proud to admit it...
Look again. Check your spelling.
Billy, I've looked everywhere I can. I see no connection between this anti-Republican ad by Republicans for Rule of Law. But my skills are limited. Can you take a peek and see if you can find where Omidyar is involved in this ad? What is your source for your claim in the first place?

Not the ad, bullwinkle. The group producing the ad.
Federal judge seats along with tax cuts are among the TOP REASONS so many republicans are willing to make themselves look like cult followers for Trump -- not because of them believing in Trump -- but because they know he will rubber stamp every federal judge, tax cut or corporate hand-out they put on his desk...

They would support Hitler if it meant them getting judges on the bench who will roll back civil rights and labor protections 70 years.....

Wow another Hitler refuse...

Well those like you would support Stalin if it meant forty acres and a mule and if they would genocide whitey...

Those that voted for Trump did so knowing he was imperfect and knew he was a mess but they felt something had to be done.

They voted for him for his willingness to tear up NAFTA and fight with China over trade.

They also voted for him because of his immigration stance and wanting a wall.

They also voted for him for Tax cuts and Judges like written.


They voted for him because he was not Hillary Clinton!

So as you make your typical Hitler reference just know you are more like Trump than you wish to admit...

Trump is a republican who does the same ole republican shit...95% of his policies are the same ole GOP policies ..the same ole trillion dollar taxcuts to the same top 1% of corporations, he blows up the debt and deficit, he de-regulates wallstreet in order to prime the pump for the next financial collapse, he continues to try to cut or weaken social security, medicare, etc ....but those policies didn't stop you dumb asses from hating your previous 4 presidential nominees now did it?
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You idiots once worshipped Bush the same way you worship Trump now...yall even worshipped Sarah Palin the way you worshipped Trump now..but not for any policies they had.....in fact, the only reason Trump became politically relevant to you Trumpers was when he hopped on the racist birther movement...he knew if he fed the racist and xenophobic troll inclinations of base republicans, they will support him no matter what he did policy wise.......he basically became worshiped by you idiots because yall liked that he said the quiet parts loud...no dog whistles.....

And most Trumpers, their main reason for supporting him is because they think it offends someone else...period.....If Trumpers thought not breathing air would trigger libs, most of them would suffocate themselves to death...they are clowns...

And just like with Bush, just like with McCain/Palin -- when the years pass, you folks will be pretending to have never really supported Trump like that...you would be saying shit like "I never really liked his Tweets" -- doing everything you can to try to pretend none of this Trump worship you currently doing, ever happened...all that means is, we were conned but too proud to admit it...

Well seeing you keep on telling me how I support Trump then can you explain my threads down in the Rubber room bashing Trump or my responses to Trump supporters where I have stated I hate the guy?


Of course not but because I mock individuals like you that mean in your simplistic mind you believe I enjoy Trump.

Back when the Slate had the Ballot Box I wrote many times that Bush invaded Iraq on outdated intel he cherry picked and wish I could link all those posts and threads from then.

Fact is I stated Bush was wrong but I knew then like I know now that convicting and removing a Republican President will not happen and why?

You lack the votes...

Simplistic individuals like you just care about grandstanding and charging the base but fail to see that Independent and Swing voters disagree with nutters on all sides.

So as you sit there attempting to lecture me on how I voted for this or that the fact is you are voting for old white people in 2020 that you enjoy being enslaved to...

So like in the 1800's the Democrats still own your kind but let you think you are free to make your own choices in life.

Why not be a man and tell both parties to fuck off?

I know then you would think for yourself and you can never allow that because then you might be ask to leave the plantation...
Lazy and arrogant? How does it look when Nadler fell asleep and a democrat congressman was caught watching golf while the impeachment hearings were going on?
I have read this same kind of background about several of Republican confirmations for federal judges lately.
Republicans Confirm Judge Rated 'Not Qualified' For Being 'Lazy,' 'Arrogant'

Mcghan used to pick before he got a stomach full. Right wing guys all, but mostly tolerable. Now they just go with the Trump lap-dog du jour. Now it is sometimes people that never pleaded a case in court, much less presided over one. "We're gonna have all the best people" Yah, Right. Tell another. Lyin Oranged Made up F*ck WETSU. Guess I came in the room in a bad mood.
I have read this same kind of background about several of Republican confirmations for federal judges lately.
Republicans Confirm Judge Rated 'Not Qualified' For Being 'Lazy,' 'Arrogant'

Huffpo Oped piece? Not wasting my time reading the garbage. Next time put up a better candidate instead of a divider.
Actually, we DID put up a better candidate..who won the popular vote by over 3 million. And I'm betting that loser wouldn't go shopping in the trash bin for judicial candidates rated 'unqualified' by the ABA because they donated or wrote a suck-up Op-Ed. But keep those blinders on and I'm sure you wont mind when you or one of your family comes before one of these new judges with a case that reflects unfavorably on your president. I also hope your doctor cheated his/her way thru med school too.

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