Question about civil rights

Except I kind of doubt that Lisa's story is true.

Because she posted equally big whoppers about how a mall had nothing but posters of black people in every store.

Look who's casting aspersions on Lisa558's honesty—the most extreme pathological liar on the forum.

Victory of perverts
It’s the Marxist attitude: you have no say over your children. They belong to the state.
OK, I decided to look and see if this is an anomaly, and apparently it isn‘t. There seem to be a number of gay- only hotels.

Now I can see where a hotel might want to say they are welcoming to gays, but to say ONLY gays can stay there is a step too far.

I would post an example, but it might be against the rules here.

Who announces their sexual orientation when they check into a hotel?
My mistake. I got confused after watching the leftists put on a drag show for 5-year-olds.
Ask these "leftists" how they feel about the destruction of private ownership of the means of production and only then draw a conclusion about their political affiliation.
Ask these "leftists" how they feel about the destruction of private ownership of the means of production and only then draw a conclusion about their political affiliation.
Huh? The leftists don’t understand what is going on. All they know is that a motivated, successful, hard-working, capable business owner is B.A.D.
Who announces their sexual orientation when they check into a hotel?

Then why develop a hotel that apparently requires same?

Not that I think it actually is a real thing. Making it a requirement would be illegal, “catering to”, is likely what’s happening.
Then why develop a hotel that apparently requires same?

Not that I think it actually is a real thing. Making it a requirement would be illegal, “catering to”, is likely what’s happening.
I was the one who reported that motel. They said they were for gay men.
I’m not certain now. You might be right. 🤷‍♂️
Yes, and I looked it up on Expedia and can’t find it again (thus far). I did however come across this one for men who like to hang out with other men - and naked.

How is it legal to say that will not admit women? (Not that I’d want to stay there any more than they’d be willing to have me.) But why can a private motel say they will not serve women, and yet a baker can’t say she won’t bake a cake for same-sex weddings?

I didn't understand anything, but I feel sorry for the child...

I agree….poor baby.

And there’s no such thing as a female sperm donor, nor a transgender “man.“ What we have here is a biological woman, albeit very confused, who was impregnated by sperm donated by a man, also very confused.

Again, poor baby….his biological mother thinks she’s a man, and his biological father thinks he’s a woman, and the person serving as the second parent thinks he or she is neither a he or she.
Again, poor baby….his biological mother thinks she’s a man, and his biological father thinks he’s a woman, and the person serving as the second parent thinks he or she is neither a he or she.

A recipe for a very fucked-up child, doomed to grow up to be a very fucked-up adult.
"The Anglican Church has announced that it will begin to bless same-sex civil marriages"

What a flexible thing, organized religion in the conditions of capitalism, the elites of which have firmly decided to adopt the most cannibalistic practices of eugenics...

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