Queer Officially Running for President

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Those that protest too much........

You are such a fucking bigot.
No I'm not, I'm a normal person disgusted by what you sodomites do.
Then why are you so interested in threads about gays?
Because they are sick freaks trying to normalize sickness. They need to be opposed. I oppose them.
Homosexuality is found throughout nature. Get over it, you pussy.
They voted for a vile degenerate who bragged about grabbing pussy and they find fault in gays???

No one "finds fault" in homosexuality. A lot of great gay beaus out there that didn't try to force their ways on others. Folks like President Trump's old lawyer, Roy Cohn. Tremendous lawyer by any definition of the word who liked it up the ass. But he didn't try to subjugate heterosexuality.
No, it’s not Obama again. It’s the gay mayor of South Bend, Indiana. He must have celebrated his announcement by blowing his “husband.” Joe Biden doesn’t stand a chance in the 2020 fucked-up Democratic Party. No white heterosexual males need enter the race.
Pete Buttigieg officially announces presidential campaign - CNNPolitics
Are people seriously stupid enough to make sexuality an issue going into 2020?
Yes, they are, friend. Liberals really are that stupid.
Then why are you so interested in threads about gays?
Because they are sick freaks trying to normalize sickness. They need to be opposed. I oppose them.
Homosexuality is found throughout nature. Get over it, you pussy.
It's been documented in 450 animal species, and then there's plants...

Do Animals Exhibit Homosexuality?
Fake news from faggots. Like I said, stop trying to justify what you do and just go ahead and suck all the men you want.

'Fake news from faggots'.

LOL...you sound like quite the neanderthal.

That's what I like about Trumpbots. Whenever I start to question my intelligence or decency...I just have to come here and read posts like yours and I feel better about myself.

This is NOT about the election This is about America winning back the respect we've lost with this bullying pos in charge The AH forgot you do better serving sugar not vinegar... Were losing our leadership , countries look at us with a jaundiced eye We need to rid ourselves of this blight on humanity Scumpt

This country lost respect when that filthy dumbass affirmative action ass Jungle Monkey was elected by you Moon Bats idiots in 2008.

Now the same Moon Bat idiots have a clown car of queers, commies and Jungle Monkeys running for President.
Is that what they tell you at your KKK meetings ? Great sale at Macy's ,,3 white sheets for the cost of one

Wearing white sheets and/or blackface is now considered acceptable wear by liberals. In fact they apologized to leftist Ralph Northam for criticizing the practice earlier this year.

You need to keep up, ed.
Opinions on best places to live and factual job reports .. yea you are genius haha

The man posted factual job reports and you said they could not be trusted.

Can you not even keep up with your own posts?

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Huh?? He posted best places for gays to live lol

He also posted other economic data that you rejected due to the source...which was the Fed Govt

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Give me the name of the person that wrote it.. if not go away troll lol

They are government statistics...they don't have names attached...DUH.
Lol yea they all added a word lol
It is dumb to take information from people who dream in the air and bang pots because trump won. Lol I’d probably not listen to that persons opinion pieces

So...your official position is that it is 'dumb' to confirm whether statement's people make are true or not.


So noted.
No idea what you are saying.. stop trying to put words in my mouth.. you aren’t smart enough

My government-tested IQ is 125. I have a BS in business.

I think I am 'smart' enough.
Yes and you cried when trump won lol you are real smart haha

Wrong. I liked it when he won because it helped my portfolio.

But after I realized what a lunatic he was - then I thought it was bad for America.
What makes him a lunatic?? Lol
Opinions on best places to live and factual job reports .. yea you are genius haha

The man posted factual job reports and you said they could not be trusted.

Can you not even keep up with your own posts?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Huh?? He posted best places for gays to live lol

He also posted other economic data that you rejected due to the source...which was the Fed Govt

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Give me the name of the person that wrote it.. if not go away troll lol

Okay...here is the monthly jobs report from the BLS...with no name attached.

Employment Situation Summary

Do you trust it - yes or no?
Good job did you learn something??
So...your official position is that it is 'dumb' to confirm whether statement's people make are true or not.


So noted.
No idea what you are saying.. stop trying to put words in my mouth.. you aren’t smart enough

My government-tested IQ is 125. I have a BS in business.

I think I am 'smart' enough.
Yes and you cried when trump won lol you are real smart haha

Wrong. I liked it when he won because it helped my portfolio.

But after I realized what a lunatic he was - then I thought it was bad for America.
What makes him a lunatic?? Lol
Helping Americans.
No idea what you are saying.. stop trying to put words in my mouth.. you aren’t smart enough

My government-tested IQ is 125. I have a BS in business.

I think I am 'smart' enough.
Yes and you cried when trump won lol you are real smart haha

Wrong. I liked it when he won because it helped my portfolio.

But after I realized what a lunatic he was - then I thought it was bad for America.
What makes him a lunatic?? Lol
Helping Americans.
Helping rich Americans screw the average or poor guy
The man posted factual job reports and you said they could not be trusted.

Can you not even keep up with your own posts?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Huh?? He posted best places for gays to live lol

He also posted other economic data that you rejected due to the source...which was the Fed Govt

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Give me the name of the person that wrote it.. if not go away troll lol

Okay...here is the monthly jobs report from the BLS...with no name attached.

Employment Situation Summary

Do you trust it - yes or no?
Good job did you learn something??

I am beginning to think you are not playing with a full deck..seriously. I mean - you obviously are stupid. But possibly mentally unbalanced as well.

Again...here is the monthly jobs report from the BLS...with no name attached.

Employment Situation Summary

Do you trust it - yes or no?
Gay leaders have promised this candidacy of an open homo for over 30 years when the orientation published their official Manifesto.

"Tremble , hetero swine, when we appear before you without our masks"


Dumb fuck doesn't realize satire when he sees it.

The Homosexual Community has never described their manifesto as "satire" or a joke, and in reality is quite serious about their goals. The Mass Resistance who published this important document is a pro-Family outfit.

There has been no denunciation of the Manifesto as a forgery either. The Learned Elders of Zion have been real specific that the Protocols attributed to them are a forgery, the leaders of homosexuality haven't been as forthcoming.
My government-tested IQ is 125. I have a BS in business.

I think I am 'smart' enough.
Yes and you cried when trump won lol you are real smart haha

Wrong. I liked it when he won because it helped my portfolio.

But after I realized what a lunatic he was - then I thought it was bad for America.
What makes him a lunatic?? Lol
Helping Americans.
Helping rich Americans screw the average or poor guy
Prove it liar.
I found it. Here's what the OP and his fellow Klaverners are referring to.

The obscure Article IVW of the Constitution clearly states:

"No Person shall be elected to the Office of President who is a ****, Mick, Wop, Yid, ******, ****, Bohunk, Gook, Towelhead, Bitch, Papist, Dago, Faggot, Chink, Kaffir, Slanteyes, Hick, Dipshit, Pollock, Nip, Gabacho, Russkie, Greaseball, Cajun, Dwarf, Roid, Foureyes, Wetback, Kraut, Beaner, Portagee, Chinaman, Poet, Cripple, Community Organizer, Spook, Knacker, Slanteyes, Bigtoes, Bignose, Pignose, Peavey, Melungeon, Do-Gooder, Scotch, Oreo, Macaca, Boonga, Gippo, Browneyes, Cracker, Oven Dodger, Zipperhead or Wog, in the name of Jesus Christ amen".

Oh wait, that's the Klan Klonstitution, Misspelled it.

See also Johnny Pissoff Credo at 2:14

Last edited:
Gay leaders have promised this candidacy of an open homo for over 30 years when the orientation published their official Manifesto.

"Tremble , hetero swine, when we appear before you without our masks"


Dumb fuck doesn't realize satire when he sees it.

The Homosexual Community has never described their manifesto as "satire" or a joke, and in reality is quite serious about their goals. The Mass Resistance who published this important document is a pro-Family outfit.

There has been no denunciation of the Manifesto as a forgery either. The Learned Elders of Zion have been real specific that the Protocols attributed to them are a forgery, the leaders of homosexuality haven't been as forthcoming.

Funny how Mass Resistance accidentally left out the first part of Swift’s satire piece:

This essay is an outré, madness, a tragic, cruel fantasy, an eruption of inner rage, on how the oppressed desperately dream of being the oppressor.

Internet History Sourcebooks Project

Your Pro-Family outlet is citing satire as fact b/c they know you stupid fucks will gobble it up hook, line, and sinker. Mass Resistance relies on your ignorance and you clearly have a limitless supply.
Completely unqualified? What were your candidate's qualifications again?

Hating brown people doesn't count.
Successful businessman and capitalist tycoon.
Lol, no. Daddy little boy and litigious bully.

He failed to make money with a casino for goD's sake.

Yep! Neither did anyone else!
Your response makes no sense.

I suppose I should be used to that by now.

No one else made money on casinos, dumbass!

You really are dumber than a doorknob!

Everyone else makes money on casinos!!!!

Those that protest too much........

You are such a fucking bigot.
No I'm not, I'm a normal person disgusted by what you sodomites do.
Then why are you so interested in threads about gays?
Because they are sick freaks trying to normalize sickness. They need to be opposed. I oppose them.
Homosexuality is found throughout nature. Get over it, you pussy.
They voted for a vile degenerate who bragged about grabbing pussy and they find fault in gays???
If you ever worked in the military or dangerous jobs as a civilian with all males present I guarantee you that guys talked like Trump in that "grabbing Pussy" instance. When some women were added they still talked like that. You are incredible. We have more sex diseases here costing massive amounts of money and not a word from you. We seem to think we live in Victorian England with women also. Women are in the forefront of sex today. Perhaps it is not as fulfilling as we used to speak of love many decades ago no matter the views and went to pleasure. Watch TV at night and you see endless sex dominated commercials and infomercials. Long lasting Advanced Lithium batteries were not developed for electric vehicles they were developed for sexual toys.
Something dimocrap scum, as well as many Patriots, forget --

WE didn't make Buttplug's sexuality an issue.....

He did.

I can think of NOTHING more boorish than someone making his or her sex life a talking point.

Even when it's a hetero guy or girl. And, oh yes, it DOES happen. A lot. Really a lot.

Those people are no more and no less of a bore than Mr Buttplug.

obama was/is gay or, at the very least, Bi. Anybody that doesn't realize that just needs to sit down and shut up. Stories of him and Rahmbo trolling the bath houses of Chicago are still floating in the air in that town.

Buttplug and dimocrap filth are the ones trying make his sexuality an issue.

Just shut the fuck up already.

But they won't. The Party of Perpetual Outrage always needs its victims front and center
Yes and you cried when trump won lol you are real smart haha

Wrong. I liked it when he won because it helped my portfolio.

But after I realized what a lunatic he was - then I thought it was bad for America.
What makes him a lunatic?? Lol
Helping Americans.
Helping rich Americans screw the average or poor guy
Prove it liar.
You look at his BS tax cut that was going to pay for itself Any tax savings are worn away by higher prices higher HC costs higher gas prices etc etc Trump not only a nasty bullying POS but a 1st class liar as well
Something dimocrap scum, as well as many Patriots, forget --

WE didn't make Buttplug's sexuality an issue.....

He did.

I can think of NOTHING more boorish than someone making his or her sex life a talking point.

Even when it's a hetero guy or girl. And, oh yes, it DOES happen. A lot. Really a lot.

Those people are no more and no less of a bore than Mr Buttplug.

obama was/is gay or, at the very least, Bi. Anybody that doesn't realize that just needs to sit down and shut up. Stories of him and Rahmbo trolling the bath houses of Chicago are still floating in the air in that town.

Buttplug and dimocrap filth are the ones trying make his sexuality an issue.

Just shut the fuck up already.

But they won't. The Party of Perpetual Outrage always needs its victims front and center
Agree, and that is the only thing we object to! Faggots continually throwing their sickness in your face.
Something dimocrap scum, as well as many Patriots, forget --

WE didn't make Buttplug's sexuality an issue.....

He did.

Read up to the thread title there Evelyn Wood.

And on the way read what you just did to his name.

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