Queen Elizabeth Death Discussion Thread

Maybe he cares that people actually think it's important and he finds it dusturbing as well. I know I do.
To me the Brits are still very the THE country who tried to take ours from us twice, and have also continued trying to influence us and control us in other ways as well, after all these years.

FUCK Britain.
And don't be afraid to treat British people who seem to be emigrating here more and more like SHIT.
And that goes for their Australian cousins too.
You are a jolly good example why we need to keep a restraining hand on some of our naughtier offspring .
Seems you need regular beatings to see if we can rescue you -- you naughty boy .
You are a jolly good example why we need to keep a restraining hand on some of our naughtier offspring .
Seems you need regular beatings to see if we can rescue you -- you naughty boy .
Well fortunately you're not in a position to beat on us anymore. Even India grew up out of your tyranny and claimed its independence and has become one of the top three economies in the world. Your empire is becoming a white dwarf about ready to implode on itself. There are only a few weak nations around in this world who you can still push around and take advantage of. You should be receiving your official Union Jack "Depends" in the Royal Post any day, you washed up old pensioner. You will be abused in convalescence the same way you abused the rest of the world for so many centuries.



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What has Charles done to earn your negative opinion?
He hasn’t done anything positive. He‘s a cheater, and someone who really hadn’t really done anything except wait to be king. A few sinecure positions in the RN, crashed a plane he was a passenger in and not qualified to fly. He’s basically a spoiled brat who literally was a spoiled prince all his life.
She was a good leader for her subjects. Charles not so much. At his age, he should have abdicated in favor of his son.


Why was the queen good and why has Charles not been good?

Mostly when I see this people think Charles is bad because he isn't too good looking. The queen looked like a nice little old lady. People don't like Charles because of Diana, which really was Charles' father's fault for pushing him into marrying before he was ready.

And why would William be a better ruler than Charles?
He hasn’t done anything positive. He‘s a cheater, and someone who really hadn’t really done anything except wait to be king. A few sinecure positions in the RN, crashed a plane he was a passenger in and not qualified to fly. He’s basically a spoiled brat who literally was a spoiled prince all his life.

What did the Queen ever do? She did a little volunteer work in WW2, and was waiting to be Queen.

Charles has actually tried to promote quite a few things, he's built better places to live, promoted the environment etc etc.
He hasn’t done anything positive. He‘s a cheater, and someone who really hadn’t really done anything except wait to be king. A few sinecure positions in the RN, crashed a plane he was a passenger in and not qualified to fly. He’s basically a spoiled brat who literally was a spoiled prince all his life.
Thanks for that information!

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