Queen Elizabeth Death Discussion Thread

Well fortunately you're not in a position to beat on us anymore. Even India grew up out of your tyranny and claimed its independence and has become one of the top three economies in the world. Your empire is becoming a white dwarf about ready to implode on itself. There are only a few weak nations around in this world who you can still push around and take advantage of. You should be receiving your official Union Jack "Depends" in the Royal Post any day, you washed up old pensioner. You will be abused in convalescence the same way you abused the rest of the world for so many centuries.
I understand that type of sentiment and it serves well as Controlled Opposition . Intentional manipulation .

But our Dear British Empire realised very fast about its territorial limitations in a new era and resorted to other methods to stay punching far above its own weight .
Which it does to this very moment .

You need to consider how we use Diplomacy in a business like way ( corruption and blackmail ), allied to our Intelligence Agencies which stand toe to toe with the GRU and Mossad (way ahead of their US counterparts) and the fact that international banking lies mainly in the US and UK which explains why the US and Israel are such important puzzle pieces. Nudge /Wink !
Do not underrate our magificent levels of cunning and deceit plus the ability to keep the most important matters quiet .

Only noticed your post ( September '23) by chance today as I back track very little so hope you are still a regular .

In conventional war terms , think tanks and aircraft carriers. .
Now essentially useless .
Think hacking , satellites and new level technologies like Hyper Sonic missiles and rockets and Direct Energy weapons as obvious examples .

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