Question about civil rights

Yes. I’m looking for a hotel, and one of them told me (actually quite politely) that their establishment was LBGT and for gay men only. I was just wondering if this is legal.
So it's a male-only hotel?

I think that might be legal.

If they said, "We think you should know this is an LBGT hotel". All you had to say was, "Okay" and then make your reservation. :lol:

It's not like there is a quiz to find out if you are gay.

But if they specified males-only, then you are out of luck.
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To me the rooms are PA's, but if the hotel has conference rooms it can rent out it can decide which events it rents those rooms out to.

It's called being reasonable about what is a PA or not.
A conference room is also a public accommodation, by definition.
So it's a male-only hotel?

I think that might be legal.

If they said, "We think you should know this is an LBGT hotel". All you had to say was, "Okay" and then make your reservation. :lol:

It's not like there is a quiz to find out if you are gay.

But if they specified males-only, then you are out of luck.
Yes, they said gay males only.

But now I AM wondering if it is a prostitution place. (I’m just a nice Jewish girl - so naive sometimes.)
Tell them that you identify as a gay male.
I'm really loving this idea.

We should send mobs of women to this alleged hotel and have them all register as self-determined gay males.


Hello, I'm Magnus Ver Magnusson and I love to suck dick.
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Not sure where so put this, but is it legal for a hotel to turn away all straight men and all women? I would see this as the same thing as if a hotel said that their hotel is for whites only.

Is this a violation of my rights?
Reminds me of a time many, many moons ago when I was in Florida needing a hotel room. I didn't have a reservation anywhere. Something was going on and every hotel was booked up, which I had not expected. I drove into this one place which actually had a room available but it quickly became obvious to me that the hotel was for gays. I declined and the desk clerk followed me out to my car begging me to stay, which made me feel very uneasy. I said I'm sorry and drove around out of the area for a couple of more hours before I got lucky and some place gave me a room after midnight that had been reserved by credit card but it seemed like they weren't going to show up.
OK, I decided to look and see if this is an anomaly, and apparently it isn‘t. There seem to be a number of gay- only hotels.

Now I can see where a hotel might want to say they are welcoming to gays, but to say ONLY gays can stay there is a step too far.

I would post an example, but it might be against the rules here.
Are you looking to hang out or cruise?
Thank you. I’m not sure I’d want to fight to stay in a hotel populated by gay men who don’t want a straight woman there, but I do like to see the law applied equally. I am sure that gays would sue if they were turned away from a hotel for their “gayness,” so it seems hypocritical to reject straight people from a gay hotel.

No, you don't fight to stay there because fuck that place. I wouldn't dare sleep in a bed for just gays, God knows what a black light would turn up.

But you fight for the normal, average, every day straight people in America that are forced to choke on the dildo of alphabet fag people and like it or they get in trouble.

You get to fight for the people who get pushed around and bullied by black lives matters, drag queens reading story time to pre schoolers, the gays that openly sue and drag anyone through the mud they don't like, and all this other nonsense straight (and mostly white) people have to take but are told we can't dish it out.

Fuck em. They say they want to be equal well it's time we treat them as equals, instead of their version of equal which is "I want to be treated as a equal but I demand special treatment, consideration and attention on a nearly constant basis".

If not you, I hope someone sues them into debt and are forced to live in some shitty ghetto apartment they can never escape from.
No, you don't fight to stay there because fuck that place. I wouldn't dare sleep in a bed for just gays, God knows what a black light would turn up.

But you fight for the normal, average, every day straight people in America that are forced to choke on the dildo of alphabet fag people and like it or they get in trouble.

You get to fight for the people who get pushed around and bullied by black lives matters, drag queens reading story time to pre schoolers, the gays that openly sue and drag anyone through the mud they don't like, and all this other nonsense straight (and mostly white) people have to take but are told we can't dish it out.

Fuck em. They say they want to be equal well it's time we treat them as equals, instead of their version of equal which is "I want to be treated as a equal but I demand special treatment, consideration and attention on a nearly constant basis".

If not you, I hope someone sues them into debt and are forced to live in some shitty ghetto apartment they can never escape from.
Yes, and this is another example of the bigotry of liberals. They fight for minorities they categorize as “oppressed” - blacks, Muslims, gays, transgenders, etc. - while allowing out and out bigotry and exclusions others - mainly whites and normal heterosexuals.

EVERYTHING in the liberal world is upside down.

As far as fighting via Court, I don’t think I have a chance. They would say that a private company can choose which group they want to serve.

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