Quentin Taranbozo whining and crying over criticism of his cop hate


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Watching this jackass whining on MSNBC saying "I thought I was in America, I thought I had free speech...".

Hey liberal retard....YOU ARE and YOU DO. That's why those very same policemen you're demonizing are NOT coming and jailing you or killing you for what you said...the way they do in LEFTIST governments like China, Russia, North Korea, etc....you know...ones that went to the leftist ideology you support.

It's why you get to flood our society with movies that are basically Murder Porn...and shoving it into the view of children and teens all who can see that shit anytime they want on internet.....and YOU make millions of dollars to do it....while the COP AND SOLDIERS who make less than 50 thousand a year are protecting your half-fag ass while you do it.

He finishes with "Just stop shooting unarmed people. Period."

Yep. I agree. Let's give Quinton a gun. The lock him in a caged with an UNARMED Brock Lesnar. Tell them only 1 is coming out alive. Film it. Tell him his movies inspired this violent film. And see if he uses the gun vs an unarmed person .

God damn some days I wish Ebola would evolve to only affect lefties and then break out in America.
Interesting question. Libtards....

If you got locked in a room with 1 crazed maniac of an unknown background (may be a lazy slug....may be an ex SEAL...may be an MMA fighter...may be a pansy fag)....and 1 gun was put in the room....and you were told to fight to the death....would you want the gun? And would you shoot an "unarmed" man??

Sounds like a Quentin Tarantino movie. I wonder if he would.

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